Home Newspaper of Halton Mills Page THE HERALD Wednesday March 179 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main Soalb Georgetown L7G3E5 Ontario WILLIAM EVDOKIMOFF Publisher MICHAEL Editor PHONE 8772101 Clin Mall Number it fl Its no time to give up hydro fight At times you have to wonder where the opponents to the stringing of a hydro corridor through Hills get their tenacity Despite numerous defeats spread over the past few years during which they have opposed the corridor they have remained as resolute as ever in their battle against hydros move into Halton Hills which would see them stringing hydro wires over prime farmland The latest defeat to the In terested Citizens Group and their supporters came with the Ontario Municipal Boards recent decision to approve the corridor through Halton Hills Despite this the anticorridor groups still have a number of avenues of appeal open to them They are now in the process of appealing the decision both to the OMB and the courts At the divisional court level the anti- corridor groups are challenging the authority of the to make a decision overruling the town of Hills bylaws that would not permit a hydro corridor through the municipality Recently claims by the anti- corridor groups that Hydro does not need the power that would be transmitted by the corridor through Hills appear to have proven by recent an nouncements that the provinces utility has a surplus of power At a time when hydro is laying off staff and cutting back expansion there seems to be a strong argument that the hydro corridor power Is not needed Certainly the anticorridor arguments are gaining credibility ana while we can never be certain how sincerely the provincial government listens to objections to the corridor their arguments are getting harder and harder to refute This is definitely not the time to be giving up the battle And as major supporters of the anticorridor fight the town of Hills has reconfirmed their opposition to the corridor Town council voted Wednesday night to channel another to into their fight against the corridor and have directed their solicitors to take part in the appeal procedures While urban residents of Halton Hills may not be overly concerned about the hydro corridor issue to the rural residents of the town it is a life and death question Realizing this and the bureaucratic and undemocratic manner in which hydro decided where to place the corridor the town of Halton Hills has supported opponents of the route almost from the start The decision of council to continue this support at this crucial stage was a good one and the only one that makes sense considering how much resources the town has already poured into the fight Why throw In the towel this close to the finish Pat Patterson who represents the rural ward two on town council argues correctly that considering the crucial nature of the corridor fight to constituency it is not out of line for the town to support the fight to their planned level Considering how much money and time the town has poured into fighting the Focal Properties development in Georgetown now that the rural residents need help their request deserves support Controversy continues to rage over French Prime Minister Ottawa Bureau Of The Herald As the controversy rages around the behavior of Rene during the visit of French Prime Minister Raymond I see that the Quebec premier is being called everything from an egocent ric a fool The general conclusion is that the premier with his apparent display of bad manners has seriously damaged his own image hat he has embarrassed fellow Qucbecers and that separatist movement may have suffe red its first major setback If you heed the words of federal Justice Minister Marc you will believe that behaviour was only pelly but also rude childish and sick Editorials in most newspapers English language newspapers that is have condemned Ihe Quebec premier for the way he behaved in the presence of the dignified French prime minister Frenchlanguage newspapers perhaps for reasons of their own dont seem so aggravated but then weve seldom been able to get two cultures exercised about the same things it the same ways Based on all accounts of what happen ed seems fair say thai failed to cover himself with glory during Barres visit By any his manners left a great deal to be desired when in proposing a well wined toast to he let fly at his domestic political opponents a that apparently embarrassed the guest of honor POOItSHOW And regardless of how you measure behaviour it is difficult to condone Levesques to have repeat the famous or notorious Vive le Quebec librc cry that Charles Gaulle uttered In 1967 Again was clearly embar rassed when he felt obliged inform the crowd that the Quebec premier was whispering suggestions in his ear In fad even looked embar rassed But Barre always the perfect didnt yield During the departure ceremonies looked both undignified and petty when he declined lo at attention for O Canada when he held a cigarette during Ihe playing of the French national anthem and when he refused to accompany to his plane because was also there When you put everything together you would be inclined to go along the view thai behaved like a juven ile that he seemed to be losing his grip and that he wont recover from this escapade of embarrassments Lalonde sounded more like a physician than a politician when he said the premier was suffering from a persecution complex he should lake a rest cure he said DELIBERATE MOVE Well perhaps he should I know nothing about general condit ion these days But I do know that ihe premier is basically a shrewd politician that he has a good many hotheads appease in his Parti and that so far his boorish behaviour hasnt sent any shock waves through ihe Frenchlan guage media Perhaps handling of the visit will prove to be the onset of his decline Perhaps wilt be a major setback to the separatist Perhaps It will discourage French interest in Quebecs future Perhaps it will make federalism look tall by comparison 1 just dont know But despite embar rassment over what happened I suspect there is a certain segment of the Parti which Is openly applauding the events And of course we cant forget that the separatist movement in his various forms has managed lo survive every embarrassment from mudthrowing to murder So opart from acknowledging some rather sleazy behaviour perhaps it might be best to wail a month or two before assuming cause and credibili ty have begun to crumble We do lend to Forget things rather quickly In the midst of all his mlscues the premier did drop one significant aside I am an Idiot he said Time to stop towns sign jungle Early developers anniversary exposes poor history keeping should make sure that a request by a soon to be in business Mr outlet In Georgetown to erect yet another gaudy pylon neon sign on Guelph St stays shelved The towns general committee had recommended that Mr Donut be given permission to a 15foot by six foot sign feet back from the edge of one of Georgetowns main streets The motion of approval died Monday night when a motion to okay the committees recom- MARTIN Advertising Sales Manager Phone ended in a sixsix tie Georgetown does not need another gaudy sign to add to the ever growing neon jungle on Guelph St A motion to reject the Mr Donut request should be ap proved immediately hopefully to be followed shortly by a bylaw clearly limiting the erection of any further signs in town Council has agreed to request sample sign bylaws from the towns staff for consideration by council Councillors should make sure this request Is met as quickly as possible so that the much needed bylaw can be passed Previous town councils have recognized the need for a bylaw regulating sign erection in the town but have been unable to draft one Those legislators expressed con cern with enforcing such a bylaw We are now paying the price for the lack of such a Bylaw Anyone who drives along Guelph St can see that Councillor John McDonald is right when he warns that the street is quickly becoming another Golden Bramptons infamous neon strip on Queen St The only way council can stop the increased proliferation of the gaudy signs Is by banning them outright beginning with Mr Surely a good merchant does not need to resort to the almost hypnotic ploy of using a gaudy sign to lure consumers Into their place of business Many local residents have moved lo the country to escape the plastic nature of suburbia We not allow suburbia to transplant Itself in Georgetown in the form of a neon jungle on the main entrance to town By DON Queen a Park Bureau Of The Herald TORONTO One of the great develo pers of Onlano Canada and North Ameri ca was William Hamilton Merrill Perhaps you may know this particul arly If you live in Ihe Niagara peninsula Bui the chances ore you dont I really wasnt aware of Merritt until chancing on a brief mention of Win in Joseph new book Ontario Since And then dentally finding out that all this year here is a grand celebration honoring this pioneer in com munities along the water route in the peninsula The Is recognizing the 150th anniversary of Wclland Canal This anniversary Is a perhaps sad perhaps si art ling but in any event pertinent reminder of how poor a job we nave done in Canada and particularly in Ontario of uncovering and recognizing our roois National politicians Sir John A Mnc- Joe Howe and others fairly recently have been getting some attention quite a bit of it due to the activity of Ihe Bui the men who physically developed country have largely been ignored notable exception Pierre Berton has given them a lol of attention Ho is one commercial writer to have done so And no matter what you think of Berton and some of us can be supercilious about him at limes he has made and ia making a solid contribution in writing readably about our pioneers WHY KNOW Merritt however illustrates what hasnt been done In Oils area and what should be done Again particularly in Ontario Merritt not only built the first Canal And remember this meant erecting a water which rose feet in its length and 150 years ago working in limestone and before days of machines earth movers and bulldozers He was only when he completed first canal opening up he Great Lakes as an Inland sea Bui he went on to other outstanding and mammoth engineering achievements and almost equally massive political and economic leadership The people of Ontario should have the opportunity to k more abo t man and others who were physical archit ects of he province Why Why should we know history particu larly Ontario and Canadian history There is material in this for a thousand and one essays None will be written here Bui let us just if the Canadian public all of It really knew the deep story of history of our FrenchEnglish history different tone there would be to the debate about Quebec and what a more practical approach to the national unity problem loday would result Incidentally the Schull book Is new and welcome It fills a gap in presenting a quick look the provinces political history since Confederation probably in as rcadoble a style as could be expected from such a project Joe Schull Is a veteran professional writer and a good one But a carp This is part of the historical series being sponsored by the government The book peddles for about Surely to God It would have been possibly to put it out at a price where it could reach Joe Public who doesnt have fie to put into a book CONE knocks NEC The Coalition on the Niagara Escarp ment has rejected an Ontario government proposal for additional quarrying along the Niagara Escarpment Despite several meetings arranged by government offici als to allay he fears of the coalition of environmental groups CONE maintains that no compelling evidence has been presented to justify removal of the restric tions Poorly regulated quarrying was one of the destructive forces leading originally to protective legislation for the According to Ron Redd of the Federation of Ontario Naturalists lifting the ban on new or extended now Is a bad omen for the of the EKATJMjent Pi We are being asked to accept blindly the need for further quarrying In one of the moil sensitive parts of the Province only months before the Escarpment Com mission is due to produce their draft plan MNR was very critical of earlier NEC proposals or not providing enough quarr ying area We fear this move now is merely a ploy to circumvent the eventual plan and to protect the entrenched Interests of present quarry operators Past regulation of nils and quarries has been poorly enforced with widespread abuse of wayside pit provisions This new process could be used lo past abuses and cover tracks of the Ministrys poor record CONE had recommended that critical supply problems be resolved by a process Involving local municipalities with alter native sources of examined In each case The government however is Insist- tag that MNR alone will designate specific quarries to be considered for expanded operations Haltons History From the Heralds files HIRED SARGENT THIRTY AGO Council hired Jim Sargent as a town employee at a rale of as cents an hour plus time and a half for overtime The town foreman who had requested that another perman ent town employee be hired explained he fell thai the present was not large enough lo do all the work required and that an extra man would be a saving for the town because many jobs which would have be done by outside contrac tors could be done by ihe men themselves DeputyReeve reported that a Kitchener firm were interested in secur ing land in town to build a factory which would have an initial floor space of square feci and eventually 30000 Fifty men would be employed in the plant The new Cushioned Aclion Washer washes clothes cleaner without wear with safety and convenien ce and Elves I oncer vears of l roublefree service The washer is thconly washer thai provides the Sentin el of Safety This protects ihe molor against damage and ends the bother of blown fuses Beautiful pure white porcel ain enamel tub with Feather Touch Safely release wringer just JIM Grade Fields will be appearing In person at Memorial Gardens Friday March pm Reserved seals will cost DO and FRANK BLACK HONORED TWENTY YEARS AGO Sixteen men who were wllhoitl work one week ago have found jobs through Georgetown Employment Service It was reported to the Herald this afternoon AM bat the now registered with the employment service are former or workers and il is believed upwards of have either been called back or have found employment on their own Mrs Spencer Wilson of Norval was the woman ever to speak at ihe Ontario Plowmens Association convent ion and annual meeting held recently in Toronto Speaking on a womans views of the International Plowing Match she was one of four speakers asked to give iheir Impressions of the match as well as suggest Improve men Is Hindered by heavy enisled snow which cut deep gashes in its legs and worried by local dogs a buck deer which failed shake off Its pursuers was found dead recently near CNR crossing at The animal had died of fright and exhaustion An oil painting by local artist Frank Black will have an honored place in Georgetown High School In future years The painting commissioned by the stud ents portrays the old portion of Ihe school scheduled for demolition in a construction program presently In progress John Lenz president of the Student Council presented the painting which was receiv ed by school board chairman Murray Coles and unveiled by student Joan Cummins at the high school exercises Friday evening at Knox Church INDUSTRIAL OFFER TEN YEARS AGO Georgetown Is almost fresh out of townowned Industrial land offer prospective industries and he need for acquiring more every month Is becoming more acute according to he Georgetown Industrial Commission Vice- chairman Alex Blackwell old The Herald this week that an industrial development firm and building firm which bought over acres in the Industrial Park last year has three large parcels left Ihe towns own industrial land there has shrunk to about four acres An emergency telephone number of three digits should be In operation town with two years Council upon the the Municipal Safety Com mil lee look ihe first step toward that end Monday night when they made application lo the Bell Telephone for the emergency number Thursday morning at 1130 a m a young Blvd couple Jim and Carol Thrower appeared on Toronto television The show a Canadian versfon of The Game was taped two weeks ago Channel studios but was shown Ihis morning The Throwers were the winners and ended Up with a new sewing machine and approximately worth of linens and bedding In response to a letter from Edmond Ray lawn Crescent accompani ed by nineteen letters from Frenchspeak ing ratepayers board decided establish an Advisory Committee on French Language Instruction Self superintendent of program pointed out that the board is required to provide for the establishment of such a committee within two months of the application The strap Is to be discarded In county separate schools At its meeting Tuesday night he board received a memorandum from the Ontario of education recommending that teachers refrain from corporal punish ment to pupils Without discussion board voted to accept the departments recom mendal Ion MILUERESTV ONE YEAR AGO The man who Installed the first television set and aerial In Georgetown Is celebrating years in his own business Bill MiUlere of Milllere TV Sales and Service opened his own business March 1 1953 in a room off the building that is now Hunters Inn on Mountain view Road North Unless an nthhour candidate an nounced him or herself today board of education will tomorrow appoint one of persons to fill the seat vacated by Don Long of Georgetown While parents at rural schools sugges ted as twinning partners for urban school are desperately opposing the proposal parents at the urban schools are showing an almost total lack of interest In the