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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 2, 1982, p. 7

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the HERALD Home Newspaper of Ha I tan Hills Established 1 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager PHONE DAVID BEATTIE Advertising Manager CUM Mil Number page a THE HERALD June A COMMUNITY PROBLEM Park vandals hurting selves It is fmstratmgly ironic that a popular target for local vandals lately has been the main concession booth at Fairgrounds Park in Georgetown Recently taken over by the Optimist Club the brick ture which also houses washrooms dispenses snacks and soft drinks to baseball players and other park visitors with part of the proceeds going to Optimist programs centered on the young The Optimists are the friends of youth as their motto states and between the annual pass dribble and shoot basketball competitions they stage for young people and the elaborate drug education seminar series for parents they certainlj do a great deal to improve the lot of youth So it must be very discouraging for club members to fall victim to a crime which is unfortunately attributed statistically to youth Two break andenters at the con cession booth in recent weeks have cost the Optimists more in door and lock repairs than in lost merchandise only cigaret tes and snacks were taken But in the first attack at least the vandals left their classic trademark everything was turned upside down The Optimists if only by virtue of their club name will persevere in their youth oriented community work Hundreds of local kids benefit from their events and projects every year and the more am bitious programs taken on in recent years will likely multiply those benefits tenfold If youre the parent of a teenager or preteen talk to them about the kinds of that concern the If theyre confused about drug abuse the club can help your family If feeling pressurea by their peers to smash a window or shoplift for the sake of a thrill maybe there s something in the Optimist repertoire to help you too Vandalism of course is always a community tragedy but the irony accompanying at tacks on the Optimistoperated snackbar in the park makes it a case of youth hurting youth Those involved with the vandalism by the way should be alerted to the fact that the concession booth is now being watched carefully police The perpetrators would do well to consider the overall impact of their actions and then pursue a different nocturnal activity That is what Optimism is about helping youth not sen ding them to jail Vandalism survey At the request of Centennial Public School in Georgetown The Herald Is reprinting the questionnaire on vandalism circulated in recent months by Centennial students To poll residents in a wider area than was canvassed by the students The Herald Invites you to fill in the following questionnaire and submit your answers to Centennial School at 233DelrexBlvd coreof teacher Pat Bull Results of the survey which will appear in a forthcoming issue of The Herald will be presented by the students to town council next Monday evening 1A Have you ever been victim of vandalism When did his ad of vandalism occur C What were your feelings when yon discovered this vandalism What type of thlngi were damaged How was the properly damaged How did they enter What was the value of the articles damaged Were you ever satisfactorily reimbursed for the damage I Were the culprits caught J What was the age of the culprits Were be culprits residents of Georgetown Were Ihey from your neighbourhood What penalty did the culprits If nothing was done do you know witnessed of vandalism what would you do about It Ii vandalism a common problem In your neighbourhood Why do you think vandalism occurs Do you think vandalism Is increasing What are you doing on your own property to prevent vandalism How would you try o prevent a solve the problem of vandalism J Our Parliament under jokes turn into lead balloons By Stewart MacLeod Given the current ugly mood In Parliament mentality MPs should Immediately resolve not to try telling a Joke not to offer a lighthearted comment to an opponent and above all not to be heard laughing at anything There Is nothing funny around Parliament Hill right now absolutely nothing There Is bitterness anger and resentment as MPs wait in ambush for incidents of potential embarrass ments Jovial remarks that traditional lightened the day for MPs are out Someone might toko them seriously and accuse the author of same indescribable evil Its a pity but that a the way things are right now By the sound of things Solicitor General Robert Kaplan made a rather tasteless remark in on to Tory MP Pot Carney about prostitution in her riding But the remark itself may not have been any worse than the fact that it apparently an attempt at alleged humor became a public and embarrassing issue In the good old days it was possible to have private yes even tasteless conversations in par Horn en tary elevators and cafeterias without fear of being published But not any The hostile reaction was Instant Letters poured Into editorial pages denouncing the laughing MPs Radio talk shows were filled with condemnations A couple of days later there was even a motion passed in Parliament to help MPs clear It began That this House assure the Women Canada that the and especially of wirebattering is considered by nil members of this House to be an extremely grave and alarming one But even this cleared the air There is still an obvious sense of outrage about the original laughter As said earlier any sound of laughter Is decidedly dangerous in today parliamentary atmosphere and those MPs who permitted them selves a giggle t particularly astute but we t lose our perspective about the whole thing Regardless of what you may think of your MP be not likely to laugh at wifebattering What wasn t widely reported about this Is that Mrs Mitchell In asking Knplan about wifebcatlng began by saying I have an upbeat question for the minister and since there was absolutely nothing upbeat about the question It seems safe to assume that her use of the phrase was meant to be amusing That in my mind comes close to vocal entrapment There have been other examples of misplaced humor and laughter which we won t pursue at the moment The point is however that given today hostile parliamentary environment MPs would be well advised to stick to prepared speeches keep silent in corridors and elevators and above all keep frowning Litany of hate continues but Miller scored big on jobs Queens Park Derek Nelson Queen Park Bureau Thomson News Service Mean Petty Hypocritical Re gressive A sellout of the poor Puppy and pizza taxes The who stole Christmas The litany of abuse for Treasurer Frank Miller budget rolls on endless ly One would think Miller was the original Snake In the Garden of Eden from the carping of his critics Pat LRainy River cleverly made the paint by reciting a piece of In the Legislature How much is that doggie in the window Tho one In the old pet store Well because of Prank and Willy It now seven per cent more And yet who pretends a store- bought puppy is a necessity of life Or an order In pizza Or that paintbrushes should be taxed and not cleaning agents Except for prepared food a truonecessllyofllfe sales tax exempt Ions never made much sense anyway although Miller continues to allow other Items like children clothing and heating oil to escape grab of the ONE CRITIC One journalistic critic of Miller made the opposition case against Miller budget another way Comparing calculations showed closing the sales tux loopholes would cost a welfare family a year a working class family a year and a middleclass family a year he Accepting his figures I hove doubts he argues this is regressive taxation meaning tho socalled rich gel off paying proportionately less of their income than the socalled poor In Tact I see It as progressive The rich because they get taxed more than the poor Except for few lonely voices yours truly for Instance and no politicians nobody is protesting what Miller is spending only the method he is using in paying for some of It WHFRFNEXT Given the unwillingness of any of the old line political parties whether Conservative Liberal or to countenance restraint of spending their focus must be on how to pay for government Both the Liberals land est letting the budget deficit accelerate intolhcstratosphere 114 per cent What more do they want Miller preferring part of his expenses by raising taxes claims the average Ontario household will be set back only to The claim but they add together tax increases over two years to get hat would be between and per family He thought It outrageous CREATION Whomever is right someone has to pay now or in the future Far more important and what Is gelling lost In the pizza and puppy the Miller budget is oil about job creation You can pay taxes If you re not working No one doubts jobs and inflation are key concerns and the budget tackles one of Ihem Increased taxes are inflationary and large cits may also Since spending can be cut it looks like Miller made a tradeoff in Inflation Miller abolished corporation taxes for Incorporated small business as a spur to Investment I am trying create jobs The people creating Jobs today are those who arc making enough profit to he said Rather than being mean or re gressive giving a break to the most labor intensive sector of the economy during a recession seems to make THIRTY YEARS AGODon was elected president of Georgetown Lions Club succeeding Ray when the annual election took place at clubs dinner meeting In the McGlbbon House Senior of the club for the next year will be Jack Gunning f first vicepresident Clar ence Kennedy second vicepresident Albert third vicepresident pence McKlnnon secretary and Bob Re chard treasurer Other club off leers are Walter Gray Lion tamer George C Brown tail twister Fred Chapman bulletin editor TWENTY YEARS School have new staff when classes reconvene in the fall About 14 new teachers have been hired by the board to fill vacancies left by resigning staff members and new teaching positions created by the technical wing A large quantity of equipment has been purchased for the shop classes now under construction and board Is currently awaiting shipment Technical and occupational course teachers will arrive here in August to set up the equipment so that everything will be ready for Septemb er Students who have trouble with the regular course now may receive Instruction In a trade before leaving school This is made possible by the recently introduced government grant system by which the federal govern ment pays per cent of cost on all technical areas and the provincial government per cent Although the entire project converting Georgetown High to a Composite school will cost dollars the Mia TEN YEARS AGOFor the first time since Smith and Stone started business almost years ago the entire sales and marketing group will be located in Georgetown the end of this month the 18membcr force now located at St Clair and in Toronto will move into newly created offices In the Smith and Stone plant The move is part of a plan to cut costs and improve communication between sales and marketing and he manufacturing group vicepresident Tom Creaghan said Free Stone Quarry Stone was drawn by horses to the railway Used high up wagons as the one did ride in With horse and cart they stripped the stone Some men worked in pairs and With hammer and chisel learned a skill Practice lime Ihey did work with a will They cut that rock so good and straight Window and flags they were great Derrick man with care those slabs anywhere borne of them brittle like rag would tear Stone bouses they were built Masons worked for a very low Now modern day trucks haul It all the way The average man can build to A plain as a box Just a place to Most artistic of this day are let go Si ray Today building are built of glass and steel They tower to the sky that not real Someone built stone boose across the street It was a place where skilled With fancy work out of this world so complete Politicians wreck It this act to a perfect treat By Albert Brooks Acton fXA AND THANK YOU CANTANTE Honoring same of he loved lunes written by modern and lingers the Singer said Thank You For he Friday night Immensely enjoyed by audience there were a couple of original tunes in the repertoire bi well written and performed by Bill Kent ana another by Diana Collett The Herald review of Friday concert will appear In hit Friday Weekend

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