Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 26, 1979, p. 4

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History rom our Tl lm 19IJ will lung he lured Ihltim as out of dries in It n a to m lu nil it hut and out half llid in Hi whin Hit for the two ii scrutinized by months we find for Hit Hint luunlhs and I 1MB lilt was sin in in t ninths this While we question the use of the much quoted term block buster to describe the shiny new strategy unveiled by the Interested Citizens Group last week at Queen Park the very scope of the group new assault does indeed a punch The setting was fitting enough for announcing a greatly expanded attack on the powerful no pun intended crown corporation the media studio usually reserved for Premier Bill Davis and his vocal opponents instead became a launching pud for an assault on one of Davis favorite chanties and the media was suitably impressed The story made page one of the Toronto Star for example and though the Great Corridor barely mentioned the implications of the ICGs ac cusations have no doubt raised many fears among Hydros top brass who would otherwise shrug off public criticism of the Bruce to Milton hydro line As Toronto media fully the ICG together with the Ontario Federation of Agriculture and Energy Probe have come up with an astounding array of charges which go far beyond anything the ICG has even implied publically during its seven war against the jtiper corridor Brought into question by in formation released at the press conference it is Hydros very right to export power to the U a basic but usually limited part of its mandate from the people of On tano What really raised eyebrows among the big city reporters was the charge that American con are paying less or power produced right here in Ontario 1 he ICG has been saying as much for year apparently lacked evidence lo give the charge any credibility What is perhaps of more in here in Mills par among our unfortunate Fifth Concession neighbors is that controversial transmission line cutting across their is actually needed more lo aid and abet this disgusting example of corporate game playing We feel the ICG s charges and the evidence offered in support of them speak for themselves we believe a National Energy Board inquiry into the will bear them out and we believe it s long due lime to take Hydro to task its empire building and deal making Clearly the travesty inherent in faulty planning and suspicious negotiations over the Bruce to Milton corridor is only one small facet of the Ontario Hydros crime Before we all go broke keeping the Americans warm or fending off the hydro towers let s ensure that justice is done in the taxpayer name blaze was extinguished iht brigade arrived and no squcuig lltputj Itceve lislit mil rs Wilfrid lit r md Craig Hi id tlun til lo by i lion i mi tlniL Ik Id Mom at Holding in Telling differences between Clarks defeats ol r 1 il I i5l mo two tins so is Julian Ottawa Report Further to our comments on the ICG press conference we like to extend our congratulations and to Halton Burlington Julian Reed absent from the conference physically but Jainly present in Reportedly forced to abstain clue to illness Mr Heed never forwarded a statement of support for the ICGs cause which was read to reporters and generally indicated the sentiments of the Ontario Liberal party Halton Hills should be proud to represented by an who started out defending his neigh rights over a proposed school closure and has ended up at least once a week in province wide headlines as Liberal energy critic To hold such an Opposition party post during a time when the energy crisis is rising daily to new flood level heights must be an awesome task but Mr Reed has demonstrated his competence at the job time and time again He does his homework and takes full advantage of tbe many op afforded by Premier Davis to attack the government s energy policies and practices With his theatrical experience no doubt still lending itself well to his legislative career Mr Heed has risen himself to new heights of effectiveness It was the initial shock wave he and of his neighbors created among local school board officials over the closure of the village small school which singled Mr Reed out in the eyes of Liberal supporters then searching for a new champion in riding Julian Heed is still creating those shock waves nearly a decade later but now they re much more sizeable and infinitely more important We wish him much luck in his political ventures and causes and may he remain a thorn in Bill Davis side until the day Bill Davis returns to private citizenship ill led Ilildwin put In Hit f The iir dilj i mud tin rick it suit mi Mil to skid Jtilin Mum i mi I tutu i It mull h rdk Mill hi link IfortU In fit mens mil Hi it his ifforeidmlonn omfortihle majority 1 murium mi mufti said i of Mis mil in is tint tut lit in N I rithy fifth fur Iht Tl ALU Ihllonl council isl nick did in ibout ice came slroi in support of a melrntype II illimPttl rcfiiiM Until list weeks vote t mull hid been i separate Hilton million which will be lo Mil isltr Mi htm phyed poluits wt eillid Bill mi bluff Mid bo Ml He in he milt out their tin tin Muni not ni is Itfnltd Hit I was Mis wen lid IiiiiiIiiii Hit 1 wen id wintu t nut ill i iv Looking back A decade of Davis Timber Act changes chop away at Tory foundation be mi hided in Iwo county Kenneth of own the count senior provincial court I been full lime t irmly Court He served is time 1 imilv and Juven for the pi m ins ilsusiit criminal ir in the Skipper four pound iloj len niches high returned Mexico nioro lo itld lo hi impressive record Ik is owned by Mi V Keniiils It Skipper is the on the whole lo linld fin tlninpion hips he is American mpion BY DON Queen Park Good Lord It a not only die end the year of a decade It has Rone very quickly Ten years ago at this lime nvc were of the of an economic cm was trouble ahead Auto and Ihc flood of women Into the force had employment market severely disjointed the Third World was obviously coming on strong as a and costs led by vagc bites by labor v ere getting frighten Ins We started an economic era all right and then when OPEC came along In 1973 Villi the oil price Increase nvc were mired it And the of the 10 years lias beer a period perhaps more pleasant to than remember BITTER PUBLIC was a period in which Ihe history books will find new By any fair minded measure Pierre Tnidcau was our outstanding public figure if future generations hear about at all It most probably be of his as politician Certainly there no figures in Ontario who will rate any place of importance in the future In fact the end of decade Me are In the remarkable position ihat on looking back there one single achievement that out even any that comes to quick memory as an identity of the period This probably has happened before in Ontario history And strangely this is any particular indictment of the leadership we had but rather a reflection of he times The leadership probably not sign years in pjst llul Ihe a demanding dimension wis In a tunc of major problems it wanted answers and quick answers The fact was there weren I answers We were at one of those tunes in history of ureal change when I be much goes on Us in the of evolution in or disillusioned and the tended to tower The iiitidtnl in tins to me was in when 1 Inppcned to get and iskcd them When you guyt going lo do something about Tlic itacllim wis looked on Ins shoulder lo see if was and men shushed me up w Iht treasurer saying almost fiercely It Ihc tune Of course it was lime to do something about productivity But It wasn the lime when public would some thing Any effort to pcrfonmuce would some disturbance of the quo and the public ready to dislurbnnce least not in Ihe pollticims sensing of Solhereal figurehead of the seventies whether hero or vtllian became Joe Public if like The big mark to Bill Davis credit could now is pelting dose his tenth year as premier It may well testimony to his skill that of the men who headed the governments of Canada when he took on in only one now in office Richard Hatfield New Brunswick Queens Park MIT Albert Hot By Derek Nelson out f rlnl on Ihe lory found down lie with i hut of Ihc hoard s at aboard lliat In won I be sit king re election lo for Iksaidlusrensoiiswcre personal find tune for my firmly and my personal iffiirs Spirting Iht man who fin six is part of a m irelieferewflyingfotjd into home for wrestling with a January liuecn 1ark Hun ill Hie Sudbury tin Amendment Act What he used was a phrase indicating companies will to plant two trees for cry out cut and rcgcuenit II it Inppcni Prim Bill Ins 1377 about rcfureslntioii in is tin Inn tree for no ii any rule it Ihe time hut the political up in arms then about the loNeriimeiil reforestation Presumably the promise was meant blunt dial Now has come luck Tones noted Ih it he Ind no to enshrine the Premier word in a piece of It I am sure that was intended and just lame tint in is words in rt illy ilttl wis goui to lie in the Crown forest I And the surfite leas Crown Amuufmint offers hope will be a improvement Ihc slip An old ink of thumb in logjing is lint inn llnrd tin tut generates- mother llnrd is I Tints whv most or nit would be happv just losie out tret pi ltiti d for mind I Mill Hie Act does eover land where regenenlioii wis satisfactorv In the pas is lo responsibility for regtntrilion back where it belongs pulp and paper companies while government a and policing role In theory it sounds good and here Ihe rub Almost two decides ago Ihe province look rcsponsibi for from Ihe line- they doing the the HERALD WILLIAM flight- when he will r relief Tome if he decides to do IN The Out Municipal Hi irdlnsdeuiedi request from the Town of 1alton Hills lo adjourn he on the proposed lo Milton hydro tram mission corridor A hearing on whether lo allow Hydro mnld the ptiwer line south of to Milton will proceed January as planned hi William Dyer ruled for the Hilton board of education and its elementary Icachcri have reached tentative agree ment In their vcar long contract dispute Mayor Pelc and members of town council have been pulling out all the stops In an effort lo win a series of venih hour approvals for the construct ion of Ihc long awaited McNnlly apart merits in Georgetown winch will open rental units to a community lacking in rental accommodations region public works commit tec has rejected suggestion by Hills council that throughout the replon should be identified by name on roidsklc permission may be granted for the area municipalities to erect signs their own expense

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