Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1980, p. 4

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tehe HERALD Home of Hills SLCTJON A THE November 1980 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown I Ontario WILLIAM EVDOKIMOFF Publisher PAUL DORSEY Editor DAVID BEATTIE Advertising Manager PHONE Second Clasi Mad Registered Chairmanships represent strength on region council Theres room for cautious but open optimism this week at Halton regional headquarters in Oakvllle where Halton Mils representatives appear to have retained two key committee chairmanships and Mayor Pete may take control of the allimportant administration and finance committee In themselves these appointments by vote of the incoming regional council represent no new trends of support for Hills Roy Booth and Miller easily won the respect of colleagues as heads of the planning and solid waste management committees respectively during 1960 a driving force behind his own town council Mayor reputation as a nononsense hard worker spread to the region and gained him similar esteem there Collectively however the three chairmanships could throw a great deal of weight behind Halton Hills at the beginning of a term thats bound to be a trying one for all four municipalities engaged In this long- range provincial experiment at middle- ground government Next to Milton Hills position in the regional scheme Is most often jeopardized by the weightier demands and loftier aspirations of south If ever we In the north needed the kind of critical control which Pomeroy Booth and Miller can provide It will be during and 82 The regional planning committee had completed most of its work on Haltons first official plan by the time veteran Georgetown politician Roy Booth became its chairman at the beginning of 1B79 but it fell to him and his coworkers to finalize its contents and wade through the discouraging red tape blocking its adop tion The provincial governments reluc tance to finally endorse the plan upon its completion will go down In history as one of the regions more embarrassing moments But now except for a fairly serious court challenge the plan awaits im plementation and a Job belles some councillors claims that the planning committees usefulness had come to an end with the plans adoption by council On the contrary the lions share of the work is Just beginning as Coun Booth whose mem on the Niagara Escarpment has made him something an expert In such matters attempts to turn a piece of paper into a recognizable and enforceable land use policy We already expressed our pleasure at seeing Miller take over the solid waste management committee last year when its very relevance in the face of imminent crisis was being questioned He has already done much good with the committee particularly in spurring council on to quick action where needed its usually needed most north Halton It Is Pete Pomeroys anticipated rise to the chairmanship of the administration committee perhaps second most important political post next to that of regional chairman Jack that In terests us most Under outgoing chairman McLean Anderson a former mayor of Oak ville the committee seemed besieged by endless fiscal failures and shocking prises While no one can fault Coun An for the committees becoming a watershed for regional disasters we have a gut level feeling that Pomeroys leadership could turn things around in much the same way it is starting to turn things around here In Halton Hills It seems unlikely that the com mittees key members Mayor Bird of Burlington Harry Barrett of Oakville and Gord Krantz of Milton replacing Don Gordon will waive their chance to retain seats on such on important committee Mayor Pomeroy would thus be in a position to exercise strong control over the debates that precede each council session and perhaps work that same cold logic direwarning magic thats made him a force to be reckoned with at town council these past four years The expected reelection of Jack as regional chairman only adds to our optimism particularly In light of his unofficial defeat thia week of fellow Burlington alderman Walter who votes parochially every chance he gets In Mr on the other hand north Halton has an important ally when the crunch comes on such crucial Issues as equalized sewer and water rates That particular crunch will come soon Halton Hills has never been in a better position to head it off Go To PHYSICS CXfic No western separatism Tory MP finds on BC trip Ottawa Report By MacLeod Letter from the Editor Ottawa Bureau at The Herald all ranting rhetoric we been hearing western alienation and I felt belter after I ran into Lome Bui then I suppose moil people feel belter running MeCuish He tint type of guv is live ember of Parliament for George Valley a 10 squiremile constituency in Ihc middle of British Columbia Ik came in Itn election nn unpretentious insunnct adjuster who had a wide background In municipal before entertaining any thoughts of running for Parliament This wartime has hippy of making people feel belter he seems to sec the silver lining In every cloud lie laughs easily he never a case and this is i along opposition MPs he never exposes any bitterness What I am saying is that Met in a pleasant fellow And r the few weeks Minister brought down his resolution and Finance Minister Allan MncEachcn introduced his been sillinj in listening to all those feir fill about western I ike other he could be excused for tint the country is com nil ip in at tin scams after has been I immtnne away at the theme of wisttrn lhat unless is t ikon it going ton hit leader Jot said Westerners ire flocking to the sepjrilist movement Hit In midst of all this Lome decided it was lime logo Ihe riding and spend eight days an update on Ihe thinking everything I had lor me was almost tOLtnf pi me Considering nil Ibis and how r- ire supposed to halt I didn what kind of voices I would In s with of Bo seven smillcr communities WO a fcrcal dell of run he figured he would pick up i prim fair section of this hostility during diys of His comforting conclusion It just isnt there It and lie on Ihe expressed surprise il nil this ilk of separatism were read the on son Tbiy were asking me someone time from cist to explain ill sepintist talk I don an in ittitudes in i lev litre in still about rites and traditional irritants but no one Is giving much thought the constitution There is still ccrlifn Indifference toward a lack of understanding about Quebec i real empathy for the but this doesn represent my change There is still a feeling Minister is mineral making all the decisions They don pay attention to Allan only reason they it member former Tory Finance Minister John is because of the way he pronounced budget There is a clear impression thai is Ihe And everyone knows that Trudcau head the popularity charts in tit west point is in my area nothing Ins changed soys seems happy with si now no one can point to one where the present constitution Ins prevented them from doing any I didn hear one suggestion that the West should separate from the rest Cinadn lint whole question of is not a big Issue there adds It a area and people who ire busy doing things don have tunc to think about things like that Ik thai when Canada West Foundation moved into Prince George heavily advertised meeting on the rij ion future only people showed up And six of these were the mzers Sure if you go into the big find ill sorts of academics who to discuss separatism but if such sentiments in my riding well hidden Paul Dorsey I wouldn have missed The American hostages are about to became naturalized Iranian citizens the Kamikaze keeps kicking Band In the Iraqi bully s face the Soviets with one fool atop Afghanistan ore ready to drop the other on op of Poland Reagan ready to dump every social service inaugurated since Roosevelt time In favor of a Hollywoodsize defence budget ready to pull the plug on our oil supply and Ihe world waits with bated breath to find out who shot These are trying times for Journalists those disillusioned cynics who have relegated themselves to the roles of in a fit of selfdefence prompted by disdain with the accepted authorities of our time We and I Include myself in the fold with some reluctance arc supposed lo expected to gauge public opinion and feed the public demand for information and We must somehow account for public taste Given the results of the American election and the state of American politics in given the timeless mcandcrings of our own federal and provincial governments and given the latest ratings led television new season the task of assessing public mood Is nigh Impossible At risk of being ostracized by a generation of TV viewers coaxed Into following the new style serial dramas on TV I must admit that I signed up for the Who cares contingent of cynics when the big end of seas on question came up Who shot If truth be known I personally would have shot J R myself given the chance and I dare the regional police to try and make a Conspiracy to Commit Murder rap stick In court Any fair and reasonable Judge would have sholJ too but like me would have taken great care make sure the bullet found its mark and kept Larry Hug man off the tube this season But lets keep this In perspective the publicity people behind Dallas were only doing their Job and boy did they do It well The blame in this sordid affair lands squarely on the shoulders of my fellow media people albeit the sordid mixture of entertainment Industry hype artists who Just this kind of front page gossip Its front factor lhat bothers me virtually every major network newscast and every daily newspaper on Ihe continent let TV fans know tonight the night folks when we find out an extended holiday season just who gunned down J The capper forme was a Toronto Star editorial M acknowledging the imminence of this astounding revelation Such is the value of media hype to today pop Journalists they II write about anything that currently and keep on writing about It until Ihcl RhLsgaoul Well television tube went dim Friday nijhl and lliat was that if you watch Dallas and still wanted to find out who shot J It you were plumb of luck The story was dead even Ihc less than dignified Star failed to follow up Saturday As for I m just DYING to find who kidr Jody baby on Soap Criticized before its release dump report controversial Queens Park of The I In Mm will shortly rileist Micliarcn a detailed of possible for d of liquid wistcs In Online people will Ihc riporl to mike dteisions on far left the lucky winner Ihe Credit Valley ruffle Id during thclrnnnual crofts wile Saturday Joining in the draw are deft mother Pat Margaret Smile Middle Ion Winners In draw were tllckel number 7 A Gray Hob Mark get and Carol He s dreaming of course environment critic Colin Macs for before seeing report his ilreidy inticiztd it And frnm Here will eo downhill especially in hew issues position decree thai waste and liquid Industrial wist Whit Ins to be wliv- it to be medn type P it is ibk hi 1 1 just don I whit set is i fi r III r ick III It ST hi thai I appears aiuienirtilcr difficulty of or public Hit whole process for instinet the furor caused In ministry support for the of pi mi Hi would on Interim is Irinsform liquid waste into One would be ind Hit other Niagara Falls and Assessment Hoard hearings Judgt the environ mcntil acceptability of the Some contend the solidification phnts should lit built where originate which is fair iltlioiih the solid residue still wi i I I hive to go somewhere else for tin rest of the opposition did into two purls he paranoid Hit ritional The argue thai because Ihe ministry Is cosponsoring the projects and because assessment board reporls to Ihc ministry any conclusions cm I be objective and based on on the other hand the isscssment process and motives are genuine but believe cheat and Ihe ministry record shows it to be ilh incompetent to monitor Ihe silt Tint quote from Liberal Leader Smith is too sweeping it Is Irue Smith has eniighl the ministry unking more than its share of mlstik is over example waybill svsiem fir keeping trick of where liquid industrial comes from lies proved so Inadequate it bad lobe scr lis successor new fail safe system is still only functionu Tint partly a of time A ago liquid industrial waste concern many people and any idnpls but slowly to ihe i for I believe that the competence In ministry ranks has improved that much In response lus offered to let residents pick the technicians responsible for monitoring the In any cast it means the instead of nig the end of the liquid industrial disposal crisis more lhan likely vill the beginning of new and wilder battles Vb Alts AGOTcd Tyler Is mayor of Acton for 1951 Mr Tyler who runs a transport business Ihere as well as having one of the high school bus routes was chosen by acclamation at a nomination meeting lust Friday He is a brother of Charles Tyler Mr Tyler succeeds Mr Amos Mason first mayor of the town ice its elevation to town status last year North High School District Board voted its meeting Monday in Milton to build a new central school on Highway midway between Georgetown and Acton Fire from Georgetown and Bramp ton answered a call yesterday afternoon lo Union School The school uses a space heater and when an oil flare up threotentd to cause a fire calls were sent for the brigades Luckily no damage was caused and the danger was over any action was necessary by the VTY Beard Em Hyde will be seeking the mayoralty Monday as candidates vye for office every position being contested in the municipal election Mrs rank Connely Normandy was one of 12 Canadians who received transistor radios this week first prizes in a recent crossword contest sponsored by Aqua Soft Services Limited Elmer Lees Raiders won their second game In three starts last Wednesday night but it cost their number one sniper Blake who lopped scoring last year left the game stretcher late in the second period following a collision with a player at centre ice which rays showed cracked his left arm Just above the wrist He II be lost to Ihc club for six weeks Mr and Mrs McMurriy Queen Street were visited at home Sunday by an amazing guest Mr Thomas Cody Williams of Woodstock who visited with his wife is a pilot two world wars and just recently received his license for parachute testing The amazing pari Mr Cody Williams Is years old Last Wednesday was an important night in Ihc history of Esqucsing Township ratepayers when they officially opened ihc township first ted school at Speyslde action by a young Chapel Street School student saved a younger school male from possible fatal injuries recently Doug Wilson son of Mr and Mrs Wilson Victoria Street was one of several Chapel Street pupils who shouted at a Grade one girl when they noticed her standing on the CNR crocks opposite Ihe school while returning at the end of Ihe noon hour With a train and the child apparently frozen with feir Doug ran up the bank and pulled Ihc girl to A search located no bomb after a Friday morning scare at General plant on St Work was disrupted for a few hours during the morning while Ihe search was conducted Workers were able lo return to their Jobs before the Region Conservation Authority voted Thursday to pay for its annual pheasant dinner and drinks out of per meeting which each authority member receives treasurer Max f lather Icy expects next months dinner will cost ibout The authority says it is holding dinner lo improve rapport with elected municipal Every member gets invile one official From The Heralds classified columns A gorgeous four bedroom split level home with family room tastefully finished with baseboard siding avocado oak grain pinclllng and all weather carpeting on floors s a delight plus paved drive and garage It be for only council last week approved hiring on extra full lime case worker to help relieve the worked family and social sen ices department Chairman of the social and family services committee Reeve Ron Harris of Milton told council his hod gone into an emergency silting just before council to make the recommendation The board of directors of Children s Aid Society have flatly turned down a five per cost of living for its social workers ONE AGO Hills spokesmen virtually everything we asked for In the Niagara Escarpment Commission NEC proposed plan according Coun Roy Booth representative on the commission Booth explained thai a special committee chaired by prepared ted the towns submission to the commission and this submission was included almost intact in Thursday final draft Dr Joseph Chamberlain the retiring Medical Officer of Health was showered wilh gifts and at a reception held In his honor In regional council chambers last week Mike Armstrong who has known Chamberlain literally from birth doctor brought Mike and brother Paul the world spoke with great iffection about ihc contributions the doctor has made to the region and more particularly about his long association with Hills Poets corner NOTE one of Aclon more hug submitted same of his poems for publication In The Herald In this and coming weeks il our pleasure to share Ihem with you for years the country in a mess So many people want so much they can wait it greediness Different things that people buy attractive things tint get their Most folks I manage prices ore too high They hive to do wilh less and less there is a reason The Is richer growing overnight The poor man has lost his shirt I got right Now metric is trying to confuse us In distress We can afford this tangle I have no other guess Our governments ore tricky no friend for you or call Will our leaders ever learn lo spare boys before they fall We try live a normal life live it fair and clean we meet some Indlcbrnln who tries to bleed us lean You Iry to buy a little home everybody dream When you sec the price and mortgage it would make you scream Things must change for young folks if life must pre vol We must help ihc folks this is no talc men won stick logcther try it on your own That the way I lived my life always worked alone

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