15 I COMA strives to educate on growing cult problem Dialogue the begin the end And Inn is warning with statements like that about the dangers of that first chat with handsome fellow or handing out or leaflet on he corner of and A founding member of the Council On Mind Abuse COMA Mr own close encounter of hellish kind with a cult I years indicated to him that the person Is far from on the mind techniques of Toronto quasi religious and mind improvement organizations What interfiled In is why people become Involved with mils he told a meeting of the University Women Club last Tuesday evening and if they become involved how are people completely coerced to accept the cult philosophies explained that cults can be distinguished by their tendency to seek control over a recruit mind the of a rival frame of thought and a messianic portrayal of a leader Cult members ore taught to believe that the end justifies the means and under Hie guise of a number harmless fronts they financially enrich them selves putting little money back into the community Mr said that there two types of cults ing in the Toronto region Therapeutic culls offer mind improvement therapy attracting people of all ages with claims that their course will build self confidence sharpen mtmory and offer some kind of escape from stress and tired His own involvement with Mind Development Institute of Toronto started with the honorable intention of kicking his smoking habit Promising to make him a confirmed smoker enrolled Mr for a fourday course and Indeed in three diys he had lost his desire out of class for a quick drag Meanwhile he had been convinced to hand over an additional for course Mr Haworth told an enthral led audience that he stayed with the Institute for an additional two weeks before he managed to escape the stringlehold they had on his mind Although he underwent three days of deprogramming hanks to friends who realized he danger signals in his distinct persomlity change Mr Haworth said he suffered 11 months of psychological with- Graduate draw a afterward TFCJIN1WJES The techniques used In mind improvement cults are also used religious or south cults such as the Hare move ment and Unification Church A COMA leaflet lists different mind manipulative techniques some of v Inch were commonly used in the Korean War against captured American First of all you must Isolate the person from family and friends Mr said and then through mental and physical depravity you get the person to to anything he can get a hold of He explained that even the courses he look Isolated the students from the outside society used subliminal hypnosis lo relax the group making them easier to persuade and exercised peer pressure to hold questions lo a minimum Students were also house trained and were not allowed to go to he washrooms except at breaks once every five hours Interestingly enough Mr said were asked to hold any questions until the breaks but with most of heir classmates out of the room not to mention their own desire to use the facilities questions were rare ly answered Persistently inquisitive students were quietly ushered out of the class offered their money back and asked to leave A heavy was at to moke sure that only student came into building and those that left stayed out Mr Haworth said Few classmates noticed a missing student the the seating arrangement afler each break The chairs of errant and curious students who were kicked out of the course were removed Cults often make use of other techniques fully convince recruits of the merits of their movement is term used to describe the effusive friendliness cult followers show to new members while destroying family ties Sleep deprivation and a diet tow In protein speed up the recruit physical and mental breakdown as he slides towards becoming a full cult member His vulnerability Is further increased with ive lectures confusing games rejection of old values and fear Mr said NAZIS Techniques like this were commonly used by the Nazis daughter or imd Vtrna Groietlt Maple graduated with Honors receiving a Gold medal for High Academic Toronto Inill tutcif Medical Technology at a Laboratory ant Graduation ceremonies were hild Oct al lion Hah University of to Is now employed by Hospital for Sick Children Toronto Casting completed Casting has been completed for the upcoming Anne of Green Gables to be presented at S on Nov and Anne Shirley will ay by Archer who as the rose seller in Oliver hut year The brother and sister who adopt her Matthew and Mnrilla will be Bill Merchant and Becky The other main cast members are Ken KuhJ us Gilbert Chris as Diana Kenlner Mrs Joanne Tucker as Hoy Brennan as Mr Phillips and Jenny as MIsm Music and acting rehearsals ore now taking place under the direction of Mr Ralph Unci and Mrs Joan Silk the and esc I Army wt kidnapped Hearst newspaper heiress Mr old Herald Thurso tint iihn it Itu would be more live than em mint lehlsliillonagimsl lie tint street solicitation eould be up appropriate laws He COMA to office Is Inundated with calls day from parents want ing to know how to a fimily number from a cult but he warned that kidnapping Hi in furs tuck A profit COMA raises money iking engagements and i the organization can be by calling IIP writing Box Toronto Ontario he Parents should not try and gel information first hand from a cult with which they suspect a son or daughter has become Involved he said Once the group knows you re looking for one or their members they get him out of the city and you may never see him he said If parents or friends arc lucky enough to rescue some one from the folds of the cull the person must undergo three of deprogramming and symptom Mr the first 15 days since the rescued I Still vulnerable to influence II its at all pass should be watched day he said heavy cloak of pro be needed for fo it il still run kidnapping trying to rescue daughter from a Considering tha member can raise BOO soliciting street the loss of mean the loss of said i About the Hills Volunteer training Tin fill course for 1 ri at the North Hilton Centre will el The centre inedtlo2jvourtcers 1 hour a day service nlhe A fir the Contact Centre said his rul since fall whin of fuids and volunteers was threatening the existence Hie The is receiving calls a month mid has lull hut dou n on occasion for lat of staff Christmas tree sale The Kinsmen Club of Georgetown will be selling trees this at the A and Parking Lot from December 10 to Christmas Tins is the year for this project which was the first fund raising operation rtiken by the Georgetown Club Making friends The North Aisoclntion for the Menially lie larded is looking for volunteers to assist in a new be mm this year which they hope will broaden the for their adult clients The progrum called Ben will mateh a volunteer with a client in hopes the two will be to a friendship Anyone who has time to lake In movie go to a ball game or meet with a friend fir coffee is asked to contact Barbara Abray at Farm tour Raffle results All mi mbers of Hills and Hilton region have been invited to part in a tour of stinted farms on Oct 1G The lour organized Agricultural Advisory Committee and the Kuril Outreach Development Committee is aimed al familiarizing council members with some of the problems facing farmers 1 Club Multiple District A 1 is reientiy and lure are the results first I 19WI idilhe Sedan lo Doris of eiondpnze a to Bob Woods Sin Kit third prize a 1980 Acadian to of Quebec our Ih prize a inflight Iwoweek lour to to Peter Barrett of fifth prize a color television to Klyn of Marie television to Brian sevtnthpnie a SLR camera to Mi phi Wilson of in eighth a Canon SI Smith of BUSINESS DIRECTOR uts director of the Council On Mind an audience of I rs on the growth of cults In Toronto In tails or Ids own experience with one cult his organisation is trying educate cults use lo get members and photo GO TRAIN Commuters to Toronto have 1 00 minutes a day to read a book from ID IDBMfllnSt S OXBOW BOOKS ATTENTION Mayors Fire Chiefs Police ChiefsMedical Officers of Health Municipal Emergency Planners Register now to attend a conference entitled Emergency Preparedness for the Eighties This important confer ence will deal with practical issues facing all those involved in emergency planning in government and industry Issues to be covered include the nature of emergencies and the capabilities of response the role of the local emergency planner and the responsibility of elected officials The train derailment will be used as an example of the sort of emergency for which you must be prepared Emergency Preparedness for the Eighties November 1619 1980 at the Harbour Castle Hilton Toronto To register phone 416 961 6505 Telex 986766 Ask for Emergency Conference Secretariat Address is Emergency Conference Conference Secretariat 112 St Clair Ave West Suite 303 Toronto Ontario M4V 2Y3 Please note the date for this Conference is November 1619 1980 at the Harbour Castle Hilton Toronto not October as printed in last weeks advertisement Sponsored by the Ontano Government and the Association of Municipalities of CASH TOP PRICES PAID FOR GOLD SILVER DIAMONDS INSTANT CASH FOR YOUR OLD RINGS DENTAL GOLD BROOCHES STERLING SILVER DISHES KNIVES AND FORKS ETC In cooperation with The Jewellers Disposal Service ONE DAY ONLY FRIDAY OCT 17 1980 From am to pm Dont miss your chance to cash in on Inflated gold and silver market and also take advantage of our one day 25 discount amara jewellers 51 Main St S Georgetown