ACTON SKATERS in fund trs including Smith i bursts In Holm dub annual than tipr Mure till Thrill raid Hut club hopes lu of once till lir Mir arrna where the event nut Skull a funds Jul in Hint Hi Letters to the Editor Bantam tournament organizer thanks all who helped out The Herald Tin and tumult Hockey Week have subs ltd visitors have tumid in their respeehvc bonus hive school the v irious employers around town have their staff back at full strength litre is much lo done rtcord bin ks of this imcnl mi away it will be ret as another success hi mint of Georgetown md Ha Hockey Tour uncut will be wider linn before This is my final year as chairman of ibis great annual 1 1 tut and thank those minj who in various lonlribuled llieir time the i of Minor Hotkey You not always with some of Ihe tails 111 il ire mide but by ind large Hit own Kef Assoc has to be one of the best of the Country and we lot to llieir lion greatest group caterer in town ilh Iht help of the various groups ladies organizations and school provided some of the food to be had at gathering The people Councillor Johnson tells of PCB disposal of I we ibout It mil other hazardous Its tin problem insporlinj such w isles for sili il public is 1 in In present ith of including i I It Their is ju of the high Cultural Centre concerns reader Hie follow Is cop of Idler In llulton Mr 1 li proposed Hilton Hills resident I mi ibout two issues of importance the of life in our First is longstanding of improving the Comparing our facih Ins of other towns i similar sue llie are hope lessly midequitt The ti of in today Roes fir beyond old of supplying books to tin publit deal with i wide of ire bung implement on i basis whin space is available My sttond concern is about iliepioposedculiuralcentre It to learn that your firm of consultants rejected plan of using Wriggles worth Hit facilities offered in that irringemcnl would have satisfied relatively few needs of the With a view to future growth of the town which seems ineviluble I hope that serious consideration will be given to building a combined library ind arts centre As a senior citizens I would support happily such a project realiz ing that it would mean an I urge you to use your Influence in Council to support this plan Yours sincerely Margaret Glen Williams I 11 ml s idly disposed of in i nil bile thus eliminating risk f lnnsp liquid w isles disposal Flit method is Ihe PI ism i a technique II it I is been proven six it pi ml in iroluu lis Canadian is in Mount ljucbec The Plasm i Gun re is firmed lit metre long this arc is mil lined within vortex of helium argon and oxygen it a whirling or corks crew motion The lined lull F is tin holiest known to in pi ints cm disp ose if mumcipil resident refuse sewage sludge auto tins all wood viustc plashes w oils lubricants od us gists ind organic idipiid to i trailer driven to siles plants lo dispose if wastes is by of Met him mil an er miliar materi il whith in Ik used for ro id building or is i building mitenil micIi I tint ir we gv inti mutli Ihe pros cons I eclive disposal of is Its j iardous male I of filling sites us wastes spilhgeof liquid w The costs are i I inrbol iln WW for lit liquid waste unit ibout three inilhi dill too ton per l irl energy Johnson Out who opened their homes lo our visitors were fautas lie and my is lipped to II irnson who ed tint depirlment perfectly The help of ihe high school iris in Ihe ticket booth was is was pre of the young II under Ihe leidcrship of Always In the but ever present w is Donna and Centennial Aid Group to minister lo the needs of the injured The members of the ind Ihe Oddfellows are to be thanked for allowing us the use f their dining ind Vtrn Kirby bus was there transport our visitors to the dining hall The staff of arenas over back wards eater to our every need ind Girls Pipe Band enhanced our final evening There were other individuals collective Think You For the past two years the I ions Club members have been working with me ind our Tournament will in hands I know thai they will receive the support that has made George town number one in the world ol Minor Hockey Tourna It is not easy to siy farewell years of leadership but is with pride that I go in the knowledge 111 it I have been associated with some of the finest members of our com niumty To ill of you a sincere Thank You Yours Important decision Till- April Need cultural centre reader provide is it II numbers of lit from to It is kn II it as commissioned ft study for a hope will proettd Willi this worthwhile projtct Jian Vincent N GEORGETOWN Latter SOUP OR JUICE menu HOT ROILS BUTTER SALAD Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding Baked Ham Glazed with mustard honey Roast Lamb with Chicken Stuffing HOME MADE DESSERTS BEVERAGE Childrens Portions Available RESERVATIONS 8770272 SILVERS THE VALUES ARE RIGHT AT ANY PRICE Mens SOCKS Dress and Sport FOR ONLY 99 Boys FOR ONLY jeans A SHIRTS Mens Sport FOR ONLY SHIRTS Q Short Sleeve 99 young Mens Hooded FOR ONLY SWEAT SHIRTS 1 Mens FOR ONLY D SILVERS