Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 4, 1982, p. 4

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the HERALD Home Newspaper of Hills Established 1 866 A Division at Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown L7G PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager DAVID BEATT1E Advertising Manager Mill RtgUltred Number Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday August Best of luck to tourism association It s with mixed feelings we witness the formation of the North Halton Tourism Association a consortium of businesses and individuals who derive a good chunk of their income from out of town visitors With the right kind of support and a little teamwork and stamina the Association will promote Milton Hills and their adjoining rural as a scenic region to tour and an attractive location to cat shop and spend a few days On the one hand our reaction is a genuinely en why nof North Halton has many fine recreational areas and pleasant enough scenery once you get away from its somewhat neglected urban cores Between Milton and Hills there s some in tcresting history including that forgotten hydroelectric dynamo on the Credit and the up and coming Crawford Lake excavation Besides these resources have plenty of good restaurants and nice places to shop and we re lucky enough to be a short drive from topnotch tourist at Most importantly north has the potential for national or at least cial greatness as an attractive area to visit On the other hand the state of Canada s economy oh when will the worrying end prompts us to doubt any new ventures particularly those requiring public funds While it can be argued that a push for local tourism might replace the dollars that have left north Halton because of sagging in and lost jobs ventures such as that envisioned by the Association tend to require large initial expenditures to get things rolling Despite our reservations however we d like to wish the new Association much luck in its endeavor to put us on the tourist map as it were The Herald pledges itself to assist the venture by publicizing meetings and projects and sin cerely hopes the public will support its aims We re still ex great things from Halton region business development department and the Association of Acton and perhaps this new group with its promising start and wide business base can help them in their own tasks bringing it all together for the benefit of north heritage as well as its future Georgetown Red Cross helpM Blood donor clinic Monday at Holy Cross Letter from the editor Paul Dorsey Ideas from Kentucky Members of the Georgetown Club may have some ideas for the newly formed North Tourism on A dub contingent recently a ted How Optimists In Georgetown Kentucky and relumed home with some promotional publications of interest Known as the Gateway to Blue- grass Country Georgetown is a city of 10 res dents who apparently ate their modest county scot status In Ihe of some lovely Old South surround s There are 30 churches two radio stations two and a half newspapers and a hospital And thanks to the Royal Spring and some distill efforts by founder Rev Elijah Craig orgclown named after first An tan president himself became k own the birthplace of bourbon interestingly our Kentucky counterpart all this information and much more in a handsome page llcolor booklet which Optimist Don Scarborough brought home to Ontario Despite Its much smaller size and population the city has produced quite an attractive guide far visitors and wouldbe residents that far outstrips our own directory or anything else p is locally to sell the community Financing seems to bo the key and so the folks in Kentucky have come up with enough public support to finance a book that even Hat ton regions business development office i been able to conceive We re all optimistic about what that office and such ambitious people as Association do but they got a long way to go If they want to the singlesweep from Georgetown Kentucky rem Its cover depleting 1877 courthouse that gives Georgetown Its focus to Its lovely photographs of country horse forms where one finds a balance between growth and preservation the community booklet Is nothing but charm Note well that Georgetown Kentucky doesn have a lot going for it compared to say but what It does have is presented so well that a tourist passing nearby might not think twice about heading way There a some I rile resting history but Hills has that too There nice enough scenery but we got some All we currently lack s the support to float such a publishing venture Given that and the Interest of local businesses perhaps a photography test could produce enough attractive views of Georgetown and lis to fill a volume cr two One other link between the George- towns can I go the booklet from Kentucky contains a twopage map of the community which could be easily mistaken at first glance for our own own It even aligned along similar directions and its main drag happens lo be Highway rattier than 7 Maybe Acton and Georgetown can get together on this one As for my own contribution I bring mediocre news from the east On my twoweek Maritime holiday last month I Just HAD to visit Georgetown Prince Edward Island It was a Sunday and everything was closed but it seemed doubtful that even busiest Christmas shopping days much life to the Industrial hub of Georgetown Ontario has mare industry leaving its Maritime cousin with nothing to show but a somewhat picturesque harbor wharf plied high with lobster traps The Jlttlo town s only other claim to fame I suppose Is Its close proximity to Cavendish and Summer I CAR too Family violence study shows bystanders tend to back off Queens Park By Derek Nelson Queen Park Bureau Thorn ion News Service Testimony here before the leglslat committee studying family viol is revealing some startling stalls tics about wifebeating of how to handle the phenomenon Richard Johnston Toronto Scarborough West whomore than any member is guiding the committee in Its deliberations re counts an experiment involving a couple coming off an elevator and starling to fight By who thought it a boyfriend girlfriend squabble were In dined to intervene two- thirds of tho lime but if the words husband or wife was mentioned involvement dropped to per cent Peter a London psychoI working In the family abuse area agreed with Johnston that a roadblock lo effective help in this area is distaste by many for getting involved Even professionals tend to shy from the problem police for example tending to see It as a mental health problem and mental health types as a police problem Doctors don I report It and so on VERY UNSURE Statistics about this business are very unsure but the committee so far Is using as a benchmark some results London where the criminal Justice system appears to be taking family violence seriously Some estimates are that between and 50 per cent of spouses are assaulted the definition used being such that one punch or slap qualifies which seems extreme Human beings ore emotional ani mats and under extreme stress or provocation can physically lash out at one another although because of his strength it Is usually the male who 11 release hit rage In thai manner The London study shows per cent of attacks are by men four per cent by women and per cent are reciprocal But the truly Incredible statistic involves what most people would likely cofiildcr wifebeating in the traditional sense Chronic systematic physical assault on one partner by the other TOO MANY Female victims were said abused an average of 35 times before they called the police Although in per cent of the cases there was need for medical intervention police laid charges In Just three per cent Ot so the survey revealed In London prior to 1981 Since May 1381 however police have been laying assault charges In most cases the actual figure is per cent and more than per cent of these cases actually end up some form of court disposition In Ihe past police had always been reluctant to lay the preferring the women themselves do so on the grounds that the victims will refuse to cooperate otherwise and the case will be lost But said the results indicate victims feel freer police lay the charges because then they cannot be by their husbands and In addition the police gather the evidence BETTER While more than BO per cent of the cases tho wife must take the Initial step of calling the police sometimes or even strangers do the reporting Jaffe mentioned one other statis tic based on US studies Family violence Is leading cause of horn and inmoro than cent of cases the police had already been to the home at least once In the past he said So far results suggest percent of men convicted in court do not revert to wifebeating although Johnston cautions that It is still too early to accept those figures as mo than preliminary Still the London police approach is a start and it seems to be having some effect The most relevant message Jesus loves YOU By PASTOR ED BROUWfcR Youth Pastor Gospel Temple Well it has come time once again for my turn at Clergy Comment You know I sure would like to One that would really be on the op of the list The first thing I would tell you la that Jesus died for you Yea He gave His LIFE on Calvary for you and for me Not only did God show great love by giving His only begotten Son to die for us but the fact that Christ went along with the plan showed a great love also Sweeter love than you ro never going to rind As I think It over really the best thing could tell you is that God loves you You know I can say It from my heart for I know It true And you know it true also for He sent His only Son as living I could talk alt day til I blue In the face present my arguments end state my case but 1 d tell you of God s wondrous grace I could write about theology and get Into some CLERGY COMMENT Ministerial Association heavy Greek philosophies out It really all comes down to what was done on Calvary Yes Jesus died for you So I guess to sum It all up my message foi you could be put Into three words Jesus loves you Yes thats right Jesus loves YOU II Thought for the week If you were put on trial for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you Facing the groaning of Creation By REV Rector George An a I lean Church From beginning till now lh entire creation as we know has been groaning In one great act of giving birth Most Canadians have found themselves Insula from the of the world for trie last three decades Now we are coming closer to the anxieties pains and sufferings that have always been real in faraway places Our Intolerable level of unemployment and the growing number bank rup teles are only two of the moat obvious examples of creation groaning that close to home these days The church cannot play God In decreeing how modern society solves Its Ills Nor can It protend to be expert In fields of economics or technology It does however have a crucial role in holding up certain principles or values which It believes must guide society in making decisions as to future Wo Christians affirm that God loves all humanity God loves each one of us not because of our achievement or perfection but simply because To quote 1978 Anglican Church report entitled Poverty in Canada A Christian Perspective We believe that person is entitled to share In the world wealth as of right regardless of his Input It may sound radical and indeed it is for as followers of Jesus Christians arc indeed radicals In the facr the groaning of creation Christians differ in how particular economic or political actions may create a more just society whether lower Interest rates to case unemploy or high Interest rales to control Inflation for a longer run benefit cannot be decided on Christian principles alone Christian can urge those with power to keep clearly in sight the princlplo of God a love for all and Its corollary that each person has a right to share in the world wealth And since our country gives prominence to the power of the ballot box Christians will consider as they vote which person or party can best Implement these THIRTY YEARS AGO Binders combines and threshing machines have been busy In all sections of the county during the past few weeks With the exception of some wheat and spring grain waiting for tho combine moat of the grain crop has been cut and a good deal of it has been threshed and considerable of the fall wheat crop has been delivered to the miller In general the fall wheat crop Is fuming out better than anticipated In fact the tome might be said about a good deal of the spring grain crop Some bushelcropsafwheatarereported but in the main to 35 bushels per acre seems to be the general yield A recent bulletin issued by the Ontario Federat ion of Agriculture is advocating that wheat be held In farm bins or elevators Until the outlook becomes a little brighter Local millers are reported to be paying from 1 to per TWENTY YEARS AGO A portion if municipal business will conducted at a new location later lis year when a projected new building Is completed on the Seventh Line Tenderswerocaliedthlsweekfor I construction of a new municipal office It will be built on part of the Charles I farm west of the golf course A corner on a five acre property chased recently by the township building will have a general office council chamber and offices for clerk K Lindsay and assessor Arthur Ben ton The present township hall in Stew art town will not be abandoned It will continue to be used as a community hall and as a garage and storage headquarters for township road equipment township has met In the Stewart town location since IBS when the township acquired what was then a threestorey building dating back to The structure originally contained two stores on the ground floor a banquet room on the third floor TEN YEARS AGO Progressive Conservative leader Robert Slanfield visited Georgetown briefly Tuesday during a tour of He lunched at North Halton Golf and Country Club after paying a visit with organizers of community projects at the Log Cabin an Opportunities for project on Mill Street His lour began with a community breakfast at the Acton Curling Club and continued with light refreshments at the Centennial Manor In a brief speech during bis Georgetown stop said the switch from the Liberals by Paul is an Indication of general disenchantment the Liberal party There Is much evidence of erosion within the Trudeau party and strong evidence of a swing to our parly Mr said It is clear lhat an vote will be simply a protest vote Those wishing to change tho government will support us he said Mr Stanfleld said ihe people want a government that has confidence In Canadian people I hope we never ask the older people to carry such a share of Inflation as they do now The old and young are carrying a burden created by tho Liberal gov eminent attempts to control Ion A PC government would never attempt to slow down the economy in an attempt to slow down Inflation be said ONE YEAR AGO Federal Oppo sition leader Joe Clark visited George town s Varian plant on Mounts In view Road North Tuesday afternoon with an eye toward learning more about Can ada high technology operations and touring the firm which manufactures telecommunications products and spoke with Varian officials Varian Is one of several high technology plants Mr Clark Is visiting across Canada this summer to sec how viable current government policies are In dealing with technological development ana the promotion of skilled labor f POETS CORNER If It Was Possible if It was possible to grant your wishes or turn your lucky pennies Into amulets 1 d do It If I could guarantee you happy and contented nights with sweet dreams d do that loo If I could let you have my thoughts or share my future with all lti hopes If I thought loving you would help a bit to mike you I go on forever If only time separate two of us right now I d wait If there was anything that I could do to please and satisfy your mall est whim Id try II saying goodbye and never seeing again wit your wish I disappear for you By Marlowe C Dickson Beelon

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