Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 19, 1980, p. 4

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Home of Halton Hills A Till llUt MI A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Ontario WILLIAM Publisher PAUL Editor DAVID Manager PHONE Renewed faith in cultural centre They were right when they called our recent editorial Who is planning ad ministration for arts complex a negative attack on a project that now desperately needs positive public support But we have no regrets It was probably a coincidence that information started flowing in the two- week period The Herald was asking those involved a lot of questions about the new cultural centre in Georgetown The sudden exchange of information was seemingly renewed between those most involved not just whenever The Herald sat in To put these concerns in their proper perspective however they are invariably minor based entirely on a temporary lapse In that flow of in formation Town officials must bear some blame for the gap building and fund- raising committee must bear same blame the Halton Hills Arts Council must bear some blame And the Hills press must also bear some blame Hopefully our indepth report on page Cl of this weeks issue will shine appropriate light on the projects positive aspects and many Concern over the complexs size cost adaptability and rental fees has yet to be fully resolved we must await final assessments of need and councils ultimate decisions However within our reach right now is the opportunity to help lay the ground work for positive decisions In the future That is by supporting fundraising ac tivities now to help cover the projects construction cost we can demonstrate a wellbased community spirit that can guide councillors in their deliberations over the complexs interior design A substantial showing of public interest in the project will let the town know our every concern must be accommodated Already hard at work these few months preparing a modestly spectacular complex that will serve generations to come is a mere handful of local citizens meticulously taking care of business on our collective behalf They produce the ten ders pick the bidders sign the contracts ready the site pour the concrete ana organize the awesome but clearly task of raising in public funds Led by Mayer Pete Rex Heslop Ab Tennant Ken Richardson Rud Whiting and others these behind-the- scenestypes may have gone about their community minded business a little too quietly of late but their apparent modesty in the face of historic achievement is easily forgiven Ernie Sykes and other Georgetowners received deserved ap plause when they renovated the com munitys old arena with a wellorganized public fundraising campaign several years ago Let us anticipate similar suc cess In this venture and reward and company now for the work theyll go on doing for another year at least How to thank them A fundrafser will be coming to your door or stopping you on the street during the coming months and therell be plenty of other opportunities to contribute elsewhere No community- oriented cause Is more appropriate to support because well all derive major benefits in the years to come Letter from the Editor Paul Dorsey A vision usurped Truly a paradox is a complete city in ihe midst of the country Thus was Georgetowns sprawling 20year old housing subdivision described in a promotional issued by Developments Ltd on the of I hi community s last big population increase There the booklet which recently came this desk as a matter of historical interest but it appears from Its design and photographs to hate originated around 1958 to i960 I written in this column on several occisicns about Georgetowns past and future development but the companys somewhat pretentious little advertising ploy held many wonders or me particular when comparing the vision of the late Rex Sr with modern day riahtv Blueprint for Decentralization is a Grade soft sell attempt to attract new investors It makes much of the fact that building new cities some distance from existing metropolitan centres was a pioneering Idea whose lime had come vision interestingly enough barely acknowledged the presence of old Georgetown in its place on the enclosed maps was a large centre a new community within walking distance of the country A front cover aerial photograph of Ontario s million to be Illustrates Hi slop s starting point You can follow Highway cast past the clutter of homes along Shelley Byron and Prince Charles past Rex way Drive and down Road Then you realize the phoiograph predates anything since built beyond that the modernsileof the Market Centre is very vacant triangle of weeds and graii only one or two large industries lie north of Street everything else is still as empty patchwork fields of visible beyond the Credit River valley and Boulevard itself winds quietly eastward toward Narva passing a farmhouse here a clump of trees there but no subdivisions Having purchased the land from the mutiici Developments prepared its pitch Here at Just miles west of Toronto we are building a J 100 million project in industrialized decentralization Bulldozers and cats arc facelifting land which grew crops just over a ago Roads have been completed and tracks have been laid Sewers have been Installed water services completed oil towards the making of an entire city In all nearly million in preliminary services have transferred the rolling farmlands of Ontarios county near the town of George town into the site of an embryo city which within he years will be a community of some people working in and living near more than 100 industries Elsewhere the availability of more than acres of parkland and a small lake are advertised and promises are made for a modern hotel hospital and a large shopping centre As has been noted amidst The Heralds election coverage recently saw Delrex market lands as his centre a totally commercial and Institutional focal point for a sprawling industrial park to the north and endless rows housing to the south The idea was realized in but the laid plans here in Georgetown were somehow usurped by alternative interests and conflicting needs For incoming industry Blueprint out taxes are low is cheap and plentiful Bill Telephone has rccenll installed a dial system and trunk lines to Toronto and Hamilton are available Whv was Georgetown chosen from among southern Ontarios communities of potential to as latest baby Georgetown after cartful survey was as the spot best geared requirements of proximity and access to major markets More than five million people the traditional middle third of Canada market live overnight hauling distance of An historic on part and one iffeited us all in Ihe years since Had town fathers in that interim been able to fully the developers vision of a combination city homes ind home for industry we would indeed be enjoying the kind of municipal affluence predicted Blueprint for Decentralization we ive small scale city of homes but far too industries new industry awaits sen icing and new homes ironically involving rivisid vision the proposal await 1 iki a house of going to give or tins dais and well a flurry of lelivity thai would bowl over even J Man with a late developer Hex Sr now is the best both combining urban comfort with Ihe elbow room of the country from Blueprint for Decentralization Development Ltd PRESENTS ANNE OF GREEN GABLES Nov 29 II comes an quite shock to Matthew and when the a chance to boy they had adopt to help out on the farm turns out be rain Mall a girl named Anne In the Georgetown District High School of ad production of the musical Anne of Green Gables Anne played by llrenda Archer and Matthew played by Hill Marchnnt have during the buggy ride from the farm The buggy ride Just the beginning ret In Avonlra The play opens Nov and days at high school story page AB could come home thanks to British opposition Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod i Bur of The Herald In suggesting as 1 did thai epidemic opposition to Prime Minister constitutional proposals the opposition thats spreading in Britain might force him back off somewhat I may have hnl his complete original and unabridged package Funny it hadnt occurred to me earlier As the whole constitutional package seemed to be coming unstuck with political infighting over parliamentary procedures television rights native rights provincial rights and peoples rights not to mention the potential political foul in Britain it appeared that Trudeau would be well advised to modify his proposals lo soften Ihe raging opposition Perhaps we thought he should settle for mere patnation of the constitution some thing would enjoy widespread support and forget that controversial bit about a charter of human rights and the amending procedure with his provision for a referendum Actual I still feel that a smaller of compromise would be Hut its obvious that the prime doesnt feel thai way conference he continued to make it clear that he intended to push his package right the British Parliament and if it is blocked he w ill never be ashamed of his efforts I think that people who might have tried lo block it might be ashamed because there will be another years of deadlock he had considered modifying the bill of rights but he had concluded unless these provisions were inserted now it would never be done In fnet wasnt even inclined to discuii the tight deadline handed Joint SenateCommons committee on the constitution It seems obvious lo anybody looking at it from a strategic point of view that game he Opposition is the opposing provinces are playing is lo gain time If the prime minister to grant any concessions to the opposition they werent going to be major This he has made clear And when lame lo opposition within Britain well didnt display much concern does important section of parliamentary lime but il is taken up In January February or March It will be the same amount of time assuming they decide to get it through before maybe the Day of Resurrection might bo a good day lo proclaim it As the prime minister was speaking British parliamentary committee was meeting to talk about Ihe expected resolution from Canada and what their response should be There were grumblings from the British government about ihe potential embarrassment of dealing th Cam parliamentary constitution thai was opposed by a majority of provinces And native groups and provincial representatives were already engaged in a hectic lobby to block resolution when it does Then I heard a New Democratic Parly MP Lome from Melville say that some senior public servants were examining the possibility of the government declaring unilateral independence if the constitutional package became bogged down in the British Parliament Its an extreme move he said but its possible Now I am beginning lo wonder whether it even that extreme If the constitutional package became Ihe subject of a condescending debate in Britain and since the debate itably put Canada In the position of a it be than condescending would it be that extreme for the Canadian government to tell Britain to forget the whole embarrassing exercise Vyc wouldnt bother transferring the British North America Act wed just have Ihe Canadian Parliament replace it with a new constitution Its difficult to predict Ihe national reaction such a move but if the reform package become embarrass ingly bogged down In Wcstminstcr- British are going lo be a delicate situation on this oneits easy to see how the prime minister could gain spread support for terminal ing imbarrassmenl The issue would not merely be the constitution but whether the British Parliament had a right to dictate its I am sure he prospects of such a question havent entirely escaped the Will our provincial Tories bask in Reagans reflection Queens Park Park Bur if The raid One has to wnnder effect Ihe in landslide in United Slates will have on Tory taclics In over the nexl few months as we Iliad iiiln a provincial Will the Progressive Conservative lie polishing the conservative of its image on the grounds lhal looks like such approach Is selling well While politics cannot be easily transferred from one Jurisdiction lo mil her it Is clear thai over the past half somelhing has been in English speaking world Everywhere parlies described as conservative have been winning election from Ilcagan to Margaret Thatcher in Britain to Malcolm In Australia and Robert Muldoon In New Zealand Even the Joe Clark regime here was viewed as incompetent it still won more seals in Fnglish speaking Canada outside Quebec than any oilier MUCH HOP What offered as one astute noted was not a return to but a return to the pasts way of facing that is with and hope and a thai if government provides the ilimale people will unleash their own ills In those terms it is fascinating hat the one Premier Bill Davis has been trying sell for past imiple of Is confidence in our economy and institutions Whether that and other stands Davis takes makes him a progressive us Some say Davis is a who sounds progressive to get elected others that he is a progressive who at limes sounds conservative to keep the True Blue Tories happy While he may be a bit Ihe second explanation seems lo carry more weight Davis close advisors in particular being invariably progressives ROOD TREND Still the Impression lingers Ihe government has been trying to shore up Its conservative credent s since the election eh some blamed on the progressive of the 1971 regime his is especially true in the sphere where govern ment has taken seriously rhetoric annul spending restraint actually trying to get value for money spent Its tight fisted approach to Chrysler contrasts sharply with the hand out philosophy of other governments or even the earlier Conservative decisions to pour money into the likes of Minaki Lodge and North Pickering Still the budget deficil remains and will grow And whenever the government hits a large special group as when tried close unnecessary hospitals it took Ihe chicken road out Red tape or regulations while somewhat lessened still provide man- of work for the bureaucracy Ml is on social and forclcn i in ii mi lories have Support for the Olympic boycott and increased military spending costs Ontario nothing and solidifies Conservative support with eastern European ethnic may be the point Support for the Lords Prayer In schools keeps a substantial segment of PC constituency happy even though ft flics In Ihe face of the governments professed belief in multi cultural ism Yet on the constitution Davis is far from being conservative TIIIRn AGOWhllc in some digging operations this week Don Arthurs of town staff spotted a coin which is almost years old The coin is badly corroded and Don intends to clean it up and see what he has The date IBM appears quite clearly on one side as do words Canada and Bonk of is grouped with four other Intermediate A teams and one Senior entry in a hockey league for this season Milton Oakville Legion Burlington and Dundas will provide the opposition in the fight for suprimacy and New is senior learn which will play in the league Several Georgetown soldiers are among those who are moving into Port Lewis Washington for advanced training before final destination Korea The men are members of the Canadian Special Force recruited for with the United Nations force battling the North Korean Army which invaded South Korea Arthur with his wife and daughter Cathy landed in San Francisco yesterday and will be with his parents at Oak Bay British Columbia later this week The former Georgetown man who became a United Church missionary in China graduating from Emmanuel College made the Pacific crossing from Hong Kong High School may add a technical school by 19G5 At a meeting Ihe Georgetown District High School Board Monday night members were informed that the Department of Education expected this area to be ready for such a school by or and have advised the local lo begin preparing now by grouping llic proposed technical rooms in one wing Esqucsing council has recommended to the township planning board that there be no further separations of land of less than ten acres for residential development Cresled blazers may be the uniform of county council next year if preliminary steps taken this month arc carried through The clerk was instruct to obtain prices on crests and discount price on navy blue blazers The blazers will be purchased by individual members Lee a standard bred yearling colt reaped laurels for his owner Lloyd Davison RI12 Georgetown at this years Royal Winter Fair The colt won standard bred class and went on cop the J Lock trophy for the best standard bred horse in Ihe Futurity class as well as reserve junior champion A perfect record for Acton workers for the past year earned them a safety award for 1959 from the Electric Utilities Safety Commission Superintendent Doug Mason received the award on behalf of his men An unusual idea was broached by Reeve Fred of Burlington at County Council Noting that a scheme for county wide ambulance service had been turned down by the Committee he suggested that his be taken over by the Civil Defence imagine any better exercise than carting bodies off the Queen Elizabeth Way During the thunderstorm last Tuesday evening a boll of lightning hit the barn of Robinson II seemed to travel along the litter carrier track that is well grounded It blew several light bulbs out and frightened the cattle that were in the barn It blew three pole lights out plus the radio the house The new County Administration Building to be erected on the Base Line just of Milton and the present Court House were again subject of discussion at County Council this month w felt the Registry Office should be moved to the building and the space vacated rented to he Count Health Unit TEN YEARS AGO A branch of Bank of Nova Scotia being erected beside Kinney Shoe Store at the corner of and Streets and the addition to Ihe Bell Telephone building downtown brought the total new I building permits to Four of the five councillors came out in favor of some grant to Georgetown and District Memorial Hospital for a bed addition Monday night but did not commit themselves any specific amount Ken Marshall did not necessarily oppose Ihe grant but contended he would like lo find out how the taxpayers feel about It works garage to be behind the present municipal building on the Seventh Line will be built by A J McCarthy of Georgelown who was awarded the tender Monday night The four bay works garage tendered at will house on office for the road and a lunchroom for the outside workers School caretakers and maintenance employ in County will strike if an acceptable sclllemenl to Ihe current wage and contract dispute is reached by Nov Extra purchases of escarpment land may be made possible by a recent provincial review of cash flow allotment conservation authorities for Ration region conservation authority decided last week to quickly determine parcels of land are available discuss Ihem at this weeks board meeting and try purchases approved by Ontario The persistent silo fire on the Eighth Line which burned for four days last week flared up again Saturday For seven hours Georgetown fought Ihe fire and this time Ihcy think its finally The farm known as the old Alexander farm Is managed by George Blocks may not be installed this year It depends on the weather Resources manager Murray Stephen told the Region Conservation Authority last week a foul up in orders from consultant lo supplier and delays at the United States border have prevented materials from arriving from Wisconsin Members of Local Canadian Union of Public Employees which comprises the town works staff elected new officers recently Gerald was reelected president and Kent Robinson Is ice president James Barclay secretary and David Hannah recording secretary ONE YEAR AGOFiftcen of 18 inmates who escaped from Maplehurst Correctional Institute in Milton during a riot a week ago have been recaptured leaving only three escapees at large One of escapees turned himself in lo police In Peterborough on the weekend and the rest recaptured In Brampton Milton and Toronto The town planning board has followed Ihe lead of Regional Council by endorsing resolutions from Mono add Waterloo townships seeking more municipal involvement in proposed new bill on pits and quarries The resolution questions the loss of municipal powers and the time limit for licence application investigations After having Its wires crossed for years by public and municipal opposition the controversial vol I Ontario Hydro transmission corridor has been given a and somewhat reluctant seal or approval by the town Town council passed the Official Plan and Zoning bylaw permitting the connection line between the Bruce Nuclear Station and the Milton receiving station pass through the town as ordered by the Ontario Municipal Board during Mondays meeting

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