Ballinafad news meeting gets large area attendance By WINIFRED Herald correspond ml Sunday Jan saw a fairly good number out despite the weather to attend the annual meeting of Church It a special year for the Church as It celebrated lis 100th anniversary In 1978 All reports were and showed a balance There Is a total Church membership of 128 Three were removed by death and three by transfer us past year Worshippers on Sunday were pnvUegcdlohcar Rev Waller Tonge as the guest He is an associate of the Division of Finance for United Church of He gave a Meet the President Josephine Force Josephine Force has been member of the Duke of Devonshire chapter of Independent Order of the Daughters of the Empire in for over years and Is serving her second term as Regent for the up She has also been lis Thechapierwisincorpt rated in still boasts a charter member Miss M Z Bennett lis membership role of 13 Membership fees are annually plus Ihe subscription fee fir the club marine is small and no longer very jciive Mrs Force says members si ill pirticipalL in miking donations to North Music each sprint also prepare bale of knit and hind sewn articles to the organization provincial headquarters in for distribution at schools hospitals in or l hern C Mrs force husband Harold live on Park Ave They have been Aclon residents for Mr Force owned Force Electric Products its sale a years Mrs Ins been a number ot Trimly United lis inception and says her main is her family consisting of married son and a m their families Public relations is discussed The first meeting of the New Year Silver Wood W I was held at the home of Mrs on Thursday Jon 11 at l clock There were 10 members and l visitor present This was Public Relations meeting Mrs Lindsay opened the meeting with a poem Helping Hands We sang O Canada and repealed the Mary Stewart Collect We observed one minute silence In memory of one of our members who had recently pasted away As our President and vice President were absent Mrs Giifen was asked to conduct Ihe meeting The minutes of last meeting were read and approved as was the treasurer a report The roll coll was Give some item ot interest from Home and Country Mrs Burt gave a report on the Christmas gifts of fruit to the shut Ins Mrs Scott gave current events We were very pleased to have as our guest speaker our District President Mrs J McNabb She spoke on the life of Mrs Adelaide Hood ess as as the making of a House Log and a Family Tree This was interesting as Mrs McNabb had illustrations to explain hoi each was done Mrs thanked Mrs and presented her with a small token of prccialion Mrs Scott did the courtesy and the meeting closed followed by a social time VOLVO IS BACK IN BRAMPTON Ask for Cec for Parts Service HEART LAKE MOTORS MAIN STREET NORTH QNHWY BRAMPTON ONTARIO Sales Service Parts Leasing tirring sermon on Stewart ship enlightened his listeners on where the MIS funds went and said much of it stayed In Canada He told Interesting stories of happenings own country as well as scenes he had witnessed when a missionary serving in the tfrleni The congregation came away with that their ings to the M S fund was wisely spent The Junior Choir sing anthem Thank You Jesus with Mr Bob Pinker ton accompanying at the piano The Sunday school scholars eagerly went up to the front of the Church and listened Stiles had tell them They then accom ponied their down to the basement or classes when Mrs Pal Kerr and other members the Junior farm entertained at the home of Mrs Doris Ella It docsn occur every day that one Is Invited lo a shower for twins The infant children of Mr and Mrs Harvey Burt were wide awake and seemed to bo enjoying It all when adoring and cousins at not forgetting the Grandmoth era along with fimily friends bestowed gifts of love upon the babies a boy and girl Those in charge served a dainty lunch and a happy time came to Mrs Sid Spear opened her beautiful new home in the village on Sunday evening to around forty guests The was a miscellaneous wer for her niece Bonnie whose wedding take place In February Family and other relatives along with close friends enjoyed the fell together and wished much happiness he years ahead She received some lovely gifts When Bonnie had said a sincere thank you to everyone lunch was served and an en jo able lime ended January meeting The January meciing of the Countess of Siralhmore Chap ODE was held at the home of Edna Armstrong Joan Regent was in the chair and the minutes of the meeting were read by Evelyn Charles in the absence of the Secretary Hazel McMillan as Convenor of Services at Home and A broad reported that additional knitted garments had been added to the layette miking a total value of These had been delivered to ial at Hamilton Discussion followed on pro jects for the coming year Nominations for Officers were received and tht Nominations Convenors Maxine and Irene Carr will present a slate of officers for election at the February meeting A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses Evelyn Char June Ross and Violet Gort Ruth Evans expressed the thanks of the Chapter to Edna Armstrong for her hospitality and the hostesses of even ing for the lunch THE HERALD Wednesday January 31 1ST Page 17 On the Home front Fund raising By SUSAN There was on Innocent little game once played called Count Beans In the Jar It used to be a favorite stand by for fund raising occasions held by hospital auxiliaries Guide and Scout groups and assorted bazaars All one had to do was estimate correctly how many beans the Jar contained and bingo you were the lucky winner of a gift donated by a local philanthropic merchant However a more sophisticated version is currently In vogue that has resulted in the old bean jar being consigned to a back shelf to gather dust The name or the game is now Count the Shah Billions This game is considerably more difficult to win because depending upon which estimate the game organls has heard the answer could hover anywhere between 2 billion and billion and there are any number of variables between those two figures as you can well Imagine TWENTY BILLION One could make skilful assessment of twenty billion three million two hundred ninety seven thousand five hundred fortyeight dollars and sixty three cents only to find oneself ten cents off from the correct answer course even ihlrking of such a sum of money Is mind blowing Does the Shah transport it large wallet and what are his chances of getting It from any American airport to the nearest bank without being mugged Can you then imagine the scene within the bank I would like to open a savings account Yes sir And how much will be you be depositing Approximately 22 billion give or take a dollar or two either way LET LOOSE huh And when did they let you loose mister Actually I just escaped today The money Is all In that moving van parked outside The one guarded by the hovering helicopters and the 5000 CIA agents In disguise Don worry about the cents but 1 would like your teller to count it lo the nearest dollar Yes I hope when all excitement has died down and the Shah settles into the American way of life undoubtedly open ing a chain of Shah Na Hamburger Palaces we will get back to counting the beans in a jar Much simpler MADNESS ten Holmes watches as r hows tier a knot during a itinera it and Cratls last week mis inciter works In the store as well as leaching the class Mrs Holmes wis one of a group of ladles working on wall Herald photo Local Cancer society hears district speaker The Helton Hills Unit of the Canadnn Cancer Society met on Monday January at Betty Jamie Mrs Skinner Pres dent of the unit welcomed Mr Bill Connor who Is field for our urea We were very to have Mr Hugh join us as Treasurer for the Hilton Hills Unit Mr Patterson was previously responsible or the same executive position with the Acton Branch of the Socle Mrs duttd Mrs Diane who will be her assistant in publicity Our Campaign Chair man Mrs Smith ported on the organization of ihe campaign and mentioned special events which ill be taking place during the fund raisimt month League of April Chairman Mrs Mary Ellen Bridge the National Educition Week on Smoking to be held Janu to by Halt on Lung display will be set up at the Georgetown by Mrs Bridge pertain to this theme with hope of promoting public aware ness She also reported on the Education Conference held recently in Toronto More than 300 volunteers wert attend to participate in work shops and refresher centering d public programs Alan from the Division of Biological Research at the Ontario Cancer Institute was one of guest speakers Another speaker was I a once crowned Canada s Handicap ped Athlete of the Year At the conclusion of the business meciing Mr 0 Con nor presented Mrs it son a certificate of appreciation for her fine in assisting with the Working as a volunteer Mrs on txecutlvt for sever years as secretary and has helped in many of our special Vie are going to miss you Beity but appreciate all support you have given our in helping the fight iainsi Cancer The next mee lint will be held on Wednesday February lsl at the hi LAND BARGAINS Each year Ontario pal and county treasurers sell properties that have tor payment taxes These sell lor Utile more taxes i which Is generally In to MOO ramie properties arc worth tor more ne year subscription payable TAX SALE PROPERTIES Pray for Vietnam The first meeting for 1979 of Holy Cross Catholic Wo men League opened a prayer for the Vietnamese boat people by Father ant Guest speakers Blanche and Connie Nieu whof represented the Red Cross of Georgetown They us aware of the many opportunities he people of this veto help others through Ihe Red Cross wtrc made on the up an coming Antique Show and Sale May 27lh Mrs Vanllokelenwillbe holding work shops making a quill raffle off the show The next CWI meeting is Monday Feb 19th in the rcc basement HALTON HILLS CREDIT UNION QUEEN STREET ACTON HILLS ONTARIO PHONE R R S P REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN Effective January INTEREST CALCULATED ON MINIMUM QUARTERLY AND RAID SEMI ANNUALLY NO MONTHLY OR ANNUAL DEPOSIT COMMITMENT NO SET UP FEES NO ADMINISTRATION FEES NO DISCOUNTING OF YOUR INVESTMENT WITHDRAWAL ON SHORT NOTICE INSURED UNDER THE ONTARIO SHARE A DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ONLY ONE LOCATION 273 Queen Street East Acton 8530911 super gas mileage Diesel Rabbit 4 speeds 5 speeds AT BAZ WE CAREI You can almost name your own price BAZ MOTORS LTD 199 STREET GEORGETOWN 877 5286 or Toronto 676181