jnnn lu Getting to know duplicate bridge club As a bridge player I hate the socalled experts giving me a hand and claiming that No Trump or some such game may be made by this hand In this instance the hand in question is the East hand and he contract is No trump Can you make this con tract against any defence This was the hand THE HAND No S Vul NS SJM Q103 SAK97 H K CKJ6 C13 SS64 HKJ9T4 CM THE ANALYSIS Even the most avid pro ponents of majors should consider opening the Cast hand with IS instead of for several reasons 1 East wants a spade lead If NS buy the hand The auction handles much more easily should partner respond clubs Easts concentration of high cards Is immedia tely defined Dont toss that snow Herald Special When mounds of snow begin piling up around your door resist the impulse to grab the near est shovel and start plow ing energetically to the street Snow shoveling is heavy work and requires the proper technique If you want to avoid straining your heart and back The Ontario Safety League offers the follow ing shoveling tips Cover as much exposed skin as possible especi ally when the wind chill factor below a Celsius 20 degrees Use tiple layers of lightweight clothing for easy move ment Remove the top layer as you work to prevent overheating Use a sturdy light weight shovel to push snow out of the way If you must lift It take out small and use your legs and entire body to help lift the load not just your arms and back Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverage are out while shoveling Cigarette smoking constricts your blood vessels making your heart and lungs work that much harder Drink ing may give you a false sense of energy and lead you to overexert your self The best time to shovel is before eating or at least one to two hours after eating As the cards lie NT which la not a good con tract can be made but few pairs will get his high except by sheer momen tum E are more likely to play a diamond spade or no trump partial The distribution is so favor able for EW that East declarer can actually take 10 tricks in either spades or no trump with doubledummy play against any defence Now that you have had the opportunity one poss ible line that East could adopt would be to try and establish the diamond suit for three tricks as long as the diamonds are spilt 32 and the Ace is In front of the K0 the contract will conic home South on lead could lead anything However a spade from south is giving away nothing whereas anything else makes it easier for East Assuming a spade start East ducks Soutb shouldnt play the Ace and East should play the King When the King holds East now suspects Ace to be on side and crosses again to his hand with a spade to lead anolb- South will now only get one diamond one club and might give up an extra heart if South leads this suit at any time East takes spades dia monds a club and a heart for nine tricks and a game The winners in the northsouth at the George town Duplicate Bridge Cub last Tuesday were and Earl Heffren The second went to Norma and Elsie Whit bam and third place was held by Bob Clarke and MarkLoeb The EastWest winners were and Peter Gilford followed closely by Steve Fleming and Rene March and Fred Alien and Gus who were tied for second The Georgetown Bridge Club extends a cordial welcome to all bridge players to spend an even ing with us for a friendly competitive bridge game The club meets every Tuesday evening at the Georgetown Legion Hall on Mill Street Game time Comeandplay bridge FISH CHIP Skipper Georgetown Miitet Plan 8770239 CONSOLIDATED ENERGY SERVICE BLOWN flOCKWDOL WITH THIS AD OFF 8774148 FACTORY OUTLET tint Entit WINDOWS MO DOORS WllVSTAU ThaPiacaToSival 8771186 SHOPPING SERVICES TOO BUS HOUSEBOUND BAD WEATHER LSI si do for PT an Dtftrtrr 8778542 JOHN CAMPBELL LANDSCAPING Brampton gfliaaua LOW FREE WATEH TESTWG us 8776242 ESL CARPENTRY Specializing in HOME RENOVATIONS Experts Kitchen a Roams ffwrfffflsAf f 8785104 CHUNGS and PLASTER REPAIRS FALL SPECIAL Textured Cetng Airy M 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