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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 10, 1982, p. 4

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the HERALD Homo Newspaper of Halton Mb Since 1868 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited AS Guelph Street Georgetown Ontario TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager Editor PHONE 877 DAVID BEATTIE Advertising Manager Second das Rqblmd Page I SECTION A THE Wednesday February IS IMI Will Ontario be Snowed again Bill Davis was righteous enough to join Canada s other provincial leaders last week condemning the federal budget but if he abides by that rule about people who live in glass houses maybe he should have stayed home Words used to denounce Allan MacEachen budget like irrespon sible and misguided could also apply to a new Ontario government proposal to raise passenger vehicle registration fees next year The Hamilton Automobile Club last week challenged that suggestion by tran and communications minister Jim Snow and we coutdn t agree with them more Instead as the Auto Club points out registration fees should be reduced lor small car drivers Mr Snow proposal would see the fee for licence stickers for four and sixcylinder cars rise to from 30 while owners of eightcylinder vehicles would also pay instead of the they re now accustomed to The single rate for all passenger vehicles is suggested because a majority of motorists now drive smaller cars and that where the in suiting absurdity of Mr Snow s idea becomes apparent As has been the case so many times in the past financial policies established by Davis government ministries seem opportunistic and self serving Instead they should reinforce public attitudes toward energy vation and other worthwhile en deavors Mr Snow s proposed change does just the opposite Literally thousands of Ontario drivers have made the switch from big cars to smaller ones because of spiralling inflation and rising fuel costs In its smalt way the lower registration fee for four and six cylinder cars has acted as incentive for car buyers to try the smaller models and perhaps sacrifice some of the com forts and luxuries they enjoyed with the bigger vehicles In this fiscal year the Ontario government expects to reap million from ad valorem fuel taxes a million jump over the fiscal year total To be sure the ministry s own costs are also rising at a similarly alarming rate it costs a lot more now to repair ministrycontrolled highways and help finance municipal reconstruction projects for example than it did ten years ago Of course the technology used in building and maintaining these roads has improved at a sluggish rate a tor which many believe to be a deliberate stall on the part of the auto and road repair industries Must it be a persevering trend among governments to answer each new economic challenge with new and higher taxes Even the much anticipated assault on the U S public tax burden by Reaganomics has seen new taxes introduced If governments continue to en dorse irresponsible budgets that allow the wealthy to breathe easier while denying basic social privileges to the needy and then respond to economic crises by boosting taxes further we shall all soon see our nation s fiscal demise Allans budget wont budge so Tories take it to the streets Ottawa Report Letter from the editor Ottawa Bureau of The Herald After the Tories spent a whole day battering budget of Finance Minister Allan MacEachen and then failed In an attempt to have the document withdrawn Party Leader Joe Clark announced he would continue hi relentless fight at the constituency level What he is figuring on It seems Is embarrassing Liberal MPs to the point where they can stand up and support the controversial budget And the best way to do this Is to work on the constituents of these Liberal MPs Or as he put it We will be watching the way each member of Parliament votes and we will naturally be looking at ways to communicate the way that member of Parliament votes back to the Canadians who vote tor that member of Parliament He could have tightened up lhat paragraph had he given the matter some thought but we all know what he means What he plans to do is tell the constituents of Liberal MPs to write or phone their member with their protests on the budget And what wrong that you might well ask TWO DRIVES Nothing really except that perhaps unbeknownst to Clark another group at work asking In Tory ridings to exert pressure on their MPs to take a stand on another This appeal from the Committee tor a C Leadership Convention is not only directed at voters now served by a Tory MP represented by MPs from other parti es What they are being asked all In the name of replacing Joe Clark Is convey their views to the nearest Tory MP or the chairman of the regional Tory caucus And this campaign continues regardless of what the Conservative caucus decided In the woy of ending public bickering on the leadership Now do you see the potential Can you Imagine how our political system would became if we suddenly find the Tories Liberal ridings for a writein campaign Liberal minister while Tory Liberal and New Democratic ridings are being for a writein or phonein campaign against Joe Clark ENDLESS CAMPAIGN II this new mailorder system shows any signs of success the sky is the limit We could have Liberals blitzing ridings urging voters to force their MP to support wage controls Or the New Democrats could encourage Tory voters to demand nationalisation of Canadian Pacific What we could have in effect Is one endless election campaign with the battles being fought door by canvassers Parliament would become a sort of ballotcounting building where one party would tell another party what it supporters are thinking Madam Speaker a Tory might our phonefiT show on IW prime minister speech on Senate reform Or a Liberal MP might ask for leave to introduce a petition from the New Democratic voters In Oshswa Whitby concerning the Conservative response to the government Polish position Before this thing gets out of hand I would Just like to suggest that the present twomonth campaigns are quite long enough And in between these national interruptions I would prefer to have our MPs make decisions on our behalf without cords letters or toll Tree numbers And if we don like what they do we can get hem the next time round Priority pressure PsulDorsey takeg hig The Herald editorial above regarding Jim Snow s proposal to boost registration fees for drivers of small energyefficient cars refers to tax increases as means of accommodating higher government expenditures Readers of this column will know that ray personal views go far beyond gentle criticism of government spending Last decls i by the US governmenttopumpai of military aid Into El Salvador coupled with another recent proposal for similar spending by Canadians prompt me to repeal myself How much do you care How much do you facts presented by the slate department concerning the Communist threat in Latin America Do you accept the Canadian Armed Forces contention that their ranks and armories must be beefed up so we can hold the Russians across the Arctic Ice at bay Do you believe that raising taxes is the only way our governments can meet their spending requlre- Canada national defence minister Glues Lamontagne set out to reassure delegates at the Conference of Defence Associations Jan that the country has reversed its previous trend toward Our national defence effort is aga being bolstered he said thanks to Ihe Nov budget which gave ministry billion lor 1963 and another IT billion for the next fiscal year Needless to say 1 find nothing at all reassuring about those words They link directly with Ihe stern warning given the S Congress last landing American troops in El Salvador to stave off the Communist threat tor yellowperil they re calling It these days Is indeed an option open for consideration In both cases I feel North Americas defence agencies George Orwell called his future world 1984 Just as our defence ministry might be more correctly termed our offence ministry are testing the waters Will America stand for another Viet Namstyle involvement Will Canadians allow their govern to spend Ions on measures while unemployment and inflation rise and social services fall by the wayside Many Canadians can see the potential threat to peace posed by a hypocritical American administration But few it seems are willing to the spending priorities of their own government Mr asked delegates at the defence conference to help him alert Canadians about the reasons lor bolstering their armed forces If past is any indication Canadians will respond when they are challenged he said you re like me Lhe threat to which the minister refers la not centered In Moscow or Peking Any political threat their once posed has been far too ftctionauied by American paranoia and xenophobia and now seems impotent against our relatively luxurious Western lifestyle The threat Instead comes from Ottawa Do you feel challenged to help little guy in Africa Queens Park February is Heart Month To puff or not to puff Series In 19W the Surgeon General released this report linking cigarette smoking to death from heart and turn disease In the ensuing years a vast amount of publicity ha been given this subject consequences that are contra dietary lo say the least There Is no doubt that the great majority Canadians young and old are aware the of cigarette smoking However the tobacco companies haw not gone bankrupt On the contra ry their annual sales have been increasing steadily though many changes have taken place in their products Although population growth and exports may account for tome of the increase current sales do constitute a danger sign of major proportions Canadian adult males seem to have got the message because there has been a slgnifkanl decrease In their per capita consumption but adult females are still smoking at the same rate as IS years ago Among teenagers theper capita consumption of cigarettes by boys la relatively unchanged whereas there has been a substantial increase In smoking among girls This Is disturb because these future mothers not only Injure themselves they could harm a general on yet unborn They will be a bad example lo and It has been clear established that the earlier people start on cigarettes Derek Nelson a Park Bureau of The Herald Later this month the Ontario Legislature Select Committee on the Ombudsman will meet to decide whether It is appropriate that Ombudsman Donald Morand his marching orders Probably partly because he runn Ing for NDP leader and wants the public ty MPP Johnston Scarborough West has been conduct a crusade against a proposed trip by to South Africa The International Bar Association and the International Ombudsman Inst tute are cosponsoring a seminar for the Association of Law Societies of South Africa on having an man type person for that country is lo talk about the concept but Johnston finds this so abhorrent that he wants the select committee to give Morand political direction to stay home The New Democrat has even launched a second front of pressure his worth on lhe ombudsman to make him obey by mobilising the usual collection of South Africa haters in this country 11 will be in to see whether the select committee agree with the principle that can exercise partisan control over Morand apeak engagements and whether the ombudsman himself bows to special interest groups STAND FIRM His position is quite clear We know it of South Africa we know we cant change the system Itself but within the existing system an ombuds man can at least see the law is applied as fairly as possible he said Now that Is a reasonable view especially for those who that one of South Africa day today problems is a heavy handedness by the bureaucracy In the application of laws The larger issue of South Africa Itself is what the Johnstons of the world have all the answers for although these at base usually translate Into genocide against the Boer minority Moreover what the Johnstons don understand that South African Boers like Israeli Jews Ulster Protestants French Canadlens Laotians and Lebanese Christians would sooner bring the world down In flames than quietly acquiesce in their own ethnic destruet ion as so many want them to do ONE MAN But ombudsmen don deal these weeping vistas They deal with the poor guy or gatthe Individual caught In the gears of government who has an Immediate problem Advocating race war in Africa from the safety of Toronto may make one feel good but It help the person of any color in South Africa who has to deaf with some dunderhead bureaucrat However that said one hopes Morand hold up his own office here as an example of how he South Africans should go about redressing grievances against civil servants NOT GOOD There exist about 100 classical and Ontario s has to be among the most topheavy Sweden which invented the concept and has a population similar Jo has only Si people toslaff the ombudsman s office Ontario has 122 with an annual budget of million lo handle fewer than 10 enquiries Some repeat and half out of its Jurisdiction a year It is a bit much This is especially true since the office too slowly or so the select committee said In a report tabled last year which claimed an average time of days to resolve a citizen complaint Now South Africa could use an ombudsman but not one that operates that kind of glacial si POETS CORNER We are Forever Mock easier goodbye TbsB yon and raakhig cry And there may be one Please answer ml one tor me list all the love I ve Iried lo disguise Penetrated last shell reached 1 11 witt this last night stone And If stars with their broken withes all me agate Ill give all away To soueene anyone wants me to slay By Marlowe Dickson THIRTY YEARS council dL question of renovating the present library or building a new building with the Library Board Chairman J Lambert said the present structure needs many repairs including repainting and extensive basement repairs An architect advice had been to strip the building to the walla If It I renovated be said People appreciate library be said pointing out that almost too new members enrolled that year Secretary Harry Adams gave statistic which had been sent from the- Director of Public Libraries showing that It would actually cost the town less to build a new structure than to operate as at present Town council took the oath of allegiance to the new queen Queen Elisabeth II Georgetown commemorate the death of King George VI with a public religious service In St John a United Church Friday at A national proclamation close banks and post office and schools are also being closed for the day No civic holiday baa proclaimed In town but places of business have been asked to close from to The annual summary Just released by the Ontario Lives tock Branch reveals that la tied with Waterloo In leading the province- In be production of Grade A bogs In MSI producers marketed hogs with per cent Grade A This is quite an achievement a production was up per cent over the previous year with Ontario maintaining her position as Canada a premier producing bog province A brochure issued for education wee in March shows per cent of Canada a population has less than eight years schooling and that only per cent of pupils entering grade 7 complete secondary school In Ontario It to estimated that per cent don t go on to high school Only British Columbia has a better record Quebec is the most backward province educationally speaking with a per cent of Its population having lets loan schooling An Industrial town like Georgetown shows lack of interest In education more than Milton where Industry predominate Jobs are plentiful here and young men In their teens can command big pay leading to an almost complete disregard of secondary schooling TWENTY YEARS AGOAn extensive well drilling program which will put some wells from the town limits west and south will be put Into operation this spring the Herald learned from Anthony Gas and Oil Explorations of Acton A company spokesman told the Herald that Georgetown la sitting right on top of a gas field which links large fields to Ihe west In the SpeysJde area and lo tbe south in the vicinity of Hornby A well la presently being sunk on the Van Vllet farm on the Fifth Line Just west of and Is down 1 feet A four man crew started lhe drilling operation six weeks ago The gas lake to be tapped allegedly at 1 feet A acres lease was taken out by company In two other areas one on lhe Fifth line and one on the Ruddell farm on the Seventh Line below Stewarttown We will probably drill to wells around Georgetown limits be claimed Directors of the North American miles Society at the annual meeting at Chapel Hill North Carolina have voted the E Wilson Memorial Award the highest award in the continental society o a Georgetown women Miss Isabella Preston of Market Street for her outstanding work with Wiles Miss Preston is the second recipient of the award which was Instituted In She is a who has produced several hybrids among which the George Is the best In an effort to cut water revenue losses caused when tenants leave town owing bills council decided Monday to impose a deposit for all water users except home owners This assures us of at least a four month advance payment explained Deputy Reeve Hunter whose water committee decided on the new measure Prom not on when a tenant rents an apartment or house In town a deposit must be made at be town office before water service is provided TEN YEARS town bus service could cost the town In a yearly deficit or could break even so the transit study carried out by consultants told council In heir report Monday night The town needs his service the report stated They pointed out that the Department of Transportation and Communications would dlie the deficit per cent Council the consultants to proceed with the second phase of the study Coun Joan Smith said the total cost of the complete study was ft of which had been spent to complete first phase She reminded council tbe Dept of and C the study per cent meaning lhe town cost would be S3 Four vehicles were damaged four large plate gloss windows smashed and two people Injured In a costly accident at the comer of Guelph and Queen Streets Monday morning The accident produced damage totalling over A westbound 193 Pontlac on Street struck the rear of westbound 196S Plymouth shooting is across the Queen Street corner and onto Auto Body property The car clipped an International truck parked on property and rammed a parked Thunderbtrd with enough Impact to drive It Into the show windows Damage was put at to tbe show front and 1 lo lhe Thunderbird Jim Snow MPP for who two days ago was appointed Minister of Public Works answered questions fired at him by students la a session during three hour periods Tbe location of the new airport was one of the first questions Mr Snow said he very much It would be around here but mentioned two possible sites one farther west than Halton and the other the eastern side of Toronto near Pickering He predicted earliest possible time for tbe Inauguration of GO Train service In the area to be end of this year ONE YEAR AGODcrek Sanderson Is finally coming to Georgetown At 11 am yesterday Hockey Heritage chairman Dave confirm ed that Sanderson would be coming to heritage dinner this Tuesday Feb to Kentnerhu tried since Nov lo get Sanderson to play his Georgetown Raiders last Wednesday the Heritage Couodl had only arranged for Pierre Pllote and Aggie to speak at the awards dinner However Sanderson called Kentner day to confirm presence at the dinner An unauthorised lumpsum payment of Halton top administrators has touched off a bitter regional council debate Including a call for regional chairman Jack Raftai to resign Accusing Mr of having bis authority In paving chief administrative officer Dacota extra salary last fan while be was belli acting CAO and regional solicitor Walter after the fad regional police force now happily settled in it new quarters on Street near Gordon Aleott Arena Tbe into wUcn the officers moved Jan exp office re injng room for the Criminal Braneh offices which conduct of Crimea as murder arson and rape

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