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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 23, 1982, p. 4

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the HERALD Home Newspaper of Halton HHI Established A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR ml Manager BOB LIGHT BOURN Advertising Manager PHONE SECTION A Times bring us closer together They say that in hard times people grow closer together Georgetown and Ac ton and their villages have always been closeknit communities but things seem warmer and more accom modating in this era of looking out for ourselves and our neighbors Annual Christmas drives for our less fortunate residents continue to exemplify this trait in Halton Hills where government assistance falls short or when a from Queens Park cant quite capture the spirit of Christmas the way a big dinner with all the family can those special visits by dedicated groups of neigh bors bearing personalized presents and gifts of food mean a lot Our fervent thanks once again to Roma and other volunteers In Georgetowns Good Neighbor Service to and the Kinette Club for their toy drive and to Actons Salvation Army for bringing badly needed Christmas cheer across town Our thanks also to the Kin smen for their annual tour of the Christmas light displays for senior citizens and to all the groups and individuals who helped out Most did quite a lot of work to make the occasion a memorable success and most no doubt have drawn ample satisfaction from seeing the fruit of their labor A very special Merry Christmas to you all and thanks from all of us CHRISTMAS TOY STEP DOING A GOOD TURN The tMh annual Kinetic toy drive to aid of Georgetown Good Neighbor Service got a big boost but Thursday front Georgetown Cuba at St Johns United Church MirayMaUounsoalicm chairman of the toy drive committee delighted to accept Christmas stockings the boy had for local children leu than themselves The Cab had been shopping the previous week for toy other stocking Thinking of at ChrlstmaiUtne were Cub Barry Jeff Hannah Russell Hyde Stephen Paul Sergeant Todd McGttera and Stephen Harden and then- Icadrn Ken Monty Hyde Arch Ken House and Sybil Photoby Jean Layman McDermid extends Yuletide greetings MJ BramptoaGerogetown It la a pleasure to extend the best of the holiday season to all in BramptonGeorgetown The put year as wo know has been quite difficult for many la our midst It Is during times like these that members of a community must continue to work togeth er In a world full of strife we should bo thankful or the peace and freedom wo enjoy In Can ada Too problems facing are a challenge that we can and will meet It bat been a plea to represent Georgetown in Ottawa and I look forward to doing so for many more years Parliament has dealt with legislation in the areas of booting cat tonal training unemploy ment insurance and small busmen This legislation will hopefully give some In November Ml the presented a budget to Parliament that was little more than a poorly thought cut at tempt to reform the tax system There were no real measures to the bud get that would enable the tan that nave been by these bard times During we alto dealt wftb energy and am sure that many of you recall the monstrous Energy BUI that was to Parti- meat which brought on the bell ringing PC Party bad to take a strong stand and we efficient or more produc tive Indeed the budget was antiinvestment and antigrowth The June and October of 1983 were little mora than efforts to undo the dam age of the November budget This year also brought us the and program which in principle Is a restraint program Bow- ever the present admin istration teem to have turned it Into a liberal slogan that hurts only those who can least afford of Canadians sincerely Introduced ia Its to al leviate some of our econ omic problems Aa the recent Auditor Generals Indicates the thrilled to witness the event On a more personal level the death of long time Brampton Mayor James left me and I am certain many in the area very saddened His contribution to the community of Brampton will long be remembered We not only lost a con cerned compassionate mayor but a good friend as well I wish our new city of Brampton council and town of HOla coun cil best wishes In the New Year and during their enure threeyear man date I look forward to working with them and Toe year lets win bring currant The past year also brought name the Cued- Constitution an honor to be present at historical proclamaUon April and 1 know that both my wife and Glna Osborne of changes to Uw Hones of Commissi All members of parliament are looking forward to toe experi ment with new sitting hours temporary rules of the It la that the changes will in crease efficiency and ex pedlto handcar of legisla tion SANTAS Appear throughout Sections B and C One of the toy dolls left her crosslegged position sod started to dance Thursday night on the Park School The Jack lotbeboiet also got Into the action bouncing so heartily that one of them tipped over In their marched about and toy trains chookoed fay It was a veritable come alive at the schools Christmas oil tie THIRTY YEARS AGCMJeorgetOWns new clerktreasurer and collector of tax and water rates la John D Kelly One of eight who spoiled for the position being vacatedby Charles clerk for the peat five years air Kelly hired by council at a meeting Monday He assume his new position Jan 1 TWENTY YEARS bid from Construction Co Ltd of Whit by amounting to has wen accepted for the construction of a new Central school near Hornby Levesques colonial beef remains utter nonsense Ottawa Report By Stewart By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service All things being considered Its little wonder that Quebec Premier Rene reacted bitterly when the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the province has no constitutional Its little wonder because It has who effectively gave away any claim to a veto and the courts decision was undoubtedly a painful reminder of this fact The premier could therefore be forgiven for over reacting which be did He was also bitter What the Supreme Court should have said that as long salt didnt go against the of the Cnguah Canadian Majority and its government he could keep our illusions a veto But once It did go against those socalled fundamental interests goodbye to even the Illusion of a veto By appearing to direct bis attack on the Supreme Courts dedaion the premier conveniently overlooks the fact that the decision merely upheld a unanimous decision by the Quebec Court of Appeal which had also rejected the province claim to a veto NOT SURPRISING And when be talks about the interests of Canada the premier also seems to overlook the fact that judges have now ruled on the argument and nine of tbem were Frenchspeaking None held to the Quebec governments view that the province has constitutional veto power And it really Ian very surprising If there had been a traditional view that Quebec held veto power over constitutional change this has effect changed in when Premier got together with the so- called Gang of Bight premiers and embraced the Vancouver Formula for amending the constitution This formula which was later adopted a tradeoff for accepting the federal governments Charter of Rights and Freedoms says constitutional changes requires toe consent of seven of the provinces comprising per cent of the population And that means no veto for any single province In accepting this formula the premiers turned uudr back on the longdebated Victoria Formula which did contain an effective veto power This formula under consider ation for years would have required the consent of any province that contained per cent of the population as well two Western and two Atlantic Provinces Ontario and Quebec would both have had veto powers under this formula MANY IRONIES Regardless of how one views the negotiations that led up to the new constitutional accord and there are a good many who feel that shafted by his fellow premiers the fact remains that the Quebec premier agreed to an formula that did not provide his province with a veto And one of the many Ironies of thkt stormy squabble la that the federal government was not particularly op posed to a veto for Quebec in fact federal spokesmen have made It dear the issue may still be negotia Federal Justice Minister Hark Gulgan says that Ottawa will be willing to discuss a provincial veto if It is raised by the provinces but that he bat no plans to Initiate talks That teems reasonable It certainly Isnt difficult to under stand why Premier would be sorter embarrassed by the whole business but he really is stretching things when be says that we are nothing more than an Internal colony that Uvea at the will of another people Thats a Fifty cent lifesaver idea collects dust in MTC office Queens Park Thomson News Service Sitting on a shelf at the Transport ation ana Communications Ministry because it lacks money for develop ment la a lifeaavtog Idea Thats what It would roughly cost each driver in Ontario to have or her photograph made part of the drivers licence at time of renewal The pricetag is estimated at million There are million licenced drivers In Ontario And according to police having a photograph on a licence Is the surest and quickest method of checking that the licence a person shows an of fleer is in fact his or her own Knowing that police believe will help cut down on the number of people driving around the province who have one wsy or another borrowed some one elses licence One estimate Is that there are at many as llcenceless drivers on the road at any one time MANY DANGEROUS And the worst of it is that many of them are dangerous weapons loose on our roads for generally they dont have a licence because it has already been suspended for some legal act such unpaired driving Unfortunately having photos on POETS CORNER The Old House Ecstasy Some times It Is I unfile ft Gently yea embrace me talks bare away Year soft tips teach Horn Bates It Is a place where settled knars stay dawn my spbu is a place called heme ae ether place to ream Yew wMtser words softly Year beast at stand a sterna and rak When yea have ssered away Myh The waves caress ear at they crawl ante the there Passionately we begat piece for years into the deaths of ear Then wheat the ceases to ear beyond belief part sigh walk tears Aad whoa way rasa we drift hearts are term late the reality Titer la yea always states to stay we forever nutter where yea ByJQWEDEVnUHUO driving licences ia not an priority That ministry it much mora Interested in Its new U minion program of having licence plates registered to people rather than Being phased in over tin coming year It will probably result In police catching a lot Dure parking ticket dodgers your plates wont be renewed If tickets are outstanding but It wont do much for public safety And cutting the carnage on the roads has to be a major concern of government not Just for humanitarian reasons but also because of coat of everything up to and Including the IMPAIRED DRIVING This being Christinas there has been the usual talk about mandatory sentences for unpaired drivers although AttorneyGenera Roy ate- baa thankfully rejected that approach The simple truth It that a high number of the driving population would be to the clink if arretted every legally impaired person behind a wheel at this time of year The real problem police face is segregating the dangerous drunk driv er from those leas likely to be a threat on the roads I quite realbw any alcohol Impairs ability but many people who know they are Impaired often drive with exaggerated caution The RIDE program the random mechanical spot checks the roadside labour more than issued this year so far twothirds by the Ontario Provincial Police belt enforcement 30000 charge laid tins year by the alone all help force people to be safetyconscious AGE FACTOR But two group teem poorly deter red these action One Is composed of youth defined as under SB who lack the maturity or knowledge or tear take they somehow think they are tax Yet they half the deaths The other group are the ibles who speed ana drive daJajarousry while or get behind the wheel their lknee to would be hurt by the photo plan especially if it ware co with stiff sentences up to and for driving without a to particular unpaired EARL CARLISLE lit I like meeting new friends and going to meets Both my brothers were on the swim team at the high school to I started BRETT I like the competitive part of swimming I like to learn to get better in some stroke and learn the race PIQUERAS I I like to meet lots of friends and play a lot of games I wanted to to the meets and learn to CHRISTY ft I the relays the most end I like to play games I wanted to learn bow to swim CHRISTINE WELD KICK ill 1 awn and differ ent people and like rating

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