The Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil coming up weekend and daffodil chairman IS an Brooke ready to atari idling da Cancer volunteer will be at the In tat Ion Thursday afternoon and at flout location throughout lotion on Friday an Saturday The money from the sale of the da fad Hi for ten will be only for research Mrs to encouraging people to buy he daffodils where they live Instead buying the from out of town Generous donations help defeat cancer Herald Special Cancer research is tremely costly The Cana dlan Cancer Society acting through the National Cancer Institute of Canada Is the main source of funds for research The dian contribution to this World wide progress towards control or cancer has been of major importance April is campaign month for the Canadian Cancer So ciety Without the generous donations of the Canadan public its support of cancer research would not be pos Nor would the Society be able to its pro gram of public and service to r patients The entire em of the fund raising and campaign I I on action action of pro one self against cant the of protcctir others through support of cancer research Each don to the Society n goes to work in three way I The first part of the progra support of research is ell known The is approached from he public and professional standpoint Where your dollar goes Throughout the So ciety carries out public edu cation on the importance of early detection of cancer when prompt treatment Cancer prevention Is also stressed to early symptoms affect great savings in man suffering and reduction in extensive med costs Society f publications and conferences bring can news and facts to mem of the and allied professions Much Is also done for the cancer patient through the making and distribution of dressings transportation hospital and home visiting and coping grams This work can only be sup or ted through the genero sity of the Canadian public when they respond to an appeal for funds during the annual April campaign Please be generous when the canvasser knocks at your door and help the Halton Hills area reach its objective of One third of each dollar is kept for Society programs our own community Staf Comment THE HERALD April fl Page b Richard Petrashek Regions credibility in doubt reg council will be laying its credibility on the line this afternoon Wednesday when it votes on a public works committee recommendation that will if passed add between and to the average payable in tax bill The increase itself is not a major one but the reasoning behind it does east some doubt on the region credibility which is still recovering from the wrist slapping it received from the public over recent tions of double billing on sewer charges As it turns out the ed 5Senl increase in the mill rate a figure provided by the region deputy treasurer Jim Stewart a bo originates from costs associated with the region sewage system The tax increase Is to be used to cover an unexpected def ell of almost in the 1B70 sewer budget As you may recall the Introduction of the new user pays sewer charge system January 1 was intended council laid last fall to take sewer charges off the tan bill and make sewers self liquidating like water and hydro You would pay only for what you used So they said The problem is that the sewer rate structure devised for is based on what had been an expected deficit in the 1979 sewer budget The deficit turned out however according to the most recent figures provided by regional treasurer Don Farmer to be a more formidable What that means is that the region will not be getting as much revenue as has been budgeted in for sewer projects So it will have to either recover it from the public through increases in the sewer rates or as proposed through taxation or delete or defer some of the projects budgeted for 1980 Since the deficit the sewer budget the most honest and most logical choice would be to Increase the sewer rates Deleting or deferring budgeted projects would only delay the inevitable the money has to come from somewhere An Increase in taxation is just shifting the cost and giving it a new name In politics however gnawers are never simple The region It seems according to chief admin officer Ernie made a commitment last Tall that it would not increase rates In 1B80 council decides to go the same route as We works committee it will severely damage credibility By the deficit onto the tax blU the region win be taking a giant step backward Into lime and only be decelv ing Itself that it has lived up to Its commitments The only honest solution Is to admit that an error has been made in formulating the rates and to lake the measures needed to adjust them to the proper level EDITOR NOTE preceding commentary reporter dual contribution to The Herald Richard la leaving the staff and Georgetown lata week the hopes of reviving his involvement In Toronto live theatre we him tne beat of Inch or the Richard turns over his municipal council beat to fellow staff writer Stephen Croat rt4xft4 Four grass fires started last week The grass fire season has begun again for Hills firefighters four calls to extinguish grass fires last week The first grass fire of the week on Thursday was on the grass behind Mr Donut on Sinclair Avenue Later near Boe timer s Lumber on Armstrong Avenue and on the loth Line Firefighters also received a call from a man Monday night about a grass fire in a ditch but it turned out to be a false alarm Firefighters were also called out to two rubbish fires A pile of rubbish at the rear of 32 Heather Court caught fire Saturday and a pile of garbage on Mill Street across from the Royal Canadian Legion caught fire on Sunday Bring in spring with PATIO STONES MACKENZIE BUIICAU J GEORGETOWN JAMES ST PHONE ill Mon inn Friday lam Saturday am ACTON 12 CHURCH ST PHONE 1660 thru Friday lam Saturday MMOMK ANNIVERSARY 1900