Pad SECTION A THE HERALD it IK Boston Church binds Scotch Block Presbyterians HenldSurrwrtler Presbyterian In the Halloo Kill area commonly known Scotch Block were a divisive bunch off to form up to four Presbyterian on Mine block at one Today only one an church still Land on the Third Line the Boston Church mother of all the splinter groups It was ally called the Presbyterian Church Twentyfifth in a series By IBM moves were afoot to improve primitive aituat ion Land from fanner for a burial ground and church Mr was reimbursed Tor land in the currency of good wheat worth pounds three shillings and three coin being scarce In those days A wooden bamUke building wu erected over the next ten years on the new land Of local pine there was no paint spent or without the building early as 1826 divisions within the Presbyterian con gregation began A lilting minister from the Associate Synod of North America Rev Thomas planted the theological seeds for the Friction thai followed The decision to Join with the of York of the Church Scotland the newly Inducted Re Peter Ferguson brought about the first division within the church In 1B33 Members who supported the principles of the secessionist branch of Presbyterian ism withdrew from the ion to establish the Anil burgher Church down the Ironically the Antiburgher and burgher churches had already united in 1820 to form the United Secession CI or Scotland Major church events In Scotland were usually oil owed within one or two years by the Canadian churches However this pi titer ngrongregn mi called a regrettable occurrence by John Coll In his book Records and Memories of Boston Church in he Scotch Block published In He said there dido seem to hate been anything in the way of or church government thai warranted the break In 1B37 the con on need a second in its ranks Some members opposed the pecuniary aid of the Church of Scotland rccc from the government and Ihcy left to join tie Ant burgher church They felt the church should be supported solely by the lory con r buttons its con Sign of the times as church rents rectory gregol on The second splinter group the church until the popular Rev left They then erected their own meeting house in 1844 and became known as he Seccder Church In that changed to the United Presbtenan Church Margaret Wilson a member of the Boston Church for over remembers the Unit Presbyterian CI UP In contrast with tM very simple and plain decor of the Boston Church the UP church very elegant she sold Thus there were now three Presbyterian oris each with its own meeting house and all within one mile of each on the Third Line However the divisions In the on split Lured from Scotland with the offer of free grants of iw the were the first In in 1111 forming the community labelled Scotch Block Scotch Block la generally accepted to extend from Sleeks Avenue to Slderoed 17 from the Town Line be tween and to the centre line be tween the Fifth and Sixth the farm of Andrew Lots Fourth Conccaalon marked the beg Inning of the first Presbyterian congregation In In June 1KB The first service wai given small clearing with a Built of stone from the Ilnrae quarry the Boston Presbyterian Church on the Third Line was completed la 1170 It replaced a barn like structure of local pine that had served the congregation since ISIS The original church was said a Georgetown man who converted It into a shop of Fire review o Promoting our basic beliefs St George Anglican Church new rector appoint Rev presided at the annual meeting of the church Feb Mr succeeded the Rev Tees whose death occurred earlier In the With Income exceeding and expenditures under budget the church ended the year In a healthy financial condition For Ilia year church mem voted an increased ex for missions of over An historic departure has been rental of the rectory traditionally the home of the resident clergyman with the new rector purchasing his own home In town This is a trend common to all churches today Tribute was paid at the meeting to the Rev Graham Bland rector of St Albn a In Glen Williams and assistant at St George for assuming a heavy workload while the church was between rectors Grant Johnston was re elected peoples warden John Wlckcns was reappointed rec tor warden with William Nipper as deputy rector and Cathy Hunt deputy people wardens Other church officers in elude Parish planning Edith Collier Lyndon Hounsell Ernie Dawson Jim Patterson Judy Robinson John Walker convener of sidesmen BUI Warren Why is It when the Christian community has the chance to promote basic beliefs they fall Bad press from a supposedly Christian minister on the film Chariots of Fire is sense- leu This film based on the Story of British runner Eric who won it gold medal In the 1934 Olympics CharloU of Fins was the ltti Film Festival winner Llddctl almost lost his chance in the Olympics be cause he would not run on Sunday due to his Christian beliefs beliefs A fellow runn er gave up own turn to run on Thursday so would not have to miss the opportun ity to compete his belief film from a wheelchair Would the theme of the film To win is to honor God be relevant for me Certainly the Idea of winn ing can be translated into any situation you find yourself In To be defeated lust because you are confined to a wheel chair is to deny yourself much of life The recent handicapped Olympics show this clearly and the main theme of Char oti of Fire is still relevant to everyone Consider another film also showing which should be mentioned In conn ection with the film on runn ing Jonl This film tell the story of young woman who is paralysed m the result of a swimming accident Joni a real person has inspired millions with her km to succeed regardless of her handicap This Is also a story to be told and viewing the two films should help many is showing at Shopper World In Brampton Friday through March IN THE CHURCHES tho TV Ontario network to morrow Thursday at 10 m A must for any Christian interested in the use of this medium as an outreach for the Christian message today Today Ash Wednesday the film will be at Holy Cross Church as a of the Renewal program Todays film is Shaping the Will Without Breaking the Spirit Everyone Christ Ian and nonChristian alike should take time to see this series of films By Bob is the winner Recently scientists have been battling to keep God out of the realm of science Many discussions take place in the scientific community on how lo stop the growing effect of Creationists In demolishing the Darwinian theory I guess scientists are losing their long held dominance in the area of how the world began Their theories ore not holding up in the light of newer discover There Is a constant battle between the forces of good and evil It this sounds like a weak and trite statement then may be you should lie your thinking In almost every you pick up there is some item regarding the clash between the Church and the World and often the world Keep March IS The Baptist Bible Chamber Choir will perform at Maple Avenue Baptist Church This choir comes from Clark Summit Pennsylvania and consists of nine men and eight women who been well received wherever they perform More later on Call Bob at if your church would like to attend No charge but on offering will be taken to defray expenses The Canadian Cross Society reached lo l million youngsters across Canada with Its programmes of health safely and Inter national development Your donation to the Red Cross campaign helps make it possible for the Red Cross to continue producing character building education progmmm for youngsters NO FEE or 37 month I C compounded annually Ratei subject a chingn SPECIAL HOURS OPEN SATLRDAY from am to Your Choice A Savings Plan or A One to Five Year Term Guaranteed Investment Certificate IMMEDIATE TAX RECEIPT for SitndAtd Trust for STANDARD TRUST Main Sow Bnmptoa Oatario Tcltpaone Manager LIMESTONE ALL SIZES FIX AND TOP SOIL BUD HAINES 3 DURHAM ST is See The a raSwro HAD MUFFLER Spring FASHION SHOW A New Line of Spring Fashions Pres by tellers Cage by- Delta Beta Mon March 8th Sacre Coeur Hall Tickets 800 Available at Tartars and Baauty Chalat KM WORLDS FAIR in Knoxville Tennessee Deluxe Motor Coach Transportation 6 Nights Accommodation 2 Days Admission to Fair Grounds 359 Departures June a 16 GAMES AWAY TOURS Suite 110 is Torontr 1416921 if- Acton ope secret Andrew Hen wood lay delegates to synod lorence Joe Edwards Jack alternate dele gates Joellagge Tom Parry secretary J Collier DID YOU KNOW that last year almost OOO Canadians took part in Red Cross Ing and water safety pro grammes Your donation to the Red Cross campaign makes it possible for the Red Cross lo continue providing top quality water safety Instruction for all Canadians Meal Flos Gael Pork Sausage Link almost inhalf Issue of Rev Ferguson was opposed by senior elder And- rev who fell was the right of congregation to choose its own minister rather than one appointed and the majority of the a supported him Although the larger nan maintained control over the church building and property the other half of ion was allowed lo use it for It was an amicable split On Dec 15 1M1 the larger half of congre gation became officially conn with the Free Presbyter ian Church of Scotland which also opposed patronage Following this linkage congregation took on Ihe name Church In honor of the Rev Thomas Continued on page CI DONT MISS THIS SPECIAL PLAIN CLAIM -j- SKIRTS oner Expires Sat March DELREX DRY CLEANERS 8771834 Corner of SI and Brampton Colour I Sound MOVING CLEARANCE OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT WILL RE OPEN FOR THROUGHOUT OUR MOVE Brampton Colour Sound We Personally Service Everything We Sell 1 3 Nelson Street Brampton 4534455 no