Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 19, 1979, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Page t III December IB 1SJS A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main St Georgetown I Ontario lM Publisher Mil DOKSM Advertising Manager Second CI Mail Reentered Our very own unsung heroes While it generally map for a newspaper to its own employees wed like to take this timely Decision to give a special thanks to Herald earners throughout Acton and Georgetown We hope readers everywhere will join us Although its not exactly a thankless job since there are many generous subscribers who remember their earners at Christmas and express their ap preciation at other times during the year newspaper hoys and girls really don t get all the credit due them This week The Herald takes a closer look at the two youngsters selected as our carriers of the ye last month Billy Gordon in Acton and Penny in Georgetown were chosen for their outstanding performance in out their duties and demon sin ting courteous service to customers on their routes While rcbt of our earners not quite the fine set by Billy and Penny each and every one is equally deserving of our gratitude and respect After all it s no fun at all shouldering hefty load of and flyers for chilly v ilk around the neighborhood run snow or shine To The Her lid then rmy ill your delivery days be sunny all your customers kind Thinks from all the rest of the staff for a job well done once more in l37i And in enjoyable and prosperous New Year to you all Due questions for advisors area farmer Peter Branch continued his long overdue verbal assault on Halton region and its agricultural liaison program last week with some hitting criticism of the region s agncultural advisory committee Judging from the support Mr Branch garnered among others at the meeting his sentiments about the committee s effectiveness are likely shared by many in Halton including at least one regional councillor Milton Coun followed Mr Branch to the podium to dress the committee down m even stronger terms challenging its effectiveness and its ability to represent the Halton farming community as a whole The week previous evidence appeared to underline those eon tentions as Mr Branch joined fellow Halton Hills farmer Rod in attacking agriculture oriented provisions in the region new official plan Even though Mr Pinkney was speaking for the substantial number of farmers grouped together in the South Landowners Association his concerns parently had to be represented personally to regioml council Less than a year after its formation the advisory committee has commanded few headlines positive or negative which might indicate that something specific is being accomplished Several issues of significant monthly meetings but apart from general input into regional council s deliberations little if any real impact appears to have been made Council formed the committee last spnng in response to a direct request from the farming com which felt its interests were not being met while elected officials were debating farm aspects of the regional pi in and other planning projects Topics discussed at the dozen or so held thus far include crop depletion problems created by in of Canada geese and deer the proper disposal of sewage sludge on farmland the proper cutting of trees and im proved relations with the regional committee It should be noted that the committee s ten members who for is much as three hours etch meeting receive no financial remuneration for their efforts Nevertheless the ability of those ten members to adequately for many farmers his been questioned from the outset concerns msec it last week meeting certainly indicate 111 it not enough is being done to ilert council of the farmer ishes Since agriculture is comprised of so many sub industries each with its own pirticuhr interests and concerns it could be very difficult indeed to fully represent Hie firming community as a whole Surely though some consensus cm be readily drawn among those being represented which can in dicate clearly to the region whether alterations are in order A full scale review of the committee format and operation may be a bit much at this point in its evolution hut changes ore clearly in order is we move into i new decade of renewed development interests con to the rural landscape A Christmas alphabet WILLIAM Publisher General Managing Editor A is or wh Ihe Good News Berries bell with C for carols ind crackers and dccoriling the Is for evergreens is for makes nice 1 is for and home J a for Jesus child born today is for from the east is for In and laughter and love M for mince pies for a feast is for Noel too or the ox in hay for parlies pop Tile Queen us on this day for reindeer who pull Santa along for the small shepherd lad T stands for tinsel and turkey and tree ugly so bad Very best for Christmas to oil X the excitement which nil of us eel for the yarns that are lold is the zeal as we to all here HERE THEY COME Newsmen of ihe 80s Tories decreasing popularity prelude to governments end Ottawa Report MacLeod Ottawa Of The Herald What we need said the despondent Conservative MP is a nice easy sue thai cabinet can grasp and What he was talking about in fact it s Hi at most Torv MPs are about the waslhat horrible Gallup poll which showed that the Clark government Ins maniged in six short months to slip inio the pit of unpopularllty support id by only per cent of electorate Tit liber lis on the other fund attract from cent in the Liberal leadership race laiesl Gallup poll has become the mi si popular subject on the parliament coffee circuit a subject of unbridled delight or the Liberals of more modest itisfactmn for the New Democrats who were up five percental points and of ill concealed gloom for Conservatives heir a great many comments like ihe one quoted above about ihe need or exciting new initiatives by the Clark government What re illy depresses me said mother lory MP is that we hive completely lost ministers keep talking enirmous of paper must digest mil mi ins simply that tley have become prisoners of the ic II was Baldwin the vetenn Conservative MP from Pence River who said thai a should institute oaring new initiatives during its first three months of office after thai it begins to become obsessed wilh difficulties Hut in lie first six months of Ihe Chrk government thin has been an apparent obsession with trying to clarify assorted election pronns while pre vmus government ills Trudeaus Just Socictv in might hive been just a crock says another Conservative but least it wis something to keep people excited about Whit by com pari son has government been feeing Well s far as new initnlives are concerned Ihe major emphasis is been in freed im of information and a reform of procedure And these like the mortgage deductibility plan become so c and academic that few pcopli know the end result All talk ibout mcriasing role of backbench MPs makinf more accountable making more effective really doesn Ihrill people I think II would be fair to that many of proposed reforms windowdress there is nothing in I proposals to increase the flow of legislation the line of any pirhamentary reform As for freedom Information the entire package generated as muih itlcntion as the on an Ottawa ipirlment in irch if one if govcnmint inhrnnlion irtitul ind Ihi iovernmenl convolved dd to polish im of open I- the Clark is ils i hiving obvious difficulties in to benches after so mmy ve in n In reply to the most simple libtril questions the m I In lo let like MPs in i shot al the prevwu regime The Member si the I isi to isk such question is frequent preface to a reply which his left I possible ieilnfil short which lowse fuel Ihiswmler Prime Minister Clark at die point like tin opposition lender lint the possible hurt dui he shifted hi urn to tie Libenls The lhat m Jit i dramatically failure the f rmtr govinuncnt to pi alie d s there seen lo be confusion surr jovi mei I energy pi e would he missive irnm which ippeir it best to be loose lint s what dcspoi dint MP wis si i Ihil one good issue all something thai demon sir ites thinkinj ind we em see through without different ministers saving d fferent llungs Aid it uld help hi idded tfullv if J would just tell si me j rovincnl premier to ell Correctional service strikers failed to achieve key objective Queens Park By Derek Nelson Park Bureau Or The Herald TORONTO What is important to note ibout Ihe illegal Ihrcediy by correctional Is lhat they did rut win key demand A the public in Ontario not only remains illegal hut ineffectual In addition aiding and abetting such strike by Ontario Public Service Union president Scan has n it me unpunished The words of Mr Justice Douglas irruthere when he sentenced 0 to dijs in Jul for criminal contempt of court bear repeating At some point you determined you wouldnscabove Ihe law defy It and more importing ike 3 low abiding with you pubhclv defied no reluctinci whitsoivtr and you your kn the people e province SO hi might hive iddtd The strike was supposedly launched secure istp irite category implojies Currently art lumpe inlo one ilong with nurses other stilutioml care work rretlioml officers they can feiin ire money if they have their own separate wage And one has lo ive or tleir claim that they have fallen behind employees elsewhere dough not with their dersire lo receive level incomes They ire not exposed to the same dinger as police or even prison The government response is thai for correctional of already exists within the current categories for example such employ eii received an extra two per cent GOOD POINTS The government objection lo a formal stp ink unii is lb this lent i d or Iriplinf if eight wilh nil e nee is hire is not the minis of the epiriti aru mini Then ire good pi n both sides strike chairman Gdrge told face to f ice would agree to hind ni on Ihi issue He rtpeiled til in writing Nov III day two Ihirds of i provinces rrccltnnil to rejected the and the slnke began Dec Meanwhile Ihe government obtained an interim injunction Nov from llic Supreme of On Jn of When the emion ignored the injunction government asked the court Dee find in contempt The agreement ng the strike Dec gave the union arbitration they rejected Nov and did not violate the important principle that nothing should be gamed an illegal Halton s History our file I AGO The children of truss Sunday School llic last Sunday after i hot Mrs John Cummins who prepared tit concert was chairman and as the grmi wis scheduled to lake place off Sunday the stage was candles and gas lamps cl dressed In their v light if led columns Marconi radio p table model I cchingir radio phono- four speeds of records was Id in spots with a temperature of on December However it ion dropped to more seasonable temper ranging degrees lo 1 THI Councillor Era asiurne slop muni I m when he becomes Ihi to Unopposed for office in i nomination was held last nifht Mr accepted the position in a speech foil winj disc of nominations in School The Christmas spirit may spread to if a plan mentioned to council Mi by Paul Barber president of Georgetown lleLsinijsmen Aisocia tun is Mr Barber said businessmen considering two ideas for the ristmas season One mid be to tit shopping hags over the meters and I the merchants rent the miters Ire the town for the holiday pen The oilier would be to have i an overdue melir a put on the i economy of strings of lights last item of business to in before the retiring council was cut to Iwo siring when En Hyde would not support a rcsoluhon lo purchase Ihrcc strings He said council will be ending Ihe yeir with a deficit and KU is made up of a lot of little Items WitliCoun Fred suggesting that council hould end the year without a split vote amotion by imsilf Anne Currie was rcdiicid to the Iwo strings and passed A suggestion A Brow nn Slarfl camera outfit neidenl for and shooting Built m fl plus flashbulbs chrome Pan film instructions Cam en in el of colors coral red skyline blue alp i jet black From 111 Swim song for Major Jack Arm completing his lerm Georgetown s was made Moneiay council wound up a full hour schedule The mayor will retirement at the recent nomination itling on of the meeting Mr Armsln briefly his in of I and the I one town employees durlni his years in ffice Tl It MIS A bylaw silting up i community program of il on was given Iwo reidlngs by night The third reading w is delayed lo members a chance to pursue It thoroughly The bylaw is stun member committee to be known as I Georgetown Recreation and and Community Centres Commit tie to d reel mage and control the lie swimming pool and Cedarvale Centre Georgetown council members win be day for attendance at sperchl meetings as well as committee of the council meetings In addition this will ipply for meetings attended upon submissions to the treasurer will In allowed to attend a miximum of three conventions a year wilh Irani expenses and convention registnlion fees paid and an expense allowaiceof Choirs from Holy Cross Roman Catho lic and St John United Church d with i trio from St Paul Baptist an I soloists from both hint St Johns United Churches prov inspirational music of the season it the Ch ral Concert held at Si John Church December The offering of over is being sent to the rcl fund lo help pay for ship ments of food flown mloBiafra MfTRO REGION to create a giant metro rej on involving Peel counties siU itting Toronto and Ham will come before the Ontario this spring James Snow MPP confirmed Ihis week Snow said the department of Municipal Affairs is close to the lime when it will be ready to create Peel Metro region Producers of Tiny Talent Time the show which appears every Sumhy afternoon have asked a George- girl lo be part of their Christmas special Angela Mnrtineau a student of Donna Scool of Dancing In ippeared on Tiny Talent Times show and was so will received she was asked to relurn or the Chnslmas special DM- AGO The need or a hostel as temporary shelter or abused wives ind their children has been proven ani the search Is underway to find a for lie shelter it was revealed lust week at a meeting of the board of of Women Place Tl board of education po nted Grant Pattullo and Carol McMur ray both of Georgetown to the Hills I Board Thursday Mr Pattul has been appointed or a threeyear while Mrs who is rcphcing trustee Fisher who re signed when she was elected to the board will be mg a two year term Ontario energy minister James has chosen lo the example of till predecessors former ministers Dennis Timbrel and Reuben in denying request by municipal authorities to have on independent study conducted on Ontario Hydro Bruce to Milton corridor mediator Martin has proposed a settlement in an unusual move to end the ten month contract dispute between Hie board of education and lis 1 high school tiA-

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