Peggy Balkind has a new honor WEEKEND EXTRA Friday October tt ISM Page Signing marriage contract The of the Acton Social Services and Information Centre was honored Monday night fit a dinner in Peggy was pre sented with the Persons Award by he Women of Ha I ton Action Movement The newly Instigated award is in honor of the Oct IB decision by the London Privy Council that ruled Canadian women were persons before the law Mrs long a volunteer in the commu nity organizations and the founder of several was lauded for her contributi ons to Improving things for women Called a posi tive role model for other womertMrs was rewarded for her efforts upgrade the status of women with a collage picture by Ha Hon artist Joanne Dean Twenty years ago Mrs began volunteer work with the George town Red Cross and also became a board member of the Georgetown Seeing the need she founded the 24 hour distress line that grew In into the North Halton Contact Centre In 1973 as well Mrs was the vice pre sident of the local council of women and helped Introduce the Block Parent program to Hilts From 1976 to 197B she was a board member for Halton Childrens Aid Society and has been a member of the steering committee and board of directors of the Halton Social Planning Council since In 1981 she was the first staff member hired for the Hills Commu nity Legal Aid Clinic and since has been Continued from pflge Act governs the division of properly between spouses who slop living with each other The Act mokes It clear that normally there will be an equal division of family assets A family asset is something that is ordinarily used and enjoy by both spouses or their children while the spouses live together The most important family asset is usually the family home The Family Low Reform Act states that spouses can indicate in a marriage contract that certain things may be de signated as turn family assets For example lithe husband has a valuable book collection which he does not wish to be the contract can stale that the books arc not family assets Another example is that a marriage contract might stale lhat the family home is entirely the property of the wife and that the band has no right to half of the the spouses separate According to the law spouses cannot decide in a marriage contract who lias the right to In the family home after separa tion If the spouses put in this type of term It will have no effect Also spouses cant decide In a marriage contract who will get custody of the children when the couple separates The right to lite in the family home and the right to custody may only be decided after a Hon cither sepa ration agreement or by a court In order for a marriage contract to be valid It must be in writing and signed by both the hus band and the wife before You don I need a lawyers advice to moke a valid contract but if you plan to enter into a marriage contract with your spouse or future spouse it Is a good idea or each of to get legal advice LEGALLY SPEAKING a regular column writt en by legally qualified people under the ampler of COMMUNITY LEGAL EDUCATION ONTARIO WHAM meets Sat Tho Women of Acton Movement WHAM be holding their regular monthly meeting at the While Oaks Library In Oct at Everyone Is welcome ESL CARPENTRY SPECIALIZING IN HOME RENOVATIONS EXPERTS IN KITCHENS AND REC ROOMS Quality Carpentry At Affordable Prices CALL 8784104