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Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 5, 1983, p. 4

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Home Newspaper of Hills Established A Division Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Street Georgetown Ontario TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager PAUL BOB Editor Advertising Manager Page 4 SECTION A T1IE HERALD Justice rides on decision residents should take a keener interest than most in next Tuesday Ontario Court of Appeal hearing con cermng a recent challenge against the authority of provin cial court judges to hear criminal cases After all the controversy surfaced right here in Milton to be exact where well known area Judge William Sharpe was considering the case of Walter Valente Convicted in August of careless driving in the deaths of three cyclists a year Mr Valente appeal off on a tangent when his lawyer indicated how Canada s new Charter of Rights prohibits provincial court judges who are not tly independent since they an swer first to the attorney general from hearing such cases Judge Sharpe agreed that he may not be independent and thus cannot guarantee Mr Valente a fair trial under the new Charter Attorney general Roy Mc immediately appealed the judge s decision but the precedent was set In Toronto Judge Scott halted proceedings in his court after carefully weighing the callenge issued to him A Toronto justice of the peace has followed suit Next Tuesday the ap parent lack of independence among Ontario s judges will be examined in the court of ap peal with both the Ontario Provincial Court Judges Association and the Justice of the Peace Association for Metro Toronto hoping to inter vene in the interest of air and impartial trials The argument suggests that because the attorney general pays Ontario s Judicial officers as well as the who appear before lem and also decides on case flow in the courts the judges can hardly be considered In dependent Since the new Charter of Rights requires independent adjudication criminal trials Judge Scott for one according to the Toronto Star would like judges to be responsible to a legislative committee representing all political par ties The committee in turn would answer to the legislature itself instead of the Cabinet as is now the case For the many Ontario citizens who were never quite sure what the many wrangles over the Constitution involved here s one fine example of the rather exciting process of constitutional reform at work Clearly changes are needed regarding Ontario s judiciary because of a problem that was left largely unattended before because of what might be construed by some as a legal loophole in our Constitution The new Charter has plugged that hole and now the of a citizen s civil rights must be properly served The process brings us that much closer to modern man s judicial ideal to a fair and equitable legal system and to justice for all NOSTALGIA Today a younger gen J nearly wild and Iru when their elder are called upon to strut their stuff Such was the the week before Cbriit mm when the students of Georgetown High jti School were treated to a af little song and dance by aV the Principal Don might have evoked memories of when he led pais Joe and John Toms through a boppy let of hits from yesteryear Jumping from the fit tie to the sixties Jim and fellow teachers donned their fin est hippie regalia for a tribute to the days of flower power Slack Undent their spiky I haircuts In wonder before heading home to their 1 CoCo and AC DC records Herald photos by Conway shows whats wrong with small- 1 liberalism Queens Park Meeting set on gravel plan for hamlet Concerned about the future of a chunk of land near Stewart town the South Esqueslng Landowner Association hat organized a meeting to talk about the Halton official plan aggregate protection area The meeting which concerna land straddling the Fifth Line and IS will be held Jan to In the Hornby Community Centre on Steelea Avenue west of the Trafalgar Intersection It will begin at A spokesman for the organization said an attempt would be nude to have MNR representative at the session Interested members of the public are Invited to attend By Derek Nelson Queen Park Bureau of Tbe Herald Scion of the Ottawa Valley establishment current deputy leader of the Ontario Liberals young and eloquent MPP Sean Conway Illustrates nicely what Is wrong with the small I liberalism to which be adheres As interpreted by Conway it is a philosophy both Intolerant and bigoted A diet definition of small 1 liberalism reveals its adherents to be people generous of spirit and open of mind free from narrowness In doctrines or Ideas Unfortunately at Conway demon so clearly during the recent sitting here that Is more myth than reality Small 1 liberalism as he practices it ideology and Two Incidents The South African consulate sent an Invitation to members of all three legislative parties to attend a luncheon with four visiting MPs of South Africa all white Parliament Conway refused to attend condemned those who did so and even made a fuss about the Invitation VERY TOLERANT One might have expected from a dictionary small I liberal unlike Conway some of that philosophy famous claim to tolerance loth belief that dialogue and communication arc stepping stones on the road lo a better world for all humankind That a always he rationale for talking with the Russians for example It la supposed to a longtime tenet of the liberal faith that to convince the wrong minded of the evil underlying their nasty ways It is vital to talk and reason with them For this luncheon such an altitude would have been particularly useful since the four South African MPs were broadly representative of that white tribe in southern Africa three MPs were pro apartheid one apartheid which Conwaystyle small 1 llberabwUhtoconvinceofthoerror of their beliefs DO JOB In truth It might be suggested that had Conway reacted so shabbily to a luncheon invitation from any cultural group other than white Africans he the carpet for racism Conway Pavlovian Intolerance carried him so far that he made those MPs and by extension the almost five million people who freely elected them pariahs so beyond the pale even words cannot bo exchanged with them Moreover one might note hi passing that Conway as a responsible Ontario legislator should have taken the opportunity to leam about tome of the pitfalls of a truly multicultural society such as South Africa Is in preparation for Ontario a eventual arrival at the same destination NOT NICE Incident two Hugh Segal close advisor to Premier Bill Davis resigned and went into the consulting business advising corporate clients of the whys and hows the process of government Conway suggested there may very well be some legitimate question about the honesty of the living Segal was going to earn and he wanted a safeguard against Segal peddling influence and Insider Information Even granting Conway a ry suspicions about he financial babi of any Tory it was still a remarkably mean narrow minded and illogical attack A trial before the crime a convic tion without evidence and the assump tion that Tory politics must equal crookedness are mirror Images of what dictionary small 1 liberalism is all about It looks as though in Conway s eyes the real crime for which Segal and white South Africans must plead guilty la his and their very existence Education pendulum swings again Education minister Stephenson recent ly announced change hi the school system plat ing more emphasis on core subjects sad lessen log optional objects The Herald asked Tom Ramautarsingh a teach er at Georgetown High School who Is Involved In education at all level and advocates reforms to express hi view on the changes Mr graduated from Wilfrid Lanrler University B A and M A degrees and a Master of lion from University of Toronto He I a past president of Secondary School Teach ers Federation Wilfrid Lanrler University Alumni Association founder am president of the Holy Cross Parent Association a former member of Senate and ha served on pro vincial organisations By TOM Herald Special In the late 1960s tbe Hall Dennis Report called Living and Learning postulated and emphasiz ed loosening up of education and permitted a wider choice of curri cula In the Ontario edu cational system Because of the Imple mentation of Hall such as Ontario Aisoda lion Tor Curriculum Development Ontario Educational Research Council York University Reading Conference Committee First Chair man and Cofomder of the V Language Art Conference Ontario Secondary School Teach ers Feneration and the Ontario Teachers Federation Dennis philosophy In edu cation the of he provincial nations In Grade 13 and he Introduction of the credit system many feel their children ve not received the quality of education that expected They feel that the majority of stu dent have lost the sense of discipline the ability to work bard to read and comprehend what is read to state their Idea clearly and correctly and lastly are unable to write Many teachers all over the province have to market their courses and make them attractive to the students since the students select their courses It has become in one respect a bread and butter issue Teachers who believe in discipline and expect students to work hard had lo change their philosophy and strategies to meet the Hall Dennl syndrome in order to continue In the teaching profession Others felt that the Hall Dennis approach to edu cation was too much for them In my view the Hall Dennis philosophy is most advantageous to the high ly gifted and well moll students who can forge ahead with some assistance from their teachers or even on their Many parents and teachers opposed the new thinking In education where bigness is postula ted as being the beat ana hat the more innovations Introduced the better the education The that be introduced many experimental ideas end gave new leases to ideas that have already fallen by the wayside In the United States I personally believe that Innovations and ex pertinents should not be accepted lock stock and barrel disregarding the wishes of the majority of and that innovations should never be Introduced in a machine tike fashion The members of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers conducted a study of education at a cost of approximately the rial Dennis Report as the truth shall make you free and students must be made to feel that the world Is waiting for their sunrise The view that a new Jerusalem was at hand and the gates of heaven were thero for all to enter seemed to be the think There were to bo no failures because the stu dents would select the to students exposed to such a type of education They contend that loo many students have duated but few are edu cated At the University of Waterloo In 1977 more than forty two per cent 42 per cent of he freshmen students failed a literacy test Students were compelled to enter the French Physical lion two Histories Br tlsh and Canadian one Geography and two lish course In Grades and 10 concentrating on grammar composition spelling penmanship and literature should have been made compulsory Many people believe that examinations should be held for oil grades and regional examinations be Many parents believe the pendulum swung too far that too many students graduated but too few are educated At What Cost The book was a result of questions ask the secondary school teachers briefs received and public forums held in major cities and areas In Ontario Many people see ports of At What Cost as being uncomplimentary he educational system Pro fessor John Daly or Mc Muster University wrote Education or Molasses as a rebuttal to Hall Dennis Living and Learning The Hall Dennis philosophy was to lead students in the joyful process of learn ing by discovery Many parents sec a number platitudes and pious statements underlying courses that suited their needs In practice Is simply meant that if a subject course was too difficult thenitwasnotto be taken Mony parents feel very uncomfortable when they try to help in the of their children courses because they feel illequipped and inade quately prepared to do so These same parents find It very difficult to understand why the reel plenls of the basics and the fundamentals found such a proven system was good for them but not good enough for students In the late 60s and in the 70s Many parents believe such does not do Justice at writing clinic and to retake the examl no I Ion At the University of Toronto third and fourth year students who failed to pass Iholr 1 test are being asked to with draw from the Ins I tut on aster Carlton and I v I ties ha vo all Instituted remedial courses Education Minister Thomas Wells in 1074 made four English cours and two Canadian Stud compul Gory In 1977 all students entering Grades and 10 had to lako seven com course This was increased to nine courses later My view was hat other courses such instituted Tor Grade 13 students This will give a modicum of standardize tion on a broad basis as opposed to the present individual school basis Today an Ontario scholar Is really that particular school scholar Promo tion another grade should mean that the student has successfully passed the course requirements Today we have another minister of cation in the person of Dr Stephenson The publical large and the minister have felt that the pendulum had swung too far and thus a of what was being done was nccessa Continued on page As THIRTY YEARS editor Walter picked the top ten news stories of the year The Smith and Stone addition rated first place Work is already well advanced on this square foot building which will Increase plant employment by next year Second biggest news was the decision of merchants to close Saturday nights and open Friday evenings In third place was the Ontario Championship won by George town s Juvenile team over lock grouped with the exciting Inter mediate playoff scries which won in the seventh game Following though not necessarily in this order approval for a four room addition to Georgetown high school opening of the new Howard Public School a road paving program which saw many streets In town get pave ment for the first lime construction of a new Bell telephone building on Main Street which heralds what will probab ly be 1933 biggest story the introduc lion of dial phones TWENTY YEARS burglar of a house at IS Ontario St late Christmas Eve and the theft of a 1953 Ford Sedan parked on the same street a little more than an hour later are believed by police to be the work of two Reformatory Inmates who escaped earlier the same day The escapees were traced from the reformatory to Acton where they ransacked a house and stole their first car At McCulloughs corners at the western town limits the escapees missed the turn rolled the car over and evidently unharmed made their way to the top of Main Street TEN YEARS Anne Mac Arthur has been tentatively elected to the a year job as warden of Halton County after a fiveballot vote in a closed meeting of the new Halton County council members The election will be formally ratified at the Jan inaugural meeting of county council Reeve MacArthur won over George town Reeve Morrow In the fifth ballot after a 74 vote on the fourth ballot Mrs will be the second woman to serve as warden The first was Mrs Mary Petit in 1949 who represented Nelson town ship nowapartofBurllngton She was the first in the province of Ontario Mrs MacArthur Is a history teacher at Milton District High School who retires next June ONE YEAR AGOTbere was no eleventhhour reprieve last week as employees shut down Irwin Ltd the Georgetownbased textbook publishing firm caught in a squeeze of conflicting Interests between its American parent and the federal government Foreign Investment Review Agency The closure Thursday brought to an end six years of confrontation between the agency which seek to prevent too much foreign investment In Canadian business and Dow Jones Company of Illinois including Its Georgetown subsidiary in 1975 POETS CORNER You Sparkle You sparkle like airborne dull In a sunny warm and friendly Time become Irrelevant while you coax evil spirits quit this place If all the Joy and love that ever existed could be collected together It would add up to you By MARLOWE C DICKSON Breton Fear A dark visible In the distance No one knowing what it hold on the other side I tiptoe entering In n Idnlght darkness My heart beat rapidly A sense of Insecurity take my boldness And suddenly I run back to a welcoming light By CHANDRA AHS Student Untitled watch as the snow gently to the ground my heart mellow my mind at peace Thoughts of love care my mind see a vision on the glistening of a ballerina her soul nil of grace as she fills my eyes with he vision of dance The snow stops my heart grows cold my mind confused and the ballerina dance no more By Student

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