Page II SECTION B HERALD January GUELPH STREET GEORGETOWN ONTARIO FOBERT REAL ESTATE LTD REALTOR OUR PROVEN RELIABILITY GETS RESULTS OVERLOOKING GOLF COURSE Cuiknn brick end stone rancher largo bedrooms Family room plus Florida room Double garage Beautifully landscaped properly 199 SOD ASK FORM Y ROSE PETERS LARGE RAVINE LOT Brick and aluminum construction Largo bedrooms Master has and walk In on main floor Bright oat In Miction Walk out Horn dining room Super voluout 170 ASK FDR DOHA MACKINNON 5213 FREE TICKETS hockey game For 16 Year Olds Under BRAMPTON WARRIORS JUNIOR STREETSVILLE DERBYS JUNIOR B AT BRAMPTON MEMORIAL ARENA JANUARY 25 1981 DOOR PRIZES TICKETS AVAILABLE AT OUR OFFICE LIMITED SUPPLY HOME SWEET HOME Bedroom brick bungalow Separata dining room Baths decorated Lovely backyard with covered patio Asking your appointment with JOANNE CALL IMMEDIATELY Boautllul room bungalow with dors plua baths Basement can I used as Inlaw suite Vendors anxious lor action Good loncod yard 174 ASKFORKENDeROSE ACRE FARM NEAR CALEDON barns on property Running creak and small pond Apple and pear Iroes bedroom homo garage Reduced to DO For more details lor PETER OR YVONNE A MUST SEE CENTURY HOME Features Fireplaces Largo completely renovalad kllchen complete with built In dishwasher 4 Bathrooms Main floor family room Main floor laundry room Main floor office or den Bedrooms Added sail contained apartment Excellent financing ASK FOR EV PATTERSON 521 3 Stove In living room Slnglo car garage Maintenance aluminum ASK FOR AUDREY COUNTRY SQUIRE DOUBLE CAR GARAGE INGROUNDPOOL 4 bedroom a bMhs Main family room Finished roc room Patio Beautifully landscaped lot on popular Asking 1B7 ASK FOR MARY ROSE PETERS BUILDING LOT PARK AREA Irregular In top residen tial art of Georgetown For further mat Ion ASK FOR PATTERSON CHOICE BUILDING LOT Building permit available Either buy lot or vendor will build according to your plana rx choose from vendor a plane and pacifications Choice location Only For more Information ASK FOR PATTERSON Plan your luture a room split brick bungalow with roc room and extra bedroom down located on quiet street near schools Good lol and walk out ASK FOR KEN LUXURIOUS CENTURY HOME Historic village setting Beautifully restored homo Original woodwork throughout Central hall plan bedrooms Original Ifreplaca French doors and walkoul Asking Must bo vlowed lo bo appreciated ASK FOR YVONNE OR PETER NEW LISTINGS 4 Formal dining room ASK FOR DAVE WHITING CHARMING CENTURY HOME Features windows original wood brass fireplaces plus a parlour stove OVER ACRES TREES POND bedroom brick bungalow callings Private Pondfnlront Stone flroplace In living room 2 ACRES Secluded trees Pond silo high dry property from town Excellent view Asking BOO ASK FOR DAN TIMMONS 877 large dining room largo lot ASK FOR AUDREY Largo dining re balhs healed car CUTE COZY Lovely 3 aluminum bungalow renovated Now super landscaping largo lot buy 877 SUPER HOME Brick Bungalow Attached throughout Fireplace roc room Finished apartment Asking ASK FOR DAVE OWNER WILL HOLD MORTGAGE 12H Is available to he lor tunate buyer this large storey homo Located downtown some the traditional appointment Include original rich wood pinto rait In china cabinet wide baseboards wainscotllng beamed colling beautiful stained glass windows trench door walkouts credit valley stono flroplace wide staircase huge attic room finished In vortical pine Super value at only BOO For lurlher details EASY LIVING 3 homo no need paint large eat In kitchen with shining hardwood floors throughout ceramic lllos galore walk lo schools and shopping finished roc room GREAT POTENTIAL Soo this brick bungalow featuring llroplaces and pool Has situated on largo private good residential area Good financing 900 ASK FOR EV PATTERSON 5213 TERRIFIC FINANCING Solid brick bungalow living and dining root Torrlflc financing largo lot lop quality Maintenance free elumlnum trim For further information ASK FOR PATTERSON TAKE IT EASY No need lo decorate townhouse Perk your car In the garage Walk shopping Walk 10 schools Ridoonthobusos No snow shovelling No grass cutting Pick up great mortgage Small condomlnum complex In Brampton Economical at only ASK FOR DORA MACKINNON CONVENIENTLY LOCATED MINI FARM Vi southeast Georgetown storey stall barn 428 acres prime development land ready to be serviced and devolopad located between Miami and Fori Laun dordelo excellent mortgagee drop In lor more details ASK FOR PETER OR YVONNE Oak peg floor In dining room balcony master TAMERACH RIDGE ESTATES White sandstone brick bungalow Treed acres pool with solar heat 4 large bedrooms with walkouts Eat In kllchen with Ins Quality custom home STARTER BUNGALOW Period starter or retirement bungalow Ideal location 3 beautifully finish PRIME COMMERCIAL building in excellent location stores 3 apartments long term good tenants sound investment For more details ASK FOR PETER OR YVONNE 17 ACRES Acreage available In Terra area frontage 1 loel Building permit available Wooded area For more Infor mallon ASK FOR PATTERSON LUXUHIOUS COUNTRY RANCHER EDGE OF TOWN Panoramic view surrounds this TOTAL home designed constructed builder as personal domain Words are Inadequate to describe the beauty quality workmanship marvellous property has absolutely EVERYTHING you It a perfect set up for families totally separate living Irreplaceable the asking price of For a c list of the many fine features FOR RENT IN GEORGETOWN 3 bedroom detached bungalow Flnlohod roc room Close to Go Train February I si possession Asking per month OR YVONNE 877 FOR RENT IN GEORGETOWN i apartment newly renovated Stove fridge included Immediate possession Asking per month CALLPETER OR YVONNE 5213 WOODED SETTING MINUTES FROM TOWN South Georgetown Heavily seres Quality built bedroom bungalow Finished roc room Vendor will hold 11 mortgage Buy this year more In the Spring Asking ASK FOR PETER OR YVONNE 521 3 V ACRE LOT Heavily treed running stream Beautiful setting for elegant home Vendor will hold mortgage Asking only ASK FOR YVONNE OR PETER 3 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS- MACKINNON DAVE WHITING MARY ROSE PETERS 877 3725 7887 3948 YVONNE MARION BROWN PETER HHKAC AUDREY DODGE HEATHER WHITING JOANNE KEN ROSE 853 3725 877 3552 JEANNE SERVOS DAVID EVELYN PATTERSON BRUCE 877 8312 9096 8775213 Toronto I I I