Halton Hills Images

Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1982, p. 4

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Home of Hills Established 866 A Ctudaa Newspapers Company Limited Georgetown L7C Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR and General Manager PHONE SECTION A THE HERALD November IT ISM Potential for change seems everywhere It might be too fleeting an impression but it occurs to us that everywhere these days there is the potential for positive change from the civic level herein Hills to the highest government level guiding the worlds evolution Wed like to express fer vent hope on behalf of all people that those entrusted with that potential to change will not let ft slip and certainly will not abuse it With the municipal election just passed inauguration dates are being scheduled for Halton Hills council Halton regional council Halton Hills Hydroelectric Commission and the Halton board of education and its Roman Catholic coun terpart All terms are for three years certainly enough time to at least conceive some solutions to the many problems facing taxpayers at the civic level For town council especially with a new official plan awaiting final approval the time was never better to resolve disputes over the future growth of the Acton and Georgetown urban centres The more controversy over ministry of natural plans for the towns aggregate Is another major issue deman ding quick and effective atten tion The condition of rural roads the quality of recreation and perhaps most important of all the cost of living as it relates to municipal services are other items that should keep council busy Failure to resolve these issues before election time rolls around again in would have terrible con sequences on all Hills citizens For the school boards the issue remains the same main taining quality education while keeping costs low Difficult but not impossible its a job you trustees nave taken upon your selves Well hold you to it For the provincial gover nment and the regional gover nments it guides so closely the provision of health care and social services in these crucial times must receive more sup port and attention These are not luxuries to be trimmed in favor of say bolstering sagging companies The new leader of the New Democratic Party in particular promises to keep the provincial gover nment on its toes and for a majority government still deeply entrenched after 30odd years nothing could be more welcome For the federal gover nment a busy agenda indeed A prime minister and a party in decline the Liberal gover nment has little time left to im prove the economy curtail rising unemployment and otherwise bolster Canadas position on the priority list well behind the deflated dollar and thejobcrisis In global politics two even ts this conspire to force our government to carefully watch international relations and take measured steps when necessary the result of the municipal referenda on disar mament and the death of Soviet president Leonid Brezhnev These are critical times In one brief period the various governments in Canada have Been reshaped put on their guard and further warned of impending danger Theirs is the power to change We hope they will not let electors down again Holding power is trouble in unsettled Belle Province By Stewart MacLeod From the Ottawa Bureau of The Herald For federal political parties part icularly the- Progressive Conservat Ives the currant situation In Quebec la to say the least unsettling- The deserve mention merely because there now la a provincial party on the scene and federal Tory spokesmen say tbey will ignore it That tends to add a new dimension to interparty cooperation How a federal party can Ignore a party of the same stripe isnt exactly clear but we II see Meanwhile Tory Leader Joe Clark has been careful not to close the door on Parti Quebecols support saying that we welcome support from what ever quarter It comes And while all this is going on the Parti itself has decided to postpone a decision on whether it should enter federal politics This means the Quebec wing of the federal Liberal Party has to a decision on bow it will campaign to maintain Its massive in the province The Liberals now hold of the provinces teats MANY UNDECIDED And Just to ensure that no party knows exactly where it stands in the province the Gallup pollsters have Informed everyone concerned that a surprising per cent of Quebecers are undecided about bow they will vote in the next election naturally this is of greatest concern to the liberals who clearly have the most to lose Surveys taken by the Parti Que- becois have indicated that they could win from to SO seats if a federal election were held now Buttbeydont 1 know bow this strength might up in the future and understand ably reluctant to commit themselves to running federally The liberals are already cam paigning heavily to display a greater federal presence In the province and MPs Including cabinet ministers have been turning up all over Quebec to point out federal projects and achieve ments But this is designed largely to offset provincial government publicity about what is doing for the voters At the moment said one Quebec Liberal MP we dont know who the enemy be in the next federal election and be cant go on the offensive until then DIFFERENT PROBLEM Joe Clarks problems are decided ly different He knows who his enemy will be His rouble Is establishing who bis friends might be If the Parti decided not to run federally there is every indication In fact Premier Leveaque has as much as said so tha Ms people will extend a friendly hand to the federal Tories simply to break the Liberal stranglehold on the province However should the decide to seek an Ottawa presence it will be forced to fight against the Tories The situation is somewhat delicate until the matter I decided And then there to that little nuisance about the formation of a Party some thing that baa not existed in the put What happened was mat soma Quebec Conservatives got together formed a party and named Rivera a SByearold chiropractor as interim leader We were taken by surprise said an aide to Clark And party President Peter Blalkte said that 1 dm plan to give it any attention whatsoever should the new provinc ial party start growing it cant be Ignored indefinitely particularly when its primary objective will be to attack the Parti The federal party will be forced to make choice The only party that is basically troublefree la Quebec is the New Democratic Party- and thats because they are seat free and so far as the Immediate future Is concerned they appear destined to stay that way Did you know Prom The Heralds Did You Know department comes an Interesting little backgrounder about the wellknown logo used by one of Halton most successful tiros Varian Canada situated on Head In Georgetown According to Art Without Boundar ies by Woods Thompson and fun Thames and Hudson Ltd London Varlaii logo originated in Cnteago the biggest prisms centre in the world the studio of Cittato a native Venice Italy Cittato continues to design corporate Identities for clients around the world Including Industrial design and His work varies from the Milan department store to the Container Corp oration of America There is a marked clarity In his visual diagnosis of linguistic problems IhebooksUtes Heemploysaymbolsand signets to Illustrate the meaning and function of an object or of a service His choice of color and the legibility of the letterforms give a distinctive quality to Ms work Art should be the culminating of earlier graphic communications after these communications have lost their initial utilitarianism says it was art to begin with when it loses its functions it will remain art consider my work precise yet emotional yet spiritual mathematical but feel Cittato was commissioned to design Vartana logo by the parent company office in Palo Alto California Wage control just a myth in Ontario inflation fight Queens Park Derek Nelson Queens Park of The Herald Critics of the provincial govern ment antiinflation program have one aspect absolutely right ft fa a five per cent wage control program for the public sector It Is not a five per cent price control program True the legislation does provide for a review of administered prices under criteria established bv the Consumer and Commercial Relations Ministry This wiD allow uncontrollable costs to be passed through But some price increases considered adminis tered The result of course wilt be some public sector price increases much In excess of five percent Two good examples have already occurred On Oct rates increased more than five per cent and Ontario Hydro win take per cent from public utilities To both opposition parties In the Legislature that Is an outrage al though their responses are different as the the Ontario Federation totally opposes any form of wage controls but wants complete price controls In both the public and private sectors Four of their MPPs here have even issued a Utile manifesto that calls for an interim price freeze on gasoline home beating fuels OHTP premium payments hydro electricity bills bran- sit and auto and property Insurance Red Cross 8Deak top donors Among tha daoora who contributed a total of taOsotatava iNov Repeat CHntai and mode Haunt were Robert Ma Bridge were June Fort Cacks Deborah Brookes Jewess Monte Hancock jj Former external affairs minister Flora PC- Kingston and the Islands be guest speaker at a special luncheon being held by the Federal Progressive Conservative Womens Caucus Ticket can be obtained fa- mo from Norma or Jenny Amy for the noon luncheon at the Howard Johnson Hotel at Trafalgar Road and the In Can you help Friendly Visitors are needed by Halton Helping Hands especially in Nerval Li and CampbellvUie hour or two a week or your tlme and attention could enable an elderly or disabled person to maintain community contact so essential to the prevention of institutionalization Caring men and women to contact the Volunteer Centre at Monday Wednesday Discuss disabilities All parents are welcome to attend a videotape presentation on childrens learning disabilities next Monday night Nov at at George Kennedy Public School In Georgetown The school parents group is sponsoring the meeting which also featureaulntnxtnctiuntothevioleotapebyMrs Ferguson a special education teacher Admission is free School land sold The sale of square feet of property from the Speyside Public School site to the ministry of transportation and was Thursday by the Halton board of education The ministry purchased the property for to use for Improvements Highway St It Is a fascinating Hat since In this province the price of alt those Items except Insurance Is to oil Intents and purposes a government The money taken from consumers In gasoline price in the main hydro bills or on a bus again hi the main flows to various gover or governmentowned business And government then spends that money on policies and programs including wage hikes for employees the normally finds socially desirable GRIT VIEW The Liberals on the other band want governmentcontrolled prices such as and Hydro held to five cent and restrain others such as to five per cent rent Increas- Grit MPP BUI made the point during discussion at the committee listening to testimony on the ant Inflation bill that from psychological much as anything else such price increases pose red hurdles for the success of the bill People have to see the program as Thfai Is why almost every critic considers the exemption of doctors even though tbey are In theory seifeiiiployed workers In tha private a MILLER Treasurer Frank Miller Liberal emphasis on Hydro and considered those increase obviously are sources of potential political embe But the baste fact Is that health care has to be paid for by premium or general taxes and no matter how you vary those two components the coat of the system remains toe same And Hydro is delivered at cost yon buy coal to the or borrow money to build a new plant that costs more than five per cent where does that money com front Or in abort price control ex for the wage component Is govern meats total costs is a myth THIRTY YEARS AGOeorgetown was luckier than Monday was luckier than neighboring mi Monday morning when officials were with a In town power was off for a half hour period to the front of Bowers Garage on the high way A similar fire in Acton made a four hour Interruption before an lines were restored There was trouble all the way from GueJph to Acton and in several places la the Niagara Peninsula Trouble Is believed to have been caused by the prolonged dry spell Dust or ether foreign matter bed collected In the Insulators and when the rain come Instead of running off the covering as It normally does the dust carried the moistere to the wires and cau Bra and abort circuits A temporary hookup was made at the pole in town but the pole wQl have to be replaced hydro superintendent McCanum reports TWENTY YEARS AGOWlth a sev enth man declaring himself to the December election race Una week Georgetown may seta new record in number of candidate Norton a former deputy reeve announced ho will qualify for reeve on nomination day Nov XL Previously two former mayors Joseph Gibbons and Em Hyde had stated tbey would again for mayor A former deputy reeve Walter Gray is a Word council candidate TEN YEARS AGOThere will be elections for every office but three in Georgetown and Esqueslng Dec When the final deadline for a nominal candidate to withdraw passed at Tuesday there were acclamations tor Just three offices In the two Georgetown mayor BUI Smith will enter his second term unopposed as will Georgetown separate school board representative Hartley and Eaqueslngs representative on the board of education William In Georgeton reeve Morrow is being challenged by a former reeve John Elliott while councillors Joan Smith and Ernest Sykes ore seeking the deputyneve s chair vacated by retiring deputyreeve Arthur Speight The six positions for councillor are being sought by ONE YEAR Dist rict High School s Rebel cross country team proved last weekend for Its fourth straight season that it baa the strongest squad In the province At the Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic meet at Boyd Park Conservation Area Saturday George town ended up top school overall as well as first overall to the girl division and tied for first to the Boys division The finals had the sue Rebel teams winning an Ontario dlvisJofl title two strong seconds a soUd fourth and the other two teams both In the top 14 of their divisions which each contained schools POETS CORNER Autumn The beautiful leaves and the warmth of the sua wild bloom the fence doe run Air soft under these shady Oh bow great to live this day and share It beanty along natures way Setting sou gee down In the Thee the stars light up the sky A few stray deeds they pass by Morning come as the Bights they go great son reus with a glow Beautiful tree a hen- leaves shed A ctoster of leave green yellow ad red Friendship a strsag bead between tree

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