WEEKEND EXTRA Friday December IT 1MB Page Special class enriches life IV b only weal yea make It Yea have work la achieve access Toaetaccessfal job achieve yea knew what ja have to da la get tfcer AHS Gifted Withdrawal The above statement refers to the Gifted With drawal Programme or as moat people end up it Enrichment It place every Tuesday and Thursday lor one period The Gifted Class Is baaed on BUI which is an Act that ensures that every exceptional pupil in Ontario receives an edu cation suited to his or needs and abilities Since this is only a pilot project there are still wrinkles to be Ironed out but basically we select which are reasonable and Interest and we then go about performing those tasks Management Plans are completed by every student In the programme Once begin our ob jectives more detailed plans are filled out Another compulsory to write Journals throughout the semester stating feelings our progress in the course receive tip sheets such concerns assignments dealing with self exploration and group Interaction We also and Speed Reading Tech niques This class probably sounds easy but the challenge is great and sometimes proves to be hard and frustrating To give you some Idea of the types of projects we have selected to do here are just a few examples learning sign language entering Chatelaine sines annual fiction contest learning bow a radio station is run operating a computer writing a book making a film radio broadcasting and production writing articles for the Halloo Hills Herald and Acton Free Press research into the area of space science and writing a documents ry on wolves and then making a films trip Our teacher Susan Beber is a great resource person and sounding board She dishes out dis cipline and weeds out bad Ideas and yet she Is very understanding Sbegottbe group together and started to make us feel com with one another That Is one reason why the programme works We are a small group and we have one common goal to achieve success Generally we work virtually but there are also lots of things that we do together For instance just recently we spent a day at the University of Waterloo seeing what life Is all about and the news letter is another one of our group ties Everyone likes the pro gramme and almost all of the parents of the students involved feel it a worth while opportunity for us to learn by experience and our own mistakes I feel that the following quota tion sums up my attitude towards the gifted pro- We learn through ex perience sod experienc ing a one a anything If the environ ment permit anyone can what he chooses to learn and If the vhhtal It Use enri- will teach him everything it has to teach Viola ImprovtuUoit tor Theatre An early plow match By HENRY J STANLEY PLOWMENS ANNUAL Sept 9 has been ted as the date for the Helton Plowing Hatch This is a change from the past year when it was the following day the same date as the Georgetown Fall Fair Thlschangewu made at the Halton Plow mens Annual meeting Nov the Agricul tural Office In Milton Another change b the banquet which baa always been bold immediately following the Match Next year the banquet la sche duled for Sept The Halton Furrow Queen will be selected at this time and plowing money and trophies presented Offlcera for 19B3 are President Bryan Mar shall Hilton Past Presi dent Murray Burlington 1st VicePre sident Lloyd Stokes CampbellviUe 2nd Vice- President John Georgetown Secretary Treasurer Doug Miller A Assistant Secretary George Swann and be OP A Director May Hornby It was agreed that Susan Livingston would compete for in the Ontario Furrow Queen Competi tion at the International to be held near Ottawa next September and thai the Furrow chosen at our Sept Match would go to the International In 1W4 The next meeting for Halton Plowmen b the annual euchre contest scheduled for Feb It HALTONPEEL JERSEY CLUB ANNUAL Jersey breeders from sad Peel met Dec 1 the Mountain Dew Restaurant In Georgetown under the chairmanship of John Nixon of Nerval Following a smorgas bord dinner Mr and Mrs Beaiy presented their trophy for high milk pro duction to Jim of Feathers one Bros of OakvfiTe for a total for milk and fat of Bill Cooper the new I the Ontario Jersey dub stated that several new milk produ cers were starting Into dairying with Jersey cows SecretaryTreasurer Jean House invited everyone to their annual dance April at the Directors elected from Halton for ins were Jamie Alexander Oak vllle John Breckon Georgetown Dale Devlin Milton Lome Ella Horn by Jim John Nixon Nerval and Eleanor Robinson Georgetown Seiko Quartz 25 OFF ALL MODELS GEORGETOWN MARKETPLACE 8771230