Pad I- SECTION THE HERALD tow say Ready to energize hockey skills As part of a Ions term to encourage jfounf Canadians Id their hockey the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association lo conjunction with lie Ever- division of Union Carbide dm launched a nation wide hockey skills program or from to IS This program devel oped by the Technical stair to provide a lor toting and recording the of young hockey players and aa well compare their times with other players in the lame age every keen hockey player keep track of bia hockey development put the back on basic fundamental CAHA Technical Director McDonald Gil tail are Involved forward skating back ward skating skating agil ity puck control endurance and a leal or goalies goalie agility Guy Montreal Ca star challenges all young hockey player lo In the Eveitady- Challenge or Hockey Skill As Guy Without a foundation of hockey skills especially skating It It difficult for a player to improve hia hockey ability Hockey players Interested In the Skill program should talk their coach and read the Insert to Hockey Today magazine Tier 2s get steady game from Shane Reid Cont from Pg B3 Finally Durham got back on the score sheet opening the third period with a goal The fire wii put out by further majors scored by Jason Knight assisted by Cameron Herman and Shane Reid Mike then potted his second of the In addition to earning two Shane played a Heady role with work with effective back checking and skating the opposition of the pock jack Port also contributed defens ive skills tying P Durham Final score in the nut game Georgetown Durham Unfortunately the scoring punch continue Into the Sunday match against rivals in the regular league opened the scoring in the first minute of play and added another In the second period The game was still within reach until the first minute of the third frame when Into a three point Final score Orangeville Georgetown has misted the and scoring punch or John Wilson tor the past several games and look forward to his return For tournament Colin was brought up and played exceptionally SAY IT VALENTINES Windsrburgh riowers predressed Canada grade A or fresh young fmsh chickens per family 07 vac pack bun or Mapte Leaf tendersweet hams you pay 379 Maple Leaf wieners js Romi pasta you pay 84 a ft all Heinz readytoserve soup you pay 6 2 roll all colours 1 ply ffiRBSr tissue 3 per family mL bile Unico sunflower you pay 64 20s pkg garbage bags you pay 149 g cup natural or all flavours Neilson yogourt you pay box Drmpflmoter you pay 82 Schneiders frozen regular mini sizzlers price oven kg Kg size young chickens I stew beef 410 Mm lb partly skimmed 2 milk 189 3 quart bag granulated white sugar from the tropics large size bananas you pay price Lobfaws cooked smokod boneless dinner hams 68 1b ziggys fantastic foods instore bakery prices effective to Feb frozen SOU In kg boxes Hack attached chicken legs J la lb country style pate forest ham 659 choose 659 kg meat pies you pay 37 60 whole wheat bread 69 79 189 no name toddler diapers 3 apple pie P peanut butter 3 smooth or tub curfrom Canada A beet bone in ribs save on Quaker Brands save on Nescafe Brands quick or minute Quaker oats 612o2 rnal flavours Pamper cat food Up si PussN Boots cat food 12 tin all flavours Pep dog food g 37 71 59 QQ tender chunks Nescafe instant coft I KJ I IOJ I ID vegetable oil 5 79 jar bucket rtx4e cut Up Schneiders fried chicken cup Schneiders headcheese frozen Schneiders M meat pies spread rolls bacon LoUavrj 498 178 128 98 228 198 Valuplus wieners smoked ham steaks LoUamicg or Dick sliced bologna Food time pack polish dm cotlfiQets haddock fish sticks 138 168 148 168 218 268 a Pekoe tea bags tingnLng do mono j Andes candy I family size Ok candy bar Hawkins cheezies ox jar plain spaghetti sauce 60s box fabric softener A Orange Pekoe salada tea bags I 89 69 all colours QQ facial tissue Palmolive toilet soap concentrated orange juice Hi bay I mixed vegetables Totinos deep crust pizza J Sweet and i Sassy dessert 129 125 179 259 121 product of USA broccoli each seedless navel 148 Sat Fob 1B62 Stotea oranges bag A Canada grade anjou pears product A greentop carrots bunch green sweet peppers of U A Canada tomatoes 172ab 78b 68 21 8 Ag 99 199