hi- it Travel agent enjoys working HANNAH Herald writer According to the Canadian government it lime to retire when you reach the ripe old age of One Georgetown businessman doesn agree With that and John It Barber his office morning ready though he Mr llarber bought his travel and general insurance business from I- son in 1350 and operated it for lOjcarsnnhisown acquired a Henley who hid experience in the insurance in Tor unto and Mr Henley now a els as general of the It to the modtrn wa of learning be a travel agent throuRhcommunity lege courses Mr Barber got his experience doing the travelling himself Ills first trip was a tour of in 1J32 and his must recent was a lour of Orient in i Mr if the son of the original ow of Barber paper mill on liner Road by Dellncraft lie was the only child of hi- father second marriage and uiys his mother hid slip sons as old as she was herself He already had niece and four nephews by the lime hi born His died of a infection when he When his died in 191G Mr left Berwick Hall on Main South went live with his aunt and grin knot her in the house the corner of Market and Park whin he Mill He attended Georgetown high then went on the University of Toronto from which he griduated in 1927 During his Inst year at Ihe unlvimily he became part of the stage crew at House Theatre and discovered he loved theatre work The chance canie for him to be singe manager of the I licit re on a basis and he look He liked university life and ihe campus atmosphere so instead of Ing is hi had originally intend lo do when he earned his on and look his degree In philosophy and worked the ifieilre He earned his M A in Some of ihe worlds finest musicians came perform as with the Hart House String Quartet he recalls He also has fond memories of a lr company from Hart House perfi Shakes al high schools tti built our withcurliinsand lights and ill we required on tin production hi All e needed wis a floor to it up on i ured the schools in Toronto and after the si ended visited Gall St innes We bird limi keeping cast been si wi win performing so tin people I out for ill the performances il w is marvellous ex per high school in tie studied the play in grade is of department ixiitiinationi Mr Georgetown high teacher used like the upper school class to the 10 pm train see play wen sludging when a travelling troupe of actors from arrived at the il Alex Theatre to do Sh in plays for a or three week run While he w is working in he bought a seal on the Toronto Slock while prices were low during the begin nlng of the Depression and decided he was going to his it becoming a slock broker The Toronto and tin Stand block am ilg in the Toronto company decided I invest in the new venture and instead gave all It members a sizeable wind fall It was this unexpected money which financed his first rip around the world girl friend at time had developed tuberculosis was practically so figured tills was my lime invil while I was He took train lo Los then travel by boat His tour Included Hawaii Jap an Shan gin Manilla pore Ceylon Aden through Silt anal In Egypt iir Marseilles and England He even a lour along rlh of Norway and the Islands to see Ihc During that inp he saw Ihc Ice barrier in the before returning lo England Then he learned a partner hid been found for his proposed brokerage ind lunW One of ihe highlights of his in Vol involves a babv car which he purchised T in shipped the eh used In ml en I i o The spin the three wavs the end Mr In til for gas oil jobs and so on or miles Then he si Id it or do about 120 miles he laughs iusi tin two were so crimped in the seal and w i lugg in wiihme If mori than lint d been done We had some getting thi mlo Tin I make it si id to push the isl ii f miles Then we ilniosl hid to drag our feel going down oilier side tin ikes wire burning up The funn p in v is discovering liter on Ih all was new spark plugs and it wenl fine Tilth At mother point when had flat tin his two picked up of the while he eh inged Ihe tire and set it luck down He joking being a babv Austin jack nut of the hack al all he chuckles He jokes ibeul his first ride left their i in and decided go lo Berlin by rail Thin the decided fly back Of lourse ihey didn know until that their irmsport would be an eight plane with a single pilot They couldn I go over be chuckles and you could open the window ind w the farmers working down below I got so I knew when I saw trees innung because wc had g up and over them and you had it sinking feeling you some times get in an The was supposed to lake hours but we made three because of the tail wind That saved me If had lasted another minutes been sick like five passgengirs He cured himself in by flying Paris in a converted World War I bomber thai had two pilots and passenger space for IS lo people He took a second cruise the world in 1936 which Officer warns of crossing problems There is a serious problem with some of the school crass in Hills because motonsta are disregarding adult crossing guards and children are not crossing intersections where there are crossing guards according to police safety officer Raj Constable said there are problems various intersections In town but the crossing at George Kennedy public School Is a classic example He said parents are parking their cars along the streets there when picking children up or driving them to school and as a result child rcn crossing from between parked can and breaking other safety regulations Constable Swaminalhin gested that when parents take the child to school or pick him or her up they should not let the child cross the street alone He also said the parents should be instructing their children to cross at an Intersection where there Is a crossing guard they have to cross the street and to the crossing guards at all times teller Cage ladies casual wear FOR EASTER drew up your wardrobe with a blouse from tege SPRING C01UCTI0N JunlorS Shot Priced from EXCLUSIVE TO GEORGETOWN CAMEO Panti Hose THE OLD BANK DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN listed months Thai lime he left from stopped in Caribbean SI Helen- Islands oil Madagascar In South Pacific i K Hawaii San Los Angeles il r ugh Panama mil hick l I Hi kit brokerage nest in bee he like i people expecl 1 Kill Mr his milil e ireer and travelling are his hobbies He likes to Muskoka to I in sum hi Iris no big plans Mil He has never seen Itussia or much of Central Africa but he isn 1 expecting I goi I it uia sec vnt is in o I I different job I just w iki everyone else I it would another false ihrm 1 didn rcalk believe Bul I Id wait in case Mr Barber joined Ihe I orni ihe unit in and remembers all militia were iripkd ind quadrupled in size ilniosl overnight dunng of ihe Second World The 1 ornt wen to be i to send a ill group of in is part of first which sen iwrscis Troops wire called six militia regiments- In represent various parts of the iiiiion as well as men from ret of Ihc permanent forces hi so was quite a distinction lo be Included in thai first Canadian army Mr Barber himself never gi oul of lie wound up is second in command of a ripulnallon depot and stayed ihtrc Me decided he was hrough the army when he got home hut that only lasted for six months In 1919 he commander of the regiment and slaved with it Dec Mr Barber says he his filhcrs ambition James Birber had to lake over the paper mill at the age of but whit he had really wanted to do was become a full lime Idler He joined the Itcgimeni in before it was Mr Barber met his wife Sybil in England during war and married in 1M9 after she came Canada Choose it ANDREW MURRAY MOTORS fur ipriny faiktoni with an waning of with radio and dancer to tte won to coma and it will an evening to School llpm Stereo Component SPECIAL WIGO TV ami APPLIANCES SALES ami SERVICE DOWNTOWN GEORGETOWN 8773376 PST20 14168773540 NEILS MUSIC CENTRE Presents COMEDY CABARET SHOW IN FOR A GOOD TIME CALL Appearing March PM LONG JOHN BALDRY The Reck Rel Bluetman BaUry has influenced and helped hunch the careers of such stars MICK JAGGED AND ROD STEWART JUST ON RECORDS HIS NEW Appearing SUN APRIL 1st 300 PM WATCH FOR Super Good Friday FEATURING CHUM FM CITY TV ROCK STARS AS SEEN ON SAT SIMULCAST April STRV2 Also Available with SSSrET Sent Automatic Turntable at i00 Quantities WAY JAY ART SHOW APRIL 15 TICKETS AVAILABLE FOR ALL SHOWS AT NEILS MUSIC CENTRE RECORDS ON WHEELS NORTH HALTON SPORTS WAYJAY CLUB