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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 16, 1982, p. 8

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Fr April Economic rent subject to tax value of Media of recent by John denl of on Life lias raesed widespread con on pari of many ana lhat govern men mjv pi ice a lax on the rental value of homes What Is economic In effect is Die re value of an home The concept of taxing economic rem is based on the idea thai because homeowners from their home should be taxed on thai benefit concept has been used by academies omic rent is regularly counted as part of the Gross National Product of Canada on the basis that the owneroccupier is the beneficiary of the v ices rendered by the building landlord would receive rent from a tenant for the services of same building Another example of he same approach is the estimate of the imputed value of food and lodging provided by em without charge to em This estimate is also routinely Included in Ihecalcu On page of the Nov 12 Budget Minister of Fin HALTONS FARMING FUTURE A selective vidua taxpayers which I an tabling tonight shows thai rev lost through selective writeoffs exemptions and de ferrals ire massive Over T bill of personal income escaped tax in If these preferences were eliminated rates of could be halved without reducing federal rc- to reduce will below wcr income paying taxes entirely Thb Is acceptable The study referred to by Mr is Analysis of federal Tax Expenditures for Individuals In study the question imputed rent is specifically addresses and shows thai the lax lost through lag region i left lorl Jean id llardlmn Paul Laid aw Doug I low den tularin agriculture and food photo Queens Park review Recognize your rights when under arrest Legally HANK Herald Special AHHtST At some point everyone likely to be Involved with Ihc law enforcement process if not by being arrested then when a relative or close friend is arrested Ills important that you know what your rights arc when you are arrested It Is just as Important that you know what arc NOT your rights In Ontario most arrests arc made pursuant to the Criminal Code which Is Federal station enforced by Provincial appointees Arrest Is also authorized under other statutes for example Ihe Customs and Excise Act and under certain of the Provincial Legislature eg the Highway Traffic Act In this article we will be dealing arrest under the Criminal Code unless otherwise stated Generally speaking you art legally under arrest when a police officer or other author lied person Iclli you he or she is arresting you AND either touches or confines you a police Ulcer tells you that you are under arrest youwouldbc well advised to submit Whether the arrest Is lawful or not if the police officer feels justified In doing so he or she will use as much force as necessary to prevent your escape If you think that the arrest was unlawful you can fight it later in Court by suing the police deportment for unlawful arrest and assault where you are far less likely to suffer bodily An arrest may be made either witha Warrant for your arrest or without a Warrant If you ask you are entitled lo be told the reason for your If the arrest was made pursuant ton Warrant entitled see the Warrant i a CLEO publication charge s against you Upon your artist you have right to see a lawyer immediately and the right to rcmainsilent In practice you only have these rights IF YOU should topics contact COMMUNITY i EDUCATION ONTARIO Noble St Ont M6K For legal advice contact the Hills Community Legal In phone j250 if of the arresting will not have a copy of the Warrant only a computer notation a Warrant exists You will be shown the Warrant at the police station If you are pursuant to a Warrant the police must lake you before a Judge as soon as possible usually Ihc next day to be dealt with according to law In most cases a hearing will be held determine whether you will be granted bail If are arrested for any other cause the police officer who arrested you has to make a decision whether to release you and require your later appearance in Court or to detain you This decision will be based upon need to identify you on whether the officer feels you will continue lo commit this offence or another offence and on whether the officer eels thai if released you would appear in Court as required you are detained you will be brought before a Justice of the Peace and eventually a Judge bail hearing At time of your arrest the arresting police officer will doubt have quite a questionstoaskyoul Why did you do How you deal with these questions may have quite a bit to do with the ultimate disposition of the v the r for right I private with your lawyer before you say After you have identified yourself you should refuse to say any thing until you have spoken in private with your lawyer The information in this tor more inform a lion on this and GIANT GARAGE SALE Sat April 17 1982 900 am 200 pm Located on the A P Parking Lot Sponsored by parents of MAPLE NURSERY SCHOOL MOM- LI A nine page report tables in Leys lure the minister he cites lack of medical direction Peterborough Civic once salmonella had broken out as well as the failure of the Med Officer of and family physic to give prompt notifica of the danger to the families of Infants who had been exposed to the infection The outbreak left one baby severly retarded Two inspectors have been appointed investigate what happened it the hospital and methods of dealing with infectious disease AND omit An Independcnl doctor is to be appointed by Attorney to investigate possible connections between office inchincs in his Ministry Old number of miscarriages re ported among office workers The Ministry of Labour will also have his officials conduct a separate Investiga the equipment Said Attorney icneral City Hal offices and a high officials can establish no ap parent connection it tti tune and the copy ins macl ines and video display als In Legislature he wasasked about his claim he knew nothing of the mlscar until March 15 although officials of his ministry were known to lave exchanged a memo on February about a per cent miscarriage rate ministry workers at Old City Hall An Independent injjncir 1 lleves that Ontario should abandon the technology used In development of a rapid transit system on winch the government has already ISO mill on The president of the Online Crown corpora lion Transportation Development Corp says there have been three at Us Kingston test In the six weeks where a novel In ear Induction motor has burned out or exploded Industry sources said the I uld not handle a power surge caused by a drastic short ground situation The motor was filled a rapid transit vehicle Caldwell a spo kesman in Kington has can firmed the incident but could not that a hole had been burned into the third rail which feeds power to the Intcrmcdl ate Capacity Transit System vehicle In Legislature the Transportation Minister de fended the million invest of Hie province in protesting a series stones in The Globe and Mail and comments In the II lust by Liberal n critic Cunningham Wentworth North who had suggested the Minister has misled the Legislature by soy me that UTDC had signed a with insil Commission for a four mile line in Scarborough taxation of Imputed rental income equals billion The overall impact of lax expenditures is also In this study and shows thai in case of personnel income la alone those tax expenditures what could be quantified reduced the amount of Income received by Individ subject to tax by over billion In or roughly per cent of total Income received in that year In total tax expenditures resulted billion of federal lax savings for individuals While the budget docs not Implement the taxation of Imputed rent it Is very to note that the billion cited above includes the billion estimated to be lost through taxation of imput rent Therefore It Is clear lhat he government was be ginning to lay the groundwork for possible future luxation in this area Tax expenditures are rev en thai government docs receive simply because it does tax everything that conceivably could be or revenues that Ihc government does not receive because It El P contributions In each of the past three years the government has published a list of lax lures as pari of budget process There is nothing par wrong with publish ingsuchalist However there Is cause for alarm when lax expend i lures become potential targets for tax reform as happened last November At first glance it is ceil able to think of gov Introducing the of imputed rent same time however many of the November budget proposal were inconceivable prior 12 No one for example would have though thai government propose the taxation of whole life lltsur policies Blue Cross bene fits and room and board pro vided employees In lumber The Progressive Consorva live parly is totally opposed to the taxation of the economic benefits accrue to who own their own homes and we will fight to ensure that this does nol become govern menl policy As Michael firu says Such would strike at Ihc very of our which Is private properly ownership It would move as very quickly towards a socialist sys where almost everyone would be living in rented government housing as now do In Scandinavian and Iron Curtain idcntifv yourself you will not be released until you are tided You should say nothing about the occurrence with respeet to which you were arretted ilhoul first speaking to vour I iwver anything you liken down in anything you say may be used as evidence against you In subsequent proceedings WHETHER OR NOT you were advised of your right to sec a lawyer and of your right to remain silent Even if the police do not write your words they con quote them later at trial At trial a hearing will be held determine whether what you are alleged to have said was a voluntary statement After you have identified yourself you should ask sec a lawyer You are entitled to only one phone call you arc entitled retain and instruct counsel in private You may make as many tele phone calls as you require lo contact a lawyer In practice you usually have to ask thai this telephone conversation be private Your lawyer will usually tell you to say nothing and sign nothing until he or she can get lo the police station to consult you more fully in private and you should tell the police this An exceptional case is when you arc for a drink Ing and driving offence and a demand Is made that you provide a sample of your for analysis You have a right to call a lawyer without delay to advise you with respect lo demand you agree or refuse to provide a sample of HUT you do NOT have a right to wail for your lawyer a arrival police station Sometimes is alleged that the attempt to get the suspect to something before his or her lawyer or even before he or she is allowed call a lawyer by telephone It may difficult lo resist these efforts How ever it may help if Ihc police know that you know your rights You may for example say to the police Please write down In you notebook thai I asked to speak to my lawyer before saying anything and you refused In summary you have a

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