Paul in the movie ami keep hi Slap shot hotkey team I jrr coach a North Hockey I a rough house si It- increase attendance afloat Haider lion lognl for the some ear before the movie was filmed Ihe League which until recent featured a of Georgetown tonight and tomorrow night Herald photo Terrifying ex Ron Fpgal remembers fc Shot brings back old memories The movie Slap Shot now back in town brings kick s first hand tor diferescman most of It em arm i let I jd in the North Amenean Hockey f r I m is based upon with the terrifying i uini fort to ly wistown says Jir is win both the i play rs jump oat player i J fight craziest It the id it would be If scored a three guys would Jump you hi if you lost 11 they HeauceJaros wanted li hilt I you d not is enzy as movie overall sijs 1 Iht story Is ibed on some true events The who wrote Slap Shot was the sister of Ned who was player in North American Hockey League goons or Ihe f ghl bullies in the movie I I exist to And yes they all w r la si is in the The bull is in the movie the thin in nil wen tailed the Carlson Ihtrsaidthev pliyt Ifnrtli Jets In Ihc league I movie I i of I played themselves is who wire out to eliminate Paul in rimin i true in about the Carlson when attacked the louhisl player In the Jules who hit became the goon for the r ntiTorosof The Carlson brothers robbed a out off the unier and started King over th As a with a reputation as a fijhltr from sdajs Willi and of the mil hotkey league was challenged frequently I y players holds the record for Hi moslpenallymlr litis in one game whin he fought a pi lyer Juhn Wensink when lit was with I v Hi I the most minute record hi attained JO minutes in playoff fames lr Hut inn lie tough rtmtmbers the il aspects of North American Hockey League The slap is meant be a comedy but it was no eomedy to play in league I used to pace the floors iuryeame tOLalsoys In a way it was a disgrace That kind of hockey stand and hurt says JIM Tilt ER TROY He the time when his best friend on the Jiros team was suit out by his coach to get when he was playing for Lew His friend Jim the Troy started to fight find when they got ilosi lo other said I sorry ihe sent me out to get you When Toga heard it he nearly and started towards the bench to fight with the coach in the league togal had to accept some elbows or else four or five guys ioufher would beat up on me he For the Rimes only about 12 of the 18 players from Lew would show up for the games he d deliberately forgot to pack their skates One phyer on the team was caught during gametime going towards Portland Maine away from the he spec ticket by the Maine police The league that once offered lis players bonuses for the number of penalties they received has now been cleaned up says On the team there were three or four crazy hockey players and perhaps five were really lough says But the fans didn t tike the earn Nevertheless tie coached a tough brand of hockey because the toughest such as the Johnston with the Carlson brothers usually won the champion ships LEAGUE but t thinks that what went on in the league was a disgrace to hockey I not a promoter of fighting but it is a part of the game he says When playing minor hockey in Georgetown one of his best coaches Ron Dixon wouldn let fight and he Atayoungagc the players should be concentrating on skating With my own kid I would never let him f ght on the let bays opal thinks the best part of hockey Is the skating It Is his of steam behind him the HERALD Week Sue breaks record swims for the The record breaking timo swim club finished for the medley relay was Georgetown resident Susan metre backstroke leg the time over for was part of team a time of 33 The a Canadian team 13 1 that set a national swimming featured competition Other members for the record in the m medley from the Mlssissauga and team were Jane Kerr Jill relay this weekend North York Swim clubs and Cindy Tilt Wednesday December I Gingras scores three for Gems in 85 win over visiting Barrie The Georgetown Junior Gem mis played a disciplined brand of hockey soundly beat the visiting Colts last Stfnoay Although the got rather chippy duru the third period when a frustrated team tried to elbow trip and cross Gemini forwards the Gems remained thsclplln and composed while the Colts made frequent trips to the penally box The Geminis who had lost a few players In the season due to suspensions seemed content to do the goal scoring while the team took some unnecessary penal t Captain Bob said the team played as good as we needed to win The win has helped the morale on the club but we have got to start winning more games at home he says McCandlcss says one of the keys to the Geminis success will be in Paul Gingras scoring more goals for the team He will be our goal scorer McCandless says Gingras attained a hat trick for the Geminis and for the team all night in his centre Gingras scored all his in the first period to lead the Gemini to a stand at the end of Ihe period Herb Icy got the other first period goal for Gems In Ihc second period the Colls were only able manage one goal as the Geminis buzzed the goaltender and conic up with goats from defenseman Mike James cent re Herb Kewley and Mike The ems miinnined good control of puck were able to pressure the Colls in the third period The Colls spent of their time one or two men short wilh penalties Brad McMeek in caught the goalie our of position and was able to lift the over his fallen body to end the scoring for the Geminis John Barnes had a good night with one goal and two assists Bill Taylor had three and Herb Ktwliy had goals two assists The night is played the Travel ways Junior and were defeated 103 Goals for the Gems came from Bit Taylor Mike James and Curt AI Woods No IGlandJurlKudraiovstNo II pressure a player to release the puck In Intermedial hockey action Saturday The Raiders ended up winning game Last Tuesday Nov the wore narrowly defea led by the Thomhill Thunder birds Coach Tom Daley says his team deserved to win the Gem s were pressuring Thornhlll and had the puck in the r end for most of the game Next home game for the la Sunday Dec 7 igalnsl The w ill be holding tl annual charity hockey night on December 21st All proceeds for the game will be donated to Georgetown distress centre The Geminis that you eome out and support them in their goodwill Tte Gemini management hive been talking wilh Acton Sabres General Manager lion Ji cries iboul the settlement for former Gemini forward Dive The settlement by Ihe two will not be known by press lime General Manager Bob Tost of the says it he has only talked very briefly wilh but he is confident that a settlement will be reached by Wednesday Chrysler Raiders win two games Gerry Inglis worried over forwards The Georgetown Chrysler Raiders won hack to back games igimst fifth place Flyers over Ihe week end in convincing scores of However Coach Gerry Inglis is that his forwards during the games arc having a soft time on the ice and although the Raiders arc playing an extremely enter la in style of hockey is wondering whether the recent wins will help club I scared at what lo happen when we meet a good hockey club he says And says the ate league has ihe competition to the Raiders The young clubs could get on us and really some pressure on us later in the season says The coach says that Owen Sound taught the Haiders a good lesson In the opening game of season when defeilcd Georgetown We earned that you cant free wheel a hotkey team Our defense caught up in the You on 1 do that sort of thine In short pliy off series he s remembers when he played for the Georgetown learn Titsonburg in the season of 10 On piper the Georgetown team wis not on the sime rink us hut the club won It so e knows Ihit the same thing cm happen I Ihe Raiders In home on Saturday night the Flyers scored within the first of play that was Ihe extent of their offense for the period The Haiders then took over for rest of the period goals by Ron Twiss who pliyed a int style of hockey all night opened the scoring for the Raiders in the second period Willi an by Gary Joe tns The Raiders then widened tin to two being scored by John Cook singles going to Dan ristmin and Gary Met idyen he rushed past the pair on good and then scond from Ihe slot on Mike Joi ended scoring wilh two minutes remaining in the game with an assist by Gary Ford who played a strong Lame all night for the Raiders Swim team meets stiff competition By Herald Special The girls of he GDIIS swim team placed a disappointing ninth place finish in University of Toronto Women Invitational swim meet this past Sunday Several of girls did although establish top sl finishes In the do relay learn of Erin Mclntyre Braund Allison MacDonald and Heather Glbbs placed a respectable third Another relay show was In Ihe m freestyle relay where the team of Erin Mclntyre Debbie Newman Kim MacLeod and Cheryl Thompson placed ninth Sme other outstanding performances came from Heather Mickie as she laced fourth In the m and Cheryl Thompsons fifth place finish In the zoom freestyle Other Rebel swimmers finished In the place range Many individuals improved in the individual limes and completed swims never before a I cm pled to make this meet a satisfying meet according to swim coach Mr Adams It was disappointing that we didn finish in the top slated coach Adams Of the schools competing York Mills Collegiate dominated he Georgetown Rebel swimmer Jean tlane No to launch off In her bid to win her heat of Ml metre race The Rebel finished ninth during competition In Toronto IB high school earn There has been no word back on the decision of whether Dave two goats at the same time will be part of the Guinness Book of World Records Coach Jules Russian says that the team hasn heard back from the Guinness people from England yet Two weeks ago against Brampton scored two goals at the IB mark of the third period He wis able to score his second goal by virtue of a penalty shot when clock stopped his first goal More Raider changes As of yesterday Raider defenseman Ken was cut by the Raiders in an to reduce the r rosier to cards General Manager Kentner he will encourage lo either play for Milton or Erin as he will gel more ice time wilh those teams On a selfish point Kentner siys he would like to sec Steen stick around and play for the Raiders because he could be needed to catch on with the team as their or protected player in the season Dave is trying to put round material together in an effort lo gam permission lo use goalie Wayne Wood who is under with the Detroit Red Wings says he is still mistic about the chances of landing Wood and he Is real beginning to see il happen The acquisition of Wood does not in any way reflect in the wiy Peter is playing Kentner Peter is and the record proves most outstanding goalttnder in the league Meanwhile a less prospect is the of Derek Sanderson whose status with he in question Basically the decision to play is up Sanderson and he has bill I not contacted Kentner directly In other player shuffling some Haiders will not be iround for the few weeks and coach Inglis is counting on some big games from other members of ihe team lo fill the gaps This Friday Rick Kessell will be leaving on a vacation ind he will lie gone for six games Colin Gordon will be in Florida for his holidays then Dan Eastman Is ex pec led to take some time off for his honeymoon his new wife Apparently Eastmans job as golf pro made difficult to lake lime off when they were married last September Gerry says he is count ing on big games from John Cook and Woods who will have lo lake Ihc slack from the missing players Herb IB of the Georgetown Is on loo percent In hit efforts Altera slow lait Player and Rookie of the Year he player on the team that always Kewley Into the Mutt alternate captain for the Gems he has continued lo Improve and should help the Gems In Ihelr bid lot a spot Kewley blossoms for Georgetown Geminis My DAY I- Herald Sports hor some of the fans watch ing last Sunday game against the Colts Herb Kewley two goals and two assists for the might be considered one of his better nights in Junior hockey But the Gemini coach and executive know better than that The Gemini personnel know that Herb Kewley is used to giving 100 per cent In his hockey endeavours whether it is practice or a gome Manager of the Gemini learn Bob Tost says hat Herb along with Bill Taylor always gives 100 per cent in every game I vc never seen a kid work harder Tost says of Kewley If I had I never lose a gimc coach Tom Daley says He is the most coach have Captain of the Geminis defenseman Bob McCandless calls probably the most dedicated player on the team he works for Ihc 11 BIOOMfll The has done well fir himself this season and has an one of the stirs with the Geminis along with Paul Gingras Bob McCandless Bill Taylor and a few others But last season was different story foi Kewley as he the coach colled lima laic bloomer concern ing his hockey talents It is probably Ihc fact that Herb is one of Ihe most coach able players on the hockey lean thai has helped him improve so quickly in such a short period of time Last season almost didn make But his impressed the coach His performance impressed the team so much thai he was awarded the Most Improved Player award as well the Rookie of the Year award In practice I try as hard as possible to Improve You dun t improvo in a game Kewley says The coach soys even I yell him bench him or whether I right or wrong he 11 do inything you ask him to Kewley says that his coaches Tom Daley and assistant coach Chris Milne have been very helpful to him past two seasons He says Captain Bob McCandless often helps him with tips that the coaches sometimes miss Herb says that a lot of things he has learned from his coach over the two seasons will pay off for him in the long run He tikes the style of play that Tom and Chris have set up for ihc cam and he enjoys playing with the team that Manager Bob Tost has assembled this HOCKEY Herb comes from a hockey family It Is no surprise when looking at his back ground hat he developed an interest in the sport although he says my father never pressured me to ploy hockey His dad played hockey for the Sudbury Wolves in 1M7 whin they went to Finland for Ihe World Hockey champion ships His older brother now played for a Guclph Junior A Canadian championship team a few years ago Herb sister is an accomplished field hockey player who was offered an athletic scholarship to play field hockey for an Ohio university Herb was born in St Thomas but when he was a year old his family moved to Georgetown at McGilvray Crescent where the family lives today He played all his minor hockey In George town but he really didn t get serious about hockey until the major midget level During his time with the Georgetown Mo or Midgets Herb was captain of he team and he scored 11 goals and assists In games Ho was voted the winner of Ihc Paul Memorial award given to Moot Valuable Player on the team USED TO PRESSURE The year after he to where he was utilised more for his faceoff abilities and a penalty killing role It was during la I year that he became used to coping with pressure Tom used to put me in some pressure situations on the last year so I got used playing under a lot of pressure says President of the club Bob says lhat Kewley can be very effective as a penalty killer When we arc he can bun around and break up anything the opposition can try and do He is an excellent skater and has a good enough physique that he is not going o be thrown around The fact that some scouts from S colleges will be looking at his hockey abilities a I different limes during the season doesn seem to bother Herb either Ho says experience as a faceoff man has helped him cope with pressure Kewley has been approach ed In the molt by the ly of Wisconsin and tho sity of Minnesota who may be interested in him Colleges such as Harvard Michigan State and Boston have also expressed on Interest In his hockey talents and they have written that hey will come to Canada to take a look at turn Herb isn t decided on what he would like to take at school but he Is sure that he wants to further his education Right now his interests are leaning towards taking computor science or becoming a chartered accountant As a grade thirteen student at Georgetown District High School he has attained marks in the per cent range Herb is confident lhat with last Sunday win the team will now have the momentum it will take to make a playoff spot In their league With players like setting an it seems more than likely that the will be able to attain their goal