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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 30, 1982, p. 4

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the HERALD Home Newspaper of Hallon Hills Established 1 A Division Canadian Newspapers Company Limited IphStml rjploMil II J Publisher eneral Manager MsIRtgllltrtd I iHTION Wednesday Junr M 1082 Did Hydro learn lesson It incredible enough that Hydro has been sub mitting extensive building to review boards at a tune of reduced power con sumption and supposed fiscal It nothing less than that the utility ready to push another transmission line through Hilton Hills just a small of the municipality Despite Hydro s insistence that no such plans are afoot for Hilton Hills town surely with some contempt wanness by Hydro of and despite Mayor Pete cautioning that the pi are just conjecture at this point there is every in die tint a major east west power line will cut through several miles of south- Halton Hi IN Why Hydro s own a sharp drop in consumption by On tano Its officials admit they greatly over estimated our demand and now hive worrisome surplus at the Bruce nuclear generating station and other facilities that we apparently never needed in the first Now that there is a costly surplus of power Ontario the crow n corporation wants to ship it elsewhere and that ap parently is why its gargantuan building plans remain somehow relevant Never mind the per cent rate hike we 11 have to absorb next year and never mind the exnorbitant salaries paid to Hydro executives it 11 be hands across the border if Hydro gets its way and clean efficient nuclear power will flow into the US via Ontario farmland When the Interested Citizens Group disbanded earlier this year with an infor party its members took righteous pride in their sole but substantial victory they d literally made Ontario Hydro more responsible to the customers it serves More than seven years and a great deal of money were spent by the group and its supporters trying to stop Hydro from building the 500 volt tower line down Halton Hills fifth concession Today the line stands in testimony to Hydro s far reaching control over our provincial government but the corporation did indeed learn some worthwhile lessons Whether those lessons will prevent Hydro from arrogantly expropriating valued land and otherwise abusing the rights of citizens as was the case with the north south corridor remains to be seen We can only hope town council is mindful of the past and won let similar misfortunes occur Lets have fun on Canada Day In this of historic tran Canadians remain an odd bunch But for those among us holding tight to their secular ethnic cultures and celebrating them year after year there is little color little natural energy our customs In Hills we look to the Scots and the as two exam pies for our holiday fun Yet even as we ignore the common denominators we all shire Canada is coming into its own the new Constitution comes to mind first public pressure is forcing our of government to be less tentative ind less expenmen tal public sympathy for the health and social issues of the diy are finally some light where before there was only darkness These days Canada like most other progressive nations has the jitters Economically and globally no one knows anymore what exactly to do about current problems or what will happen tomorrow We know our form of government is far better than those of a majority of nations but we don t know if it will ruin us just the same We know we re basically a peace loving nation but who knows whether un foreseen aggression might draw us into armed conflict To everything there is a season the bible tells us This then must be the time to pon der There is danger all around but certainly an improved Canada and an improved global Continued on page Its a race to the finish on Burnetts Field site of Ballinafads successful Canada Day celebration Saturday The view from the inside just the same as the outside By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald Normally and unless the subject matter Is singularly significant I wouldnt repeat long conversations th unnamed government sources There is after all only limited Interest And anyway we tend to overquote Indivi duals who refuse to be Identified Having said that I am goto to pass along the views of someone who cannot disclose bis identity at least not while the current government is in office And while he come dose to breaking the Official Secrets Act I had more than a passing interest in what he bod to say This person Incidentally knows what is being said in the highest level of the federal government And now be was Bitting back in a restaurant sipping on his third cup of coffee listening me complain about the difficulty of understanding the economy My point was that since the best economic brains In the country can t seem to agree on solutions bow can I possibly be expected to get a firm grasp on the situation VARIED VIEWS I was talking about the frustrations of the Job Here we are time when economic problems dominate every thing and simply cant be ignored and yet whit are we laymen s to be saying when the best e in the country seem to be swirling around In seas of confusion Some say we must stick with high Interest rates others say they must be brought down You bear Impressive arguments for propp ing up the dollars while others argue for a free float There should be exchange controls says an economist Another says no There are arguments for wage and price controls similar arguments are against them There are calls for tight spending restsints others csD tor greater spending to create new Jobs I had no difficulty admitting to my sense of Inadequacy What was saying In a roundabout way was that It Isnt easy to be an Interpreter of events when you know what you re talking about I offered the view to my friend that be was lucky to nave access to the highest government economic documents the ones that have been shipped of all political rhetoric and In decisive detail outline the Implications of ail economic initiatives that could be taken He dldn say anything for a time Then be laughed lightly and said So you think you re Inadequate because you can t figure out what the govern ment should be doing right now He laughed again this time a bit louder and said And you think that we are working with decisive ments that coverall the implications of various economic policies He shook his head In wonderment I guess that the general view from the outside he went on I guess people think that we are a tight little group sitting around a cabinet table armed with all sorts of economic Intelligence and that we instinctively know what to do to get the economy on the road to recovery And those same people think the Tory caucus does the same Ihlng agreeing on alternative economic policies but keeping them secret If It makes you feel better he said the Inside of government is the same as the outside and there are people sitting around that cabinet meeting who are at contused as you Frankly it a hell of a situation to cope with and I or one don know the answer I am not sure whether he made me feel better or worse but at least I came away feeling less Isolated In my inadequacy Grits ignore byelection to rally round new leader Derek Nelson Quern Park Bureau of The Herald One might have expected Ontario Liberal leader David Peterson to be the loser at the party annual policy meeting being held here for the first time in almost a decade After all just two days earlier the had lost the Hamilton West v up the seat occupied for seven years by retired leader Stuart Smith And worse under Peterson the Liberals had crashed to third place behind winning New Democrat Richard Allen and the secondplace ConservaUve But finding a critic of Peterson leadership among the 300 delegates was as hard as finding a sunny Saturday in weekend Ontario There any The blame went to Ottawa the federal liberals and specifically to Pierre as party president Jim Evans accurately said I went to Hamilton and found out what a protest vote was all about NEWWAVE In fact If anything delegates seemed more comfortable with Peter Letter from the editor Paul Dorsey Halton Hills colorful past who thinks Hilts his dull haw delved too deeply the article last Week on Ison the Pioneer Cltucn of the selected by The Herald for recognition port of the 1 est ties I reviewed what I ttle own about Georgetown found the generally credited no tended th getting us started the interesting In tie years prior to 1B37 whin the Inndful of Hungry Hollow rail who d bunded around George decided to rename their after Mm are the advent urea of elder kin If I read history correctly and there IS for error and interpretation seen Kennedy dad John by an Indian squaw who became enamored of the infants black locks This all happened In upstate New York mind you while the old man was working ss New Jersey government cleric before his loyalty to the Crown prompted his emigration lo Canada at the outset the War of The child was eventually returned safely George brothers John Junior and Charles fought In the 1812 war but by this time their father must have been used to John Senior i brother Richard was a blacksmith staked himself a claim on Canadian soil then returned to his New Jersey home to get the wife and kids Unfortunately he never made It The man he was Iravell with look an Intense dislike toward Kennedy and murdered him with a tomahawk while the pair was crossing a river on horseback Another tradegy on a river crossing turns up in our history some decades later as the following Toronto Star article recounts The article which carries no Is of a scries on Old Times In Ontario and was saved and recently ilted to The Herald by a Dayfoot Drive It reprinted hero Intact Railway ISM On February an accident occurred on the Grand Trunk Railway near Georgetown miles west of in which a train conductor and two brakesmen were killed The freight In In seemed broke Into three parts and last two cars carried the three The Canadian led News Iron which our picture comes soys On n ws of the calamity reaching this Mr Gregory proceeded to Georgetown Involving an absence of days He sketched the bridge and wreck of the cars from the Ice on the Credit river The picture has been engraved by the expeditious staff of this office and Is printed In this Issue One of the cars which went over the bridge contained carcases of dead hogs These were lying scattered amid Ihe splinters of timbers Iron springs and wheels and it was from under Ihem that the mutilated body of the conductor was taken His head was severed from the neck just under his beard and whiskers The bodies of the two brakesmen were locked together In each other s arms An Inquest was held and the bodies or Robert Kennedy James and Richard Crookham viewed by Coroner James Barber and a jury The chief witnesses were the engineer Robert Thompson and the fireman William Brown whose accounts of what happened corroborated one another son than I d ever seen them with Smith The former leader commanded respect even awe from the party faithful but never the quiet affection that Peterson appeared to receive Moreover Peterson is good at what Is nowadays called people- stroking making people feel they are Important and wanted It was no accident there was spontaneous applause during a bearpit session when Peterson spoke about the strong team at Queen a Park Julian Reed Halton Burling ton mouthed what reads like the ritual words politicians always utter except In his case you could hear the emotion underlying them Peterson Inspired us to be here to works little harder He has the ability lo put confidence into other people to bring out the leadership in the real of us he said CAN enow And Peterson rose to occasion His performance throughout the weekend was superb a class act one observer called It and ranged from the simple ability lo mix with the crowd to a speech In which he had something to say and said It well It was a speech on labor relations that showed more thought than one normally expects in Liberal policies and Peterson put It over with an amazingly smooth and relaxed style One delegate wl voted against Peterson at the leadership conference later toldmeshe was Impressed He growing she said PARTY FIRST It was obvious his personal stamp was being put on the party Even the banner behind the stage proclaimed this convention was composed of Peterson Ontario Liberals Although the locus was on him Peterson ducked the idea of being a oneman show At the for example he took all he questions but then he fielded them out to the various Liberal critics usually tossing In some lino about how great the particular won in his Job It Is that one conference doei not an election victory make nor that winning the party necessarily means was discovered by Smith and before him Bob Nixon When it comes to Peterson In party eyes Hamilton West never really happened And that Is an Interesting perspective for them to adopt Halton Hisiot from our THIRTY for proficiency In local schools have been established as memorials for the late Silver His business acumen created store which would be a credit to a own much larger than Georgetown That he realized the value of education was shown by the fact that ho gave the best to his children His son Sid is an engineering graduate from the of Toronto TbeH Silver Memorial awards at the public school will consist of a total ISO awarded each year to worthy students who have passed their high school entrance exams Details of awards much higher In value arc currently being worked out for the high school TWENTY YEARS AGOA one month Jail term and a fine was the sentence Imposed on Georgetown land developer Rex Heslop by Judge George Elliott last Friday morning In Milton court The sentence followed a Jury verdict Juno which found Mr guilty of offering a reward or consider allon to former Mayor Hyde to aid in procuring adoption by council of a measure or resolution contrary to the Criminal Code Crown attorney Peter McWIllioms termed the bribery charge a crime against the state difficult to prove and Important for the state to prosecute The advantage sought was release of building lots which could have changed the town financial picture and brought a serious financial condition to the town he said TEN YEARS AGOCeremonies in Community Centre tomorrow night kick off a weekend that Georgetown have been looking forward to with anticipation for months Georgetown Golden Year Celebration marking SO years as on incorporated town will be officially launched when the lost of SO runners relaying a scroll from Queen Pork lopes into Cedarvale and hands it to Mayor BUI Smith The scroll will start its Journey Friday when East Jim Snow dispatches it from the provincial parliament buildings with the first runner ONE YEAR Fox the British Columbian university student and cancer amputee who captured the nation heart and the world a admlra Hon when he ran half way across Canada to raise funds for the battle against cancer died Sunday Millions are grieving his death Including Hills residents who can recall the young man a marathon last July and along Highway All share the shock over news of his death in New Westminster Royal Columbian Hospital There ore a number of new research programs being funded thanks to Terry that probably would never have been considered without I is Marathon of Hope POETS CORNER My Red Valentine You II always be my valentine no milter the date make your hair like red roses The pale glow of your quiet face make lilies of the field seem artificial Your warm smile mikes love The gentle caress of your fingers soothes baby tears angry words lonely nights and dally fears Thank you By MARLOWE C DICKSON To Write a Poem The hardest task of all lo write a poem Far It ii made Of thoughts and feelings Written In a rhythmic style or all the world to easily read Poetry a style slow to come An art of which the mood It ill Important a eh line Is separate Yet part of the whole A paradise of words So difficult to create ByGINAMANCINI AHSitudent Writing on a Snake It far easier write on the topic of a snake than to write on an actual snake Because no matter how quickly you write on snake only a few words maybe a alia snake can take Sooner or later though probably make will attempt to flee Which will serve you right ss he squirms out of sight For you really should have let Then onward you may trudge to find another victim be he ahorse a pig crimen but 1 think you know before another animal further you go None of them will stand or a long cold ball point pen student

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