ommunity Ballinafad news Villages chooses its new executive Mrs Agnes was hostess for ihe meeting of ihc It wis held basemen of the Church Six ladies renewed their numbers hip dues One new member was welcomed miking the Iota membership Mrs nee give fin instr uctions or complaint the quilt blocks It was decided hive any more parlies fill Mrs Mclean Rave in infirmilhe on the District meeting she had recent l attended Il wis interesting it Church Hist k which was made up last ye or the 100th anniversary is put up will other Church History books of for safe keeping It was reported that Wellington li also needed i of History odOOveirs be to put it if other in the of main building in the museum Mrs Grace re ported that a bus np had been phnned by for I iy Many I members were interested 111 ne done It was time for ports to given Treasurer wis the Alma Sykes is honored a st Wednesday a long time Georgetown resident w is I or I years service lo Hill and Region After more thin Mrs Sykcsrehred is Director if Services at Hilton Centennial Manor Home or Ihe Aged in Milton In the course of tenure Mrs Sykes had a vita part in the phnning of many ex pans ion programs and the mtroduc lion of new tare struces for Homes Residents At i pubhe recepti held in the Manor on April nth many people took the to lleir appreciation for her Several f staff members were also preseni Presentations of gifts and itulalory letters were made by represent it ives of Halt a Mai or Employees the St iff and Council Special remarks were by the former nor Admlnstrator Mr Allen tic present tor Mr Joek Charlton and his 1 Gordon Timbers commented on Mrs dedication her job and her personal concern for dents ind Stiff as individuals In her response Mrs thanked for their generosity and kind words and added that she was proud of her issocntion with the Home and would continue to be inter in future Mrs is a of the Hospital of School of Nursing and resides with her AH on Mill Street Georgetown MEET THE PRESIDENT George Wagner George Wagner president of the Hills chapter Big Brothers has been with the organization for Ihc past yeir and a half helping to gel it set up and fun The group aims at preventing sen us social and personal problems or fatherless boys aged l to by providing them with a male friend and confidant to ill the gap in their family background Big Brothers are expected to devote three to our hours weekly to participating in some of mutual interest to themselves and the I with which they have been matched Other members of the organization who sit on the group s executive or on one its committees will find themselves attending an average of one meeting a monlh he said The Hills group has about Little Brothers waiting to be matched with Big Brothers Five or six Big Brothers have volunteered but more arc needed Mr Wagner said The group big need at this point enough volunteers with experience in social work to make the matches between Big and Little Brothers The match must be properly made and fallowed up to see that they are working he said otherwise the Little Brother can bo hurt more by a bad match than by having no Big Brother at all So far the group has been funded by donations from the Optimists Club but plans are in the making or undraislng events of their own next Mr Wagner and his wife rr have lived in Georgetown for our years He Is a parlnerm the accounting irm of Wagner MacAdam He lists sports of nil sorts as his hobby ill hough Big Brother has liken most of his re lime In recent months first to be called upon She a if report on the years work Mrs Marshall is convener said along with helper Mrs Hurt they had a busy year sending out cards and gifts to the sick and shut ins fcich in turn gave a report Mrs Eileen McEnery gave the nominating report and led lhal there would be two nominations from the floor is slate complete Mrs Eleanor McLean ihe election of officers Thov ire is follows Past President Mrs President Mrs drains 1st Vice Mrs Thorn as Secretary Treasurer Mrs District Director Mrs Public Relations Mrs Jesse Branch Director Mrs I loyd Marshall Standing Committee Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs Burt Cilizci ship and World Affairs Mrs I and Consumer Affairs Mrs T Given Cultural Activities Mrs C Resolutions Mrs Sinclair Curator Mrs Eleanor Other officers Welfare Mrs I Marshall Mrs Burl Pianist Mrs E Courtesy Mrs Sinclair Auditors Mrs Mrs French Mrs Jamieson before ing the chair said it had been a pleasure lo serve as President this past two yeirs Convenor Mrs Alma Sincla irlhonkcd the hostess Mrs A for making it for the W I to hive the meeting at the church ilso lhanked those responsible for selling up the tables in preparation for the pot luck luncheon Mrs ind Mrs were for the delicious des On behalf of members Mrs Sinclair presented Mrs Jami ith a porcelain bell embellished with I Cresl Mrs express surprise and pleasure in receiving ihe gift and thanked all for their thought fulness The incoming president then took over meeting and said she knew she had a job to do to fill Margaret shoes but would do her best She thanked members for pulling confidence in her The meeting with the singing of Canada The meeting was held the home of Mrs Ruth The roll eall was inswered by each quoting the favourite Bible verse Mrs Stiles was in charge of Devotion The guest speak er wis Miss Daisy of The Bridge a community rehibihtalion program for or inmates Her talk was informative and interesting Mrs and Mrs isisled hostess with lunch Easier Sunday saw a large number of worshippers out to church The sun did manage to shine once in a while Mr Shies sermon is on Victor ious Living The Men choir sang the Easter Blessed Calvary The front of Sanclury was adorned with a beautiful Fistcr Lily placed Ihere by the Perryman family and the beautiful bask el of mauve mums were in memory of Mrs Thomp son The Easter music and the singing the familiar insplr hymns made the service one to be remembered Miss Nancy came home from University on Tues of last week to enjoy the days with her par Mr and Mrs Bud Snow have returned home after weeks in Florida They spent some In Tarn pa and part of their holiday in Orlando Good fine weather wis enjoyed for mast of time spent there Mr Mrs Wilfred Burt had their family all home for Faster Sunday Mr and Mrs Lloyd ell had as their guest for the Easter weekend Mrs Buck sister from Brampton Mr and Mrs Lloyd Marshall had a family gel together on Easter Sunday Mr and Mrs Ralph Mflnn and tittle sons and Mark from Quebec paid a visit to the Smith Farm during the Easter vacation and spent sometime with their grandparents WAYJAY ART SHOW fa Inters photographers jeweller and other craftsmen exhibited their wares at what hope will be the first In a scries of annual art and craft show under the name of the Credit River Art exhibition at the Hay Jay Club in Saturday Herald photo Legion members visit West Virginia city By Our curlers nave returned from their day curling in Wood bridge and they enjoyed the event very much and were third out of the teams representing their province Hudson Quebec were first with Manitoba sec Georgetown and Manito- bi were lied for second place at one point but because Mam beat Georgetown when ihoy played it put Georgetown in third place We extend our to Pat and Trevor for their fine rep resentation of Branch and we wish hem well in future curling Draw No 9 the Car Club ound these numbers were winners Joan Hayes George Bud Var ey Heather Hyde and Bill Kirk Bob I make a draw this week and will have two draws this Thursday This past weekend seven of us gals bussed down to Wheel ing Va for the Easter days and while there we visit the oldest Post in the S A Wheeling Post No Wc find out too much Information as all guests were Canad Their Commander was bar steward While there we met a member rem Cooksvllle branch Dave and rom Brampton Small world It Mini Bingo April in This Thursday is the General meeting ladies If Ihe weather turns unfavour able and senior members need the meeting and lets discuss it There are five more weeks until our nominations memb ers and it is time seriously consider your elected ive for the coming year CeeSoperwas In hospital or a ew days and by the lime you Legion Lines By Roma a ride down call President Hazel and she make arrangements for you Rome next month will be your nominations elections and Ins tallntions Time now to reflect on past performances your members and your past exec and ask yourself Are they the best person or the Art Chick Roberts will be leaving us to have a holiday in Lancashire England Tor weeks Have a terrific time Thursday April the will be the branch general meeting If you have a question a suggest ion an idea that would benefit brunch an that would stimulate interest in the branch by all means come to read this should be homo rom Toronto We hope so rote Regards to all of our members who may be feeling poorly and hope that all of you will be A OK very soon Can I come up with any more as none has been led for me so I II give you a break this week with a short column Ham shoot winners Albert Porter Sally Caldwell Bottoms Albert Porter Lyn McCorry Till- I April 1H 1979 J ON THE HOME FRONT Canadians are strange people lly De Herald columnist We are a strange people Week after week he appear in newspapers across the protesting the seal hunt inequities against Chilein refugees and praising and damning the and mail These are all good for frustration but where is the anger tie issues lhat you your neighbors roblnes Why are more eomfortable lo Ihe inslead exercising ihe daily realities I received a piece of federal campaign literature staling get Canada working again Right in Marvellous Bui how this was to be done was lot spelled out The obvious area that comes In mind is Ihe important one of housing the most bat need other in food since man first took up residence in a cave rom an economic nl of view industry ties ill other manufacturing industries come In a hall is currently premium while home ownership is becoming next to impossible due exorbitant rales The was recenllv raised as to whetler interest piyi be tax deductible response was that this would merely give further assistance to the wealthy Balderdash The wealthy do nol have mortgages they pay cash for homes It is the average struggling working man who is paying a mortgage Fur A yeirs I worked in a real estate office saw firslhand the young couples dcspentely in home of their own however modest preferring to somcihing tangible for their money throw away on reni There was never any question of the wife eventually retiring rom work to her simply whether their perpetual joint incomes lid the payments on a ISO home A home thai al current interest rales cost theHue OOO by he time Ihey finished paying for it about the Inflated cost of the building lot the cricks in the walls the inadequate insulation or our climate the leaking roof I question there is just cause for financial Institutions to be receiving close to an II per cent return on their Investment Would a six per cent or seven per cent interest charge still provide them with safe long term adequate profits For our society overall there are many persuasive arguments for people purchasing homes other than the obvious ones against raising families in massive clusters of concrete high risers and overcrowded schools PROVIDE STABILITY Homeowners provide stability in a community They lake pride In the appearance of their property and surroundings A public park is considered mine because I am supporting it with my highly visible property taxes and will discourage Ihc vandalism of trees A homeowner will take a very selective look those he elects in all levels of government because Ihey affect the area in which he lues and has a vested interest One answer to part of our problem is not the weekly pay of workers thus contributing to the inflationary spiral while still leaving a million people unemployed giving us affordable housing By reducing mortgage interest rales or by miking these payments tax deductible we can really gel Canada working again including Newfoundland scalers and Chilean refugees producing furnaces draperies paint window frames evergreens and all other necessary Canadian made products the homeowner purchases Affordable housing for those choose it would lessen the pressure of he current apartment squeeze making rental accommodation more competitive and reasonable in price and allow the legitimate right to choose between adult and family buildings Democracy is having the freedom of choice and for loo many people in the very basic necessity of housing no choice exists Why don we get ingry VIEWPOINT Ontario budget another ripoff Herald columnist The Ontario could be another term used for Treasurer Frank Miller new budget handed down last week a further burden lo the man by taxing gisohne in top of the recent gas increases is short of downright ludicn us Couple with he increase in OHIP and you ive a situation that is designed develop poverty as few words on it is ironic the plan is s ry yel it is becoming ugly more difficult lo find doctors who will support it Of course if we are reduced lo seeing nursing issistants or d rate doctors nly good rs re money I we will be I to poverty and up some of underdeveloped Beer cigarettes and TV the ickbone of work mm will all cost a THIHJBIfr Infhiion puis a terrible bur den n everyone adding it is I overloading a pack I irsc you can only idd so much before you break his Taxing Ihe already over burdened working man by hit ling him in ill areas of what left of his pleasures inflation having devoured most of the good old day does absolutely nothing to inspire confidence I think budget is an and out attempt to make sure that rich keep Iheirs Miller dropped the sue cession duly and gift lax and grant of anyone with It with no limit on the amount invested lie calls this an to businesses I it a tax concession to money TXRFV01T The tax revolt in the Slates was based upon the little man saying enough is enough ihe laxpjyer is not an endless fountain of lobe ted A Tew more knocks in Ihe direction of Mr Tired Work ing Man and God knows what kind of revolts we will he paraphrase Abraham incoln you cannot build racier by taking man initiative and and of course you on infilled budget by dcslrny ing your sou Ontirio is fast is withn j I m rev ind mosl if nil Mr e f mm Mr Miller budge i real in the teeth Ontario tourist industry wilh ihe gasoline and liquor The budget does tor only loken summer j fir students The rest of Ihe people under for will si ill be ing thai fir is Ihe I goes ihe budget lakes a bite each limcyou buy a house with an increase of 33 per in the land transference tax Accord ing I i report in Ihe Toronto the governments tike fr I iransfer tax in B 9 was if million face il folks here in the rich get rich the gel poorer and well I mosey iwn the ad singing Ihe national I heme song I ve got plenty of nothing but somehow nothing not pi en for me REAL MERRY GOROUND Kin Brown to be enjoying her ride on the merry goround although the young behind her being a little older lot more glaze about the proceeding The carnival to town Easter weekend letting up Its regulation frrrls merry goround tilt a whirl and candy Georgetown Market Herald photo by Taylor