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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 19, 1980, p. 4

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Home of HiIIb Paget T1IE HERALD Wednesday March 1980 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited mi Main South Georgetown L7G Ontario I Publisher PILL DOIlSr Page THE Wednesday March IS it Second Mall colli rod Number Unity issue wont be solved by rhetoric A serious question of nation wide importance Is being brought before the homeowners of Halton Hills this week through the towns hydroelectric commission whose billing has been tern tapped by the Ontario Federation for Canadian Unity to help distribute a pro unity petition Commendable lor their basic intention and acceptable enough for their content the computer size petition forms a message to the people of Quebec nevertheless fall short of carrying the true significance of national unity across to the many planning to vote yes in their province sovereignty association referendum this spring The problem is in the petition author choice of words instead of trying to persuade minded that Con federation offers them the better social and economic options the Ontario Federation resorts to emotional rhetoric worthy of the dullest and least sincere political speech makr Like the populist propaganda of its federal counterpart literature distributed by the On tano Unity Federation appeals not to the average who In many cases has been educated about Confederation s flaws by years of treatment as a second class citizen but to the average still basically unaware of Ottawa welldocumented short comings in the field of inter government relations Thus prounity lobbyists woo the rest of Canada s votes by offering on the nations behalf to reach across to Quebec members of our family and ask with full hearts and clear heads to remain with us and continue to build together a more magnificent Canada Elsewhere the petition text evokes the Spirit of notes that our politicians and media cant always be trusted to say whatB right acknowledges Canadas bi cultural heritage and cemin In tegral divisions between provinces and points out the importance of putting up a united front in the global theatre All of which is fine patriotic stuff for classrooms and federalists but none of which is significantly relevant to the Quebec population particularly outside Montreal In similarly emotional language a handful of Quebec residents explained some of con federation s economic and social problems in the past Saturday Stars Insight section In terestlngly the North Shore spokesmen placed much optimism in Quebec separate future because of the provinces abundant natural resources And not coincldentally the Unity petition mentions natural resources too but in the national sense What our Quebec neighbors need to hear from the rest of Canada in the interest of national unity is exactly how we intend to amend our Constitution and change our attitudes to bring their lifestyles incomes and ex pectatlons for the future into line with Canada common average A New Deal must be forged of legislation not simply words While it probably doesn worsen the situation hollow rhetoric of the kind being proposed to us now cannot help Canadians decide what sacrifices must be made to keep the country united The real problems facing a majority of deserve real answers full of detailed proposals for lasting solutions as complex as this complicated situation warrants Red Cross dedicated to our community When the Red call itself a friend for life not last an empty slogan but a reflection of the Red roil has laic community Vie that commitment to the relief day Youngster Irani the baiici of lately through Red tost programs Senior regal Ihclr phytic I and Joy Id living with the help of Red Instructor Vrler am learn art and craft and enjoy company of Bed Cm volunteer relief worker respond Immediately In time of dliaater Blood collected and by he Red Croat Mi BOAT BACK Trudeaus cabinetiiiakiiig has the reporters confused Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Hurtail The Herald I him no inside information on the matter but I have this recurring vision of Irmif Minister Trudeau with his feet on Ins and a glorious grin on his ace rifling through newspapers to learn all iboui those Machiavellian motives that went his cabinet making I almost hear the snorts of laughter With n hours swearing In eerenonics thi born again prime minister could read that he carefully a left leaning cabinet that he selected members to give Quebec extra clout his cabinet was designed to punish West for voting Tory that he ltd out velerons because of their ill advice that he displayed great in tint he favored the same old Ilia I he struck a pretty good balance and he was preoccupied with nationalism fie has been credited with striking a geographic balance and he has bun complimented for Ignoring traditional geographic balances and Tllller If tht minister reads on he will learn rough various editorial writers and columnists thai the biggest surprise as appointment of Mark is minister of external affairs Or he will read that the appointment was an obvious reward for Mr MacGuigan years of valued service to constitutional reform Or as third choice he can read that the appointment means that intends to handle foreign affairs himself One Toronto newspaper will inform prime minister that he bypassed former minister John Meld and Buchanan for privately counselling the party against Mr staying on as leader at the time of tin Conservative defeat And if he doesn like this reasoning the prime minister can be assured by a syndicated columnist that out went John III Id for admitting that under the I gasoline might be as expensive as under the Tories one newspaper credits Mr with some first rate new do mother columnist has decided it same old bunch He will also sec thai he has done a fair job of matching names with portfolios while another writer decides some of the appointments are astounding New Transport Minister Jean Luc one will not double the CNR track through the s because of his tough mindedness But another editorial says Mr Pepin was selected because he is Rifled with an understanding of western III FUSIONS There are several opposing interpretations on the appointment of defence minister It was a surprising promotion said one commentator while another said the prime minister was clearly downgrading defence department Mr Trudeau if he keeps on reading can learn that he selected Donald as the President of Treasury Board because his professional experience on the private sector equips him a strong sense of economic imperatives Or in another editorial he be warned in reference to the Johnston appointment that it is a risky climate in which to be trying out new As for the appointment of Herb Gray as minister of industry trade and commerce read that his decision was variously influenced by Mr Gray hard work economic nationalism perseverance and religion Naturally I would like to have some exclusive inside Information on some of the more unexpected appointments but I don Why Judy Eroia should become of mines for Instance or why John Munro now is in charge of Indian affairs is a total mystery to me But I can t help thinking about the prime minister silling there reading about all the Jesuit logic that went into his appointments while happily reminding himself many of his selections were made just for the hell of it to our every day The mot thing about tall commitment It voluntary nature Ninety per cent of lied trot work In Canada I carried out by volunteer people who their time energy and talent not fur money but out of concern for their fellow man And that a why a donation to the Red ton to far Your money pot to work helping other an armv of efficient volunteer So remember when a cnver knock on your door your Red Iroti an agency you can count on Provincial election is unlikely in spite of push by Liberals Snow is essential to the natural world By Derek Nelson tor most or Ontario thin has been a of little snow In the chagrin of rs Hut for the natural world the influenre f snow cover is also very In One of first serious looks at the ecological importance of snow came from a It his Inn scientist named In the 1W0 He grouped wildlife into three vdcs chlonophobcs who avoid mow by migrating southwards such as moose fox and mice who can teleratc snowy winters and or snow lovers such as the snow shoe hare and ptarmigan that actively adapt to a snowy environment Perhaps Formoiov was ahead of his time his labels sound like something from pop psychology that you could apply to your neighbours InsuUting value ensures I winter air temperatures fluctuate wlldlv climate beneath the snow remains stable at just In this sheltered world the secret communities of woodland mice voles and shrews tunnel their from one grassy tussock to both winter storms and search Ir the importance of snow w as r allied partly through studies on the of snowmobiles These machines mow often making It loo tier for small mammals to tunnel through and allowing cold temperatures to penetrate In areas of heavy snowmobile usage high mortality of both snow loving animals and wintering planls In a mild and snowless winter such as this that she Her is missing the i freeze thaw cycle robs forage n of its nutrition If these persist the populations of these smallnni researchers have that the regular populo lion plosions and declines of mice and other small mammals are closely related to the previous years snow conditions Because these communities are at the base of the food chain the copulations of foxes coyotes hawks and mis also tend to fluctuate In step with their For deer and moose little snow an easy winter Hut for those tiny unne engineers of the forest floor fust the opposite Is true them thinking snow is a matter of survival lueen Park Bureau of The Herald Trust this corner There will not be a provincialciecliDniniSeo The target date remains 1981 a political prediction which n cans It is as safe us being a Christian playing in a pit full of Roman lions But barring some unforeseen circumstances popping up in Ihe next eight months one can help but reach that conclusion While something can always happen to change the equations anyone trying to mix an election formula right now can help but find that it t quite gel The key factor Is Premier William Davis who has said time and again that his minority Conservative government will serve out a full four year term before seeking a new mandate The last election was June which brings us lo latespring or early fall of 1961 lor the next provincial vote count Being the government the or natives have the advantage of want of picking the time and Issues with to start the campaign I SPRING Most election talk In the pest few months has centred around Liberal Leader Stuart Smith whose exasperation with the Davis regime is reaching monumental and some might add unnecessarily shrill proportions It is given that the Liberals believe Tory rule Is so bad the government deserves when and that is a mailer of tactics Mouse- trapping the into support inga motion opposing the government by framing it in terms of policy may not prove as easy as the Liberals think In any case the New Democrats who keen on holding an election anyway sec no reason why they should net as a Liberal left hook in knocking out government NOW But even if the Liberals surmount that obstacle one wonders why some of them others arc so insistent their chances arc belter this year than next One explanation is that Davis is unpopular now because he endorsed Joe Clark federal Conservatives and that voters want to punish him for it The back up to this belief what you might call the federal theory of provincial politics Is that Pierre Trudeau will be unpopular again next year and Smith Liberals wili then pay the price at the polls The second idea being mooted about is that somehow Davis gains in credibility by surviving four years if he so bad why didn you bring him down and can ask for a majority MAYBE NOT Neither argument carries a lot of weight with me The first contradicts the obvious that people vote differently federally and In this province and also assumes that to punish one government ihcy will out an entirely separate The second is more plausible but common sense says the electorate might ihinkthcolherway We had four years hi not unpopular government let keep It going In that case It is oil over again with incumbents except where local issues arc important waltzing back to Queen Pork with ease Observers sec no visible ground swell for the Liberals at this moment a year from now a lifetime in politics there Just might be Trudging to the polls just isn likely this spring Publisher ft General Editor Phone 877 9999 Haltons History From our files Ttllim AGO Many friends from attended a piano recital last Friday in the Hull Toronto by daughter of Mr and Mrs Bradley of town It was dcbul as a concert slot young lady who has been concert work or several latterly under the of Carmen the TIcalrc packed to the doors ljSunda evening 200 people were turned away for the Lome Scots monthly ban concert An added attract on was the appearance of Smith whose carl morning radio program Toast and Jamboree is so Georgetown taxpayers will contribute to town treasury in With a local of the tax rati has been set lis year It is possibly the highest tax rate which in will ever Tor when the new assessing system conies into effect next the assessment will increase mill rate will of AGO may have foot one more bill faction initiated al Monday council is followed Suggested by the road committee a mol on by Deputy Reeve Walter Gray proposed that council town planning committee tie of having paved roads and storm sewers in a id on to other requirements of the subd vision bylaw I singular nor has been upon Credit Valley Holding Works lev Road as recently they were presented with a marble and gold plaque bj the Charles Hires Co for 12 months of quality The presentation of the award us the first such made to a Canadian Hires botller and a look through Iheir Ij reports seems to Indicate that the plant is now well on its way another perfect score newest public school Gewgc Kennedy will lie thrown open for inspection sh when Die public school their regular meeting at public school Tuesday night Board imbtr Hansen and George Kennedy principal Allen were appointed a commit tec the ght which will combine the open house with the build ngs official Opening at Vartan Associates have combined their gifts to the hospital build ng fund to make a total of 3 This is exemplary in field Hill Varum executive also announced a company of make a total of Other firms whose employee gifts are generous and worth lion arc Growers Delta Craft J B Mackenzie and Son Canadian Tire Canadian Bank of Commerce he Royal Bank of Canada TFN It- The planned jnd Peel Regional govemmenl will not come into existence on January I as the Ontario govemmenl had hoped Municipal Affairs Minister old a meeting of mayors and reeves from the two count Monday afternoon that a number of unsolved problems will obviate Hie hoped for January merger Reporting to council Monday night Mayor Emmerson sold did not enumerate the problems Nor did he inlimatc when the merger might take Jim Snow MPP or East announced Monday that tenders will be called during the week of March IS by the Ontario Department of for Contract for the reconstruction of Highway 7 between Georgetown and MOTH A unit motel and restaurant at the corner of Highway the Line of was proposed to Council Monday night by It Campbell lawyer for Anthony and William Kri whose mother owns a looacre farm that spot The land was formerly owned by The Lome Scots centuryold pipe and drum band may soon play lis swan song Military officials said this week the yearold band will be a victim of the recent of National Defence cutbacks unless public support can be found The band is one of many across the country which the defence department eliminating as part of an economy drive within the armed services ONI- t Town council has approved a 1979 operating budget In totalling 525 that represent a B per cent increase over 197B for lown purposes in Georgetown and Aclon and a per cent Increase or Generally taxpaj in the own s urban areas will pay approximately III more In taxes to town than In 1978 while those In Ihe rural art an will pay more More than million worth of improvements to Georgetown sewage disposal facilities which could enable the community to grow o have been deemed practical in consultant s report last week regions public works committee last Wednesday recommended that the results of the report prepared by Proctor and Ltd should be utilized by regional staff in the planning of Georgetown future development The Regional Police force is hoping to launch a project called Neighborhood Watch this summer In an effort vandalism In and Milton NelghborhoodWatchwouIdbe a summer job program for whose wages would be paid by the Ministry of the SolldlnrGenera Canada along with A small amount of the program a operating costs The force would be responsible for coats equipment office and equipment and any other with the project

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