Letters to the Editor THE HERALD Wednesday Jaanu Page KINICHTS OF COLUMBUS HOSPITAL DRAW The llulton Hill Knights of loluinbus held Ihrir hospital Hospital charities draw at Iheir New Inn Making the draw for Ihf winning tickets were to right Hill Krnus council activities chairman Brian of Ihi hospital winner third Doug Tinker rand and Kirt Klein cochairman of the Letters to the Editor Tournament report inaccurate Milton emerged victorious Dear Sir Your report in a Ikr aid re the Georgetown Major Atoms play In the Regional Silver Stick Tournament lhat the team which beat Georgetown in the first round went on to win the Championship Final In fact Etobicoke were well beat en by l in the Championship Final by the Hilton learn Furthermore the Erie team which beat Georgetown in the Consolation final had also been eliminated Milton In the first round The report is accurate when it sinks there wis top flight competition in the town There was in Town needs community centre deed lop At four of the Milton Ram as well as eoich Bill Maxwell hit north of Milton in circulation and jour report does them a considerable injustice Milton has always enjoyed a friendly rivalry with George town find this is no less so between our Major Mom teams The present Georgetown team is probably most improved team In County this year and we look forward to their improvement so that they may provide more competitive opposition Yours truly John Morgan Towns historic sites should be restored Sir Over Ihc pin of lime which 1 lived Inn I ve n a few of historical which hue liken place Tilings which I have seen ire restored well bul iherc is noi enough of hi lo show fuiure how has progressed through its years of By this I hope that old furious is build hiving some hint to do with Ihe of Georgetown Ihese buildings will be kepi if lorn down fir new of mine is putting Ihi Impel Streel Sell back into operation be of the let lhal its just sitting i here aw If Dear Sir I am writing a letter building a centre In Georgetown In the centre then could be i gym a and lots more If then was a centre more kids might go there insicad of hanging out somewhere like Ihe George A of don like kids up plaza May be more would to and hang out or even workout If iherc was in Ihc lhe I have I have pi iys in schools like Also people who a career In working In a theatre would have a change Yours Truly Penny S wage To the editor the father of a ten year old son I would like to voice my objection to the fact lhat child ren playing minor hockey for Selects have a Socnl Insurance Number Motel needed This Teens want activity centre Sir I writing to on of all the in George town and Ml tin plates it we m hang ire ihe ttaJiy Me Din ikls llu I Ihuik if we hid 11 when il has a lot of for leemgers more leenagers would allowed go our more iheir parents worrying at ah So iry and figure where we could pu I know lot of teenagers would appreciate this Sincerely ours Wheeler Hospital needs some improvement Dear Sir I am writing you about Improved hospital facilities I think the hospital could be improved by enlarging the staff and Increasing Ihc ties I think it needs to be Improved because some of patients have be sent to Brampton and Toronto where they end up with better treat Name withheld on request I halt ibout the we in This is a mold Wo need this m building for when they mil Mill GeorUown Would able for concern build in while Gcorilown I hope vi u will lake Ihis the fad he did not have a Social Insurance Number he was from the dressing room and not allowed to play for the learn even hough the conch of this team telephoned me a few days before and said he could play that he did not need a number This boy has all learn practices and I as his father paid the WO for the season It is a well known fad that John en baker does not have a Social Insurance Number and he loo lam sure would object to this ridiculous rule These numbers arc meant to identify people inlhcwork force Heel it is this type of thing that further complicates the go red tape and unne cessarily spends money your money and mine Let get of these nonsensical rules and get back to the fundamentals Minor hockey is for our to have fun I hove been coaching soccer teams for 15 years and this rule carries over inlo soccer I afraid my coaching days arc numbered A very disturbed parent Pierre Van el Moffat No family motels here Dear sir Throughoul nine years I have lived here I haven I seen for families travelling through on a Irip who wanl a nice quiet place to spend night 1 feel that approximately a twenty unit motel should be on outskirts of town possibly on the in Glen Williams or near the I would really appreciate it f you would tax deduct Ions of some to a private builder Shelley Community center should include theatre and gym Dear Sir Considering Ihe many lies in Georgetown I feel there should be a community in Georgetown In this community centre there should be a phec for teenagers to out Many teenagers in Georgetown art not allowed to go to the Way There should be facilities for the Georgetown I In this there should be a mnasium There arc many gymnastic groups and other group its which require a I also feel thai there should be a new library in George lown This community centre would be a great place for a library Many of the residents of Georgetown repelled the Idea of building a library on the top of Cedarvale Hill In this community centre there should be a day care room Working mothers could leave children there while they work a fair bit of fixing up I feel Hint the Chapel Stren School would be a excellent spot for community cent re Name v ilhhcld on request Scouts say thanks for bottle drive help Dear Sir Thank you the people who donated and lo the families who helped during our recent bottle drive Our appreciation goes to the local and The who gave us will be March Bob Walls Finance Commit tee The 1st Georgetown Scout Group The Herald welcomes letters to the Editor Addition to Georgetown library just not enough reader claims Dear Sir is needed formation on kinds of things Why the old mothers do all physically handicapped or for books piled on lop of lop Georgetown as an immediate library is inadequate in old source of information fur the building is expensive whole the lain poor insulalion windows ness community wont open damp and leaL people whi need practical in euhng Jo access for Ihi parking serving stores Istooferli earry a fifty pound ind four cans of films or ever half a books There art The office is the of a washroom The washroom is There is no Cinema finally comes to town but will there be problems winner of a holiday for in Miami or tort lnudtrdalt was Mr DJ Jacquri or ilimlllni of the peon a weekend it Myall Hotel In Toronto and a weekend at ihc Harbour In Toronto were Mrs I or and Mr Halt of photo not use it could be used as show pi ice for old leathered George town for visitors ihe town ind ions In conclusion my letter I hope Ihil you will consider some of my ideas oncoming Hie rcsl oral Ion of George sites SIN shouldnt be necessary to play hockey father ihe new I show and dinner for be ease for ii rge families I n Theitre have has Ihc productions which are eirteiown title Theatres seeing people enjoy So in seeing li happen that own Ihi Lrcal I ittle Theatre pleisedoni glit ewer people in I hi pe it will nul audiences because lliey inch n Iher Bui hopefully this will he public washroom In this public building The building Itself was to hold people not books which weigh a great deal more than the building was designed to support If an addition is mode as proposed A three storey add lion which will be even more difficult for the and to the elderly people to use It will be lied up constantly serving the numbers will wanl to use It A three storey addition will require a tre mendous amount more of staff to cover each level on a kill lime basis People who want to preserve the old church should raise funds lo maintain It Preserving old buildings Is not a unction nor purpose of a library We need a library thai will Iwk nice and lost a long lime and also be a credit to Georgetown Yours truly Jennifer its our ANNUAL JANUARY WALLPAPER and PAINT UP TO ON WALLPAPER MORE THAN 200 BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM ONE OF THE MANY BOOKS TO CHOOSE FROM AT JANUARY SALE PRICES FANFARE SUPER VINYL ARMOUR WALL ULTRAHIDE GLIDDEN PAINTS FLAT LATEX J High Quality Paint At a tow Low Price MANY OTHER ITEMS THE STORl STORE ON GEORGETOWN DECORATING CENTRE DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8774193