ffcfrePIERALPI Home of Hills Page THE HERALD Wednesday May JO 17 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St South Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM EVDOKIMOFF Publisher Editor PHONE Second Mall RagiitarM Hum bar Election end just in time for voters At long last the federal election campaign is over and in its wake its left a string of exhausted voters candidates and journalists It really was too long No matter how seriously local residents take their votes the eight week campaign period lead to an Information overdose for voters And of course when discussing the length of the election campaign we must also consider that in reality the campaign began last spring when the former Prime Minister began his election flip flop and the federal campaign was off again on again from then on Candidates like Georgetowns successful MP John and Liberal Ross Mtine were basically running in one sense or another from that time on Certainly few If any new Slides were raised at the end of lengthy campaign and we suspect that any new information that was raised for voters con could have been presented earlier had the cam paign period been shorter The ludicrous length of the Canadian federal campaign is clearly demonstrated when one considers that three other dec in British Columbia Prince Edward Island and Great Britain all took place within the federal campaign period Our newly elected MP Mc Dermid said during the campaign that he intends to raise the issue of the lengthy campaign period as one of his first orders of business in the new Parliament lets hope he does And now that the election over we think all three major candidates deserve to look back on the campaign with pride Certainly the Conservatlve3 John should be proud he won by a landslide and thats what elections are all about arent they He increased his partys vote by a huge margin so his campaign obviously struck a chord with local voters The tasks ahead for Mr A little positive action Glen Williams residents must be heaving a collective sigh of relief with the news that the Credit Valley Conservation Authority has received funding from the provincial government to help cover the costs of a spillway and dredging work along the un predictable river Glen Williams residents were justifiably angry earlier this year when the Credit backed up across the lawns and backyards of Halton Hills pretty hamlet despite the CVCAb Insistence that flooding would not take place Were glad theyre not waiting until further flooding takes place before acting The flood control cause was given a further boost earlier this week as the regions works com granted the CVCA a licence for the river work and also agreed to sell the Authority the paper mill dam so work can be carried out on the dam to help eliminate flooding in the Glen Its nice to see a little af firmative action taken for a The Herald welcomes letters to the editor are a imposing Certainly a major activity for the new MP is set up lines of com with the constituency to ensure he will be able to properly serve all of the residents of Brampton Georgetown Mr McDermid pledged in his election campaign to spend at least one day a month in Georgetown It will take at least this much of a time commitment for the new MP to properly serve we residents of the western end of the riding We wish Mr McDermld the best of luck at his new task and congratulate him on his stunning victory Liberal candidate Ross Milne now an ex MP has no reason to hang his head It seems the hard working MP was at least partially another victim of the ex termination of incumbent Liberals In Ontario as well as many other areas of Canada No one can criticize the Grit candidate for his campaign He did his best to articulate his and his party position on many of the issues facing the country but it seems those positions are no longer supported by a sizeable number of Canadians Still it would be inappropriate not to acknowledge the vears of hardworking service that Mr Milne has given to his riding While we may not have always agreed with the Liberal MP his dedicated representation especially his constituency work were predated by many On behalf of his former constituents we would like to thank Mr Milne for his years of service and wish him luck in the years ahead Of course we wouldnt be at all surprised to see Mr Milne back in the political arena when the next election rolls around We doubt this defeat will severely dampen the ex MP political passion And political newcomer David Moulton of the NDP also has cause to be proud of his showing at the polls and throughout the campaign The determined and intelligent campaign of the freshman can didate obviously Impressed many as his partys vote in this area almost doubled Perhaps NDP workers were a little disappointed because the positive reception they had received during the campaign led them to believe their candidate would finish even stronger Still Mr came a long way from being what many thought was a sacrificial lamb for his party to being a serious con tender in this riding He said election night that hell be back hoping to carry his partys banner during the next election campaign and were sure New Democrats both longtime and recent converts are happy with that news So to all the candidates and their many many dedicated workers our sheerest congratulations on election 79 LI AM General Manager MICHAEL HOLUCTT LARRYN MARTIN Advertising Sale Manager Phone 2201 a Premier Davis is delighted with federal election results Queen Park Bureau The Herald TORONTO As the federal election results rolled in From across the land Premier Bill Davis Slid he was glad to see Ontario votes producing new national government something Canada needed very much And that was clearly the theme thai Davis corned with to a speech he made In Alberts through out the cam From the day that Pierre Trudeau dually risked going to the electorate Davis committed himself to Joe Clark cause in both word and deed Allhough some In the media tried hard to find it there dldn appear to be anything tentative about Davis support The opposite In fact Davis cam for Calrk in places like Kitchener and where the federal Conservatives annihilated the federal Li NOT TRUE Some said that Davis was working for the federal Tories In spite of Clark that he t like the man and that it was only party loyalty had Davis out there swinging Bui no intelligent conclusions can be drawn from that kind of speculation What did clearly emerge during the election fray is how irritated Davis was by the stand on national unity The federal Liberals did the Canadian equivalent of wrapping themselves in the flag hinting at national doom If they lost power As Davis said at one point underlying I heme of confrontation be tween the provinces and his central government is not only vastly ed it Is unfair and It offends me personally As premier of Ontario I have no conflict of interest to declare when speak out on the future of our country GET That Liberal appropriation of the country as their own seems to have done as much as anything to annoy Davis Clark talked a lot about getting along the premiers and one of the more fascinating things to watch for in coming months will be to see how well he carries that pledge An easy relationship between Queen Park and Ottawa is unusual at any time and the historical record Is that It didn improve any when the same parly was in power in both places When Conservative John was premier here he stayed as far away from Tory prime minister John a passible SOME PROBLEMS And political wars between Liber premier Mitch Hepburn and then Grit prime minister Mackenzie King are le gendary But It is certain that Davis believes a new government with new people and a ft ex billy is important both for Ontario and Canada Whether the honeymoon lasts and whether some of the stickier disagree ments mainly over money between Queen Park and Ottawa can be resolved to the satisfaction of both is a major question mark History From our files Lack of Quebec seats must concern Conservatives most Ottawa Report Ottawa Bureau Of The Herald Given apparent neck and neck battle for ballots any number of awkward situations could emerge from Tuesdays general election And the first one that comes mind perhaps because It well within the realm of possibility is ihe election of a Conservative government without any elected representation from Quebec The odds arc against the Tories being totally whitewashed in Quebec with the two Incumbents Howard in and in reported to be holding steadybut neither victory Is automatic Graffcty has been defeated before and has been having trouble untangling himself from Clark apparent negative views of Que bee right to And even some high powered vallve officials have been heard to talk of Quebec In terms of one or two seats Clark himself dldn laugh off question when it was put to him before the campaign actually began If his party failed to win any scats in Quebec while still being called upon to form a govern ment he said he would appoint influential to the Senate and bring them Into the cabinet There is nothing novel about having senators In cabinet The government loader In the Senate la tradlUonolly a member of cabinet and other prime ministers have occasionally added an additional minister from the upper cham The most recent example was last year when Senate House Leader Ray and Senator Joe were both cabinet ministers for time NO VACANCIES Trouble with this for Clark Is that just before the election was called Prime Minister filled all the Quebec vacancies with Liberals And it seems unlikely that the Tory leader would satisfy he aspirations of by appoint any or the five Quebec Tory senators already in the chamber Four are older veteransJacques Quart Louis Bcauboln and Martial And the fifth Claude Wagner who was appointed last year by Trudeau would be an unlikely choice for obvious reasons It type of lhat fascinates such constitutional experts as Senator Eugene It dldn take him long to ferret out a provision in the British North America Act which would allow the appointment of eight additional senators- two from the Man times two from Que bec two from Ontario and two from Western Canada There has been only one previous attempt to use Ihia provision In Decemberof I873and January of but the British who still possess the Act refused the request HAPPENED BEFORE Since few Britons now seem aware that the Act even exists such a refusal would be rather unlikely In 1970 All Clark says is go to the GovernorGeneral and ask for eight additional senators Even If he gets a couple of elected cabinet ministers from the province Clark might consider this move since the province is used to having up to 10 representatives In recent cabinets Although the prospects of a cabinet without Quebec representation is rather frightening right now In the race of the looming referendum on the provinces future it be a unique situation Arthur Melghcn had that precise problem in 1B20 when he put together a Unionist cabinet so he reached Into the Senate for help Of course Ottawa Quebec relations quite so delicate in those days It is impossible conceive of a cabinet without Quebec members For now says But there is no constitutional difficulty maintaining traditional Quebec strength in cabinet But as one said there Is no point worrying about it until Tuesday night The first manoeuvre lo fill a geo graphic void In cabinet was undertaken by Mackenzie King alter 1921 election when Alberta failed to provide him with a Liberal MP King persuaded the liberal MP from the Quebec riding of Two Mountains to resign his seat so Charles Stewart a former premier of Alberta could run and be an unofficial representative from his native province Stewart won the Quebec scat by I ion that shows you how times have according to historians he dldn t do much in cabinet As recently as the 1965 election three provinces were wllhout cabinet represen lotion Saskatchewan Alberta and Prince Edward Island all failed to provide llie Pearson government with liberals And that s how- things were for nearly three years But again there were no immediate threats of separatism in those days Even the most optimistic knowledge lhat a Clark government would have difficulty maintaining traditional Quebec strength In cabinet But one aid there Is no point worrying about It until Tuesday night BUD BAGS BIG ONES THIRTY YEARS t know how the Herald can keep up wilh Frank Bud He keeps catching bigger fish all the lime Last Sunday he established a record for the Credit River when he landed a inch almost sevenpound brown trout A from North High School boird will meet In Toronto this Saturday with Department of Education officials The delegation will for the establishment of a central high adjoining Acton The committee Includes a representative from each of the paiillcs in the district Milton Esqucsing and Nassagaweyn Cool and dry is still the wealher order for the day While is the lowest of the week at the location of my thermometer I heard that a lot of gardens suffered wilh the frost in particularly In Glen Williams and NEW HIGH SCHOOL GYM TWENTY YEARS AGO A road surfacing program in parts of the subdivision recommended by town Geoffrey as adopted by council Monday over vehement Em Hyde who termed it a MO laylngjob Streets include parts of Prince Charles Campbell Gibbons Mclntyrc Sargent Bairstow Norton McGUvray Hale Mac Dale and Gray Streets The new high school gymnasium will come for extensive use when It opens next fall and one plan Is a Keep fit class for adults which will operate under the auspices of Ihe night school program POLICE WAGE SETTLEMENT TEN YEARS AGO Georgetown Association this week released details of their new two year wage contract which they signed April 19 with the Georgetown Police Commission The new contract represents a IS per cent increase across board It was made retroactive to January 1 of this year and replaces a oneyear agreement The Georgetown Police Association negotiating cam was made up of Sargeant Gregory Louth and Constables John and Jack Pool The department under Chief Harley Lowe Includes four sergeants ten constables and one cadet Three authorities say the snakes killed at Limchouse last week and thought to bo Mnssassauga Rattlesnakes were not In a letter the County Medical Officer of Health Professor of the University of Guelph said the snakes were In fact Eastern Milk snakes He said they ore easily mistaken for rattlers because they bear some of the same characteristics and emulate the I tiers In vibrating their tail ATHLETE OF YEAR NIGHT ONE YEAR tad J Albrecht star player and general respectively of the Toronto MetroCroa tia will be guest speakers at the Halton Hills Athlete of the Year dinner June Budd who was acquired by the Metros soccer club recently is also famous for his triumphs In the various Superstars com petitions and as the World Superstars winner board of education bos come out In favor of parents being responsible for the acta of of The board voted Thursday to resolution of the Kent County Jbcsird of education that petitions Genera to Introduce changes in tion to permit responsibility or acts of children to rest with the parents