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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 9, 1982, p. 4

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the HERALD Home Newspap of Halton Hills Established A Division Canadian Newspapers Company Limited A iitlphMrut Publisher Manager lit Arm t Manager Second Clin Mil Till Wednesday June Its Water Safety Week Play it safe Drowning is the second leading cause of death among children years of age and under On average more than ZOO children drown each year in Canada That s why the Canadian Red Cross Society with 37 years experience in the field of water safety and swimming continues to support National Water Safety Weelt June to 12 It s our opportunity at the beginning of the summer season to draw your attention to the importance of water safety It our opportunity to urge you and your family to Play it Safe and prevent drownings by learning and serving a few simple safety precautions Closely supervise children in and around water at all times Remember that floating objects tubes air mattresses etc are toys They are no sub for learning how to swim If you own a pool make FLAG RAISING REMINDER The flag Is up and week tram the Hilts headquarters Waller fel lilt J dove Into Hater Week with Georgetown pool manager Peter Morris Janet The three want Hills residents to from the editor Paul Dorsey Losses shared by everyone Many readers may be wondering why The Herald has had little coverage or comment on the continuing decline of Georgetown business community or Acton for that matter With few exceptions we ve seen store after store close down and Industry after industry lay off employees right across town Our commercial sector is obviously In big trouble and the consensus suggests that as long as Canada economy continues to stagnate with the dollar value sinking slowly Into the he going out of business trend will continue locally It Even people who shop regularly at McNamara Jewellers downtown or a Stat in the Guclphvlew Plaza as Just two examples can still appreciate the loss With such businesses Silvers clothing store also gone Georgetown has lost not only current revenue and an invigorating economic factor but a portion of Its past as well The effects don slop there At a newspaper used to a busy year round schedule of events and activities we ve noticed big gaps where previously there was none There a no evidence to prove It but It does seem that the economic doldrums stifling our business community and thus our own bank accounts arc miring community interest and Involve ment well The Georgetown fall fair a lack of volunteer help has been welldocumented posing a problem severe enough to have jeopardized the event after years of relative popularity Bock to Acton Pays seems likely to vanish this year for similar reasons and Iho Georgetown decided not to attempt Wlnlcrfest In 1982 There are however plenty of signs of hope Downtown Georgetown merchants perhaps the hardest hit among our financially troubled businessmen have mustered enough Interest among Ihem selves to mount another Pioneer Days celebration June 19 that promises to equal if not surpass lost year bash and will be there alongside It almost as If to cost a vote of confidence In the beleaguered downtown core Individually there are many local businesses thriving on the fiscally depict vine At the suggestion of the George town Chamber of Commerce The Herald hopes to take Indepth looks at some of these stores and Industries during the summer We 11 find out why they re doing so well and how It s helping the And In the meantime Herald senior reporter Chris has prepared a short scries of articles on this very problem The scries starts next day with an overview of the economic climate and its local effects following up with visions of the future shared by such directly Involved people as Msyor Pete regional business development officer Matthew Fischer and Georgetown chamber president Doug Be forewarned the series is not a predictable rehashing of Canada econ woes mixed with cloudy predictions for a grim future The perspectives we ve uncovered will surprise you and next For Sale or Going out of sign you may hive different view of It To ftEAu- sure the gate is locked when the pool is not in use Ensure that your fencing meets municipal and safety standards and that your pool is properly equipped with safety equipment Never swim alone or in darkness If at all possible swim at supervised areas Observe and obey war nmg notices Look before you leap Make sure the water is deep enough and hazard free When youre in a boat wear a or personal flotation device at all times Make sure there is one lifejacket for each person aboard Learn swimming and safety skills including rescue techniques and rescue breathing mouth to mouth resuscitation This summer help yourself and your family to play if safe Call your Red Cross 5233 for a free water safety guide or more information on the Red Cross water safety and swim classes nearest you Will our benevolent society forgive Kaplans bloopers By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald In this business timing is para mount What I mean is no columnist a situation that i change significantly before the column appears In print The popular to vir such eventuality is Ik tig overtaken by events and it s generally considered to be an Whit I am at in the normal roundabout way is column I wrote a days ago our accident prone tor General Robert Kaplan In which I attempted to catalogue all his At the time 1 assumed the list would stand up for a few days there wis a lull in the action so to It seemed like a safe time to tackle the topic I ittlc did I know that just a scant hours later Kaplan would be at it again on his feet In the Commons to defend vet another on Had 1 known that the Solicitor General had written letters of refer for a couple of armed robbers I naturally would have wailed to Include these activities So now I guess there is nothing left for mi to do but attempt to overtake the events that overtook me There probably a phrase far this too but I don I know what it Is MAM In briefly summarizing earlier activities I had referred lo a letter Kaplan wrote to the Toronto Real Board in which he said the Nov budget a political disaster And for that Prime Minister called him And of course there was that payoff murderer Clifford Olson by the which the Solicitor General knew nothing about until 10 days later think 1 should have been informed he said with classic understatement Also there was that cheek remark he made to Tory MP Pat Carney about prostitutes being hungry Thcnhisnameturnedupon a caucus committee report criticizing government economic policy It wis at this point 1 decided there would through thi law of political be a lull in the action Surely nothing else could go wrong for the troubled Solicitor General in the following few days Wrong A day later the letters of references came to light And despite the defence offered by Prime Minister Trudeau It my view that in Kaplan catalogue of question able judgments these letters arc the most notable WRONG Its difficult to quibble with the prime minister when lie pays to Kaplan compassion as a Human being the point being that he was acting In this capacity when he wrote letters of reference on behalf of two former campaign workers who had been convicted of armed robbery It also difficult to quibble with the SolicitorGeneral view that as their MP he was entitled to come forward and offer character witnesses 1 am the only MP they ve got he explains It also true that Kaplan the prime minister behavioral guidelines In which he said that ministers were not to communicate with judges What Kaplan did was communicate with defence lawyers and his submissions were for use in open court But the point Is that Robert Kaplan Is no ordinary MP He Is also the Solicitor General a very Influential figure in our judicial system whose responsibilities cover among other things the National Parole Board And the references were not on the letterhead of the MP from York Centre they were on the letter head of the Solicitor General of in poor taste And since were In a benevolent mood today we will let It go at that Wheels of justice must turn to keep Sick Kids integrity Queens Park Park Bureau of The Herald The wheels of justice often turn so slowly as to seem bogged down In molasses at no lime more than In the high profile matter of suspected murders at the Hospital for Sick Children That is why It so frustrating to have agree with AttorneyGeneral MeMurlry when he rejects for the time being a public inquiry into the events surrounding baby deaths at the hospital One would like to yell get a move on and agree with opposition Liberal and demands for an immediate public inquiry Into all the stances connected with the deaths Put McMurtry sold that would be Irresponsible The first priority has be and must be allowing the police investiga Hon to proceed in the hope enough evidence can be produced to build a belter case than was developed against Nurse Susan As almost everyone must know the evidence against in four of the Infant deaths was so flimsy thai he case was thrown out at the preliminary hearing and never made It to trial BLANK CHEQUE II Is vital to know how many of deaths really were murders and whether enough evidence exists to actually prosecute a person or persons fortho killings all of which apparently took place In tho cardiac ward at Sick Kids between July 1000 and March But with that understood neither McMurtry nor the police should be given a blank cheque in the matter The police already appear to have bungled in regard to While homicide investigations should not be rushed and were adequate resources must be applied with outside help If achieve some definite results pro or con an early date ft is too important a matter to let dawdle For the same reason the Ration announced by Health Minister Larry Grossman into all practices and procedures within the hospital lo patient care must proceed with urgency It is necessary that people bo convinced systems exist to prevent any recurrence of such a it a pertinent question to ask why such a ministry Investigation was not under way earlier OTHER DEATHS Moreover other recent Incidents at the hospital Indicates considerable In ihc general operation of the world famous institution Grossman spoke of reassuring tho public about the Sick Kids with the health ministry investigation but that will only happen If the report explains some of the puzzling Information about the Infant deaths The reaction of the pathology department to the discovery of in one baby body and the depart ment relationship with the coroner office ore but two obvious examples While It Is wise for now to give and Grossman the benefit of any doubt in the expectation the police and ministry Investigations will answer all questions about the deaths- It must be relatively soon It can be another Kim Anne Popcn inquiry still dragging on after Ihree years PUBLIC ROUTE Should tho police prove unable to locate a suspect or suspects who can be brought to trial for the killings or should the ministry investigation leave questions unanswered the only recourse then is lo hold a public inquiry The limits of human ability must be tapped lo unmask Iho mystery of Ihese deaths A failure to do so would leave a stain on Ihc Sick Kids which could never be that would be Ihe greatest tragedy of all POETS CORNER Special Day It hurts to roll your name round In my mind Memories sometime seem a real than the chasm separating us More the pity you never really knew furtive warmed my being like sunlight la a winter porch We never lay goodbye wo never made to hello I Just put you away like a In an album and take yon out on special days DICKSON lUUBeeton THIRTY YEARS re pairs being made by town staff will be by pedestrians A dangerous stretch on Queen Street In front of the homes of Jack Kerr and Mrs AS Wil son has been completely replaced and work will also be done on the Mill Street hill above the post office and on John Street by bridge over the creek The official period of mourning for King George VI has ended The coronation of Queen Elizabeth will take place year TWENTY YEARS AGO A new plant will be operating In Georgetown in three months The Herald learned this week from the Meat Co of Riviere Des Prairie Quebec a suburb of Monreal In a telephone conversation vicepres ident David told a Herald reporter that his company is calling tenders for a factory here which will employ or more people Tho firm has been in business for years in the Montreal area manufacturing a live stock meal from bones and tallow The Georgetown plant will perform a radically new operation producing a high protein animal feed from poultry feathers and it will be he first company of its kind in Canada N YEARS AGOAn extension to the sewage treatment plant estimated at over one million dollars was approved by council Monday night over the objections of Reeve Ric Morrow and Couns Phil and Donna Dcni son The Ontario Water Commission was requested to proceed Immediately with the extens ion which would up the capacity to three million a day and add effluent polishing facilities The si on has been approved by the said no one had mentioned the price tag which she said was over a million dollars Couns said he could not vote for such an expenditure which requires a population of to pay off the project He said recommendations by the planning board to better the situation t been adopted ONE AGOGuelph mayor Norm Jary confirmed last Wednesday lhatstrenuouseffortsweremadetotry and persuade William Ltd not to close its dairy operations in that city and move to Georgetown Last Tues day announced a new million plant in Georgetown at the site of their existing warehouse and distribution centre on Highway The new plant will be equipped with high capacity manufacturing equipment designed to produce more than million litres of milk a week News of the move came as a surprise tu the city of he said Letter to the Editor Students seek help with exchange program To the editor of Tho Herald The Board of Educat Ion and are sponsoring a Bilingual exchange betweeen students of County and Quebec during the month of July Although funding is assisted by the provincial and federal governments and private comp anies additional funds are nee to meet expenses To help cover expenses stud participating In the ex change are selling garbage bags and red roses Red roses will be sold by participants this Saturday June 12 at various centres and door Please encourage readers to buy a rose when students knock on their door or pass them on the street Yours truly Jan Morrow Joycelyn Crescent Georgetown IN FRIDAYS WEEKEND EXTRA MP John examines problems with Operation Dismantle Schools and Scouts Teacher layoffs Community news I

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