Page THE HERALD December Fine points of insurance told to PWP Adequate insurance is even more Important or single parent than for n two- par en I family because the risk of losing income through death or disability is doubled Pel or La light on of Prudential a nee told members of Without Partners Tucsdaj With two parents if one parent is killed or disabled there is another parent with he potential to support the children If ingle is killed or disabled Mr ton sold the children are left no income unless has provided for them with adequate insurance Our purpose here is not to tell Insurance or sill but to till Jon how insurdnce affects if re separated divorced or widowed Mr said He wis by Mar l who is an insurance salesman with dentin Mr assured those present thai separation or divorce docs not affect an insurance policy The bench of an insurance policy is not changed by the simple fact of separation or divorce he It would be necessary lor tlic owner of the insurance to change the Mr described the vinous of insurance as vIiole life insurance and a com of whole life and term insurance Endowment is the most expensive with whole life combination term insurance following in descending order Whole life insurance is the first one people think of Mr said It is the most ilmble insurance all along the line lit sold but especial it the end when it will provide in in the form of an Term insurance is insurance such as a car purchases for his car With term Insur anct Mr slid re virtually renting it and the can in as the of an insurance and in the event that lit pi rents I have In or close friends who would take on the of caring tor their children can set up a trust fund w Hi I as the guardian Mrs recom mended if must the direct in a pa rent met policy if the children in minors The go vernment will the mi I In iren and hold it in trust r Mum turn A man the on his insurance policy from his wift to some- 1 in the tvent that the couple or divorces without his wife Mr Laugh ton said a judge may order reinstatement of laps id policy or the m continuous insurance pro lection is part of a or a divorce Mr recommended it unit making ones estate the of an insurance pi lic since insurance monies are ordinarily credit proof This means the money paid out on insurance polity can not be demanded in payment of the injured persons debts If handed or a With thco- build up of les a payment it of cash plus date bonuses on After the is lonRir 11 Mr suggested that the wiy to handle endowment insunncc is to withdraw most of Hit money leave money for funeral The combination of whole lift and term insuranct ap peals most to young in their and on up to people in heir forties The pelicies have cash value pro vide protection and ire reia lively inexpensive Disability income protection is important especially to parents Mr Laugh tun said but companies stopped carrying be so many claims Insurance provides a regular monthly income if the owner is dis ibled by an or by illness With or earning SHOO month can gel an income of a either or Tor permanent dsibility income is free the e is guannteed to receive the amount specified in the policy A pi hey an income of a will cost year Jtlier rider clauses In an polity include waiver of pre nuum so that if Hit insured party becomes or disabl and can pay tilt pre miums the company will pay i can also a policy which provides protection for ith member of the familv parents and children no mat how muny children there i sisin clauses a person second insurance policy will nut of Mr liue said This in poor health the refuse to ircsun him or I he added Spend thrift clauses can be to direct that tne nionuv collected he paid out In smalt amounts so the can ma Mr said Did you know Dead Minerals Water from Lhe ancient Dead Sea is considered seven times as high In mineral content as Mosquito Diet The itch on the human skin planted when a mosquito saliva enters the bite A mosquito is capable drink ing its weight In blood at a single meal HARRISON SCHOOL CONCERT Harrison School held their Christmas concert Wednesday afternoon and evening Itamona Iters and Glllei Stewart who made up own dance posed for lhe camera after thrlr performance sco nipt red la make room far the actors In play about the fouling up Santa toy because the retelt no recognition tor their effort the the rid r get a court order for the to cover lhe debt II used to be that insurance was used to pay for funeral expenses Mr Laughton cone luded Now people ore using it to ensure a post retirement Important Minerals Variety meals such as liver kidney heart and others are all prime sources of iron and copper which are both important minerals for good health Jacob T ba Barrister and Solicitor Wishes to announce the opening of his law office temporarily located at 37 Main St Georgetown Permanent location at 33 Main St Georgetown as of Feb 1 1979 HAVE A HAPPY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Looking forward to a great year in with renewed business from all of our great friends and business associates We hope the new year brings you the best of everything if ft Prefinished panelling RESTAURANT A n tn finish PRICES GOOD TILL DEC 30th Gypsum Wall res tint mall panel that dos an inexpensive way to improve old walls CO I ngs or Id new cuts easily got up with little Gypsum will lake wallpaper or paint beaut fully Sco our complete I no of tillers tapes and corner Bead to complete the Sheet CASH A CARRY Zero Clearance the fireplace that beautiful and goes practically anywhere Installat on is easier than you think Frame it in directly on wood floors No special supports needed Our Zero Clearance Fire place comes complete win refractory base and back gri temperature insula lion A pleasure from start to finish NEW YEARS GREETINGS From Our House to Yours THE INSURANCE HOUSE MAIN ST GEORGETOWN ONT PHONE STAFF JOAN HEWITT JOAN ANDERSON ETTA MILLS ARMSTRONG BETTY WOODS JANET ARMSTRONG PAUL ARMSTRONG We would like to thank our clients for the opportunity to handle their insurance needs throughout the year It is our plan to continue this service for future years Paul Armstrong Tired painting and trie walls Pro fin shed panelling produces a will hat easy to maintain And Ms easy install Just ask Mr Buildall He II supply you with lots handy hints Chooso from an outstanding sefoc tion finishes at sheets MASONITE MARQUIS OAK GOLDEN WALNUT Enjoy ihocozy charm this I practically in your home apartment or lis a real wood burning heat producing that can be installed at loss than the cost of a masonry damper The lacing mater can be you choose theme lor your home No more worries about support and the need to the walls Thais n the Mr pfico REGAL Strapping Lumber The beginning of every great rec room Onco you know how snapping walls Hoc or ceilings can bo easy Mr Buildall will show you how d help you select the lor the job II thought nails into concrete gives you bad vibos relax Wo strapping adhesive in slock mi SPRUCE 2x3 Lumber The practical choice for partition walls It your new rec room calls lor wills wo have all lumber you need in slock It priced or economy at and Mi will bo happy help you the 89 CORONET Exceptional Carpet Value Strong long wearing so comfortable underfoot Excel int selection and law prices make tins Broil lor your home Strong long wearing I bios and rota their be be my Soil rubber soil on undo fool si Buifdillandlind out how easy inexpensive il instill now carpel in your home Each LEVEL LOOP FOAM BACK STOCK ONLY job MACKENZIE BUILDALL ACTON 12 Church St PHONE 8531660 Man BOO AM FrlBQDAM SUB AM GEORGETOWN 8 James St PHONE 8772207