Page a THE HERALD Wednesday March Mark Sports Editor Jokes on Harold and Mac Last week Lofton President Harold and senior curling chairman Mac McLean told their Branch entry in that championship that they would break their arms if it looked like they were joint to defend their Ontario title at North Hilton this past weekend That was when they assumed that such a considerable cat as defeating best In the largest province in the nation could not be done twice in a row by the same team However when the dramatic finish to the is anno with Georgetown the name on lips as winner for he in a row no two people hi happier or prouder bis frnn Hit curling rink back to mat preparations for the presentations when there was i ends left to and the outlook looked optimistic Hint would thi cup When Hit final stone was thrown in extra end North went wild as tin partis crowd joyously the difendmg champs It was then that Ins work for the next year was cut out for him since the winner of the hosts it attain the nix year and he would be expected take care of it again same jubilant roar went up from inside Branch when the phone call came through to the Mill St building And it was then that remembered Ins joking comment of days larlier All in jest of course because when the winning rink made it hack to their branch the president was one of the first to shake hands and congratulate them A lot of work and honor goes into hosting this championship and in hindsight both and McLean say they would be pleased to do it again Sure there were a few minor difficulties as there arc in anything but says McLean there was nothing that they louldnlhandk ff they win the Dominions In Halifax they may even offer to host that who knows Football League largest in Ontario It op and In for another basket for the world famoua Harlem Gtobttrottcn The of basketball thrilled than IS at Maple Friday night Although entertainment kills the Indira re In awe one pent wondered how Ihey would do a team trad the if top tram they them the fact it only interest isapparently high in upcoming Hit Football The hi Id its firs mineral ind tin turnout wis impressive with six of last teams represented as well as two groups in joimnt 1 president Ben members of the executive then to outline object insforioao I tegular season will begin June 1 and Scplimbtr with play to follow may rtfisttr until with bun tn II bt Lpted first ionic basis until full component of eight turns is Interested in join but who dn not at cess to a may noisier until May at which lime they will be irht r one the chance he has of being pi ict on a since no more thjin eight teams of 18 in will accepted Hippos was that this war deadlines arc fiml Next to speak was who distributid a copy of the Icipic s Hi thm outlined planned en trfUity care kit new tquipment advertising jurilnst of trophies and fines Tnylor also described a proposed referees dime to be put on tit Amateur Football Association fin illy those wire with copies of rule changes which were explain by in Boss Elliot who stressed that every attempt would be to provide a high standard of officiating this that referees would assume muih mon of the game thin in past Tin official will timekeeping and player substitution two anas that on occasion Intn surrounded lontro- As pari of It stand by thi rules phi tuff In will result in die f thru lines and in quint results in in UK Boss is looking for anyone mtirested in int a official Head reft rets an to paid a game whili linesmen not will Ix will iltind a clinic for training mtirested may emit ill at Swim into spring registration next Saturday will be the final test for the Red Cross Junior Intermediate and Senior swim levels All other levels will be evaluated the week pnor during regular lesson limes If jou have any regirding the test days please contact the assistant supervisor at the pools for the spring swimming lessons will be held the week of March to April If the classes become full we will open new classes to ensure that as many peo ple as possible have the opportunity of lessons this spring Registration will on Monday March and for the Spiel fever high lt Jl fever is still rid inj the folks at North Hilton Mirth 1st Sharon Wood took her rink to the Club defending the t icille Trophy they brought last year With Sharon were Joan Mary Black and Patty McLaren phced out of teams The business girls had a gnat day March mg the mutational Spiel Winners of trophy Ladies Wear was a rink from the Granite Club It was skipped Marilyn Johnstone with ttam numbers Jane Wild and our local buddies Sharon Wood ind Patty McLaren Wednesday rinks from North Hilton had a at Brampton for the Lawn nee Trophy Julie White took a rink of Ann Lena Burns our old friend visiting from the Carolinas Dot Hamilton Alice Theresa Smith and Greta Lamb who had the distinct ion of winning most friendly trophy North sure does love to spread good will malning days of registration it will be during the regular recreational swim program times see Winter Schedule Backyard pool owners on April 16th and 17th the re creation department will be hosting a backyard pool elm at the Georgetown high school This clinic will dis cuss town by laws electrical codes water safely and ma in I and problem solving for backyard pools There is NO and we encourage problems questions ana you to bring along your pool friends WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF TVS STEREOS HR IN HOME SERVICE SAVE GEORGETOWN BASEBALL ASSOCIATION Baseball Ball REGISTRATION MARCH 7 pm to pm MARCH 29 30 am to 3 pm GORDON ARENA AGE 5 as of Dee 3179 TO AGE Registration Fees Single Family Lais raglitratlon J child COACHES MANAGERS I CONVENERS URGENTLY NEEDED for more information D B please contact 8773665 8770366