re WEEKEND EXTRA Friday Jaaurj I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY YOUR CAREER IN REAL ESTATE IS BEST WITH ROYAL TRUST Check these bene commission Low Interest stall mortgages In- department Immediate estate Ira and educational assistance and extended med coverage Inter SI I advances Transfer Fees Pari Bonus paid monthly as earned Stall loans at special tales Bridge Reimbursement course lees Dental Plan Snort iwndiuM Stock opt New teal Estate in Royal ust For a denial nto vie Tho family of lata Martha to core appreciation to relatives da and nolgh tor sympathy beautiful floral ttlbutoa and at tho I mo of her Rov Polor Barrow and tho Shoemaker Funeral Homo Ac ton end Go or go town and District Memorial Hospital Wo would also to thank and LI Trio Special thanks to Barrow and tho MeCluro- Jonoa Homo KING In loving Infant son ot Bill and Linda and brother Laura who away January famly Ernest would lo thanks to all neighbours and total who woro so thoughtful In tho rocont loss husband father and Each now day wo A I boy wo loved Who gave much to a and Daddy and Joy was their lit Laura tn him In every and do h Aunt ond Inoy all pray together thai they Will bo In Sadly missed by grin parent and Ivy and Fam ly KINO In loving of a daer son and brother Christopher who passed away 1980 Day by day our thoughts do wander To not far away Where laid our dear so Just one year ago today Sadly missed and always daddy Lnura m KING In loving memory or a dear grandson and who away January 1900 Thoy soy momorloo Wei maybe that in God has called us jsod by Grandma CRANE Frank-Sud- donly on Friday Jan Midland Ontario Ernest Crane of Mkttand lormorfy Georgetown Husband Marlon and father of Frank and all of Georgetown Grandfather ot Bradley and Michael Rested at Cluro Jones Funeral Homo where and commits was held Tuesday at 1 clock on TEES Roswol Frank In tho Church of God On Monday Jan 5 MtMiVitors Unlvors Mod Cfntro Ros beloved husband Eicon and door Mrs Newman Mauroen Mrs SILVERS MENS SUITS ENTIRE STOCK SAVE UP TO REG 104 to 169 SALE 84 TO 190 LADIES DRESSES LATEST STYLES REDUCED SAVE UPT0 REG 40 to 67 SALE to 49 MENS WINTER OUTERWEAR SKI JACKETS PARKAS SAVE UP TO MO REG 24 to 84 SALE 74 TO MENS SWEATER AND VELOUR TOPS SAVE UP TO REG 1 2 to 45 SALE 39 TO 36 00 MENS DRESS PANTS ENTIRE STOCK SAVE UP TO REG 26 to 42 SALE to 42 CHILDRENS WINTER OUTERWEAR ENTIRE STOCK IMPORTS GIRLS BOYS SAVE UP TO REG 1 9 to 49 SALE 99 TO 39 99 LADIES COATS ENTIRE STOCK SAVE UP TO REG 84 to 1 99 SALE 69 159 LADIES BLOUSES ENTIRE STOCK SAVE UP TO REG 9 to 36 SALE to 28 80 LADIES SKIRTS ENTIRE STOCK SAVE REG 1 9 to 60 SALE to48 D Davison Hamilton Donald Kitchener Kathryn of C Mrs R of Rycroft Alberta and David of London Also Mrs of Scar borough and Marion Mrs Laird of Fort Alberta A fam ly funeral wit bo held em Eucharist will be held on day January at 1 a In St Church Georgetown No Flowers In con tho St Georges Memorial Fund Primates World and Development Fund or the Canadian Cancer Robert Samuel Former Director and V of AC LB and company treat On Tuesday December i960 at Peel Momorlol Hospital Brampton Bob Bur ton of town formerly loved husband Rosamond East loving Toronto Grant of Bob Burlington Erlce of Mlssleaauga Loving gran of brother of SdanJLaurlo Rested at Jonas Funeral Home Edllh Stroot Georgetown where tal service was hold Friday Cremation followed In momory contributons Iho Gonad an Cancer Socioly would bo appreciated Thursday Jan 1981 at Toronto Timothy of In son Torn and end door brother Mary Son a Chi Helen and John Rooted Jonos Funeral Homo 34 Ed Stroot Chrstan Burial Moss was hold Monday a Hoy Cross Church Intermonl Hiffcresl Comotory Norval grnloluliy dad nod lij favour to the Fund BalhurstSt Toronto SERVICES r TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 8776973 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS JUST Installed and monmi unlimited ml Ivaof Moil North Am lean Can St Brampton ANNS CARTAGE PIANO MOVERS INSURED We Move Everything WILL DISMANTLE TEDS DRIVING SCHOOL St DAY OR EVENING INSTRUCTION MO 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Alter 4 30 p 194844s RADIATORS REPAIRED PEEL RADIATOR SERVICE Nell on St Brampton of DUIg Cup EARL S FIX IT SHAVER SERVICE Geo Complete Smol App one Elect Shaver Ropa 877 IMERTY HOME RENOVATIONS a complete name Quality LES From root to basement a I types repo rs and Im Interior and or 8774080 Clares Precision Sharpening 8774976 UPHOLSTERING TH Stewirttawn COUNTRY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY Prolessomiy on CALL 1810 877 7231 IllHHliNH SOFT WATER THE WAY IT SHOULD BE FREE INSTALLATION and COMPLETE LINE Wattr Tnatmtnt Equipment for and 8776242 FIGHT THE LUNG CRIPPLERS I EmphyMma Chronic Bronchitis Air