Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 16, 1980, p. 11

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the GERALD Home of Halton Hills THE HERALD Wednesday April IS 1t A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Main Si Ontario Publisher I PHONE Second Class Mail Number Heres to the Mike Brozics and a safe energy future Across this land there are thousands of Mike finding Firactical applications for new nventlonB which to Canadas discredit are still very much in the experimental stage Mike Is the innovative signmaker whose Acton homestead features a powergenerating windmill about which The Herald reported last week Interestingly enough the story caught the at tention of another local wind power pioneer whose promising efforts should make another interesting feature Halton Hills also has its share of solar energy experimenters who similarly find practical ap plications for eyecatching designs and equipment In their daytoday lives Advances in developing alternative energy sources are well documented as is the moderate attention paid these pilot protects by the provincial and federal governments Also well documented are the frightening ramifications of nuclear energy the potential threat to public health and safety and the apparently Insoluble problem of nuclear waste disposal Yet the province continues to invest the bulk of its energy development funds Into Ontario Hydros ongoing vision of a safe clean nuclearpowered future in the hopes of offsetting rising oil prices The trickle of wind and solar energy projects continues with limited public funding If surveys are correct a small majority of Ontario residents endorse this nuclear future con vinced perhaps by the awesome power shows of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the reassuringly hum of nuclear facilities the unabated flow of fresh elec tricity into their living rooms that nuclear fission is yet another proper and orderly phase of evolution Somehow to our frank amazement the public has ac cepted Hydros assurances about the safety of nuclear power Remember- Three Mile Island cant happen here as well as the governments priorization of energy sources They are content to gamble on split atoms and leave the wind and the sun to dreamers and home handymen The practicality of harnessing wind and solar energy in terms of scale economics ana adaptability can no longer be challenged For a government investment of modest size compared to the billions spent on reactors fringe alternatives could be developed for daily use in most homes within a few years Lets open our minds to the less dangerous energy sources and press government representatives to rechannel funds for their development Lets prepare a future that offers safe as well as abundant energy to our children Letter from the Editor Paul Dorsey When Delrex plotted its secession When Herald staff writer Taylor pours through the papers back issues every week to compile History or this page she comes up with an occasional gem worthy of special attention It was years ago this week for example that the newly formed Delrex Ratepayers Association considered petitioning Georgetown council tor a referendum on the subdivisions proposed secession from Georgetown and its incorporation as a separate municipality for newer residents of Hills is regarded as the massive subdivision developed on old Georgetowns southern boundary during the late 1950s and early 60s by the late Rex Sr Then came the Moore Park subdivision tacked onto he northern boundary but thats another story Some Delrex ratepayers endorsed their Associations petition years ago asking town council to hold a vote on the subdivisions secession The actual presentation of the pell lion however was delayed when ratepayers decided lo investigate costs related to their concerns These secessionists as The Herald referred to them were chiefly upset about a surplus In the towns tar revenue sic which was allegedly being used to the older areas of Georgetown Another charge Involved an apparent surplus la taxes collected around Association pointed out that council included no Delrex represent in addition roadwork programs recreation and councils negative attitude toward and its role in the community also posed which residents believed were being Ignored by council A majority vote among all George town residents lo allow Del rexs secession would have taken the question before the Ontario Municipal Board In effect secession would have returned to control by township Youthful Herald staffers will be watching the back issues as they unfold again to sec what became of the association and why Delrex remained part of Georgetown Any former tion members who recalls the circumstances would be more than welcome to contact us with the punchline and perhaps some additional perspective on the issues involved We all learn much about the future from the past history s slow revolutions produced similar sentiments of a secessionist nature in Acton more recent ly and dare say the regional nation of County has done much to keep those sentiments alive Hopping right to it read the caption under the front page color photo in Fridays ToronloSlar There in an Easter bunny outfit borrowed from one of Alices friends In Wonderland stood Georgetowns own Nick Lento helping Premier Bill launch the annual Cancer Society campaign Nick and Queens Park press secreta ry Sally Barnes donned the bunny gear to raise bucks selling daffodils to MPPs and civil servants Nick youll recall Is the premier chauffeur who provided The Herald with some Interest ing feature material for a story a few months ago Our congratulations Nick for catching photographer Boris Spremos eye and getting really involved in such a worthy case MAW PONT A talk A To IT Tories federalism in danger as sole Quebec MP undecided Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald Watching the various federal politicians thrash around aimlessly on the fringes of the Quebec Referendum its difficult to believe they have spent the last four years or so preparing for this debate This was one of the chief reasons why Pierre Trudeau decided to cancel his retirement plans and take another crack at Ihe prime ministership He wanted to take on Quebec Premier ReneLevcsque in the referendum campaign a campaign that he has talked about ever since Pari came to power In 1976 The issue has figured prominently in Various Liberal campaigns as voters were asked to consider what leader was best equipped to keep the country together The Conservatives were also prominent In this debate frequently accusing of being too much of a confrontational The Tories said Party Leader Joe Clark on several occasions would demonstrate that they could feel at home within a new more flexible federalism Presumably this new flexibility would be described in detail before were asked to make their choices Now with the referendum just ahead of us and after the two major political parties have had four years to think about it one could reasonably expect to hear voice in the debate So far apart from scattered indivldu efforts the silence has been thunderous TRUDEAU LATE The Impression I had was that Pierre once reelected prime minister could scarcely contain himself as he waited to lunge after Levesque He has been rather scathing In his criticism of Joe Clarks more relaxed approach and seemed anxious to prove himself an activist in this affair Perhaps he will become an active campaigner but the referendum debate has already begun and I am not sure there is much time to waste As the supporters are out collecting money and knocking on doors the No supporters are still squabbling about their organisation And more to the point the federal MPs are still trying to decide what if anything to do Justice Minister Jean Chretien has been actively campaigning after he and Provincial Leader Claude Ryan managed to settle their differences for campaign purposes The fact that these differences stilt remained at this late stage doesnt say much for the abilities of the No supporters The role of federal politicians in the overall federalist cause is still a matter of debate surprising situation considering the time available to organize the united campaign Even battle plan Is not yet In place ROLE UNCLEAR Maurice the Liberal MP for La be lie says that his own constituents are beginning to press him to get out and fight for the federalists But there seems to be some confusion about what individual MPs should do or can do under the laws controlling spending Even Ryan who is chief engineer of the federalist campaign doesnt seem to have a specific plan in mind for federal MPs If they feel they have role its a decision to be taken by them he says Presumably that applies to Pierre who also happens to be prime minister of the entire country I would hove thought these little snags could have been ironed out long ago And the Tories cant afford to be too critical about any Liberal disorganization since they dont seem to have any idea of what their party might do The Conserva tives have only one MP from Quebec Roch La Salle and he even sure he will vote No in the referendum Incredibly he says his decision will depend on the performance- of the Trudeau government In Ottawa When a national party has only one MP from Quebec and he is toying with the Idea of supporting sovereignty- association its probably difficult to mount an effective federalist campaign But these are questions that should settled months If not years ago Even Rene Levesque must be quietly amazed that at this stage his federalist opponents still seem to be searching for guidance on the most talked about issue since the Second World War Jobs as personal property when privilege becomes right Queens Park Park Bureau of The Herald When he NDP complains in the legislature about plant shutdowns they appear lo be reflecting a growing change in society values Keeping ones Job is being increasing ly viewed not as a contract between employer and employee but as a permanent right The latest illustration comes wilh the closing of ihe Firestone lire plant in near Toronto What action does the government now intend lo take to maintain that plant and protect the jobs which Firestone intends to eliminate Leader Michael asked in the legislature Industry and Tourism Minister Larry Grossman had the standard answer Well try lire industry just has too much capacity wanted a public inquiry where Firestone would be compelled to Justify Ihe closure so the industry in general would be intimidated Into learn Ontario wont put up these kinds of closures Understandably Grossman rejected Cassidys demand as posturing NOT NEEDED Still Grossman had to have the facts about the shutdown at his fingertips and he had to say the government would review the for the plant Thai kind of knowledge was not required of a minister of the Crown a few decades ago It is all part of the growing trend In the Western world to treat mployment not as a persons own responsibility but as a permanent right almost property Once property rights were restricted to real property like land personal property like money and intangible properly like patents Now Jobs are easing into the same category with inalienable rights as the NDP approach makes so plain to lifetime employment that cannot be ended by a company without compensation NEW LAWS This no expropriation without compensation to use the old term applied to land means no company closures without the owners being responsible for retraining new Jobs or early pensions In this regard it was instructive to note that the second questioner on Firestone in the House Mike focused on early retirement pensions for older employees even though it I in their union contract In the somewhat different context of bankruptcies and liquidations the already gives employees pensions first claim after taxes on the employers assets a protection traditionally reserved for creditors property Such a system is not yet law in Ontario but plans for it are In the works In Europe the extreme has been reached In countries like Belgium where a redundant employee receives his lifetime salary upon severance Ontario lags but then it was only a decade ago thai laws were passed here requiring companies In give hefty advance notice of closuns where large numbers of employees were effected Firestone for example Is weeks American social analyst Peter suggests as late as the Second World War ownership of real property land companies gave access to economic effectiveness and with it to social standing and political power But that true anymore jobs replacing lands as a means of access to social status to personal opportunity to achievement and to power This evolution of jobs Into a kind of property he adds has Increasingly made it a right And right is the modem definition for anything thai Is sacred or unquestionable the HERALD Haltons History From our files THIRTY Bennett pnrtnei in the local legal firm of Dale and Bennett Is the first president of newly formed national organisation of Progressive Conservative women She was elected to this office at the annual- Conservative meeting being held In Ottawa this week Miss Bennett has been prominent In the party for several years and is one of its most able public Georgetown Skating Club presented its first annual Ice Revue last Friday under auspices of and with active support from Toronto Skating Club It was a fine show from the opening Mistress Mary number by the junior members of the to the finale when the whole cast appeared on the Ice lo take their bow The skating J highlight of the show was the appearance of Peter the 1950 junior champion of Canada Much to the chagrin or a number of Raiders fans the tickets allotted Georgetown for tomorrow Thursday night game were sold almost immediately It is expected over fans will make the trip to including many who are taking a chance- on obtaining tickets when they get there TWENTY YEARS AGOAvian experimental gyroplane crashed after an unscheduled takeoff at the ttellingion Airport Friday injuring the pilot of Delrex Mr Zuber is in Kitchener Waterloo Hospital with a severely fractured left ankle and possible back Injuries The twoseater aircraft which combines the principals of helicopter and autogyro was under going taxiing when it unexpectedly became airborne or 100 feet and Ihen dropped to the ground The aircraft had never been airborne- before and was not Intended to fly on ihe taxiing lests Results received at the high school from the department of education place Georgetown High School in the Beth percentile In English and In the percentile in Mathematics following recently administered Scholastic Aptitude Tests Renewing a request for negotiating a land release deal for remaining Delrex residential properties council on Monday received a letter from the legal firm representing the Delrex developers asking that negotiations be within 14 days Mayor Em Hyde denied that the town has broken off negotiations and said ihe town has dealt with this request at least three times and all we can do is to write and refer back to our previous letter pointing out thai release of more land is dependent on Industrial development Brownridge has an egg in his house that is years old But his College neighbors need not worry The egg is of the Smiles n Chuckles Easter who is not allowed to cat sweets Two Inches across by three inches he reports the chocolate is as good as Ihe day It was made TEN YEARS the conference of counties and regions in Toronto lost Wednesday municipal affairs minister Darcy McKeough said he would not consider a Haltononly region Halton county council recently endorsed a resolution calling for immediate action to establish a region Answering a question at Wednesdays conference McKeough said he would not give regional government for this area any more consideration until after May I In any event he would not even consider a region Two pi eke tern have been arrest ed as the result of trouble on the picket line at Smith and Stone Ltd Wednesday morning The two pickets both women were arrested and charged with impeding after a Smith and Stone official Pat Sedolia attempted to drive his car on ts the plant property through the companys entrance on Ontario Street When he was stopped company officials called and a Georgetown constable escorted the car through the picket lines A plan has been drafted for the coordination or all police departments in county In the event of regional government The report Is result of a series of meetings of police department officials March was one of the highest months for births at Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital since it opened ten ago Figures on the hospitals operation in March show births during the month compared to so for Ihe same month In 1 It brought the number to births there this year Inability lo rind a suitable water source in the Glen Williams area ha resulted in Ihe Ontario Water Resources Commission asking Georgetown to reconsider its stand on refusing to supply water to that portion of Township There was no comment when Ihe letter was read at Mondays council meeting ONE expansion of Actons sewage treatment plant last year has been blamed for a per cent increase in the community a mill rale for part of a million budget approved by regional council last week The cost of expanding the sewage plant for which funds were as well as its operating costs for the past year have been tacked on to Actons region tax bill for 1979 The furor lhal has arisen over town councils decision to increase ice rental rates three arenas Is being transformed into an organized protest that could call into question the entire spectrum of municipal spending AD sports a groups affected by the recent decision to boost rental rate next September are expected to be represented by a joint delegaUon that confront council to officially protest the move Halton Regional Police Commission plans to replace the patrol van which figured prominently in tfaa- socalled sweatbox trial which took place earlier this year bat only after consultation with experts on specifi cations for the vehicle which would prevent a repeat of the incident where- several prisoners complained of extreme heat in the rear of a prisoner transport

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