Pig THE HERALD Wednesday Novembers Big blue and red machine delivers town new mayor By MICHAEL Herald editor From the beginning era of Hills councillor Pete determined challenge Tor the own may scat were impressed with his campaign Prom lawns to bro chures In mall boxes ihe Pomero machine seemed to get off to an early start and stop running until the end of the election campaign The Herald spoke with the Mayorelect Pete Pomeroy rookie campaign manager Paul Campbell owner of Unit Fire Safety in the midst of the election night celebration to find how the red and blue machine was run CAMPAIGN MONK IIS Mr Campbell explained hat Pomeroy had over cam palgn workers He said the campaign organization snow balled from few people to the final sizeable election team Mr Campbell said that a key to the campaign was an early canvas conducted by himself and Mr of much of the town designed to determine the election con of local voters When we went and saw people they thanked us for our concern he said None of the Pomeroy mpajgn literature was ed until after the early canvass was completed After the can vas issues raised during the canvass were incorpornttd in to the liliritun The pr pared separate leaflets lor Acton and Mr lint i Hills Itificl Mr impbcll I lushed tli it the wis isssted in or large bankroll He said a of six people meludine someone ex pern need in design deve loping dilernuncd ihe look and of the Pome roj lit tint the mil red i of Hit wire to rcflni the Liber lis and Con sen in tin s 1 ilIL I lit Mr sild that I 1BO wen used in Ihe piiLn wen by one Local silk siremer JohnWillis prod for the unpawn with the ixptnsts being for for ink as well as tit cost sign posts Twent fou in in the sin impiln lid much of hi lime wis spent replacing destroyed as is rcpuring dimigcd ones Mr it looked is if ll ir s wen only signs not bang diniijid thus lasttii ion on Ionu roy rl to put up a ft i Mr snd 1 roy imp I hid for hi lining si 1 I Ik I ist of imp iiKn wt ruuisfisl is filling slMiordirs idded linn is difftn liiiiih si lulled of aid lint ill Hills but it time hi worried il wen of of fa of fie during the lamjiafyi turn to replace mipilin id in Hilton I ills by a Mr i impawn ixperi Our job is to MODEL RAILROADERS AT LIRRARY rjilroads arc InlcrritlnK to people of all ages sdiipUyb the Model Railroad it Ihr brunch of Ihe Hills successful with most library younj fellows slopping to lake a look at n not I J Railroad Hub jt the engines llob member about The be haling an open bouae on I J to WATCHING THE VOTES COME IN separate school trustee Hartley Sherk and Sheldon who was unsuccessful in her try for the Words 1 and public school seat were on hind at Central Monday night to watch the polls reporting their election results World War memories Continued from Page 17 them We get any more food until we got Into Glasgow the next afternoon ciKicoi vn ijits The people there were so glad to see them that ihiy threw chocolate bars up to the troops on the ship and he men were so they ate them then they had supper It was a delicious stew they served us he and there was lots of it im most of the men ale ton much ifler so The mmtible ippenid Ihej in the North Sea and it got rough The hammocks back forth it wis just like j rills with ill those men to be sick he recalls Anoint r fellow ind 1 slept in i life boat ihe resi of the home The stench was imbeinhle in Ihe I old ind there wis no way to clem it up received a planui from the Acton of the Legion for his work is Poppy in belween and 189 he say he continued to look otter program until he took sick in he ill a Unit when tin cenotaph did not he thinks it w up very many before hi came to Hie Ambulance recalled Continued from Page sometimes you d a bit squeamish but it was part or your work she says The arms and legs REMEMBER Mrs Martin says she remember the name of the boat on which she travelled to England and back but she does remember being seasick Tor the whole of each trip The boat on the return voyage carried many war brides and their children back to Canada On her return to Canada Mrs Martin spent some lime with the ambulance brigade at the Mission Hospital in Labrador ravelled by plane to and from Ihcrebydogsled getting snow bound in process Service in Ihe armed forces is a pari Mrs family Her husband is ached to Ihe Algonquin regl mcnl from Bay ind serve J in ind Her father Tom neve sir in World ir with Ihe 13th V itch and is wounded in Prince Mr Grieve some time in in llngham it was- there he met his fulure wife who wis a nurse in Ihi hospital Mrs M s it was real her moth or who came from I area to a small f in 1 by her pirints north of Rock wood She wis to in i horse Mrs says The family 1022 Mrs Martin England and can Canada wiih her mother at Ihe age or 11 months Her brother Aha Grave was born in in idi He servitf will in during World II andmon his birthday on the water headed for Europe Mrs iri Mr and Mrs Grieve were charier members of the Royal in legion Mrs Joined in and her brother is also a mi mix to me Day is the day when you ihink our friends your loved ones your experiences during Mrs siys itt illy else i my TOWN OF HILLS NUMBERS For Local MUNICIPAL BUSINESS Telephone 877518 For the of Region of Hohon BILLINGMnER PROBLEMS WATER PROBLEMS EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS THE ONLV WATER RELATED PROBLEMS HANDLED BY THE TOWN PERTAIN TO SURFACE DRAINAGE SUCH AS DITCHES OR BACKYARD PONDING GAS DRYER ELECTRIC DRYER li YOU SHOULD DO ABOUT LOADS ON GAS FOR THE ENERGY COST OF 1 SAMESIZE LOAD ON ELECTRICITY AND WE CAN SHOW YOU MORE GAS DRYERS THAN ANYBODY appliance centre MAYTAG fflQLIS SIMPLICITY