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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 20, 1982, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Halton Hills Established 866 A Division at Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Strict J TWIOR Publisher and tit Manager PALI I- M Manager PHONE CUM Pan St A Wednesday October Its Trustees veto raises Politicians on their toes Are board of education trustees politically wiser than Peel Toronto North York or East York trustees Last Thursday night they unanimously passed it motion that keep their current salary if 200 unchanged for the next three years Peel trustees recently agreed to boost their pay live when the new board takes office in December to from 200 Toronto trustees voted 13 to inflate their current an saiai les of 7 to as of Dec then nine per cent more each of the two sue ceedtng years Noth York trustees gave themselves a per cent raise from 7 and East York trustees did them one better by giving themselves a 120 per cent raise from their Yet Halton trustees kept their fingers from the public Burse and said It is our belief restraint is essential in these difficult economic times Are Halton trustees trying to curry favor with the people they represent A taxpayer would certainly say thev have ample reason for trying Regarded too kindly by voters this spring when they passed a 132 million budget that raised the mill rate per cent or about per household trustees are eager to get into the good graces of voters With municipal elections around the corner Halton trustees are on their toes They don t want to be chopped from the fold in these days of lay and collapsing businesses A job is a job even if you haven t had a raise for eight years thats when Queen Park froze school board salaries Having been soundly blasted this year by regional councillors chambers of com and municipal for their budget trustees are hoping to clear the spring stink by making late amends designed to soothe any remaining public discontent It remains to be seen if their effort to help taxpayers fight hard times is to be a con tinuing effort or just a little pre election campaigning The budget will tell if voters give returning trustees a second chance Dont take em for granted Did your Herald arrive on time and intact today Did your carrier leave it in the right location for you to retrieve it easily Is your carrier cour teous and accommodating If your answer to these questions is yes or even usually yes then perhaps you should ask yourself another Do I take my carrier or granted Saturday was National Newspaper Carrier Day across Canada The Heralds cutation department always makes a point of observing this special occasion The hot sum days are gone and the freezing wet winter will soon be here What better time to take a moment and thank our earners for their quiet slogging around their diligent tending to business their sheer deter mination to try a little private enterprise Sure there are bad carriers and we hear about them Once in a while one will chuck his whole bundle down a sewermain Sometimes they leave the paper scattered all over the yard Here and there theyll miss a delivery altogether Let s take a moment to ap- the fact that these are y far the exceptions to the rule Almost to a boy or girl Herald carriers and newspaper carriers in general are honest hard working dependable kids who honor their responsibility to the newspaper and its customers Herald carriers were treated to a snack at Mc Donalds Monday night and the best among them were duly singled out Wed like to do a lot more for them because they deserve it Hopefully all of you will help us lei them know how much we appreciate their fine work Peters gospel prompts poem The 1981 Halton Hills council deserves a final en pat on the back for its fairly frantic efforts to get the towns first official plan off the ground It cow goes to region and the province for ap proval and perhaps some alterations of course but the real is done and done well as far as we can tell The champagne was already providing an at of celebration in the council chamber last Wed nesday night after the new plans first bylaw went through when Ward Coun Ross Knechtel whose words seem us carefully chosen as his politico stances took the floor on much Grits find silence is golden in provincial electioneering Ottawa Report By Stewart MacLeod Ottawa Bureau of The Herald The one surprisingly pleasant turn of events that happened to the federal Llberalsllnsjcar yes something alee actually happened to them was they have been relativiiy ignored in election campaigns In limes such a happening or lack of a happening be considered on unexpectedly happy occurrence but it certainly does because lie federal Liberals had expected an unmerciful battering on provincial election platforms It was to be a year of continuous bashing And It true that there was a fair amount of this In the Newfoundland campaign because with the provincial Tory government and the federal Liberals locked In a marathon stale mate over an shore resources agreement the Tmtieau government was an obvious target for Premier Brian But even in this campaign the language was relatively moderate While the Premier received the mandate he sought in his ing confrontation with Ottawa the Liberals emerged from the campaign in much the same light as before They were greedy but they weren gangsters Some federal Liberals had expect much worse BETTER And generally speaking it has been uphill ever since In both Saskatchewan as in Manitoba last fall the Ottawa Liberals figured fairly prominently In the campaign because both the National Energy Program and the constitutional accord happened to figure fairly prominently Even though the electors in the two provinces turfed out the presiding premiers who had signed the constitutional agreement with Prime Minister Trudeau there a great deal said about the prime minister Perhaps It necessary but in any event Liberals ears in Ottawa were not burning constantly as Saskatchewan voters changed governments It was thought that the Prince Edward Island election might bring out the best of ihe bashers as the Conservative government went after another term But again it dldn t materialize At that time the Federal restraints program was gain a full head of steam and the Ottawa Liberals t figure prominently in the campaign And now the same thing Is in New Brunswick where Premier Hatfield is seeking new mandate Since the premier was one of Trudeau allies in the bona battle It was assumed that his criticism of the prime minister would be more muted than with other premiers But even ihc most optimistic Liberal officials expect lo escape this easily Since there seems to be a national pattern here says one highly placed Liberal can only assume that the prime minister is far more popular than most of you guys think If there was mileage to be made In attacking him you can bet your life that he would be attacked Now these Liberals are not even worried about A bcrta where Premier Peter Lougheed has called an election for Nov In fact they are less worried about Alberta than they were about any other provnclal election They figure that the premier Is the only Alberta politician who has any lity when it comes to attacking the federal government and at this time he is in no position to launch such an attack He is the so me man who drank champagne with to celebrate tne signing Of a new energy agree ment and he was also a party to the constitutional accord There really t much point In dwelling on the federal Liberals as sets out to fight the fledgling separatists for Alberta will be the Tory slogan which suggests a more positive approach than the last campaign which clearly established the government as the No enemy As the premier loosens the purse strings on the 111 billion Heritage Trust Fund and emphasises his government s Economic Program it unlikely that much attention will be devoted to Pierre Trudeau An occasional back hander perhaps but no full scale verbal assaults And for edgy Liberals who had expected the worst the silence is Too cheap money too long dumped economy Queens Park to offer this humorous ap praisal DOGGEREL The councillors have scrapped and fought For things that matter and some not We now have the Gospel ding to Peter Although parts of it don have the proper meter There may be referrals in number perhaps legion However well gladly submit to the region Our plan is as brilliant as ABC Provided we ignore the NEC Three cheers for all who sweat and ran While giving birth to the official plan Derek Nelson Queen Park Bureau of The Herald The reason most of the Western world but not Japan or Switzerland are in the economic troubles they are today was caught rather neatly if inadvertently by backroom Liberal Jim Coutts recently Coutts former secretary lo Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau leapt to fame when a Toronto MP retired to the Senate to make room for to enter parliament through a byel Except he lost lo the NDP Dan Ever e nee has been campaigning for the next federal election as well as pushing a solution to the economy that is common to the socalled left wing the Liberal Parly the New Democratic Party Coutts speaking to a London convention of young Liberals the deficit of almost Co billion In Ottawa by another billion to create Jobs That billion would not come close to producing so many Jobs seems selfevident and one member of the audience later took Coutts to task his assumption that it would WHO CARDS When asked whether this further onefifth increase In a federal already proportionately larger than the muchreviled billion deficit In the mattered Coutts verbally shrugged The deficit the finance depart ment worries about It They always worry about It Let the banks worry about it We don have to worry about it That attitude got us into this mess One does not have to be an economist to realize that one cannot always spend more than one earns During my two years of economics at school it was hinted that one in fad could but to me that Hies in the face of It Is not the deficit per that is the problem it is deficits every year with larger totals annually that are killing us economically ONE THEORY The theory of Coutts and Leader Bob Hoc and others that large additional deficits now are necessary for us to spend our way out of the recession is reasonable if you make lo assumptions The first is that if it worked and government income rose again to where a surplus was possible the politicians would not Instantly figure out new ways to spend it in election goodies But they would This Is true of all parties and especially politicians like who icw debt from the public opinion poll perspective that it is not an Issue with the public but unemployment and inflation are Great leadership there at least understands debt is dangerous If for no other reason that it reduces a political entity options to what banks will approve OTHER POINT The second assumption Is that a province or country can any longer stimulate its economy through govern spending to actually restore growth President Francois of I- ranee was elected to do Just that The latest result according to the Times London indicate inflation and rising unemployment w th the consequence that France has now gone to wage controls social security backs and investment incentives Whether he current fumbling inadequate attempts lo Impose fiscal and monetary restraint on government budgets in Canada succeeds is unknown but the Coutts solution would lead to hyper inflation and middle class destruction Too many years of loo cheap money propelled us into the economic swamps and governments are totally to blame for allowing their people expectations to become so divorced from reality The Hills recreation department has started a new program called Travelers which serves people unable lo be out In the community for physical reasons Program Joan Albert discusses the person arts and crafts Interests in her first visit to their home purchases craft materials then returns to get them started on the project they have chosen Travelcrafta program is running on a trial baits for six weeks Men confined home on a temporary or permanent basis that would like to visit them should call recreation department SIRS est THIRTY YEARS AGOTh public is cordially invited to attend the official opening of the Howard Public School by Public School Inspector Thursday Oct at 8 15 The school will be open for inspection on the same day from to 5 p This Invitation is featured on the front page of The Herald TWENTY YEARS AGOFiret dl patches from the cam headquarters on Main Street indicate that there will in all likeli hood be a program operating here this winter Eric executive director of the Brampton will serve here part time In the same capacity He told The Herald Tuesday that the subscription cards returned to date had pledged of the target amount of There are approximately plcdgo cards out as part of the general canvass and the rest are held by commercial businesses and industry We than pleased with the way the George town people have responded he said When Brampton held their canvass only one of every three doors yielded a donation Here three out of every five ore helping the campaign TEN existing station will be used as the GO train station and ticket agency If a recommendation or Georgetown council backed by two representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications Is Implemented Representatives Hugh project development manager and Steve senior feasibility planner spoke to council in committee of the whole Thursday night Council originally suggested a site on Maple Avenue East near the town works garage as a GO tram station but Mr Clelland said it would cost an extra to put In a spur line Council also suggested the station be In the layover site proposed at the westerly limits of the town The two representatives pointed out It would most of the commuters to backtrack all the way through town to reach the station with the result that many t use the GO train service ONE YEAR AGOSunday afternoon people gathered for the official opening of he new Hills Library and Cultural Centre Wo ve built a much needed library restored theoldchurch building built a theatre reached our goal and brought In the project according to budget former Halton MP Whltingsaid Master of ceremonies for the official opening Mr Whiting said the completion of the project proves dreams can become reality and that It represents the togetherness of the community poets corner The Phone Call 1 called you up the other night like you asked But it seem as though you unexpectedly to go out The phone rang and rang but you dldn So I figured you would call me 1 wailed weeks for that phone call but I guest you never had the lime One night It must have been It or so when my phone rang 1 thought maybe it was you So I let It ring Dedicate This to You Make It easy make It fait Can you make this feeling last Give to me love Yes give me your love When lonely when I tad I know you give me was yon Gentle now be When we touch and when we You made It yon made It fait And you made feeling last You gave your love me Yon gave to me your love I not lonely I m not tad I know you gave what yon had You were gentle oh so gentle When we touched and when we kissed Of love Let this never be of Bat let you high On the wings Of I words la a love snog Ily MaeLEOO

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