877 I I EXCELLENCE AWARD IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS Real Eatnte Ltd SPFtDY 251 Queen St East Brampton Speeth It 1M3 Council considering sale of old town hall and ready for action air await another There were also other pastimes like getting used meals which to Irston In winter training it Camp Borden a Canadian Forte Bait near warm on the trail No hard feelings though they would likely troop A I liit on Tht- from the community practiced using com pa tin In the and how to properly conduct a search again for another similar operation Great White North safe fun too with our Air Cadets on the scene of the former Acton town hall may eventual rest in the hands of a private purchaser if council endorses a new recommendation from low staff regarding the sale of the century old building Despite con lent Ions from councillors Mike Miller and Walter that the hall should be lorn council voted Monday to consider he building During a meeting Dec council rejected using of taxpayers money to restore the building at Willow and Bower Streets scuttling plans by two Acton citizens groups to save part of the com muni ty heritage Acton Terry amended council proposal to sell the building by Insisting that the sale require the purchaser to preserve the exterior of the building In addition the sale must be completed will in days once the terms are accepted by council I don think the building will ever be saved Armstrong said It a personal slap in the face to the ellke people to go this lie noted that the consult ants study into the town a two business improvement areas identified a need for more parking In the Acton downtown core which might be created if the hall Is torn down 1 don see where this Is going Coun Armstrong said All we are doing Is prolong the agony of the people of Acton At some time he hall has got to die and 1 think the lime Is now Coun recalled coun cil decision lost year not to restore the building because a majority dldn I want to spend public funds on the project lot because of he need for pork or became some Acton residents want the build ing refurbished The motion doesn mean we arc going to sell the building Coun Ross said It merely lays down a set of conditions for the sale to sec If there arc any Under a wo year old arrangement with the town hall restoration committee the town agreed to contribute WO estimated costs of tearing the building down five years the buildings restoration the committee could match the figure through Its own fund raising projrts Although the fund raising venture was successful it wain t enough to cover the estimated it may have taken to restore the Interior exterior of the building to its historical character He pointed out that selling the hall would generate some revenue for the municipality Curtain goes up on Honest Thief Next Tuesday night may be your only chance la tee the feature film on location In Georgetown two year ago or what a left of It Producer Magder will screen the much maligned comedy Never Trait an Honest Thief at Ihe Cinema Tuesday si hi According to the Toronto Star the movie has most of lis Georgetown footage along with many scenes featuring Orson Welles and Canadian actress Michelle Finney The film fate beyond next week depend on audience response at the screening with Madger of Scarborough blaming his own Inexperience lor It already acknowledged failure Movie buffi are nevertheless aware hough that similar pessimism and resignation preceded the glanl box office success of The Rocky Horror Picture Show now one of history s top grossing films despite an abysmal first nut III- ItMlAHDT Herald Special Squadron into a bus Jin 1j ml headed for the rcit White North belter know GUI Hot den Upon entering the base In il surprise the were slaying in the coed in Block 136 The cadets ere assigned eight a roon Jumped Into their and were forced to make their beds Then the task of assign gear was taken was too The seemed to drown In the clothes The boots were bigger they were bill with two insoles aid three pairs of socks later they managed to fit complained but these pants make me look fat The Jackets came to the tops of most of their boots and looked llkel After this the had a hour and a half of free lime most of which was spent at the Short Stop and the Lancaster Club The night went by without sleep but thegroup rose blight and early early that Is not exactly bright dressed in their arctic gear and marched off to the Borden never let these cade la go away hungry The group turned back to the barracks picked up their lift over o Hangar Captain Groskorth explained the use and design of the Cdt Bern hard then gave a lesson on hypothermia and superficial lecture was followed by a course outline by C I which lead Into search patterns and procedur ere by Captain Everyone put on their gear and set out looking for an obstacle to tackle One hill in particular became a major attraction most of the cadets came down the hill on their behlnds Instead of their snow shoes After a few minutes of testing the shoes in the bitter cold the cadets welcomed the Harvey gave a very thorough briefing on the use of he FN the firearm that they use the next day The briefing was followed by a cup of hot chocolate and then the group was off to the FROZEN TUNDRA The group was dropped off at point A and the cadets were put Into three groups each with an officer tagging along Each group was equipped with map and com pass and intended course This exercise was to help the to betlcr realize the importance of knowing how to use a compass properly All of the had some help in one form or another In coming back but all did make It back At this point In time It looked like a bliTxard was approach It picnic was plan nod Well the picnic went on as Continued on Page Wards trustee has board wondering Rolling back the prices rolls in the customers Baby beef liver cooked with onions and bacon was going for las week If that t grab you then this will grilled bone with mushrooms for Interested Too late now The specials were Wednesday through Saturday at the Georgetown Market Place Del rex Restaurant and Restaurant owners Angela and Helen Karolldis were offering meals at prices hey d charged back In celebrate their years of business at the same place Also we wanted to tell were still here Mr said However don t despair If you wesht In the long lineups la get one of seats In the restaurant The own ers have said they may give the town a treat again soon With waitresses doubling shifts to accommodate the hungry hordes that descend on the restaurant Mr said on the dally average about people were served breakfast about people lunch and supper each day of the special menu We work fast he with generous grin The big sellers were the full course meals with steak as the favorite order Mr Karolldis said Nearly 300 of them got gobbled up In two days he said One of he waitresses had for the hungry crowds Inlngupforotable She said they were very patient and pleasant to wait on llalion Kills trustee Betty Walker has missed three regular meetings of the Ha ton board of If she misses another without fellow trustees passing a motion approving her absence she 11 lose the post according to the Ontario Edu Act Ms Walker left her Nerval home early In January for where she Is recover from health problems She is expected back April Board chairman Auger Is hopeful one of the trustees will bring forward a motion asking for approval of Ms Walker absence at the board next meeting He said he received any written correspondence from Ms Walker in that regard and dldn t know if any other had been entrusted by Ms Walker lo bring forward Mr Auger said he spoke briefly with Ms Walker before she left for Arizona He said she Indicate she would be resigning from the board in their talk Massive bazaar today The annual massive bazaar organized by the Georgetown District Christian School place today Friday in the auditorium at Holy Church Running from to to p the bazaar will feature plenty of and plcnly of games all proceeds going to the Christian school Shrove Tuesday is coming up next week St Aiban United Church is holding a chicken patty supper In lhcir parish hall In Glen Williams to celebrate Come munch from j to Pancakes galore Nerval is launch pad for tour SWEETHEART learning sod taking part fa all the ottered far he later Sweetheart Carnival hosted the Credit this yovagmlisiisscluMffiTrrTaCoUaaftrtt Sweetheart Brampton Her mora Barbara Stamp thong she might be a litlte tired after skiing and taking sash chief her a By CHRIS AAGAAHD Staff Virlter Bruce Cockburn Canada s foremost troubadour whose have won him internal ional renown for heir comp osition ax well as their social commentary will open the second half of his 19ffi tour In Currently touring western Canada Mr Cockburn will begin the eastern leg of the tour March IT In the Jacque line Robertson Memorial Hall at Junction While there is as yrt no confirmed date when tickets will go on sale Junction spokesman Jerry Robertson told The Herald last week they should be available by next Wednesday Mr Cockburn recently re lumed from a successful coast lour of the performing songs from his 12 previous album as well as from his latest re lease Inner City Front Joining him on his an tour are Bob on drum percussion and voc a Is bassist Dennis Hugh Marsh on electric ins and Rob on key boards Kathy Moses joined Mr on tour last playing sax and flute and adding vocal supp ort will not be appearing Recording for 12 Mr has fascinated and music columnists with his ability to master fully shift from one musical genre to another over the often using comb ions of folk rock Jan and reggae to give listeners d ft perspectives on his Incisive lyrics about human nature and human Justice Ills music has won him no less than 13 awards seven Canadian Juno awards Tour of them for being Canadian Year 19S for with vast surges of IMOlandtwofor album graphics Night Vision and Jay Will Find a Way 19fl Meanwhile Inner City Front released in 1961 being touted by the music industry and reviewers as Mr most project In describing album Jour columnist Allan Kellogg said is a rough overview present is creating music of lable substance In Mr Cockburn won a Award for the sound track for the Don film and last autumn he appeared briefly and wrote lyrics and music far the touching melo drama Clown White which appeared on CBC tele- Fans are now awaiting the release of Rumors of Glory a film documentary about Mr lean and Canadian lours which is to be completed and released later Ihis The film is ted Martin noted most recently for War Brides a lelevised drama broadcast Last year FROZEN FOSSILS UNCOVERED Mounting the dinosaur they sculpted Thorsday afternoon at the Holy Cross Roman Catholic on Maple lue In The school held snow carnival bad their own Bonheiame CaraavaL Energy symposium takes aim at cutting heating costs After an public energy symposium ends next Thursday night resident should be more confident that they really can save home heating costs next winter and remain comfortable in their house The symposium featuring representatives from Union as llalion Hills Hydro and Oil Company us well as guest speaker Burlington MPP Julian Heed beginning at The idea of the Sid told The Herald yesterday Thursday to show homeowner that they be able to use their present healing plans In the most efficient and most economical A brainchild of Mr Heller and caterer restaurateur Dave the symposium is designed to take an unbiased took at several home heating options currently available to householders and look at way In which sealing the home with good insulation and window caulking can cut down on healing costs Nuclear energy Included under alternatives energy resources which will be discussed during evening program and Mr Reed who has fervently pressed for more government research and support for alternative energy source o move the province away from a heavy reliance on fossil As well as lecture Mr Keller will energy conservation In the borne and heating systems the symposium will be an open forum uivtttog public participation and comment Questions will be taken from the floor and Mr be accepted for discussion