the HERALD Consumer night page 16 Home Newspaper of Halton Hills 9 Stereotype challenger 1 SECTION Crazy boaters cram the Credit on the credit lOver were ostensibly for pasting irafl sal bouts while others were finish line in inning from to grab hold of and slaw base for some of the themselves after a five mile the Credit from Terra lew ine courageous participants were showing signs of fatigue beaming Instead with pride and exhilaration a I having completed he rat Herald photo by Paul Perhaps the of all this boat skipper flaunts rnnv of his own destiny is he climbs aboard his coffin shaped at the start of the GeorRetnwn Javcees and Jayceltcs Boil II ice tie the Terra Inn shot from a RACER MAKES A SPLASH The Javcees added some extra laughs to this year Itoat Race apparently without realizing when they suspended Inner tubes from the in I in the hope that hers luuld them anil slow boats down long to irl them Into shore What happened to this unfortunate sailor happened to many the lurrcnl was fast enough and maliv of the boats large enough to make such efforts futile After dinging steadfastly to their throughout the five mile jiurney downstream dozens of crew members found them selves swimming the last few feet to shore Needless to hay the crowds lining the banks loved every splash photo by Acton benefits from the region not the town say residents on fifth anniversary of merger I nil 1RO ilr iKttd pushed otherwise propelled m my kit is in unwelcome tin on with Georgetown ind the Township of itommumtv known is Hilton Hills of the of residents of nil thru ihionil ins for U lion nnw defunct roup is dtdit Hid lo I Milton liills Idling it is tommiinitv within tin region of Hilton is Mr limit tonicmed hi ni fits from le in tin of lion I with Ihe lown 1 Hilton Hills Mr Elliot said that tin time hi wis iclive with ins for jroup wis it It in his 1 iffut w would have on lorn i ones mil their smsi of their own identity impressing their discontenl it In nj lumped in with two other communities with whom they experienced no of kinship m fait communities verged mnrt on friendlv and sometimes sofriendly rivilrv Now fiveyeirs liter people in Hilton Hills have hid a taste of the wn regional government works They more of an idea of how it will iffeet daily life in community the effect will hue on the growth of both urban areas and the rural area in rhe out to find whether Attonnns arc with their lot in regional government whether accept the fact that they ore stuck with it and what regional government has hod on the former town of Acton What came is have grave concerns about future In regional while others are hopeful fit- I ilton Hills liny i for i tin he said I thu clearly a cost bom fit for Acton to be in Hills and he s hi because ill the costs arc thrown in together The money spent is all Hills not is divided any mnri if it just spent in plan councillor Wood si has benefitted from regional covernmmt and points to tost of iter ind in Without region government ind uniform would hi thrti Norm v icechain mi Ailon dot get left out say they Ret more now than they ever did fori Mr Wood Both Mi councillor Lea agree that the most visible sign of change n due to regional reduction in the actual number representatives on council liiforc regional government there were twelve people on council wire known by ihey wire your neighbors Mr Wood said If you had a problem you wonted to discuss with them all you had to do was grab them on the street tell them there ire only three councillors so you don see them as much People don I is much opportunity lo see their councillors is they bid before is probibly this of region il govern mini which leads to believe have no control over their town hi added think is ind torgilown is Mr list in ivor of the I rmir of Hut we don hive i si il ind the in ton feel Ihev don have m ind eipil councillors that can slop on the ind give hell to Mr flubv said with dl sewers ind w iter under region I it is in idvantafc fin ind I operation of the s stem but during an cmiracncy and when repairs are needed there is confusion about who lo and problems with getting the jib done prompllv il forms of government loth Mr Wood ind Mr think it the entire council is supportive il and that councillors from r squesing an concerned ilHiut its needs look after of I priontj hut when look it tin overall picture I think m my councillors from ore concerned about Aclon Mr Wood said Mr said he has seen this kind of for Aclon at the regional level regio Hilton the si i when ol regional tavernmi with the municipal the people in Aclon ire usid lo with does mike for some In ureas control 1m been taken from the local level and giver to the region he sud The region is lugger ind impersonal than i very or If its areas Mr however thai rililionship with Hills is in bad ind tiling worse relationship Hills isnl ind it wont improve in the lutun he It s i natural thing that will grow much faster than Our mayor has practically it now When Georgetown it s they will want greater rtpriscntation on council so Acton will ive less ind less to about what litis us Iomcroy said regional covernment will be able to help Acton industry and assist Actons growth to enlarge the towns Industrial The development propi il was 1 think one of the fairest hearings ince ve been on Hills council tie iald One thing lhat came through clearly is the people want some growth We re looking at that and trying lo decide where to Implement the There is a definite split between those whowant togrow and embrace the regional concept ind those who want to same Major con tinucd Look it the hoard of education now hive a teorgetown person presenting it shows they felt wire getting the better person for the TUNDHtSTND Mr said he can I understand why the decision was made in the firal place to amalgamate the two towns and said he not sure the bound alignment Ihe community ended up with is best one The ironic situation is that one of the for developing a region is that there must be a community of interest that the people must have a sense of community There has never been thai feeling between Acton and Georgetown and there never will There too much of a geographical gap People in Acton more likely feel closer to than to Georgetown The combination of Acton and Georgetown Is unrealistic Mr Mr Elliott advocates both towns operate as separate entitles w Halton Region The Actonians for Ulion had that the privint review regional government in Hills and realign the community to make Aclon and Georgetown communities again rhi request was turned down is going to continue to lose input in what happens in Hills Mr If Acton worked alone in government we could control what happened in our town We could not in my own mind that the geographical boundaries were drawn up that well Mayor said speaking find it easy to identify people from Georgetown there are three separate identities In town and I think it will always be that way t don think you 11 ever break down the barrier between Acton and Georgetown and I don t know if I want to see it broken down he continued There a hard core of people in Acton who never be satisfied with one town and with regional Jioyemment the said The malorilv of accepted regional government as a concept and have tried to elect people who will do the best for them Councillor Pat stood strongly on Ihe regional government platform and that may have contributed to his political demise Mayor Pomeroy added I think what people tend to overlook Is that politicians area charged with making the concept of regional work lie said Somepeoplenevergiveupoope out they ve got to realize we re stuck with regional government and It up to us to make the best of it Mr Dubv said