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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 20, 1980, p. 3

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the GERALD Home Newspaper of Hills SECTION A TItaVERALD May 1IH A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown Ontario WILLIAM Publisher PAUL Editor DAVID Advertising Manager jrji St Clan Mul Registered Number Congratulations to the ICG you read the headline correctly we congratulate the Interested Citizens Group in that we heartily endorse recent com menu by Group leaders to the effect that the ICG has almost single made Ontario Hydro finally aware of its responsibility to the taxpayer years ago when local landowners touched off a major battle against the utility by ban ding together against the proposed Bruce to Milton transmission corridor Ontario Hydro was a very different agency than it is today In those days prior to the legislation of new guidelines for the construction of major public facilities and the expropriation of land for them landowners whose fell in the path of hydro were hard pressed to defend their livelihood and lifestyle against a powerful crown cor poration bent upon expanding its mandate in the public interest Somewhere along the way the provincial government recognized the need for additional in vestigations beyond those con ducted by Ontario Hydro in justifying its own projects and the Environmental Assessment Board was born The ICG which had expanded its own scope to include Ian downers all along the 100mile long Bruce to Milton corridor entered the fray prior to the establishment of the Assessment Board and did f Its best to prove what members believed the Board would have discovered had it had a chance to study the route in the same way Solandt examined the to Pickering corridor which runs east and west and in tersecting with the Bruce line at Milton Numerous charges followed gradually extending the ICG s Involvement further until the entire Hydro scenario of over building and exporting came into focus for Ontario citizens everywhere Let us consider those charges no longer save in historical retrospect the towers are built and the impressive sight of their stringing will soon be seen Let us instead console the hardworking ICG members for taking Hydro to the wall again and again and pointing out the short comings in the utilitys long range plans for those willing to listen The lesson learned by observers is perhaps that Hydro cannot be trusted unto itself that controls are needed But the real lesson learned is one that taught Hydro Itself that important responsibilities belong to its planners and negotiators aimed at settling fairly with Ian downers affected by the big projects Thanks to the ICG and certain legislators who support them directly or indirectly the power finally rests In the hands of the citizens The seven years war was not in vain Letter from the Editor Paul arc now holding in your hands evidence hat history has been mi this week with the landmark first run of the large four unit printing press around which this newspaper brand new have been built and upon which promising future rests several decades of trucking completed pasted up flats to press facilities in Cambridge and elsewhere The Herald has ogam acquired the capability of printing its own product on the premises Hie big day came with a ceremonious flourish and the all Important push of the little red button that gets things rolling This of course is the culmination of months of effort by Herald publisher Bill and several Thomson Newspapers Company officials to move The Herald into larger selfcontained quarters from its former Main Street off ici where only job printing took place in recent years While we anticipate some initial problems as we gradually convert and adapt to the new printing system here 1 expect Herald readers will enjoy certain visual improvements In their weekly newspaper as staffers learn to take f advantage better production capabilities and a versatile press Within the next two weeks as well you notice three or more new Herald lifestyle features that will appear on weekly or monthly bases The first two have been ten scheduled to appear in this week issue the first a special kind of gardening column that we think truly capture the spirit of the season written former Herald Terra Colta correspondent Dry den and the second a helpful column on health and beauty hints for those of both sews interested in maintaining or improving a vigorous youthful and healthy appearance In whom you come to know in these pages as Lady Green thumb The Herald has found an ideal mixture of informative and entertaining storyteller For me I m no of botany Mrs columns bring to mind similar writings by a real gardening freak and an amusing writer who used to contribute to Rolling Stone magazine a series of Gardening Hints the Illustrator Ralph While Lady Greenthumb might not entirely appreciate the comparison I think she shares with an off the wall sense of humor that carries the serious messages across in its almost ethereal way better than any textbook on the subject Also on tap Is The Beauty Spot Barb regular column named after the local shop of the same name and drawn from the knowledge and expertise of the store two who as the world suggests specialize in what looks good Ve re sure our female readers and plenty of their male counterparts will learn much about personal hygiene and how to make it work for themselves in Barbs articles A third feature we re hoping to start soon is for the astrology buffs out there but it not going to be just another syndicated horoscope guide Preliminary steps have been taken to arrange a series of personalized astrological columns in which the author a local resident with eight years experience reading the stars will respond directly to questions and comments mailed to her by Herald readers While reader response most welcome and for all three of these features I most hopeful we 11 hear from readers quickly concerning this astrology column Think it a good idea Perhaps you have suggestions to refine il let us know here 877 It s just the beginning folks Ouellets pro Canada speech flawed by infiltration fears MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald Andre Ouellct is one of those cabinet ministers we rely on along with Prime Minister TrudeaU and other Quebec MPs to carry the federalist message to in this crucial referendum campaign So when this minister of consumer and corporate affairs not to mention postmaster general rose during the Throne Speech debate to present his case we were naturally all ears He had followed some powerful predecessors including and Justice Minister Jean Chretien who had offered a potent mixture of logic and emotion and since tends to be identified with younger he just turned his words would have considerable import As it turned out he did have some compelling things to say It a pity they were virtually lost In some of those strident utterances that bordered on hysteria Stuff like that does the federalist cause no good When he set out to remind about the freedom enjoyed under the Canadian flag lit presented a formidable ease and he presented it well STRONG if The simple ict that you will be able to express your feelings secretly and democratically about the future of Quebec within or without Canada shows that you live in one of the freest countries in the world hope that you will remember this and Lake this freedom into account when you mike your choice He mounted a strong defence of the federal system arguing that the twolevel government insures healthy emulation of the interest of people to provide Canadians with all the services and benefits they require And the referendum is being held because there are people in the Canadian government whoallow that kind of freedom of thought freedom of action freedom of contestation to go on can cut an impressive figure on any speaker platform and while he maintained this theme he obviously had an attentive audience ft s too bad he ruined his presentation with all that hyperbole about separatist infiltrations He can have it both ways If we are a free country permitting political parties of all philosophies thin can really begin screaming because adherents of one particular viewpoint begin Infiltrating our institutions Bui Ouellet seemed to be almost on the verge of screaming THIY lit The separatists he declared have infiltrated everywhere in Quebec in all quarters at all levels In the area of first then in the area of information in the artistic community of course In the trade union realm in the agriculture world in the provincial public service and also in the federal public service in intermediary bodies In professional organizations in social clubs and even in charitable organizations years he said have suffered endured and tolerated a subtle sneaky and Machiavellian campaign bent on downgrading Canadian entity Canadian federalism Canadian institutions There is no doubt that if these people had tried to do this in any other country the world they would have been socked they would have been clubbed they jailed more sill in a number of countries they would have been shot Its not necessary to disagree with everything soys to have doubts about whether he is properly attuned to presentday Quebec Wc are no longer concerned with a handful of infiltrating fanatics but a legitimate political party which won an overwhelming victory in 1976 and whose referendum campaign seems to be supported by roughly half the province people The danger in s approach Is that his wise and considered words on Canadian freedoms may be lost the rubble or those Infiltration stories that to many will seem years out of dale Grossman books Minaki room taxpayers get bill for m Queen Park Bureau of The Herald Not too often does Leader Michael utter publicly what must be the private sentiment of more than one Conservative cabinet minister But that the story of Lodge the white elephant wilderness hotel in Ontario Northwest that the government acquired in 1S74 Clearly with hindsight the decision was wrong from the start Cossidy said about he governments attempt to up grade the hotel and transform It into a going concern He spoke just after industry and tourism minister Larry Grossman announced he was pouring another million into making the resort function That in addition to the Ho million already spent jn the last six years modernizing what in 1926 was Pacific s Northwest equivalent of its Banff Spnngs hotel Naturally Grossman as blunt as Cassidy when he had to face reporters intrigued by the government willingness to than double its losses on a very iffy business But he did admit that he wished government I In the hotel business Unfortunately for Grossman it is too late for regrets Attempts to sell the hotel have floundered on the single point that the private sector too has doubts about it being a winner The best deal Grossman could come up with has the government retaining ownership and paying an American chain Hotels a year and 10 per cent of gross annual profits to operate the resort Projections show the lodge making WOO within seven years of which will pocket slightly under half Grossman Indicated He added with classic understate merit that s both a business gamble and a political gamble Actually the government really has no choice but to finish refurbishing the hotel mainly adding 150 guest rooms now that it is In this deep If nothing else the prestige of Northern Affairs Minister Lee is so totally committed to getting the complex operating that he would likely have to resign if his cabinet colleagues humiliated him by writing off is in riding and he had a large influence in committing the government to the project in the first The theory us repeated by Grossman is that the hotel can form the focal point for tourist development in far Northwest as well as provide badly needed local employment But perhaps most important in the original decision to save when its private owner went bankrupt was the climate of the times the belief in 1974 government could succeed fairly cheaply in business where a private operator could If else the list few years to have laid lhal idea to rest Still since the government today is in dive off the high Queens Park By Derek Nelson tower it might as well finish the plunge into the red complete the hotel write off Its capital costs and have it run profitably What optimism there about Minaki stems from Grossman s announcement that Hotels will be the operator They ore a northwest US firm with several similar hotels within miles of and all make money The only thing you can be sure of is Ihe next time a resort bote folding government will let It do just that Police Week It was years ago this week that police in North America first undertook what has become one of the main facets of their job New York City constables hailed motorist Jacob German to the side of a city street and slapped an arrest notice on him for hurtling along at miles an hour in his electric powered cab This bit of tnvia has nothing to do with the reason why officials of two different Canadian organizations have to May Respect for Week and May 11 to as Police Week but it does bring to mind one of those that keep the police busy in Hills and elsewhere Unfortunately for many pedestrians and a lot of motorists too cars no longer drive at 12 miles an hour on the open road and the radar traps become necessary to slow unthinking drivers down a Little The point is of course that the best way to observe the Georgetown Optimists Respect for Law Week and the Ontario Police Associations Police Week is to obey the law Who anyone who considers this concept foreign to their lifestyles might end up finding the practice habit forming Haltons History From our files Tlllim MIS As has been said before Terra Cotta is celling more like New all the lime It is rumored that the Mam Street will be widened Also it is expected that the highway through here will be paved Daily bus service Is a great improvement All good roads lead to Terra Everett postmaster proprietor of a genera store at for more than 0 years succumbed heart attack at his home Ma 7 He had been in ill health or some lime Mr Barnhiil was one of Norval best known residents and he 111 be greatly missed from his accustomed place of business the main corner Dave iaxc received a large salmon trout this week sent to him by an ardent Fan of McDonald who had temerity to on a losing team year The trout was sent by a friend of Dave at Port Sydney where the Saw summer cottage is located John Wayne rougher tougher and more romantic than ever stars as The Fighting Kenluekian Also showing History Brought to ifo and Toy Tinkers I Mis A new fadorv with square foot area floor will be in operation In Georgetown by mid September Negotiations hive been completed between Bell Assoeiaies and Dclrex Developments for purchase of acres at the corner of Armstrong and Sinclair in the Delrex industrial area The new building will more than double the capacity of the industry which has been for two in a rented building on King Street Georgetown council has received applications from men for advertised position of police constable The addition will boost the present seven man force to eight Nine of the applicants are town or district res dents The balance of the applications came from other centres including one from Falls A record shattering attendance greeted this year s Rotary Club Show Boat it was reported Monday by Logan MacDonald who was charge of ticket sales The Rotary sponsored review staged for the first time In the spacious high school drew well over 1 to lis four performances according to Mr In letter to council Police Chief Roy Haley said that since attending a council meeting and listening lo the budget debate he has received an insight into the owns budget problems He said he now wishes to withdraw his acceptance of a granted four per cent salary increase which was under protest and now wishes to accept the increase with thanks I audited the town books for years and I think you need a change said A Lever as he tendered his resignation from the position Monday night after presenting his 1959 report to council The two men arrested for theft of during an armed robbery at the Royal Bank at April were sentenced to ten years each in Kingston Reformatory when they appeared in Police Court last week The two men entered the bank shortly after noon opening and waving a rifle and revolver scooped the money from the cash drawer After shutting the manager and three members of his staff in the vault they made their getaway in a car parked near the bank AGO Georgetown hovercraft The Penguin so named because it is equally at home on land water or snow just returned From stealing the limelight at a compact car show in Designer and builder John Schwingshandl appeared on the radio station to describe and explain his invention A regional hospital study of and Peel counties recommends that Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital be expanded by beds Peter Hughes president of the Georgetown received the Outstanding Presidents award at the Conference Mr Hughes was presented with the Tinkaluck trophy at the conference The award is given to the president whose unit scores highest on a points system Points are awarded to the number of successful projects run and the membership increase Fallout shelters should be mandatory in all new buildings says Georgetown Deputy Reeve Arthur Speight The subject of shelters from atomic radiation arose at a county council session yesterday when a report of the Emergency Measures Organization revealed that a fallout protection survey is in progress Ten University of Toronto students are spending this week living In an old forge at Terra Cotta studying the village and surrounding area Peel County Council has approved the use of the historic landmark after Professor Frank said his students became interested in Terra Cotta as a result of the road widening controversy Barbara Brother on local flying took off Monday morning from Island Airport on the first leg of the Angel Derby an air race open only to women which ended in Nassau yesterday Results were not available at press time Barb and her copilot Elaine Magec flew a Bellanca super Viking provided by Percy Schneider of Mllverton sole Canadian distributor for the aircraft Holes Inone are rare but holes inone by women golfers are rarer A North Golf and Country Club member Toots Burns accomplished the feat on Thursday She used a iron on the par throe ninth hole to loft a 106 yard tee shot thai dropped on the green and rolled into the cup A quantity of Hashish estimated to be worth about was picked up by Georgetown police in the downtown area Monday night Several persons have been interrogated but no arrests had been made press lime The hashish was packaged in several small bags AGO A show of solidarity and strength by five of Georgetown hockey and figure skating organizations has persuaded town council to reconsider its twomonth old decision to increase ice rental rates at the municipality three arenas Confronted by a gallery packed with hockey and figure skating fans Monday night council refused to abandon the rate hike scheduled for implementation in September but agreed to arrange a special meeJng of all concerned where as recreation director Glen Gray put it a middle of the road approach can be pursued In what is being hailed by corridor opponent as a landmark admission by the government Premier William Davis has conceded that the route of Ontario Hydro Bruce to Milton transmission corridor was never studied by the 1373 Royal Commission as officials have repeatedly said in the past A healed debate on the semantics of bureaucracy produced some angry remarks about the value of consultants reports being prepared for regional council last week Council members spent much of their meeting last Wednesday debating the comparative of Ihe terms accepted and adopted which were being juggled in a public works committee recommendation before council The recommendation was ultimately sent back to the committee for further consideration Concern over the extent to which municipal control can be exercised has prompted town council to reject plans for the million CroatianCanadian recreational and cultural complex proposed for development near A 7 vote Monday night saw council overturn last week planning board recommendation end reject a proposal by Torontoarea Croatian Canadians to develop a lHHtcre farm off Winston Churchill Boulevard south of a social recreational and cultural centre Town council is again being urged to establish a Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee which would select ItiUi buildings for designation by council as historical sites Although rejected by the towns 1977 78 council the proposal was reintroduced Monday night and this limeref erred to municipal for a feasibility study

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