Ontario Outdoors COMMERCIAL FISHING I class commercial fishermen with poachers Almost charges have been laid against them they will be able to legally take Incidental catche or Salmon and sell them This will mean season for commercial netting of these fine game fish as the socalled Incidental catch will just happen to be excessive The Ministry is already fighting these news releases by the Essex County fish and Game Advisory Committee and others Write to RALPH WEIR 2 who represents the committee Let him know your reelings I hope you do better at writing man you aia lor my request lust week on the introduction of a fishing licence I would still tike mail on this issue Several people have asked for the address of the Ontario and Salmon Fishermen Write to O Box Station Toronto Out membership la per year BEST YEAR This year Rainbow Trout run is said to be the best in about six years and the same can be said for many of our game fish If this is so then let hope the snow and cold of late will have kept them in the rivers for late spawn and they will still be available when the season opens Great response to my T V program on the cable system In Georgetown Ac I on and Milton Last week s guest and again this week is Brian Donnelly the frequent winner of the Ontano Federation of Anglers and Hunters Molsons Award Big Fish contest Last week program will be repealed and this week will explain what to use and where Lure such as the Believer can be used for almost all game fish It comes in many sues and various colors and even a jointed model Brian is well versed on the Bomber Lures for bass and even trout and the wide range of Mister lures Tune in to Coble Wednesday at may be changed so check ahead and again next Tuesday at same limes I was Bomber lures even before they were THE HERALD April im available In Canada and will be using them oil the opening day of the walleye season and through the year NEW GEAR Getting new gear for the opener Look at the GX Series The many features will excite you and that is what fishing is all about It used to be a relaxing past time but not any more or at least not for the majority of anglers I have been showing the 3000 when I have been speaking groups and find it creates a lot of Interest If your group or club is looking for a speaker give me a call and I will be pleased respond Coleman has put their new Outdoor Annual on the again wllh news and reports on the many aspects of the outdoors Target shooting rafting back packing canoes etc are all covered Rood family book to get set for he coming season of camping and travelling SMALL GAME season will open in late September on the last Saturday In this way the Game Birds will coincide the rabbit and squirrel season aa well as the waterfowl It you arc interested I have the rough draft outline of the seasons and areas Give a call or drop a line and I will get you a copy The Rod and Gun Club is meeting on April 23 at OTTO JELINEK will be on hand as well as BILL JONES the president of Located at Eden Mills side road south of No 7 highway and west of Rock wood and Eden Mills Better directions by calling mo or John at The club has Positional Papers by all major parlies on GUN CONTROL It should be an interesting evening public invited Hints for the trout opener if the water is low use as two pound lest line Only use a snap or snap swivel if you ore using a spinner and if the water is muddy or off colour ihen bait will probably be the best bet I feel that the best thing I can tell you is think like a trout and I moan take time to study their habitat and what would you do if some foreign object came through your kitchen Think about it and then head out to see how much it makes in your enjoying ONTARIO OUT DOORS Kogon wins Christine Kogon out of the Georgetown uci Club was a member of lit winning team at the Ontario Team Champions hips held Rac quel Club in Toronto is a member of the University loam in the and District Squash However member of the is composed of allstars in visions one and Iwo of the and District league needed hive and ali star squad composed played an instru mental pirt in her team s win as she won four of her five matches playing in the number three position A Other members of the all learn were Shirley taint iGrecnlandl Janice Susan Jewell in it rain lough I Villi ilia light tour for women the Club on April il A works so the r rtiamcillar teson 1 compete the top lower Kogon is organizing and she wild approximately people from Georgetown Club will family is a very special part of your life The family is our single most important social institution which is why your Ontano Government is continuing to take an active interest in supporting and strengthening family life in the province Dunng 1979 the International Year of the Child your Ontano Government remind you that the future of our province depends on our children the future of our children depends on the strength of our families Margaret Birch Provincial Secretary for Social Development Ontario William Davis Premier May is Family Unity Month Make it a Special Month inaSpecialear