the HERALD Optimists honor police Community new St If UNI page 13 page 19 Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Tilt 111- II SECTION Candidates speak out on the issues Milne says energy is Canadas major issue Robs Milne Thi availability dud use if Canada energy with llieir far reaching social and economic cations outrank all olher issues in terms of importance according to I candidate Milne Mr Milne an incumbent MP on Liberal parly policies and program involving energy limy natioml health care and oilier issues during an interview wet with The Herald at his Georgetown office Already closely involved with Liberal planning and dev of energy resources during his four year lerni of office as Peel Duffer in MP Mr Milne describes energy as Ihe key lo Canadas future eneompasstng all other mijor issues under by voters In tins election RESOURCES The effective development and use of energy resources he contends could resolve the nations economic troubles sohdifj national unity boost employ and ultimately lum Canada into a selfsufficient power with social dards second lo none in the world If reinstated as the governing party Mr Milncsnys the Liberals will io implement and expand programs such as those that have in recent years seen Canadians paying onethird less for energy than rest of the developed rial ions in Ihe world as v ell us the of exploratory lopment projects than have ever before undertaken in this country While Canada is among the Western naiionsthai are currently overly upon import export of enirgv Mr Milne says it is one of the few with the potential to man age on Ms nun by developing and utilizing native resources Mr Milne recalls that llie Liberal government was strongly by Opposition members for intervening in energy development programs being operated by provinces and mull energy corporations after the Organ of the Petroleum Exporting Countries started raising oil prices on the international market a highly unpopular move in the oil rich western he notes the Maritime provinces will benefit enor as will the rest of Canada from the government decision spread ihe wealth Thai decision along with the of PctroCan the crown corporation established last term by the govern meat will ultimately help to build the wide energy grid which 1 envision as the first step toward self sufficiency in a unified national format he says According to Mr Milne is now covering ground previously left untouched by Ihe provinces and private corporations Exploratory drilling is hum being earned out in the northernmost Arctic islands and off the Maritime coast he says and any oil which is discovered will eventually be piped across the nation with related income be similar distributed so that slower growth ire is benefit is well As an added benefit is able lobuv oil from Mexico something which other energy agencies had been unable do Mr says The Conservative ambition to aban don Is one of several seeming Iv attractive planks in the parlv platform Mr Milne says especially as far as western is concerned but like the others the ambition represents Joe Clark fundamental standing of the issues involved To scrap Pet roCan he claims would place inlerests of the multinational oil corporations above those of the nation as In the past lour years the Liber have raised Canada energy self rale from GO lo per cent Mr says We must view oil and other forms of energy as a Canadian resource not a resource of the pro vinces like the Tories would have us do PIPELINE WORK The reeleclion of Prime Minister Pierre according to Mr Milne would see work continued on the oil pipeline now making its way south through Canada the US plus the of east west pipelines would ensure that all are is Canada hive rcaij access to energy The Alberta tar sands would be encouraged yield their oil once the Liberals finallj the national consortium they been seeking hi I is terribly important issue which Joe Clark seems to just want to throw away Mr Milne siys adding thai the I i ben la have also Invested eitensively in alternative source of energv including growing solar Like his general Mr Milne is confident that the fu is Tilled with promise lor Canada says thai although ihe nation and the worlds economic problems coincided with Prime Minister Trudcau s 11 year term of office Liberals have obtain a meaningful commitment from labor and business keep labor and price Increases line with the flucluat ing economy This factor coupled w In the corres ponding growth of he secondary industry lower energj inflation measures and the govern ment own commitment lo fiscal re straint gmrantee a bright economic future for anadj Mr Milne says III conn While he complaints about the Libcril government economic re abound the few hive Continued on Pace Moulton wants to stimulate manufacturing By MICHAEL HOLLETT Herald editor Rebuilding the Canadian economy with an emphasis on stimulating the manufacturing sector and controlling resource is one of the major goals of the New Democratic Party according to David Moulton their candidate In the local BramptonGeorgetown riding Mr Moulton took time out of his busy campaign schedule last week to huddle with The Herald In his Brampton campaign office and discuss his partys positions on the major issues of this election campaign In the course of the interview Mr discussed his partys push for greater control over Canadas resour medicare the need for a food prices commission and how the would perform it they hold the balance of power In next Parliament BATTLE NOT WON Weve never been Inconsistent on our stand on medicare Ever since the IBMs first as the CCF and then as the we have fought long and hard for universal health care We thought the battle was won back In but it wasnt The Liberals argue that they ore still In favor of medicare but it was their funding changes that have allowed for current problems to develop Mr Moulton adds that the provincial Conservative have also helped contribute to the Intolerable state of Canadian health care Mr the big mistake In Canadian health was made In when the federal government dropped the cost sharing with the provinces program which allowed them to examine Ihe provinces books and make sure that the provinces were not limiting accessibility to health care He adds that In the only province in Canoda Saskatchewan pay no health care premiums He says this Is possible because of sensible taxation In that province The would immediately return to the cost sharing system If elected and would then consider other ways to insure accessibility to health care ECONOMIC FUTURE Mr says that a key to the whole campaign has been discussion of the economic future of Canada We In the are acutely aware of the need for a strong manufacturing base to help support good social ser vices We need a national Industrial strategy to develop secondary Industry that will provide Jobs for Canadians as well as develop new possibilities for exports This will help strengthen our saggin dollar Mr Moulton argues that because so many of Canada natural resources are in the hands of foreign investors they take the unprocessed resources out of this country to be processed In their own country or countries where they can get cheaper labor We ore the largest exporter of pulp and paper In the world but we stilt have to Import most of our fine papers We have plenty of oil and gas In the ground yet we still Import most of our plastics and oil products Im not advocating cutting off our fuel oil exports but we have to take steps to develop our petrochemical industry Getting the most out of our resources is a key to Mr Moulton a program OUR STRENGTHS He says there are three key aspects to his partys Industrial strategy One Is to work from our countrys strength In natural resources two is to assist and encourage building block Industries and three Is to encourage high technology potential growth in dustries Mr Moulton explains that building block Industries Include those that produce machines tools Industrial equipment and so guts of the manufacturing plant A problem in this economy is that we have on upstart In in dustrial growth we have to Import all the guts of the new plants We wont to see that base for Industrial expansion provided Mr Moulton says that by en couraging the development of high technology Industries Canadians would have the opportunity of being pioneers In those fields thus being able to be leaders In a particular Industry He listed energy particularly solar and transportation as areas where this type of development Is possible PROVIDE INCENTIVES But as It stands now if anything there has been active discouragement of the research and development necessary to make strides in these fields The government has to say hat multl nationals must spend a certain amount of their money raised here on research and development In this country We must also provide smaller companies with tax Incentives that will encourage them to conduct research and development The lesson of national development Is that the emphasis of the research and development is In the home country the same goes for the lucrative manufacturing Mr Moulton also insists that the type of government taxation and programs will not chase Industry out of Canada for one thing he says they can t take our resources with them Its not that corporations wont comply with the type of regulations Im talking about West Germany France Mexico and the United Kingdom among others all have tougher multinational regulation than us Were relative pussycats RATTLING Sure there will be a lot of sabre rattling when they hear discussion of our programs but there la too much money to be made In Canada for the nationals to Just pack up and leave In discussing social services and taxation Mr Moulton argues there Is enough money for decent pensions health care and other social service programs but now Its Just going onto the profit ledger Mr Moulton says that the Con- Continued on Page McDermid says leadership is countrys crisis John McDermid By LORI TAYLOR Herald staff writer The state of the economy and the need for a change In leadership are the two major concerns of voters In the riding of Brampton Georgetown Progressive Conservative candidate John McDermid says The Herald talked with Mr Dermid about his positions on the major issues of the campaign and his partys proposals should the Conservatives be elected to power The very number one Issue the very first thing people amy when I knock on the door is that they don t want for another four or five years he says Then they want to know about Joe Clark and what kind of a leader he is Following In Importance as far as local voters are concerned Is the economy and related factors such as unemployment in nation government spending and government Involvement In the economy Mr McDermid saya Once the two major Issues of leadership and the economy are dealt with other concerns ore more or less a potpourri Mr McDermid says Energy supply and pricing national unity and capital punishment have all come up during the course of the campaign he says The other two parties In the campaign say capital punishment isnt an Issue but dont think they can be canvassing where I am because one out of every three homeowners I talk to brings It up Mr McDermid says POWER DISAPPEARING The power Is disappearing from porllament into the Prime Ministers office Mr McDermid saya and he points to the dramatic Increase in the number of people in the Prime Ministers staff to over as an In dicator He scoffs at suggestions by the Liberal party that the quality of leadership Mr has illustrated Is what the country needs Strong leadership is leadership that listens to the people of Canada that listens to the provincial premiers doesnt operate on a confrontation basis Mr says Of Mr statement that should the Liberals lose by 10 seats or less he staying In power Mr McDermid says the reaction of the Conservatives would be to hold an Im mediate confidence vote In Parliament and well see who supports He says that should the Con be elected with a minority government Mr Clark and his party will govern as if they had a majority In spite of leader Ed statement of programs needed to ensure his partys support The will have the respon sibility of making the government work or going through another election Mr Broadbent la not going lo tell us what to do The overall problem with the economy la the lack of confidence people have In the economy he says People arent investing their money In Canadian theyre Investing abroad if thej invest at all And theyre not buying goods Theyre saving their money because they cant see the light at the end of the tunnel Mr McDermid says The lack of confidence In the economy Is clearly shown by our falling dollar he says other countries dont have confidence in our economy or the government running It FIRST BUDGET The first Conservative budget should have short term and long term goals Mr McDermid says and he accuses the Liberal government have of applying too many bandold solutions to the problem with a number of mini- budgets in the put year each offering bandaid solutions to economic problems The government has been killing the goose that lays the golden says and he points to the 22 per cent deficit which the government unveiled Liberal finance minister Chretien said It was less than what It could have been but 22 per cent la 22 per cent Mr McDermid says I think a change In Ottawa a breath of fresh air will add confidence In the economy he says The Con servatives would start out their term in office by working towards more government restraint In spending by cutting out the fat and leaving the music he says the Idea being to put money back in peoples pockets Mr McDermid said he Is not putting a tag on government programs but he would like to see social programs achieving something Why hire kids on LIP grants or other similar programs for eight weeks to qualify them for unemployment In for the rest of the year he asks Im also not Interested In my government spending studying the maneating fish In the Amazon I dont live there and If 1 go there for a visit Ill Just stay out of the river Mr says the Con servatlves have several proposals to reduce government spending among them a sunset law which would require every government board commission and corporation to appear before a committee every few years and Justify their existence Mr Clark has also proposed that each year after the budget estimates have been completed for each ministry the opposition leader would select the estimates of two ministries and they would be required to justify every penny Mr McDermid says MORTGAGE SCHEME One of the Conservatives proposals for stimulating the economy Is a mor tgage tax deductibility scheme which they say will create new Jobs in Its first year of operation The scheme which would be Im plemented over a period of four years allows homeowners who qualify to deduct up to in mortgage Interest on their principle residence on their Income tax and up to worth of property tax Mr Mcdermld says the Con servatives will be funding the scheme by employing restraint In government spending while more direct funding will come from the Increased tax revenue from the Jobs created in the construction Continued on Page