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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 29, 1982, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Ha Hon Hills Established 866 A Division Canadun Newspapers Company limited Street Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager PHONE Pag A WE HERALD September Grits push 6and5 scheme Promotion of plan a waste of our money We couldnt agree more with BramptonGeorgetown MP John about the Liberal governments flagrant waste tax dollars on the promotion of its sixandfive wage restraint scheme Big spending by gover nment ministries and agencies has been a favorite target of our criticism all along with On tario Hydro and Bell Canada among the alltime worst of fenders It seems once a gover nment or crown corporation decides something is best for its taxpayers they spare no ex pense to convince us of it The Liberals in Ottawa havent come up with this blatant waste of money on ad vertising in years so it was almost a though they were in viting angry attacks from op ponents when the big boxes of posters pamphlets and pic tures were mailed out Conservative MP mid was upset enough that he summoned the ridings news media to his Brampton office to rant and rave about the boxful of goodies which had just arrived Who cares if the six- andfive plan is just a drop in the bucket as far as inflation fighting is concerned Lets promote the heck out of it anyway the Prime Minister probably said Getting it firmly across to the general public that a new idea exists is indeed important as any experienced advertising man knows But carrying news of a mediocre campaign that everybodys read about anyway on widespread and costly posters and pamphlets in a time of fiscal restraint is a direct slap in the face from Ot tawa and one more good reason why the gover nment has to go Quebecfirst purchase policy a new twist to nationalism Quietly serving By Stewart MacLeod The very nature their voluntary work prevents them from going public anonymity is essential for everyones sake but once in awhile we are reminded that an invaluable social service is being earned on somewhere in Georgetown hours a day seven days a week The North Halton Contact Centre needs volunteers to an swer its phones If youd like to help out the crucial public ser vice quietly and anonymously please call The disarmament question Ottawa Bureau of The Herald Until I happened across this in a Quebec newspaper the other day I dido real just how for wc have come in erecting provincial barriers in Canada AndthlshasfcbuunKtodowith political sovereignty Its pure economics It used to be that the Buy Canadian slogan seemed unneccssar nationalistic But now it seems If you go outside your own province to buy you may be bordering on the unpatriotic At this rate we soon be labelling our merchandise by city rather than province or country What gives rise to this is this story from Quebec that the government wants to bar all nonQuebec companies from competing with provincial firms for manufacturing and selling hospital supplies From the governments point of view it probably all very positive you know extending a helping hand to Quebec industry in times of economic harushlprtte etc And were not dealing with pettycash here Canadian hospitals lost year spent an estimated Canada shows way to a worldwide nuke referendum Ombudsman proves costly 1 2 billion on supplies and according to the story I read about per cent of this goes outside the country UNIFIED APPROACH So two years ago all provinces got together and decided there should be a coordinated action to keep more of this money in the country In other words there would be a Buy Canadian policy A report written by then Ontario Industry Minister Larry Grossman explained that each province will work to ensure that those responsible for purchasing In hospitals are made aware or qualified Canadian suppliers not just in their own province or region but In the country as a whole But now it appears Quebec has nnrroweditshoriions clearly angered Ontario Quebec Is just trying to insulate or Isolate Itself one Ontario official was quoted as saying And this encouraged a Quebec official to counter with the accusation hat Ontario does the same thing they Just don do it publicly The trouble is this Quebec official is probably correct And it doesnt just apply to Ontario Its only natural that any provincial government faced with todays unemployment would be somewhat preoccupied with Its own citizens Its just that the practice persists we could eventually chop off our nose to spile our face For that matter perhaps we have done it already At least six provinces now have policies designed to give preferential treatment to manufacturers within their own boundaries and others have certain incentives that are designed to achieve similar goals In Quebec for instance we arc told that the policy Is to give government contracts to provincial firms even if outside bids are per cent lower And several other provinces have similar if unofficial policies Viewed from within a province such policies may appear positive but when viewed from other provinces its protectionism And If It continues unchecked it means that Canadian manufacturers will eventually be limited to markets within their own province With these relatively tiny marketplaces there will be little Incentive for If the firms have a 10 per cent advantage over outside companies WANTS MORE And what the Americans start retaliating by insisting that all Conadi an bids be per cent lower than S tenders We already have enough trouble selling our goods in the States The last quotation I beard from Biron Quebecs minister of Industry was that he wanted a Quebec first purchasing policy with more teeth I think he would be better advised to concern with developing efficient industries that would compete In an open Canadian common market That way we would all benefit EDITORS NOTE Halton cornel last week ratified Its decision tactade a public referendum on the question of meteor disarmament in Its Nov municipal election In anticipation of a vote The Herald win carry a of articles sane specially prepared by the town own prodisarmament Vote Yes Committee other gleaned from Your and comments are welcome and will be published on request the Bathers not withheld If also reanested In this tint lastalbaeat Vote Yes Commute Janet Duval of Georgetown the to the nationwide move- behind the disarmament By JANET DUVAL Herald Special When voters go to the polls here Nov a theyll join millions of other Canadians In 100 cities voting yes or do far disarmament The results from each city and town will bo forwarded to our federal govern ment and the United Nations in the that Canadas government will receive a strong enough mandate to press forcefully for global disarmament and in the that the UN will willingly support a worldwide referendum on disarmament Preliminary lobbying shows that if Canada were to propose such a referend um to the UN It would receive over whelming support from nearly all members including the Soviets Canada part In this began last January whoa Ottawa city council at the urging of Ottawa Jim Stark and fall Operation Dismantle agreed to bold the referendum there this Novem ber Mayor Marion Dewar then wrote to every major town and In Canada to f suit and many did Ed some cities such as Toronto the to hold the referendum was reached following long and stormy block to holding a referendum was the question of its legality Could a town poll Its voters on something that was not strictly a municipal concern Would the elections for mayor and councillors be Invalidated by adding such a question to the ballot In August a letter from attorney general Roy McMurtry to all Ontario municipalities stated that It would be an almost Impossible task for anyone to convince a court of the referendum Illegality Most councils accepted his as goahead and so Halton Hills will Join voters in Vancouver Montreal Winnipeg London Windsor Niagara Falls Hamilton and many other polities when they vote on this question In some cities council has gone further than the referendum Some such as Milton debated whether to declare themselves a nuclear free tone In Toronto the board of health recently requested funds to distribute pamphlets about the public health consequences of nuclear weapons and nuclear war Included In that proposed pamphlet would be the statement Everyone in the downtown core would be Immediately vaporized crushed or torn apart by winds of GOO miles per hour or hilled by lethal doses of radiation The actual wording of the question to be placed on the ballot is based on that originally suggested by Operation Dismantle Many municipalities have chosen to change it slightly Toronto Hills and other chose to insert the word nuclear in place of general disarmament In all the Intent la lateral or global disarmament The wording in Hills will be on south seas factfinder tod Brampton the motion was turned down In others including Halton Hills the value such a vote was seen and the dedston to bold It wan almost Fur many Axe you in I a of supporting the goal of global nuclear disarmament and direct your government to support this goal to the extent of their powers YES NO Derek Nelson Queens Park Bureau of The Herald Remember the adage about he who pays the piper ploys the tune meaning the person who pays for a service sets the rules Wellwhen it comes to the tax payerdon I you believe it In an incredibly arrogant display before a legislative committee here Ombudsman Donald Morand who makes himself refused to tell how much he pays each of his staff Nor would he tell them how much It cost for an official trip he and his executive director took to Hawaii Fiji New Zealand and Australia to see other ombudsman s offices January naturally The budget of the Ontario ombuds man office about million is beyond that of any similar organization In the world The irony deepens when one considers that Morand has been trying to get the ombudsman considered a court of appeal against bureaucratic decisions if and when the government ever brings In its freedom of Informs lion bill Somehow thinks telling taxpayers and their representatives how much his staffers are paid from public funds infringes on hi And he is not the only one Liberal Leader David Peterson complained in July that Ontario Hydro wage costs for several hundred senior executives are very secretive and what is made public about them is probably low as to the true level of their Incomes Then there are colleges and universities It is almost Impossible to find out from these institutions what senior administrators are making Even the Colleges and Universities Ministry has failed at times to discover what people arc really being paid For example an education in how to butt one head against a stone wall can be had by a person trying to find out the salary of the president of the taxsupported Institution of Loyalist College ONE ANSWER Now finally there may be hope for an end to this transgression of the rule that those who pay should know how much they pay The civil service la required to reveal by name the Incomes of all those making or more a year although admittedly the information Is sometimes dated In May the Government brought in Bill lis an act to make public what officers and employees of public and public bodies substantial- supported by public funds earn on an annual basis True what has to be recorded is a range within of what the person actually makes and while that Isnt as good having exact figures it is certainly better than nothing MUCH REACTION In consequence naturally the reaction has been ferocious The last thing some of the overpaid and underworked drones in the para public sector and 1 realize there are also many out there who do a fine Job for their money want is their income to be public The fact that taxes pay for their membership in the affluent society does not bother them la the least The one worry at this point is that Bill 110 may be stalled It still hasnt received approval In principle partly for technical reasons On the other hand it Is inconceivable that a program applying to semigovernment agencies would not require those organisations to divulge current salaries How do you know the increase is Justified if you dont know the starting point By the time this column sees print It may be overtaken by a substitute for Bill 11 contained in the controls program Some dental advice Because of a recent shortage In fluoride add there may be periods of time over the next year during the water supply for and Burlington areas will not be fluoridated This could I lead to a reduction In of dental caries In order to counteract this loss of effect the Dental Society and the regional health department are recommending that parents of young children consult their family dentist who may recommend a home fluoride rinse program or topical application of fluoride for your childrens teeth THIRTY YEARS enrollment of IBS this year will grow least next September and necessitate another teacher and another class room according to the North Halton High School board Georgetown principal J Lambert said the school is crowded to capacity at present and teachers are overtaxed in teaching tune Ratio of teachers to students one teacher to 7 students while the average school ratio is one teacher to IB Next year Mr Lambert predicts two large Grade and a large Grade and there Is concern about distribu tion of students as there axe only four large classrooms In the school TWENTY YEARS before the last bricks of the new Composite School have been put In place the Georgetown High School board is considering beginning plans for another secondary school here and a decision will probably be made next Monday Thats when the board Is scheduled to meet with secretaries of the public school Holy Cross Separate School and school boards to receive actual enrollment figures in the districts elementary schools to determine when the building still under construction will be overtaxed Preliminary enrollment study by the board indicates it will be either by IBM or and since It lakes at least two years to build a school one for planning and one for construction such a conclusion would mean Immediate initiation of plans for a second building on another site in town TEN YEARS AGOA town- house development is proposed for the comer of Sinclair and Duncan next to the A and Store Fred Zorge of Construction showed the plan to Plann ing Board Wednesday night The three- bedroom twostorey condominium townhouses will be broken up into six blocks so some face Sinclair some Duncan Drive and two will be interior blocks Each will have its own back yard with a six foothigh privacy screen and a front lawn ONE YEAR provinces strongest high school cross country team for the past four years the Georgetown Rebels claimed another victory at Its first big meet of the new season last Saturday at York Universi ty Battling tough competitors and bad weather conditions the team won four of six divisional team titles well as the overall girls boys and school titles This is the Rebels seventh straight year as overall school champions of the York University meet POETS CORNER Village Dweller Invisible walls confine me The same old faces bore me I seek vigor sad vitality Guarded secrets guarded lives I want to scream Frustration eats away Inside Life promised me more than thla Become part of my past This I beg of you By Antony Saxon Acton The Heavens Gave Birth It started by coming from the heavens Pouring from the sky It flowed around the world Bringing new generations with each Numerous types became Each partly different from the other But one basic element stayed The ability to flow In perfect As the world began to flood Angry torrents raged the son log earth Still more rain fell Until the final I Seasons of Love Love Is Ule the weather through the tea ions Beginnlag of spring roses commencement of Mr Im Biasing heat screens the Fire of the sky then a coating of scorching wax Melting on- love away Roaring the north Whipped against oar sad faces Bringing the wind of new lores The wtads left and went away Winter cane with tree Bare and with agony My heart feels like traces lea Never spring time By TERESA TARRANT I Haiku I see the wind through times empty space To a land By STEWART AUS

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