Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 27, 1982, p. 4

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ftfieFIERALPl HomaWwwpBparofHaltenHfcSfciceiaeB A of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager Editor 9 PHONE DAVID BEATTIE Advertising Manager MM RftttrN Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday in our business future So much to lose so little to gain It certainly raises our feelings of as a community when we see publications from Halton region the virtues of life and com merce In Halton Hills Theres a brand new Halton Report being mailed out to some readers Inside and outside he region and Haltons business development director Matthew Fischer showed his mettle as a convincing promoter at Mondays meeting of the Hills general committee asking town coun cillors to support a massive adver tising campaign boasting of Haltons merits among businesses and in dustries Weve gone on record before as questioning the value of Mr Fischers elaborate corporate promotion scheme introduced last fall Our main concern then was Just bow much benefit will this scheme bold for Halton Hills compared to the obvious poten tial good it will do Oakville and Burlington Its clear from the Report a periodical just launched by Mr Fischers office that our bigcity neighbors to the south have more to of fer businesses interested in locating in Halton Actons and Georgetowns with attracting new in- investment remains a matter of ability and as last weeks Herald editorial pointed out we in Halton are all awaiting those critical sewage plant study results from the ministry of environment Until Halton Hills ability to ac commodate new growth residential as well is industrial Is determined we have noted previously the extent of our support for Mr Fischers cam paign must remain undecided So It was with much dismay that we beard Mr Fischer ask Halton Hills Monday night for toward the print advertising campaign hes devised We agree with Mayor Pete Pomeroy that is not a great amount where there is a good possibility It will attract essential business assessment but it bothers us a great deal that Oakville and Burlington are being asked for exactly the same amount Our third neighbor the town of Milton Is in more or less the same boat as Hills but stands to gain a great deal over the next few years with its ambitious Highway industrial park Milton too will be asked for for adver tising Our real sentiments are shared by Coun Harry Levy head of town councils budget committee who just doesnt feel it a right for us little guys in the north to be matching investmen ts with those big more successful boys in the south They can afford larger contributions by virtue of their larger populations and clearly have much more to gain from any regionalized advertising plan Mr Fischer himself acknowledged Monday that Hills biggest challenge is getting its land zoned and serviced for new in dustry Needless to say Burlington and Oakville have large tracts of land ready and waiting for outside invest ment So it seems to us that financial support for Mr Fischers plan should perhaps be arranged on a per capita basis so that every man woman and child in the area municipalities will be contributing the same amount through taxes Even so wed like to caution Mr Fischer agam that the small fish in the big pond of Halton are expecting a great deal from his office Hopefully a ruling on our sewage plants will give him the opportunity to meet those ex pectations Heres the good hews economy wont worsen Ottawa of The Barak the Conference Board Board of Canada baa uy good am for Ontario resident it la a forecast that province economy wont resea has that Ontario will bar wont ail province In the ant year but blames that on an rah of frown in tat tint halt of In It Wan of the economy board that strong growth rat ta the Ant half phKed the economy wall ahead of tba MO anna at Major tnrara who had eat law in a horror tale the bankrupt cies recent crop setback and poor livestock price the province fanners are expect ed to up their production Tba volume of producti on which increased only per cent put year is to J per cent if board projection are realized The Ontario mining which hat tuffered with the misfortune of the economy I expected to parti ally recover in 1M3 After lotting a M per cent decline in lid the should gain cent in The hoard howe not to with the other lector of the province a rale quarter and expect a major In rami tew month a raw bum tram la fat Sack the the troubled manufacturing which potted a healthy ate par cant gain from la expected decline a per oast In The automobile auto part and farm Implement are largely refpooatbie for that they continue to offer from a last problem of Indu- began In with poor Vale and layoff at many In whan tba rata of the recovery was over estimated and high production ware achieved the first half High interest rate and poor demand tha last six par am eaten law mm ant be town Masts pat at Dm pari period The effect percolated through he lumber and building materials trade the furniture and appliance manufacturing industries and even the textile industry People Involved in Ontario forest product Industry have reason to fed especially bitter about the construction deve lopment They had expected major gains as a result of the strikes and shutdown experienced by the C forest industry which provides half of all domestic production Those dependent upon the construction sector can expect no improvement in that situa tion Alter recording a alight decline In the growth rate the Conference Board fore casting per cent reduc tion In 1963 For the other major sector wholesale and retail trade the Conference Board baa no encouraging word After a bad year In the sector picked up on that early 191 consumer surge which encouraged Ihe manufactur ing and construction Industri es The same fate awaited It In IheKcondhalf And even with a slow steady recovery in 1981 the board does not expect growth to equal that In In it analysis of key econo mic Indicator tha board predict retail tales which Increased per cent In to Increase per cent lo bulks In Employment In the province is expected to advance one per cent to 33 million from 1M1 when It increased three per cent lo It million At the same time however ploy meat is expected to Increase to per cent from the 191 tore of J per cent How a little streamlining makes MPs salary hike easy Ottawa Report Ottawa Bureau of The Herald While the federal government Is preparing a tough new stand Inflationary wage demands in the public sector and while our attention otherwise focused on soaring unem ployment our Members of Parliament are preparing to cash fattened pay cheque It will be done very smoothly this 11 per cent Increase There will be no debate no arguments no protest The salary and tax free expense allowance for MPs will rite to a total of about without the slightest fanfare No messy bargaining no threatened no problem There i Just no sign of any unreat In Parliament These smooth unannounced pay Increases were built Into the system last summer when Parliament with embarrassingly little debate approved salary Increases retroactive to the Inst election and in future pegged to the living Index This means that salaries automatically go l in tandem with Inflation each year and with any luck they will be largely overlooked DIG INCREASE Incidentally with the new Increase coming In the next few weeks It will mean that tbe total Income of MPs will have risen about 38 per cent since the I960 general election At the moment receive In basic salary plus TOO In tax free expense allow The forthcoming Increase will push the basic salary up to or thereabout while the expense allow ance goes up to And that by my reckoning adds up to When elected to this Parliament In I960 the total was And so far we vo been dealing only with ordinary MPs The salary increases for those with special duties are even more attractive Take the prime minister After the 19S0 election which returned him to office he was receiving a total of Now when the new Increase goes Into effect be will be getting about As opposition fender alter I960 election Joe Clark received Now his Income will be going up to about This Incidentally will also be the salaries of all cabinet ministers and Commons Speaker Jeanne Sauve SENATORS TOO The salary of New Democratic Party Leader Ed Broadbenl which totalled when this Parliament began now wilt reach about Then there are the parliamentary secretaries all of them who help cabinet ministers in Commons Their total income will rise to about compared with the earned at the beginning of 1990 And let not forget tbe Senator They are also part of this slick new indexed wage program and as a result they will soon be getting In salary plus En tax free I don know bow that would work out on an hourly basis but the figure would be absolutely staggering Until the MPs approved this salary scheme last summer it was all very messy for MPs lo give themselves a raise and they would squirm with embarrassment during he debates But those uncomfortable moment are gone forever with this indexed plan It sure beats compulsory Province moves to dump wingy Torontos inequities Park Derek on twees Park Barest The Hera Id A lovely word exists to describe Toronto a It appears In Ihe mind of a lot of people who lire outside its boundaries wingy a In strange or demented But at least in one case the province seems to be exerting a Utile pressure to bring the place to its All kind of weird political dedal are made In tbe city usually will tbe Intention of making tbe welloff betteroff while the average dUxen gets to pick up the lab taxpayer money to Improve services for the private castles of land grabbers and speculators This demented giveaway of course only occurred because Ontario legislature all three even tbe egalitarian peopleloving led by Industry and Tourism Minister Larry Grossman and Inter governmental Affair Minister Tom Wells patted a law to make It come about OTHER SIDE In contrast to that piece of provin cial meddling tbe province has recently taken another step within its own Jurisdiction that could with some luck prompt the city to abandon one of its other wlngier Idea People who have renovated their houses within the last decade have found this year that the province added that value to their assessment notice with result property taxes on those lot have risen Revenue Minister George Asbe said the program is provincewide although only Toronto is objecting and wasnt done In past year because everyone thought general property tax reform WB3 Just around the comer IS GONE It wasnt as it turned out snd piecemeal reform Is taking place municipality by municipality of the In the province hiving taken Ihst route already But Toronto doesn t want to go along that would mean ending the horrendous property tax Inequities First World War veteran lots arc still assessed a though the veteran lived on It for example Nowhere else dors that Attesting renovations doesnt touch the basic Inequities but It ha hit perhaps per cent of dty dwellings Those people may now prefer reform and taxes spread evenly screes other till enjoying tie And because tbey vote It could force Toronto politicians to abandon their current schemes to keep many of these cherished inequities through which they play favorites with electorate householders from the wealthiest districts la the gathered to protest a bylaw change that would require them to actually carry their garbage out to tbe curb for pickup At present tbe trash collector make trip for poor dean a privilege I dont think anyone else in Ontario enjoys residents at City- home Toronto in fact booting corporation went on a rent strike earner tins year when their rents rote to cover coat They preferred the system It existed In when CUybome ran a million paid for by PARK TOO acres of prima parkland on Toronto waterfront was taken from Metro ownership sad given to Toronto City which Is in essence turning II over to MO squatters pay perhaps to rant for tbttr POETS CORNEH The Faithful Friends The khrf of fells 1 them yea coald depend When have sat yen can yo have fswad a friend Be many folks that hart passed we mown for their toss For of then we to knew to the ragged cross Tfcey lived always clear As they walked Ike f Htm very dear ef warid are sees seat from lis barn FrmHs food is they are Ben We in it live in Quirts great way When live a Ufa hit troa year family bare shame For every living had horn key deserve ha same Why world it rail f weakness It eats with tragedy Aad seme one Is raspooslato for this If yog cant right da al all Yoa end up a IBs wham There to so many talks prospects end Why HURT AGOA home on tbe outskirts of town had a surprise visitor Tbe Norm family was at home in tbe evening when their dog began to bark running back and lo the door to be let out A few minutes after Ihe dog bad disappeared there was a toud crash In basement Running to tbe cellar Mr switched on the lights went down a few steps and in taw a doe eyeing him belligerently The deer frightened by tbe dog had lumped through the basement window taking the frame and all In the plunge Before Mr Fendley had time to think the animal turned made a graceful leap back through the open window and disappeared Into tbe night Georgetown a minor hockey teams are well up in Ihe sports picture Tbe Legion 120 dub Juveniles their season In first place winning games sgalnst Woodhridge Brampton and last week and Friday tbey start a playoff series here with Woodhridge The midgets have been grouped with Acton in a playoff They won an exhibition game here last night John Bell one of three Georgetown member on North Hal ton High School district board was elected chairman at last week a Inaugural meeting in Milton Mr Pickett was elected vicechairman and a number of committees set up with first being named In each being chairman Mr Bell stressed the need this year for definite action en building new schools Last year the board decided to build new schools at Georgetown and Acton and retain the present school at Milton with the addition or a gym and auditorium Creation of the new building committee was suggested by Mr Bell as a means of implementing the building of the new lift station which is being erected to service eastern industrial area of town Fred Harrison was told Monday by Mayor Sargent that a report would be prepared for next week meeting Coun Harrison made bis query after a totter waa read from the Municipal Board approving a expenditure which the town will pay through the Water Resources Commission He said that in 1900 when he was a council member tbe town bad negotiated a deal with Delrex Developments for purchase of land and equipment far the lift station which was already partially constructed at a purchase price of ana he wondered If tbe completed project would be costing The councillor asked If It had been wrongly engineered or whether last year council had made an error Construction of Georgetowns long talked of technical wing technically got under way last week when ground was broken behind he present high school building on Guelph Street The costly structure with equally costly equipment win be for the most part paid for by the federal and provincial I governments It win be usable En Rev John BA STB will become rector of St George Anglican Church March The appointment was announced Sunday by Rev KennethRichardsonwholileavlngafteran eight year pastorate to become a hospital chaplain In Hamilton A Toronto native Mr presently rector of St Patrick Church Guelph After graduation from the University of Toronto and Trinity College he served as curate at St James Dundas and rector at Christ Church He has been In since 1958 Together with hi wife and two children Mr McMulkin will be moving Into the rectory beside St school children From September 1H Decern- not one public or separate school child baa been Involved in a motor accident according to police Chief Roy Haley who Is Justifiably proud of his department Safety Education program Over children have watched the safety movie and heard the lecture during tbe hours police have donated to this cause over tbe put year Aa well during 191 police 90 motor vehicle accidents a drop of nine over 1980 and an astonishing drop of TO over IBM TEN YEARS AQOZorge Conttruction of George town has been selected by Ontario Housing Corporation a the builder of the senior apartment unit here Tbesltewlllbeattbeconterof Mounts invlew and Sargent Road Clift iltJye tol9 a bay window and an angular shaped balcony gives privacy Of four submission was felt to be the beat location and the best price A dog poisoner is at work around Sixth Line of north of Highway Six dog have already been poisoned four are dead and tba other two were slit alive at press time Dr Brian of tbe Georgetown Animal Clinic said someone L leaving raw hamburger laced with what seems to be strychnine around the Sixth Line The doctor warned all dog owners in area to keep their dogs at home and pointed out a young child rrJghtputsoraeoftbemlxturobbuimouth He said the dosage teem to be massive are on tba lookout poisoner bylaw setting a yearly salary of for member of council excluding mayor was passed Monday The salary be paid monthly and will be tor each regular council meeting or meeting missed It not be deducted If a is away on other municipal On third of allowance will ba deemed will not be taxable ONE YEAR Seed House a land mark Industry in Georgetown for nearly on year ha won the Chamber of Business of the Year awardforl9tl In present tlona from the Chamber Hill town council region Queen t Park and Parliament Hill be teed waa praised for its c to Georgetown and to Canadian unity sfargarat Harding president of tbe accepted honoring the business wmcb her father BUI Bradfy founded in IHt operates tbe largaat mall enter KdthBUcklbackmtbclaaroocatAcMi High School this week after an show of community support saved Job termination tba same ate already liJyear old family hi Vet for theft over The Foreign Review Agent ha approved a proposal by a man and four British to to Georgetown The proposal by Warner of Georgetown and few ilili I In iilitilltli liiMliaW In and distribute natal fabricating

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