Soup nStuf page 19 Home IMewspaper of Hills lit Cassidy endorses Moulton page 20 SECOND SECTION PEOPLE Freds a fellow whos seen it all By Herald tall writer Every community has ami lies who have resided there many years over several gen era t Ions During thai time they make their mark through their individual personalities and their involvement in affairs Thcyatsosloreupa of knowledge about the community s past In the tales passed from one generation to the next It takes a bit of coaxing to get Fred of Georgetown going hut the stones and artifacts his family have collected arc well worth digging Into The originated in County Armagh Ireland ir riving In Canada in the mid lBOOs They accepted 100 acres from the crown on the last half of lot concession Mr grandfather home steaded on the Seventh line just below the railway tracks and Highway around His nearby neighbor Robert McCul lough the farm north of the highway and at that point a small cemetery situated in the bush was on his land was commonly referred to by passers by as being haunted they told ho v seen something white in Die cemetery and heard it ratllm chains Mr father slid the ehost wis actually white ox Since the animal had a habit of jumping ft nets lough put chains on him to stop his wandering Mr Wird bought the farm on the west half of lot in 1B98 and brought his bride Louisa to the farm two years later Mr Ruddcll sold It Pete in The farm Castle cd a good potato crop in 1017 when Ward Ruddcll sold about five boxcar loads of 100pound bags and shipped them out of the Georgetown si i tion lie bought a six passing McLaughlin car ind two tractors that year including i Monarch Caterpillar tractor and one of shipped to Ontario from Ire land The began doing custom threshing In 1926 and FRED RUDDELL were eventually averaging a bout customers for thresh and rn cutting by the turn tiny quite in he mid 1950s They also filled about silos with in the spring Mr Having something of an in mind Mr Ruddcll senior figured out a way lo build his own corn shear load from of a car It took ihe corn sheaves directly from binder to the flat lomed wng and saved an extra indling during the liar process from the Harvester Com pany if it and came watch it In operation It many years before the com pany had one on the market under its own patent The bought a pull type combine in 1940 one of the first in the area In they In a self propelled combine It was the first one in George town prompting neighbors who came in to watch it in action to express reservations ibout how well it would work in the grain harvest Forage harvester came on the market in 1942 or 1H3 Mr Ruddell says and again his fimily tried out the new labor saving way to harvest by purchasing one in 194C or 1M7 had the first tworow forage harvester in Ontario It is now an antique and in need of numerous repairs he says Although the had quite a way with machines and began using tractors many years ago that didn t put an end to their interest In horses Mr Ruddcll look first place in the county plowing match the University of in 1938 with a walking plough and a team of horses he trained himself One of the worst area farm fires was the loss of Mr bam in the 1950s He can recall the exact date only that It was the day before he was to auction off all his Jersey cattle The fire broke out In the middle of the night and everything was lost in eluding maybe 100 calves People had been coming and going all day helping to get ready for the sale and looking at Hems to be sold His mother saw a car drive out around 12 a m and the blaze was discovered No one knows what caused it but Mr suspects careless smoking In his last years of farming Mr Ruddcll kept beef cattle He sold most of his property In 1373 but he retired Now he tinkers around with a bulldozer and a frontend load doing a bit of excavating and farm work like cleaning fence bottoms and barns The fact that he was working near his farm and came home to make lunch saved him from being robbed last July He just gotten In his back door when lie glass breaking in a front window He picked up a pitchfork near the back door and went to Investigate discovering two escapees from Brampton jail looking for something to eat and anything else they might have fancied Mr fought wilh them and they fled finally being picked up by police that night In Woodstock They ap parently found some clothes in house farther along and stole a car In Acton Mr a director of Steam Era and a member of the Caledon Steam Club has a couple of projects completed that took a bit of work and research Many Georgetown residents will recall the dog powered churn Mr Ruddell displayed during Pioneer Days He bought it at Rose mount in 1963 rebuilding most of it since it was will rotted down He also has two antique cars which he some years ago His ISIS Model Ford is one of the last of the brass fronted roadsters and as far as he knows there arc only two in existence from thai year The seven passenger Chal men was built in 1914 by the Chalmers Motor Company of Detroit Only about four of them exist between Canada and the Untied States It was missing the name hut a friend found one for him in the United States For who enjoy talcs involvement in hams Lyon McKcnues lolls escapades Mr ancestors have one to add to the collection After the famous rebellion first magistrate Alan is supposed to have hidden the fugitive in his house a large stone structure neir Mr home which is considered a collet lor item because of it white McKeuzie is also said to have been helped by son neighbor who refused to allow him shelter in any of his buildings but would take him food to a certain location in the bush is supposed to have been friendly with a Mr McLaren at the Forks of the Credit His home was on a of land being stone house was known as McLaren Castle McKcnzie is supposed to have been mov back and between two houses depending on whin the authorities happen be searching for him Apparently his accomplices would put in a large wooden box it with a lo id of hay and drive from one phce to the other whenever he needed to be moved One he got very llurslj asked his drivir to stop so a drink MiKciim town wet his whistle and t recognized until niter he had gone when it was too late to alert the authorities Mr recalls his par saying all the big trees on the farm had been cleaned out and when married in 1900 you could sec from their farm on the Sixth Line right up to McLarens Ward was also a taxidermist and left his son several cases of wild life which he among which arc specimens which would be considered rare in lodav Mr also is i collection of Indian artifacts dug up at one time or another on one of the family firms and a piece of meteorite which a Cleave farm Georgetown Ituddrlls appears In many parades Ik re takes winners in the Pioneer Do vs fashion show for a spin along Main Street the judging in June Hypnosis highlights Hoddinott entranced audience at UWC lecture By TAYLOH Herald staff writer The many uses of inxkrii hypnosis from complicated medical procedures for patients to cope with pain or psychological disorders to its simplest applications as an aid lo concentration for athletes and those seeking relaxation were outlined last week by Georgetown Boyd Hod Members and guests the University Women Club wen treated a brief demonstn following last it church hill first warned tic audit nee of his intentions offering ill rs eh leave if fell at all reluctant or participating Out nil mher of the audience iweded that she was so ingrossed in i neentrating on llodmnolt told the audience at a meeting a ago and he proceeded prove with a demonstration of different technique which provide the leading to a hjpnotic Herald photo the focal image was creating for the audience thai the sound of sirens outside became the sound of seagulls in her mind emphasized ihat he was noi performing the talk in order lo seek more patients Tor hypnosis or hypno therapy He explained he proc this therapy only on his own patients of which he said he has enough and on some referred him by other doctors He also said he rarely obese people or people trying to quit smoking Or said there is much confusion about hypno sis and because the word Itself comes from another word meaning sleep and hypnosis has nothing to do with sleep 1 prefer to define hypnosis is an stale of cons he said It In the susceptibility suggest n but of course it can make someone do any thing their will Dr studies have shown that brain wave patterns of a person under hypnosis arc different from thai person waking and sleeping patterns indicating i separate stale of conscious I would define hypnosis as communication per son and their subconscious mind or another person and the subconscious mind he Studies hive shown that at one linn only seven of ml rmation plus or minus ire present in the mind Thus leases much in the As an example he said most peopk could recall the color of present car without diffi cully but color of the car they had five years ago would require some thought The information is there he said but It is more difficult to draw Dr listed a of examples of the subcon scious mind controlling the conscious mind during dally living such as sleepwalking and sleeptalking In the past sleeptalking has been used as a preface to hypnosis The hypnotisls can take up the rhythm of the persons words and repeat what I bey are said and then begin lo lead Ihe person Into the areas the hypnotist wishes to learn So ladies it is possible lo find out what your husband is talking about in his sleep but not if you poke him in the ribs and demand to know said Hypnosis is often used by athletes in training improve their performance nott said Studies have shown that is possible to lake an untrained athlete and have him himself perform a skill over and over After a certain number of repetitions person will be able to perform skill sud Trained visualize themselves performing successfully lie fore competition improve performance There are a lot miscon about the role of the hypnotist said There are resistcnt people but it just means their view of life is different from thai of person who is trying to them into an altered state Each of us operates in one of three experimental modes he continued There are peo pie who think of experience visually who picture in their minds There are people who think in terms of sounds and what they hear and there ire kinesthetics who think in terms of physical sensations It is possible to figure out what mode people are in by listening to the way they talk and by watching their eyes said talk of experiences in the visual sense are operating In the visual mode Eye pattern can also tell a hypnotist what mode a person Is in from the direction in which the person looks The idea that you wont wake up from hypnosis is ridiculous according who leaves lions for his patients who are in deep psycho therapy hypnosis that they will remember they need remember forget what they need to for gel He leivcs it up lo the persons mind to being the best judge As an of the thql people nil be forced to do something against heir will Dr talked a bout Sirhan lion of Robert Kennedy Sirhan said he had been hypnotized to kill Kennedy Studies of his diaries over a couple of years show miny entries in i from Ins own saying over and over tint Kennedy must die The therapists concluded if extensive lests ihat hypnotized himself and that Ihe in diaries is his own from an e penodof his life Thus inusu concluded In had not been hypnotized into dom his will STOP HUM Dr described I couple of experiences of people using hypnosis to stop the flow of blood during surgicil opera lions He also talked about in experience he hid last sum mer up a gash in fainledand sinking her chin on cement He talked to her while be w is pulling in the stitches she flflcr it hid been done whin he was fining to begin putting in the stitches Iloddinolt said in the past these kind of incidents had been considered tricks but with the publics growing accept of the idea of body control through biofeedback techniques peoplt are icetpt mg Ihis kind of thing more The single most use hypnosis lor me and tor them Hod snd We ill have ex of and selfconfidence in the and I help to bring these out 11 pilosis e in be used help i patient itnor pain Tin i mf r ink I si of been slid isgellinc the ilpmc shown hyp noi in dcil with ending life mc In termini life was Inn from 110 symp loms is nail overtat ing ind smoking is the strong points of said The sueciss is not impressive I said It pin is is r Iloddinolt id It a very powerful tool not perfecl because I it jh I ailed some y is sti patu in illness sud It just puts the patient it i level whirt eo aid pointing to his fore id it dnl ill for ill of us lo do that liter About the Hills Snowmobile truck collide Train whistle bylaw stuck wereuninjured up truck collided it the corner of Normandy and The snowmobile by Darling of slid on in section of the road and went r lh slop sin sinking ihe truck driven by also ol to Mr truck wis estimated at 1 mi the snowmobile was estimated at Sign bylaw postponed Responding to requests from several business groups the lown s general committee has postponed its decision on the proposed sign bylaw or another month Clerk Ken Richardson told committee Monday that he had been contacted by the Acton Business Improvement Area board of directors the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and several other business groups requesting that the bylaw be deferred they had had sufficient time to study its Dump truck rolls A dump truck sustained extensive damage when it overturned on the Fourth I me January The track driven by Loreto of Scarborough was southbound on the Fourth Line when it went out of control and rolled over on the south side of the road The front end right side and trailer frame were all damaged Damage was estimated at SI town general committee has deferred a proposed which would prohibit trains from using whistles specific crossing wilhin the Committee voted ndiy lo allow J D Pemberton a resident who midt the original recommendation to ban the whistles time to the Canadian Transportation Commission to discuss reel mmcndotions it made to the town The said letter to town that the present population levels surrounding affected crossing do not warrant In Its opinion he prohibition of train whistles Emergency appeal vilunteir Private Emergency Housing In Hills as well is transportation vehicles such as vans etc art needed in time of major disaster For further please call Red Cross office ttednesdiys and Thursdaysl after hours in ict Centre 1211 bridge results Results of the Caledon Bridge Club on January are 1 Gord and Stan Marleae McFad- den and Maureen Walker Tied for 3rd Gene and Ralph Gillespie Susan and Csabo Vargha Results or January 10 are 1 Tanya and Jim Bill Cairns and Jim Oliver 3 Elaine and Ron Smith J