Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 28, 1982, p. 6

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a SECTION A TI1E HERALD July IS Tell Me What It It BIG FOOT Proving Ihnt dinosaur are til I popular ere turn tar children Ontario science teacher Nancy Gahm attracted a good a lied crowd Utile ones to each the three talk gave at Georgetown library last Wednesday Linked Inevitably In children ilh dragons nod the dinosaur with their enormous sod the romantic aura ages past stimulate young Imagination Creating a link with reality rather than with Illusion Mi brought along lot of fosilln and dinosaur piece he children could touch and wonder at Tickling a bone Is no mean feat of Georgetown had more fun Imagining It than the ISO million dinosaur would have bad be el II The was one of about kids who attended one of the exhibitions and talks on dlnosaun and their world Itoyal Ontario Museum natural sciences teacher Nancy talked la the youngster crowding the Georgetown centre floor la it Wednesday afternoon Chum Sara of Georgetown waited her urn to hold bone Herald by Pederlan Something special The dramatic Arts Program wilt be doing very special during the firal week of August Bccausethercnreonlyfourdays hat week Ihe program will be focusing all our energies into a special show or the Anyone between the ages of seven to 13 who wants lo get involved should register soon The cost or the shortened week is only twenty dollars Last Thursday program participants taped another program at Coble for Outer Space Week Our on the spot correspondents interview natives on other planets and our feature program Believe it or Else includes some Absolutely impossible acta such as Magnetic Elaine Flying Emily Time Travelling Kevin and Martians that con walk through one another For an out of this world show in channel tonight Wednesday at and next Wednesday at the same lime Night at the Pops The Rotary Club in cooperation with Canadian Talent Unlimited ha extended an inflation to Hills residents to Join them for An evening of Symphony Music Aug This special event will be held In Barrle Molson Park and the admission Is free Walter Babtak a regular guest conductor with the Royal Winnipeg and Stuttgart Ballets will lead must in as in a program of popular symphony music Including Rhapsody in Blue Guest soloist will be pianist Leslie a performer who is rapidly taming international acclaim Festivities at the Park begin p m and Ihe concert itself starts around 30 p Molson Park is located jusl outside of Take Highway to Essa Road turn right on Esso and drive Rood Molson Park is about one mile south along flood Latest art gallery exhibition helps sharpen ones critical eye By Herald Staff Writer The latest exhibit at ihe Hallon Hills art gallery In the librarycultural centre is entitled Tell Me What 11 Is and opened almost unnoticed Friday night But it will be a pity if those with even a remote inter est in art miss this Inter selection which forma one of he most important shown of the As its title suggests he exhibit has educational purpose as well as one The show which runs Aug has been prepared by Gallery House Sol proprietor John and contains he work or widely differ ent artists including Ken Danny and several other famous Canadians It explores media the methods In which an artist expresses himself and while serves utilitarian function It is also delightfully colorful miscellaneous yet struct urcd As people through the exhibit they will only find favorite artists but also favorite methods Mr Sommer told The Herald Sunday that he hopes the show will help train the uncritical to help draw Ihe fine line between a good and true master con paint pic lures Mr Sommer said But I always amazed when people paint and Pygmalion delightful at Stratford Arts Council Columnist As a staunch supporter of the Stratford Festival find myself accused of Ignoring that great theatre festival the Show Guilty as charged culpa II has not been an Intentional oversight I just happen not to have been to he Shaw since 1966 At hat time there was no festival theatre and all productions were staged at the tiny Courthouse Theatre The play was Misalliance starring Tom Knecbone and Caldwell Yes the same Caldwell who won this years Tony Award for her portrayal of Medea It was excellent and I would gladly have returned But somehow I never did mi Until now Last week I finally made it back The production was Pygmalion and very enjoyable It was remembered these days only as the basis Tor My Fair Lady but this production showed hat it can stand on its own without the music of Lcrner and Lowe This was not the conventional version a new character has been added George Bernard Shaw himself is along to comment on the action and help it along As played by Herb Foster he was a most welcome addition Barry was an excellent and Nicola Cavendish was at her beat as he guttersnipe flower seller the lady created by Henry gave her a 11 tie trouble and did not ring quite as true All and ail it was a fine production Visit he Shaw Festival is not just a trip to the theatre Niagara on the Lake is a lovely town and it Is a pleasure to walk down tree lined streets and visit the shops and restaur an la hat cater lo he theatre goers The CuKurol Centre Gallery until Aug Tell Me What It Is An exhibition assembled for the gallery by John Sommer of Gallery House Sol Hills Public Libraries every Thursday until Aug Munch Movies noon lo I p m Bring your own lunch COMING Halton Hills Public Libraries Wed July A Puppet Workshop for children years and up registration required Tuesday Aug 3 Ready Set Go a program for preschoolers about lo begin kindergarten or nursery school A four week program Wed Aug Pirate Day for children years and up Immediately exhibit their work It shows a total lack of selfcriticism People should train Iheir eye a bit In order detect quality in other people a work and In their own Striving for quality makes us do better than we re used lo doing Dedicated the late Marjorle he bit examines not only works done in oils pastels charcoal acrylic collage and an excellent crayon work by Claudeltc one of Can ado foremost Illustrators or children books but also looks at repro duced works One exciting example in this area Mr Sommer has selected Is Ken Danby offset lithograph entitled Summer Girl and there Is among the graphs photo engravings wood engravings and photo graphic prints and a copp er engraving by he I5h German painter Albrecht entitled St tace Mr Sommer makes a critical distinction bet ween original prints and reproductions in one of dozens of cards describ ing the pictures and the media from which hey are formed he notes that mechanically reproduced art has Its place in the on the Original prints are ally made by the artist himself and even limited edition prints have value because of their rarity But mass produced prints haven I much value In the world of fine art and one won findany examples of them on the gallerys waits for his exhibit The Durer print Is made from the original copper pi ale etched by the artist and while It an expensive reproduction It wasn primed by the artist him self or during his lifetime If there is a fault to be found with Ihe exhibit Its In the narrative which accompanies it on cards As Mr himself acknowledged it virtu ally impossible to explain In a few square inches what Is difficult lo In volumes of books Some of the Ideas arc extremely complex and scientific He refers to one as approaching proportions In its technique What Is clear even In a quick browse Ihe exhibit without referring lo the cards Is thai the medium or media chosen Country Restaurant Uemnemd Under LLBO Country food it prices CANADIAN ODEON THEATRES A GEORGETOWN 3 HELD OVER Exotnai it Sit Sun mil Thr Br Out HELD tod A WEEK OWE OF THE SUMMER TocroiilhcGiealSl Pan Ihe Alp in IBM Napoleon army hollowed out ireclrunki put gun harnessed in loi in Nat Halton crops spared No grain crops have been damaged follo wing erroneous weed cent instructions in a minis try of agriculture let ministry rep Doug Miller lold The Herald Monday A report in Saturday Globe and Mall said that hundreds of acres of hay In Ontario been ruined after farmers used the wrong mixture of herb icide MCPA The report nays typographical errors or mistakes in calculating imperial measures o met ric may have led some farmers to spread as much as 1 times Ihe mended concentration of the herbicide GREAT ENTERTAINMENT Thursday Friday Saturday lor your listening dancing pleasure May We Present GENERATION GAP Frl Sat July 29 30 31 Please Join Us on Friday for a delicious Buffet Lunch 1130430 This Week Roast Beef Desserts Fried Chicken Coffee Choice of Vegetables Tea Salads All for one great price of Mod 8773388 Downtown Georgetown by the artist is just as Important in conveying effect as the subjeel matt The show is above all entertaining which according a pamphlet about the exhibit Is the primary aim There Is lots of color and texture here and a walk around he gallery is a roller coaster ride through various of how Ihe works were produced they all have character none Is like its neighbor Each one is gripping In lis own way forcing the viewer draw Ions about the subject matter chosen and the methods used in Its cry to the eye Tell Me What It Is is one of those refreshing which like a number of this summer s movies demand a return visit Start your evening of TV entertainment with Cable At The EXCHANGE TAVERN King Street Georgetown Station Great Entertainment Keith Armand Frl Sal July 30th 31st LICENCED PATIO No Summer Rerun Blues when youre on Channel Cable Whon your favorite stations start repeating the programmes you wat chad all winter Ira time to change channels But II your antenna gives you only poor pictures on atew channels Its time lo change to Cable Our wider selection ol clear pictures Has to be seen to be believed Channel after channel But why not come In and sob for yourself OR CALL US FOR FULL DETAILS BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO GLOBAL 7 BUFFALO TORONTO HAMILTON 13 KITCHENER 18 TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO LOCAL 3 10 LONDON PETERBOROUGH 17 BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO Halton Cable 1 Main Street North Acton 270 HOW TO FEED A BUNCH WITHOUT PAYING A BUNDLE WITH THE COLONEL SANDERS DO IT YOURSELF BUFFET FROM KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN When you re making plana for that sports banquet church social or club party plan to serve the Colonel Sanders Dolt Yourself Buffet From Kentucky Fried Chicken Just call your nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken store up to two hours ahead of time Then come and pick up our finger lickin good chicken salads and Grecian bread for only 050 per PERSON Strve your bunch the Colonel Sanders DoIt Yourself Buffet From Kentucky Fried Chicken It won cost you a bundle And there s nothing like it And include plates serviettes serving spoons tablecloth chicken St Georgetown 8775241

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