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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 22, 1982, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 1866 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager PAUL BOB Editor Advertising Manager PHONE Rtglitmtf 0943 A THE HERALD Wednesday September IWC Site fallout raining down on our heads Appalling Thats our reac tion and it should be councils to Monday nights update on the search for a regional landfill site Instead council was alar mingly quiet about the regions news that another is being added to the almost 5 million spent since on the search Wha t can we seemed to be councils general reac tion its members obviously numbed by the scale of the project to date and shocked into silence by the enormous can of worms they know theyd have to open if they wanted to protest The ambition to regionalize in Halton has produced a complete mess sin ce Day One and things are now abruptly taking a turn for the worse Halton has hired a con sulting firm to prepare its case for close scrutiny under the provinces Environmental Assessment Act which for some politicallyoriented reason is being tested here for the first time on a major scale since its approval last year Readers might recall that it was Queens Parks decision to bring the Site F affair un der the scrutiny of the EAA that was seen by some as political opportunism since there was a provincial election campaign underway at the time and the HaltonBurhngton Conser vative candidate needed in Milton and elsewhere in And it was Milton of cour se where Site was proposed usurping some 240 acres of top class farmland for regionwide If the proposal had to be examined under the tougher terms of the Miitonians knew the region had less chance of winning provincial approval Even the less cynical elec tionwatchers at the time agreed the timing of the provinces decision was amazingly coincidental Now were paying for that decision electionmotivated or not The region had hoLed the province would cite its En vironmental Protection Act as a guideline in the Site affair so that alternative sites would not even be considered Its a safe guess that Site F would have then been approved and hearings would be far shorter and less expensive While the provinces role from afar is suspect in this case the region must still bear the greater burden of respon sibility for the absolutely horrendous costs now facing Halton taxpayers It was the region after all which rejected several worthy sites found more than adequate by the original consultants opting for the more environmentally and politically sensitive Site And it is the region that has played to the hilt its role of the big bully bureaucrat in our own backyard virtually railroading its tunnelvision concepts past concerned citizens in the hope of saving some dollars in the long run Instead we face a tag of million just for finding the new landfill site Once a site is chosen therell be another million or so spent on site development Appalling Justice Deschenes decision will echo for years to come Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod That historic ruling by Quebec Chief Justice Jules which gives our new Charter of Rights and Freedoms precedence over Quebecs language lawn is not likely lo settle the issue once and for all So long as there Is a Parti Quebccols government committed to political sovereignty the thorny problem of language rights will always be there either in the courts or on the hustings But there is no question that this decision by the Chief Justice repre sents a major for the Parti its controversial Bill regardless of what may happen with subsequent appeals And its not Just the decision Itself that were talking about Whats equally significant perhaps even more so are the comments that accompanied the decision Mr Justice will be quoted for generations WORTH REPEATING The nub of the issue was whether the socalled Quebec Clause of Bill the one which says lhat English schooling is available only to children whose parents were educated in Ihe Quebec English school system would continue to stand up in the face of our new Charter of Rights and Freedoms charter part of the new constituti on says that such schooling must be made available to all children whose parents were educated in English anywhere in Canada The Parti government based its argument on Article One of the charter which says lhat Its provisions can be curtailed if such action can be demonstrably Justified In a free and democratic society The government tried to make the case that not only was Its language provision Justified for protecting French culture but that it applied to a collectivity not Individuals Since Its unlikely that many of us will wade through the entire judgment by Chief Justice I think Its worth repeating his rather eloquent response to the governments argu ment that certain rights of a collectlv ty are not being denied but merely restrained Ills words wont soon be forgotten In the political corridors of Quebec City How to raise and knell your parents j end to great expectations afraid to speak their disapproval tell her you like fat mothers Do not be afraid to speak their language Try to use strange sounding phrases like 1 U help you with the dishes and Yes Play Andy Williams Moon River on the stereo until you are accustomed to the sound 3 Be patient with the When you catch your dieting mother sneaking salted peanuts do not show your disapproval tell her you like fat mothers Encourage your parents to talk about their problems Try to keep in mind that to them earning a living and paying off the mortgage seem Important Be tolerant of their appearance When your Dad gets a haircut don t feel personally Remember It is Important to him to look like his peers Reprinted from The North Stouter September IMS Queens Park Sam help family enter Obedience school just for the dogs Herald Staff Writer Who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks The owneropera tor of Kennels In Silvercreek refutes the popular belief The dog I ever saw being trained was a tenyear old Laura Treble said The older tbey are though the harder It is to undo the wrongs that have been done them in earlier years Miss Treble baa already signed up a down docs for the tenweek long obedience course that started Wednes day at the town hall She said shes been giving for yean She rooted to Halt- on years ago The 13year ok dog uses to help teach the classes a holing obed ience degrees from Can ada the US and Ber muda She calls Sam a very good family dog Miss Treble doesn take dogs younger than months Into her course No way They have to have their the said ft you tart too early their atten tion span Is very short She says having a dogs attention is very Import- ant In the once per lesson and Eater at home when the owners do their homework It makes the training twice as easy Patience and are the two requis ites for training dogs Miss Treble said You never ever scold a dog for coming to you never ever even u takes an hour for hint to come she stressed Because once you scold him he never come again As for using food as a reward Miss Treble said she doesnt believe In doing that unless the dog owner Is having a lot of trouble getting the dog to come quickly Owners are told not to feed their dogs before class in order to avoid accidents on the town hall floor Over the ten weeks dogs will learn to heel come when called stay when told not Jump up and walk Training cont after the lessons The dogs should enjoy the lessons and like being there Miss Treble said so classes very long starting off at minutes and budding up to minutes For more information on the dog obedience classes contact Miss Treble at Derek Nelson Queens Park Bureau of The Herald A fundamental message from governments underlies Ihe sexy poll Ileal talk of nlneond five or six wage controls and govern men spending restraints They are telling us there must be a revolution in expectations We as a people are going to have to get used inflation under control growth back In the system It is a hard lesson one that governments themselves have learned only painfully and slowly Premier BUI Davis alluded to It In his speech to delegates at the PC annual meeting here when he spoke about a rather simple philosophy I guess I learned from my late father lie was always saying to the premier Billy I hated that you know you could never get more out of life than you are prepared to put into it Davis then conceded I never quite understood It until the last few months TAKING OUT A lot of the trouble with the economy be proceeded to explain is that over some number of years we have been Individually taking a little more out of the economy than weve been putting into it Perhaps weve been expecting too much Perhaps we should under stand that all of us have to contribute He then singled out segments of the economy for a mild verbal thrashing starting with business It is fine for business to blame government but government doesnt determine the marketplace and government didnt decide In auto sector to Ignore consumer pr for small cars until It was almost too late Management has to be more creative he said LABOR TOO In return labor has lo be more cooperative and grasp that there Is only so much wealth to be shared He accepted too that government was partly blame although he gets frustrated to hear federal ministers preaching restraint when govern was probably the last govern ment In the country to come to grips with Inflation or spending restraint It was as one observer luted vintage Davis but even more It seemed to reflect the mans actual views We are all in It together and we are all going to have to sacrifice The question now becomes whether the rhetoric will be translated into the reality of poll den and lion achieve some kind of rough justice for everyone concerned BUS DRIVING For example driving a Hamilton bus for COO looks to me more like the power of a monopoly union to extort cash from the taxpayer than any real equity as the just finished strike in that city would indicate Wage settlements above rate of Inflation as defined somewhat Inaccurately by the consumer price Index as In the Hamilton bus dispute mako no sense without some Increase in productivity to pay for them To argue that we all must accept a lower reward of what we want from life In material ways is not to be pessimist 1c as Davis himself seemed to imply just a year ago It la to be realistic Since the oil price shocks ended the boom years we nave all been living beyond our means It is time to say goodbye to the credit card whether for individuals or govern ments POETS CORNER Caroline I long lo know year every move Voar every thought To became one with Is this or Dont walk by Dont become a Dont please deal Instead smile Talk And my void THIRTY YEARS Oct Slivers will present their first Pall Fashion Review Two performances are planned in St Johns Memorial Hall The review be produced and directed by radio and TV star Miss Joy Davits The Countess of Chapter of the IODE is sponsoring the show and all proceeds will go to this organization Miss Davlea considered a fashion authority has produced fashion shows in the England and Canada TWENTY YEARS AGOThe nip of autumn In the air these evenings is about as good publicity the Agricultural Society could ask for And those turning leaves and that mauve sky just above where the sun dipped below the are all signs of fall and this year Sept is more than the first day of the melancholy season It Is also the flint day of the Georgetown Fall Fair The barkers the happy buzz of the crowded exhibit hall the exuberance of the rail birds as they cheer their favorite horse at the harness races Tbey are all fair sounds TEN YEARS a year of planning for the annual event George towns 126th fall fair will be held on Sept and As usual the exhibit ball will be open Friday evening for those who wish to browse around The midway will be in full swing as well as the Rotary beer garden Saturday the grounds will open early as the Jumping horses start at a m There will be a parade to the grounds with the Georgetown Fair Queen beading it along with other dignitaries bands and majorettes clubs and organizations The court is astonished to use a euphemism to hear this argument from a government that flatters itself as the torchcarrier of French civilisa tion in America with its promotion of spiritual values and traditional respect of freedom In fact Quebecs argument demonstrates a totalitarian concept of society to which the court cannot subscribe The human person the highest value we know and nothing should bo used to help reduce the respect it Is due Other sodetieaput the collectivity above the individual they see no value except In the collective result even if some individuals are left behind during the political initiatives seem at times to be courting it dangerously and this court will not honor it with Its approval Every Individual In Canada and Quebec should enjoy his rights in their entirety be he alone or a member of a group and If the group has 100 members the hundredth has as much right to benefit from all his privileges as a citizen as do the others I have no idea what may happen In Ihe future with Quebecs education laws But do have an Idea that henceforth every time a move Is made to restrict individual freedoms those words from Chief Justice Jules Deschenes will echo through court rooms and parliaments of Canada WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS YEAR ACT ON FALL FAIR HENRY SANSOM Acton I think It a pretty good Theridesareprett good too They re favorite PAUL COOPER Guelph Its good I like the rides and the baby show my son was In It Theres lots of friendly people and we get to see some old friends SUSAN MOOTEN Acton Its okay Its fun Its a bit expensive but you only get it once a year KRISTA COOPER Acton Its got a Utile sick on the Tilt a whirl I like the wheel the most

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