Page I SECTION A THE HERALD IBM ELECTION CENTRAL SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Choices in Wards WAVD 3 LOCAL COUNCIL RACE Council duties Continued from page rending about them the newspaper hey re prob ably not aware of the amount homework councillors wide through each week at the least the ones concerned with maintaining the trust re ferred to carl For of the Akers Barrager Carney Poulstrup Young Ward local council candidate said recently that a veteran once warned him to steer away from making promises during an election which might prove difficult to in the realities of council But as a team player on council he wants help respond to residents questions and concerns quickly In the revllalliallon of Georgetown historic downtown core noting that senior citizens living nearby should have a close place in which to shop deal with road issues which are cropping up In the ward older areas strive for restraint during these hard economical times Star indicates incumbent Ward 3 local council cand date Dave Barragcr old The Herald recently that he not entirely sal the affairs are being ma nag properly With the bus ex penence he has from his own cleaning firm Mr Barrager hopes to apply some of that knowledge helping manage the town Mr main lhal there are areas In the town affairs where money Is being wasted The town must be treated by a business cor and its funds arc not drawn from a tomless well thai something should be done to avoid engineering errors which necessitate additional road reconstruction regional government is likely to be with us for sometime all councillors should try and make It work there have been use ful planning studies done and then shelved Outside bureaucracy is limiting the effectiveness of local planning Halton ability to grow is be hindered by a large and costly outside bureaucracy Ward can for local council Phil Carney maintains If elected he wants improve communications between council and pub lic agencies and provinc ial ministries which are involved with town devol Because local council right to set a course for the town future is being overshadowed by outside interests he concerned that the democratic pro cess Is being jeopardized Mr Carney wants to see Georgetown grow providing more inexpen hive housing for young people and senior ens yet he says important to preserve the community unique character the cost of recreation and who going to pay for it dealt with by council town council give at least moral support to the Georgetown hospital bid to build new Ireitment facilities for elderly pat lents Campaigning In the area of Ward straddled by King and Streets local council can diddle Finn Poulstrup heard many residents complain about the con ditlon of roads Mr believes that the town needs a proper roads and drain age Improvement plan And If elected to repre sent Ward residents he also wants council to make the recreation department user pay proposal an item which council should deal with immediately before next summers sports pro grams gel underway try and maintain the same level of service residents have enjoyed from the town but keep costs low work closely with police to find ways of curbing vandalism He suggests thai while Georgetown new station has given the force a stronger presence in Georgetown fool patrols are also a good idea Having talked to many residents nee he an several weeks ago for a Ward town council scot Jim Young says issues have changed since he served on the former town of Georgetown council In the 1960s While people seem more interested in council business these days he noted it still important for ihe councillor to be readily available to an questions his con stituents nny have Some of the things he d like lo sec council do in the town planning board now made up entirely of town councillors so that It Includes at least five members of general public not affiliated with the political keep tax increoscs if any are needed next year to the six or five per cent guidelines recommended by the federal govern that the town library budget Is ade quate enough to purchase new reading for residents SCHOOL BOARD material they read prepare for meetings Is dry as dust and seemingly as unimportant but In order for decisions to be made soundly or queg lions raised with a certain amount of authority councillors must be briefed They re view everything from of plan policies and arena lights to what kind of load restrictions should be imposed on traffic travelling along town roads ng the spring thaw So what do residents owe their councillors A little respect when calling with complaints an inter est in issues facing and how the is dealing with those con Councillors will no doubt agree that Interest in municipal affairs be limited to tax time and elections Ward 1 voters In last Wednesday Herald Acton regional council candidate Ed Wood was as want ng to keep tax increases below ten per cent In fact he was criticizing any proposal by town or regional council to raise taxes by that much and suggests that they try to avoid a lax Increase this year The Herald regrets the error Simmons Wood Incumbent separate school trustee Irene Mc wants lo continue devoting herself full lime to the educational needs of the town Catholic children and their ics Having enrolled In a number of board commit tees and noting that she has worked with her con slitucnts on board affairs Mrs said she Continued on page AT Providing youngsters with a Catholic education in a world becoming even more complex is a goal which separate school candidate Tom Simmons would commit himself if elected Nov Mr Simmons a Georgetown resident described himself a the recent all candidates meeting as a salesman for Catholic education Continued on page AT As the separate school representative on the Halloo Hills library board Irene Wood is not unfamiliar with tional issues facing les Involved with Jhe Catholic school system Now running for the town a Catholic trustee ship Mrs Wood wants to work with other trustees after the Nov election to move Ihe board towards Continued on page AT alive programs with In us try and business keep next year bud get Increase If any to six per cent or lower REELECT SHELDON AREA COUNCIL Ward 2 Halton Hills Lets keep the rural area rural MONDAY NOVEMBER 8th Lew Council next term will be very tough incumbent Ward councillor Harry Levy predicts And how Ihe town copes In he next three years fraught with economic hardships will depend on experienced leadership on town council In future he says council will have to inter official its used in reirence to new development In addition like to sec annual budget increases kept low something he has rived for as the lown budget chief for several Coun Levy jlso wants bring back advisory committee allowing the public more say In the lown needs In his campaign liter Coun Levy would like to continue with a roads construction pro gram and promote traffic safety He says he re mains opposed to having existing taxpayer pay costs for new develop ment of residential land Incumbent Ward local councillor Marilyn Ser jeantson predicts that one of the toughest jobs mun icipal reps will havenext term will be keeping costs The real trick she adds will be cutting costs while providing the town with levels of service lo which It has become accustomed is seeking her fourth term on council People In her ward she says have noticed some of ihe the two previous councils have made to the area the widening of Street an improvement inparksanda centre for the town s use As the town utstogrow she wants to sec that the lands south Silver Creek now included In George town expanded urban boundary arc developed according to a detailed secondary plan CosU of development should not be a burden on exist taxpayers encourage more use of the towns industrial land lo build up new bases of assessment and jobs The message Mike is receiving In Ward Is that residents want their taxes kept low He told The Herald Monday In the midst of his campaign lo secure one of the ward two local council seats that coatcutting is not an easy task he has ience running municipal administrations and be lieves budgets should be based on a careful review or essential and ere 10 nary programs that he has an Inter est in the relationship between volunteers in the community sports clubs and the recreation de partment He feels the department should be more responsive to the needs of volunteer admin 1st running clubs Tor youngsters benefits he keenly Interest In planning As head of a traffic engineering firm Mr Ross says he Is quite familiar with planning issues municipalities Clarke Fisher Public school board candidate Richard Clarke is hearing a similar mes sage from many residents he met while on campaign trail People want the board to make the most of resources it already has and they wont tolerate a tax in crease as large as one earlier this year There are schools In the region he says which are underused because enrol Imcnt continues lo decline and they should be closed As Ward and 4 school trustee he wants to help solve problems teachers perceive In the matching textbooks to curriculum use his financial know ledge to help build budget palatable to most parents examine ways of mak high school better prepared to face the pressures of holding a job once graduate He agrees that employers should provide the board with more feedback about programs which involve students in workforce Since incumbent Wards and school trustee Fisher was first elected in she has worked on the board s special education com mittee to review programming in schools and a number of other education related agencies After last year school budget was set Mrs Fisher joined fellow trust the late Betty Walker and Acton Arlene Bruce to explain the hike to the public During her third term if elected Monday night she hopes lo emphasize the basics in class room study reading writing and mathematics to ensure that students have mastered them be fore they graduate from high school have more lea I ion with taxpayers to make the system more accountable to the peo ple provide a secondary school education which reflects needs in society and to encourage WARD HYDRO Candidates meeting coverage in Fridays Weekend Extra Tennant Fletcher Tretter The process that Halloo Hydro la still going on two years later and at least one Commission candidate believes it will take a perlence to see that the Jobs finished properly has main tained during his cam Ralph Fletcher has spent a good part of his life learning about hydro utilities and he willing to use his experience as Ward representative on the lulls Hydro Commission He told The Herald he is proficient in overhead Continued on page AT Norm may be a relative newcomer to Georgetown having moved to Terry Court two years ago but he under stands hydro utilities and wants the public learn more about them too Campaigning for Ward 3 a Commission seat for on page AT u Looking For Ideas BOOKS FOR EVERYONE 72 lull color page booklet seasonal gift suggestions for a wide range of interests OXBOW BOOKS 102 Main St S 8778861 If s Tellers Cage Sate- EVERY ITEM IN STOCK NOW REDUCED BY Blazers Blouses Pants Dresses Handbags Felt Hats Knit Cloches Knit Gloves Leather Gloves Loungewear Sleepwear Bras SHOP EARLY Camisoles Teddies Jewellery Belts Leg Warmers Scarves FOR THESE SAVINGS SALE ENDS SAT NOV teller Cage The Ladies Fashion Place in Downtown Georgetown 90 Main Street South 8770822