Page WEEKEND EXTRA Friday MnrchZQ mm Better for Halton if wed won but lonscnathc candidate Iran hud Julian Heeds Milton campaign rlrni to concede toil nlRht before iMiln Democratic candidate his pott election recrpllon In Ihe hall Mrs campaign ft niter regional chairman file Morrow and her Terrv came along to lompirr notes and wish all the best Herald photo Brushes o partys provincial losses Cutler aims for next election It a ditermined and Chris Cutler who hii Democrat ic supporters at Milton I AW hall following last I night land si election I don I Ret often said the candidate whose father him as ymg I learned love a lot of people here and I not say thai If these reporters came hire to see i in i its mi ere politician llui not to find him lire Instead Mr a resident who lost tin nomination in is hi me riding of North committed himself to representing local supporters the the i nan provincial election soon to a Mr Culler said he the riding in the future I a job in about lour he told supporters shaken th part loss seats across the province you re will to take me on I willing lake them on Mr Cutler who polled per cent of voles with supporters recalled at the provincial session last while still on crutches an accident Hal ton Burlington he said was pinpointed at with pole having lost its well known provincial candidate Hill Johnson to municipal politics Tins ruling Has in about he said little erippkd Despite the partv drop of votes in Hilton Ion the last election however Mr Cutler awured supporters hat work on Ins campaign will boost I opt- In the future wise I I do too compared to other candidates in ridings he said Mr Cutler commented thai he was surprised Conservative ran polls hut attributed to to a province wide Tory indorsement of the Davis approach lo campaigning which Mrs Barnes rtevehad little setback in this province and that had Hut we still had about snts and that lot of New Democrats They re ot going lo dismiss us that it will lake Mr Culler is another four of Hill to convince voters that the s time is 1 have something lo offer Hilton Burlington he siid is I st irt tomorrow for tin ikclioit four down the I istetunp lo Mr Cullers speech 1th mixed feelings of dismay and prido was the father Allan who described himself as being so radical In his voutliful political views would have made Chris look a right winger Mr laughed When hi was still a Id he was three it on 1 When he was three vein old he was riiclitiL Ihi front s Mills followed Mr Cutler Junior to the podium with an impas si d speech comparing Premier landslide vulorvlothat US dint Ronald This is a thai laken the United States to trend right he said who born igain he not sure how man times bun born has been supported these TV Relists promoting what they till religion It a mailer of more military upending and to hell with hospitals and schools I think Amcrcians in going to be sickened within months by the I ma I they ve put in the While House but lo the right is on now BRUSH STROKES AND POTTERS J WHEELS Sharing enthusiasm over water coloring delicate leu tures and shades member or the Credit Rather week Iv the tot lag In town Park Da a director of both the and llalton Hills Council offered advice o add top I during a recent session white tell to right Mac Martin and while practising brushstrokes and color below right Dole helps flit a table with sketches and can find out more about and Ihrir man varied courses by phoning Mm Buy or Tina Boss Frans pleased with Tory finish surrounding Pi win over Liberal Incumbent Julian Heed She s a fine candidate campaign manager row mid The Herald as his Urn drew to close If she hadn been such a fine dale the advent publicity In campaign Fran an agent for a George based insurance comp any and a mother or three boys pickeel up 813 votes AH votes less than Liberal Heed running for his third consecutive term In or thtless accused Milton Tory maverick Brian Penman for scuttling consiivatlvc of reclaiming Ihe tradlt Tory riding when he publicly complained lhat her was I ha lulled because large number of his supporters wercn allo wed vote During the controversy which ended in an ful supreme Court challenge seeking to invalidate her Maple Lodge dispute heads for hearings By Jill BAMS Herald Special He J rings before the Ontario Labor Board may be in store again for union urn management at Maple lodfe I- arms Lid if two sides fail o settle their differ or the past month union representatives Of Local of the United Pood and Com menial Workers Inlcrnalion Union and management Of plant have frequently lo discuss 400 grievances filed by tht union after a bitter slnke last all Union negotiator Don Day man said be was starting to become a liltle lesshorjeful lhatlhcnieclings were building a working relat There were a lot of areas were be corrected Mr Dayman said Hut It doesn appear was Mr Dayman some of he foremen in the plant as being vindictive and picking on certain workers The foremen try to in on workers he said lis utterly ridiculous I have been lenient so far hoping that they management would live up to their promise They must to control the foremen Although Mr Dayman said it vvasnt unusual for a com and union to meet he did admit it was unusual to have such a long siring of grievances Most of the grievances around alleged union busting tactics and collective violations by the chicken processing plant after the strike There are duplications said Mr Dayman talking about the list of grievance more than one person Keith industrial re lations officer at Maple said at least 280 grievances have already been discussed and catalogued And we realize thai some things we con settle will go to arbitration But Mr Coutlee said he t see the board hear resuming again There Is a better of both sides said Mr But there a magic wand you can wave to settle it all These things lake Although the two sides met Mr Dayman said he is not prepared to go to loo many more meelngs if the company does not live up to Its promises This route would have been faster than Ihe board hear said Mr Dayman But we will go back to the board If wo have to In January a three member Streaker visits Milton OPP Ontario Provincial Police In Milton had an unexpected visit from a streaker Tfiurs day evening when a man wandered In looking for shelter because a creditor took his clothes In lieu of money owed by him The contacted Regional Police and there was a warrant to commit the unidentified man to jail and hustled the shiver man off to a nice Cray labor relations board tribunal investigating union ligations but the heir ings wtrt temporarily suspended as both sides met on their own In Hit same month Maple odi came forward with two new company pacts However two tentative agreements were rejected by the rank and file Mrs Balnes maintained that she concentrated on winning the riding I was busy knocking on doors and getting votes she said during her postelection parly at Georgetown North llalton Golf and Country Club adding that she avoided an open fight with Mr Penman fearing It would create a larger split during the I delighted and proud that we did as welt as we did she said We cut an Incumb ent support by ZOO voles I think Mr Reed might feel a little uncomfortable tremendously loyal group Mrs said she feels sorry for her workers and attacked dlsg Conservatives who supported the Liberal bid for office Had they really been true Conservatives they would have been more concerned about winning the riding for us she explained Voters pick Julian for third straight term Continued from page ty government Laurie Reed she convinced Barrett said said adding that he expects her classmates won be giving but he deserved every vote he supporters to turn to the her any more ribbing about especially considering this Liberals to provide an dads politics is ran s hometown live because the has The Tories tend to get a failed In the 1981 election think they II be surprised little bit arrogant with As for Julian tomorrow she said LEARN TO DRIVE THIS SPRING BRAMPTON SPECIAL MARCH BREAK COURSE STARTING MARCH23rd BRAMPTON APRIL Tues 630- 930 MAYHth Mon Tues DAY COURSES 900AM330 PM mm am mi TOUOf 00 0 U tin rat AUTOMATIC OK SHIFT CMS o rot in Domtnm 4590418 in Branata Young Drivers of Canada Confident that the campaign was fought fairly Mrs Balnes highly praised opponent Chris Culler We hear a lot more from Chris Cutler in the future she said He got a good handle on the Issues he well Informed but I think he was affected by the overall NDP position In this election While refraining from com mining herself lo another campaign in four vcars Mrs said she will continue to present to the riding a view from outside the party caucus which represents the majority government Earlier Mr Morrow was optimistic that Mrs would continue to work on behalf of Burlington Mr Davis victory he added was largely due to the less than adequate leadership of Liberal leader Stuart Smith and the Michael Cass dy Election tally Liberals REED 13307 Conservatives BAINES New Democrats CUTLER 3485 Votes cast Voter turnout 558 1977 ELECTION RESULTS Liberals REED 13985 Conservatives GRAY New Democrats JOHNSON 5598 We are your local agent for instate and other fine companies For further Information on HOMEOWNER FARM COTTAGE AUTO Call Hugh Hunter at W F HUNTER REAL ESTATE INSURANCE St Georgetown 8774441 WW TICKETS Provincial SUPERIOR auto truck Canada Rust Protection Specialists Stontfluard Scotch- guard and more MOUNTAIN VIEW 1610 OUR SERVICE TAYLOR D JUST FOR YOU TAYLOR AUTOMOTIVE COMPLETE CAR CARE initib FREEZER FRENZY SVS LITTLES TRAILER WORLD TRUCK CAPS FROM VENTURE BY TRAVELLERS- TRAVEL PARK TRAILERS HARD TOP CAMPERS thruway ST Town- Country PLANT CREATIONS NORMS AUTOS TRUCKS DESMONDS Dot SAVE SI on FOOD 5SvS is 8777215 EARLS FIXIT ANO SHAVER SERVICE TMDCIMXMVP