An early Esquesings Christian Barnes Herald Special At first town meeting six were elected John cast half of lot concessions Donald I noon east hall of lot concession James Hume west half of lot concession Christopher Cooke west half of lot 14 concession William Mciklcjohn lean half of lot concession and Christian Barnes lot IB concession The last of these ChristianAarnes 1B68 was the if a loyalist officer in New York state Lieutenant George Barnes In April his door by the American patriots and his i is said to have died of shock not long afterwords Young Christian was placed in Ihe are of neighbours and In June he rrived as loyalist in Grantham in the Niagara urea There he farmed for years His wife Margaret who died in 1654 at iheageof bore him children Barnes served during the war of 1812 fighting at ihe battle of Heights and perhaps attaining the rank of major In 1810 he petitioned for land staling that his father had been murdered by the Rebels and was granted the west half of lot IB concession In June he petitioned for another hundred acres offering to pay If necessary and his petition was granted It was not until 1844 that he rcceiwd he patent for his land though in 1829 he obtained a patent for lot west concession He remained active In township affairs and In 1B23 the town meeting was held at his home The job was to see that settlers cleared and maintained the roads adjoining their farms In a newlyopened township this was an onerous responsibility for the settler And was made more difficult by the fact that some of the land was not yet occupied or was set aside crown or reserves though some of these reserves were rented Visitors especially itinerant clergy were very conscious of the sad state of roods Smith who travelled through the new settle ments of and neighboring townships in loured on foot and found ho had to carry pocket Queens Own Hangers in 1793 at Governor request we turned to the north along what was called a concession line The land had been laid out in farms extending half a mile In breadth the main road Every purchaser of a farm was obliged to cut down or clear a narrow strip of The fob was to see that settlers cleared and maintained the roads adjoining their farms to guide him through the forests where there was no past The most graphic description Is from Thomas a minister of the American Associate Presbyterian church who visited the Scotch Block in 1822 He and Thomas Hanna came on horseback along Dundas Street the military highway opened by the limber something like wo rods on the one side of his farm His neighbour who joined him on that side was obliged do the same so that between them there would be a road or rather an opening of about four rods In breadth These concession lines of course occurred regularly at interval of a mile and extended up from the main road as for as the country was settled As they had no choice of location neither turning to the right nor left to avoid rough places creeks or marsh the roads in the northern corner of the Scotch Block did not however follow the straight and narrow course suggested because of the rough terrain andas the farmers were too busy in clearing out fencing and cultivating their fields lo do more than fulfil the letter of the law by felling the timber and suffering it to lie where It had been pleased to fall we found these roads anything but comfortable for travellers Where they were In the best condition we had to be continually making a track to get around the fallen limber In many places wo had to luro aside Into the woods and sometimes to urn back to avoid marshes and impassable places We entered the concession line early in the morning and having travelled diligently till late in the afternoon we arrived at the house of Mr Laidlaw sixteen miles from the main road In theory local roads were to be built under the direction of District officials particularly the Justices of the peace relying heavily on statute labour Although hard surfaced roads were becoming common in Britain and in the older parts of the United States the roads of Upper Canada were usually hard only when frozen over in the winter In the spring they were a sea of mud and in low lying stretches they did dry out even in Ihe summer although a boneshaking corduroy of rough hewn logs might get vehicles across District officials claimed they lacked the resources to assist In building and eventually the provincial legislature made some grants to build local roads though few were with the results In practice It was the unpopular task to insist that the settlers transform the straight lines of Ihe surveyors map Into passable roads the HERALD Home Newspaper of Ha I ton Hills Established 1866 A Division of Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 45 Guelph Streel Georgetown Ontario PAUL J TAYLOR Publisher and General Manager DAVE ROWNEY Editor PHONE BOB LIGHTBOURN Advertising Manager Second Mid Number a it Page SECTION A THE HERALD Wednesday January it IMS Local government week Those that Meet Mortimer mam cog in our utility company he dreams up reasons for rate ir THIRTY YEARS is local interest for approval of a license for a private commercial TV station at Barrio as the promoter Is a brother of Mrs John Bell or town More emphasis on committee work was forecast at Mondays council meeting when Mayor Jack Armstrong reminded council of a heavy year ahead in which there would be no time at meetings for matters of other than major importance Arthur McAllister was chosen president of Georgetown Anglers and Hunters Association when members met In the clubhouse at Hickory Falls Second wolf caught in the district In recent years was a 47 and a half pound male shot by a trio of hunters at Narva I Station Saturday morning FIFTEEN YEARS of Association Canadienne Franca elected Roger as president when they held their annual meeting at Sacre Cocur parish hall Steele avoided a water tragedy when she was pulled from the Credit River after falling through the ice there Janis Mary Letter to the editor govern US Sidewalks cleared Ever sit through town council or committee meeting Likely not There usually isnt much of an audience at these weekly gettogethers Most people probably dont know theyre held each Monday night And what about regional council meetings Theyre held every other Wednesday afternoon in Halton Cable televises the meetings at 6 pm every Friday Or board of education meetings Theyre on the second and fourth Thursday of the month in Burlington If youve never been to any of these public meetings you should set aside some time for the experience Itll give yoU a better understanding of local gover nment and now its working for you this is the year for municipal elections and youll be voting for representatives at each of these levels in November the time to do your homework and make sure that yahoo doesnt get elected Make your on the ballot a knowledgeable one Remember it s local government thats looking af ter policing roadwork sewers watermains schools planning firefighting and parks and recreation Or did you know EDITORS NOTE The of neighbors for my following letter was sub- mall Thank goodness I milted us for do have good neighbors Dear Mayor and Coun cillors What a pleasant but prise Jan to the sidewalk on St through the village of year milestone Our man has seen it all Myles Gllson Is a rare when he moved to bird in this day and age Georgetown from Mark- Hes been working for dale own near Owen ThoHerald25yearsnow So h personal and thats something he and wife June I cant Imagine being eventually bought a at the same job for that house in town and had a long It sounds like for- third daughter At work Myles has When I first started at lived through Herald I thought being at the same Job a whole year would be something Id gone through summer Jobs for Ihe last day unable to Imagine to tolerate cowork ers any longer Funny thing eh And here it Is three years that Ive been pounding these same typewriter keys and smiling good mom l fr ing at much the same faces including Myles progress as belter Time does pass quick- ways of putting out The as they say Ill bet Herald were adopted Myles Is surprised hes over the years been working at The wo see in muse- Herald for that stretch of urns today as examples time of early days of the Twenty flveyears ago newspaper business came George- is old chums wilh town with a wife and two He saw those bulky big children five and two machines every day at years old Hotetlsmehis work hair was blonde then He knows those dlno- Its getting on the sours personally like the while side and his two linotype machine daughters arc both make hoi metal type or marrledandoneof them the Ludlow to Set head has even made him a lines or El rod for grandfather twice slugs Life wasnt static for Back In those days from the type writer was set In hot letters of lead which fit into a frame the of actual newspaper page Thats why you had to be strong In the papers composing room back then because each page of the paper ended up weighing around three times the of your wife If not more And there were 16 to such pages put All these machines were disposed or In 1971 when The Herald switch to the offset system of putting out the paper said It was the end of the molten lead and the heavy frames The Herald got rid of Its three printing presses and eventually bought half million dollar Community Offset Press which could run of 18 copies an hour of page paper II sure made work a lot easier for Myles and the composing room gang Today Myles does lot of the camera work downstairs the Drown a black monster that you dont carry around in your pocket If you re interested In Ihe olden days of pulling out a paper pop over and give Myles a tug on his apron strings You re sure to get his alien lion Hes Ihe only fellow who wears on apron regularly at work And forget say congratulations Picture wasnt printed Dear Sir I am writing this letter to you express my concerns as both a mother of a new Brownie and as a former Girl Guide leader and pres ently Division Commissioner for Girl Guides of Canada Dec 3 was a special date for fourteen six year old girls They were enrolled as Brow nies that day Your news pa per pher came to their meeting and took several pictures of these new Brownies As of yet over two weeks later their pictures have not appeared in the paper Maybe becoming a Brownie Is not con sidered important some people who read your paper but it is extremely Important to these girls My daughter who was enrolled on that night has asked me several times when the picture will be in the paper and I am sure the other Brownies are also I realize thai not all pictures can be printed but in the past two weeks there have been pictures printed of other children in the community getting skating awards playing hockey etc I have been Involved In many levels of Guiding over Ihe past IS years and I that good public relations with the community through the newspaper benefits bath the community and Girl Guides of Canada from the youngest Brownies through to their Guiders Please print their pictures when taken It means a great deal to many people Yours sincerely Diane Crawford Division Commissioner Dear Mrs Crawford Id like to answer your letter then expand on same motif about pictures In paper its so crucial to our existence Your points ore well taken and we apologize for not running your picture There was reason the film jammed and the pictures never came out I cant blame my staff because il was me who took that picture To top off I was late and just managed to catch everyone leaving Thats my excuse but as Ive said before dont give upon us dont shoot the messenger the ideal reels that is not on highway But new sidewalks can it n wait until spring for the hi happy us that walking Is the walk when there is no through the village of Sol want to say a very Nerval cleared of ice and W snowl Instead of having Hills council and to dodge the traffic on whatever department the highway while at the is responsible for Ihls same time keeping young and active from watch for the many icy grateful senior citizen of spots under fool the Walking on sidewalks Nerval A Happy New walk was a pleasure and brings to mind the fact Year to you too enjoyed the church that we need new side- service without worrying walks on some streets in l can walk to the if I would make it safely Old age has post office to mall this taken over and the icltcrandcnjoytheexer- sidewalks in the air village are impassable broken into pieces and Thanks again Oh oh which they arc most or heaved making it much snowing outside I Ihe winter I have to safer to walk on the road Dorothy C McLean depend on the kindness rather than ihe sidewalk Draper St Nerval Pictures are a big part of the paper They record special events with a flare that photos only can Its no coincidence thai we find It harder to manage our photos than to handle our daily story assignments Heres a photographers list that can make things easier for those requesting pictures and for the photographer It could make our job Just a bit easier 1 Give us ample warning for photo assign ments We have to plan our week In order to give Contrary to popular belief reporters who are also photographers are not on call hours a day 2 If we cant make the assigned time for your planan alternative dale If we cant accommodate you maybe youll help us out by accommodating us 3 Avoid calling us for Monday nights or Tuesday nights if at all possible Were busy pulling the paper together and most of the time deadlines force us to make hard decisions If youre planning a dinner meeting with awards afterwards please try and schedule It so our photographers dont have to wait through ihe entire dinner Sometimes the awards pictures can be taken before the dinner Or please try to time It so our wait is limited to 20 minutes 5 If our pictures dont come take pity It happens to us occasionally Were willing to try again so give us a call and well reschedule the pi dure Let the photographer arrange the photo Heshe is the professional and knows what type of shot to look for based on the event the surroundings and the newspapers style Dont expect to see the photos we lake in the paper 100 per cent of the time We lake about different pictures of events per week but only about two thirds of make Ihe paper It depends en Ihe amount of space In the paper the clarity of the picture and the priority the picture has over others We cant offer Ironclad guarantees but we very rarely refuse an invitation lo take a photo Please try and realize that we try to accommodate your group but also the community and newspaper we work for Smile and well smile back 10 Phone us If you wan help In arranging a shot Phone us if you see something Interesting in town a letter Were always happy to talk about how we do what we do Fourth Place Party Waller Block is senior 1st with Ihe Institute the B think tank that advocates an expansion of the free market economy In this country its love of government is good Tor us makes him a rarity Even more unorthodox hes also a politicar libertarian a believer in a free society of free Individuals Hes written a book defending such unpopu lar but aggressive individuals as pimps prostitutes and slum landlords He subscribes to the aggress on axiom In all his beliefs the theory that one should be able do anything one wonts as long as physical aggress ion Is not Initiated against another human being He was here recently wearing his libertarian hat at a gathering or the Ontario Libertarian Party He took centre stage to trade quips ideas and theories with the audience MUCH DISAGREEMENT It was not that there was much agreement among those present There On almost every single issue discussed whether it be govern ment subsidy for space flight or whether libertarians could support the death penalty there was discussion and dissension And when it came to abortion of course not only did the debate become heated but people in the room like those almost anywhere In Canada split down the middle In their opinions What was Important here though at least from this observers perspect was the very fact that intellectual ferment from a libertarian perspective was taking place at all The Ontario Liberia nan Party itseir is only a small fourth place party in this province But there are many libertarians outside the party cither political Independents or even In some cases members of Ihe Progressive Conservatives and Liberals MANY PEOPLE And such libertarians are part- parcel of new ways of thinking and ncw approaches lo the socalled problems of society It has elsewhere been called the conservative counter revolution Ideological purity among such disparate groupings would not only be impossible but actually undesirable Block said libertarians tend to be united on economic matters less so on foreign policy and are a 11 over ihe map on social concerns And thats fine Who has all the answers INSTITUTE The glory Is that after years or stifling liberal social democratic Mar xist orthodoxy other intellectual avenues are actually opening up for exploration in this country The Institute is a pari of change It doesnt let the argument for a free market fall by default any mora Those who believe In GotcromontasGod no longer go unchallenged Call it llbcrta danism conservat ism or whatever lt all advances the frontiers of freedom of choice and or options Watching Block and his audience one has hope for our future and Bert Carney manag to save the girl Douglas Wood was chosen chair man of the Halton Board of Education Thursday evening Local 1421 United voted overwhelmingly In favor of taking strike action against Smith and Stone Ltd if current contract negotia tions reach an impasse On one vote Reeve Alan Day or Oakville became the warden of County Deputy Reeve Tea Tyler of Acton receiving the solitary Peter McWilllams former County crown attorney believes driv ers forced to take breathalyzer should be given a sample of their breath lo have It tested independently TEN YEARS Drcssup alias Ernie Coombs will perform two shows at Holy Cross auditorium 1 Hugh McFarlonc has accepted nomination as chairman of the newly formed Norval Community on Mr Joe Pcnlesco Marilyn Crescent was named to Ihe 10O Club by Regal Ware Incorporated for achieving better than 100 per cent of the sales quota for Ihe year Acton OPP will be leaving town replaced by the Regional Police Force The problem is no one is sure when they go Last Sunday Jim Nicholson who competes in the Young Adult Bowling League set a Georgetown Bowling Centre record by rolling a 1 triple FIVE AGO Continuing confusion and frustration among town councillors as to what does and does not consti lute a conflict of interest has prompted the towns general commit tee to request lown solicitor Ray Steele report on possible inequities of the Municipal ConHict of Interest Act Burlington MPP Julian Reed and Mayor Pete were at Jakes Disco Friday evening to support the 29hour dance- a then sponsored by the disco and by Boynlon Studios to raise money for a fetal heart monitor for the hospital When a couple Is confronted with the possibility of their child facing a life of chronic disability pain suffering the emotional trauma wiit strain of the strongest marriage The Canadian Osteogenesis Imper Society was formed provide emotional support to victims of osteogenesis Imperfecta and families and to provide information to the public and the medical profession OI Is several disorders of the connective tissue It may manifest itself in the skeleton car joints ligaments teeth sclera and skin Intelligence is not affected Severity can range from a pale blue lint to the sclera white of eyes to still bom Although is poorly understood il has been classified Into four groups Diagnosis may come from roentgeno grams or excessive and frequent breaking of bones Parents may have to overcome suspicions of child abuse first and then after convincing others of the Brittle Bone Condition find thai groups such school boards arc reluctant to accept their children After information and emotional support whal can be done Is full of contradictions Weight bearing stimulates bono growth yet support may be required in the form of braces splints Internal rods and nails Devices designed to strength high stress areas may place undue burden on other areas causing fractur es Growth formation reabsorplion and fractures during the growth years If nol managed properly lead lo deformation In later years is may become a serious problem Research continues on several fronts Bones are studied for rate of growth and how various drugs affect hem Problems in transfer of Ihe genetic code and possible sources of metabolic Interference arc under scrutiny How should and how long should a bone be splinted Arc external supports as effective as Internal Despite this grim scenario life with proper treatment and consideration Is without its rewards As one 01 victim explained Im not an egg If you wish further information please contact me for the society nearest you