Page at THE HERALD II Helped create it wants OPTIMIST AWARD Constable Tom he Regional Police received a ells ion from Rick Chambers and J Homing of Ihe Optimist Club for efforts In preventing a evenly dtp retted man harming or family with firearm he had In The citation Is pari of lh Respect for Law Week banquet when the Optimists the of Chilians and police officers in crime prevention and crime solving I Herald photo ontlnued from Page It the and are being naive and ignoring the basic economic lesaooa of tb Depression when they talk about reducing government He that the la as concerned about the quality government the quantity The message that if we get the economy growing In the right direction through a strong industrial sector other problems will begin to be alleviated A strong economy win provide the lax base for good social services NATIONAL UNITY He says that another problem that will be solved bolstering the economy is national unity Looking at Quebec McDermid blasts bilingualism says Alberta will get oil price Page industry from Die spending homeowners who have more money in their pockets The Liberal government bi cultural Ism program Is another govern program which Mr McDermid describes as a complete and utter failure attitude Is I un derstand I rccognlie and 1 agree that the French speaking people in this country have the right to be serviced by tho federal government In their language when It is warranted Mr McDermid says That doesn mean everyone In Ottawa should learn French Just certain people in each department to provide service PUSH POLICY Liberal candidate Ross Milne has continually horn mered away at energy as the number one issue in the campaign and one which will will have perhaps the most long ranging effect on national unity Mr McDer mid says he believes in the equality of fuel rales across Canada He also says Alberta will eventually be receiving the world price for oil but that this will come about naturally and not by way of concessions from a Conservative premier Milne defends party record Continued from Page II witnessed the kind of solid management to trans form the being confronted by ions around the world into a posit no upswing according to Mr Milne is actually doing he says The profit indicator in province is up and we came up with new jobs lost year To in improving mlir economy at the level Mr Milne the liberals hove been res ponding to recommendations submitted by business and labor org i nidations in one Instance giving the aircraft industry a financial shot in the arm by commissioning new types of aircraft great interest to many Georgetown Ihe factions of the craft Industry found In linn arc seeing the most positive witnessed since the ih of John aker Conservative govern mint the Arrow placing thousands workers on the unemployment line Mr Milne blames the Conse rvalues contention that unity a issue and a red herring on their of the issue The liberals he says have to rights of Anglo phones Quebec and ranco phones Quo bet a goal would he reached by amending the repatriated Ca nadian constitution Joe Clark does land the need for meeting Quebec s demands nor or bringing the home from Mr Milne rues forcing Conservative candidates in Quebec to apologize for Iheir lead lack of foresight and landing I1FMT1U Mil- Asked about the future of the federal provincial Medicare programs Mr Milne the Liberal party commit men to meeting the health care needs of all alliens Initially into block funding for programs likt in Ontario federal government watched its subsidized health care project undermined by the introduction of deterrent fees and the mass exodus of doctors who art opting out of the program by the Bui as long as some doctors remain registered under Mid ico re and provide subsidized health care to the public Mr Milne sajs a govern will not intervene If that docs become necessary block funding would be discontinued and the program would revert back to the financing arrangement shared by the provinces and federal gov Mr Milne contends thai his parly established financial assistance programs for home buyers have done and will continue do more for inns than recent proposal by Ihe Const at could ever do Joe Clark promise to introduce lax deductions on ige interest payments is highly Mr Milne charges Not only would such a prog rim offer greater assistance lo higher income notes would increase he national budget deficit by percent anddecreiseprovlnc lal tax revenues by SI billion The Liberal government however would coniinui to place emphasis on ins and low rent housing thus offering greater financial as sistnncc to those who need Canada should be self sufficient in energy and the Conservative policy is headed towards Canada being self sufficient In energy by 1990 Mr McDermid says The Liberals have said hey will always Import oil for the eastern provinces he continues Right now that a economically feasible hut they have no goals down the road in case that situation changes I feel very strongly government in business I don t feel governments can run business as well as the private sector can Mr McDermid says It doesn matter when the government runs up a deficit because it comes from the taxpayer pocket Mr McDermid says the Conservatives will not negotiate separation with the Parti unless they see the referendum first I suspect It will be very loosely worded and the Con will campaign against the referendum in Quebec We will not negotiate he says If a clear majority vote to separate on a clearly worded referendum then there would have to be some hard negotiations lake place One of the issues which was raised Sunday waning In the debate between the three party leaders was Canada health care system and its accessibility Mr accessibility of the health system Is a provincial matter and to try and pin an the federal government Is useless That something the provincial governments ore going to have to work out with the medical people he says The federal government gives the provinces grants to operate the system Monlque Begin federal minister of health Is saying Make sure your doctors stay in OHIP or you don get any money She just like her leader working on confrontation basis instead of sitting down with the provinces and talking about It Mr soys with only 18 lo per cent of medical practictioners In the province opting out of OHIP There arc still many choices In Ontario He pointed thai in Georgetown for exam pie one of the two jntsthetisls is shl in The funding system as It is set out now means the a lump sum from the federal government Mr McDermid A Con government would negotiate with the provinces about any problems with the present method of operating the health care system and that might mean going back lo the old costsharing system In the provinces were accountable to the federal government for the way they spent their health care funds history you a direct correlation between and the growth of the separatist movement We in the are convinced lhat If you get- people working across Canada It will help national unity A key plonk to the NDP a energy strategy is PetroCan which Mr says his party forced the Liberals into creating during the last minority government We obviously want to retain to give Canadians a belter deal In the energy field but we want to broaden its influenced in the market place to provide competition to the multl nationals We see PetroCan as a means developing self sufficiency in energy We are not convinced lhat the Con idea of leaving It to the private sector will prove any more successful than It In past Mr Moulton would also like lo see the government involved in researching alternate energy sources like solar energy FOOD PRICES Mr Moulton says that be canvasses throughout the riding things he Is asked In what the will do about high food prices We want to have a commission that will In vestlgate price increases If a price hike is JLLficbl fine but know then is grouping going on those cases we think prices should be rolled back We have to give the consumers some protection and would roll back unjust price Increases Mr Moulton is critical or the Conservative a proposed mortgage deducibility plan saying that It deals with only one part the problem Their plan does not deal with the problems of interest rates which we are talking about It also t deal with the problem of land speculation We are talking about lowering interest rates to eight per cent and providing tax breaks Tor people earning less than who have tgage rates above eight per cent The lower interest rate will be a benefit to everyone once present mortgage Is paid off To go down from an eleven per cent rate to eight per cent rate on mortgage will mean a savings of a lo Hit homeowner It will make It for the homeowner in terms ot lower mortgage it will also give them more disposable income which will go back into the economy Mr Is well aware of the possibility that his party will bold the balance of power In next go and we will fight for our I grams Mr say that peaking only for himself he would find It difficult as an MP to keep the Liberal government in office Eleven years of the Liberals is long enough He says lhat whoever holds the largest number of seats in the next parliament the would insist on pushing their major We would not allow the Conservatives to disband ptr on a housing program than they hove offered He also says the would Insist on the creation of a food prices commission and says his party would not be afraid to fight another election if the ruling party refused to go along with the plank in the NDP program Mr Moulton there is a possibility that If the monentums stays with us the NDP may hold the second largest number of scats In the next parliament with the Liberals holding the balance of power OTHERS He admits lhat while his party Is weak In Quebec all three major parties have their areas of weakness The Liberals are very Isolated In Quebec They ore almost non existent from Manitoba west and are weak in I he Man He says the Conservatives like his are weak in Quebec but argues that the have growing strength In British Columbia Ontario and Maritime as well as support in the Prairies He soys that this election will be a turning point In Canadian politics and an tic pates a breakthrough for Ihe NDP The recent en dorsement of the NDP by the Toronto Star convinces Mr that voters are looking long and hard for serious alternatives to the two other parlies We sense that breakthrough In this riding too T TVliplmne Our Delicious Fish Chips J or our Chinese Cuisine HOURS V ndivliThursdav tin in Hum 1 Telephone BUSINESS DIRECTORY Theres more to buying or selling a car than you think When you re buying or selling a car privately a handshake and bill of mean the deal is complete If you re the seller its in your best interest to make sure the change of ownership has been registered properly with the Ministry of Trans portation and Communications If it hasn all parking 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